Top 36 Apps Similar to Al Mathurat

Al Matsurat Zikir Pagi Petang 7.0
OS Tech
Al-Matsurat. Dhikr morning and evening taught by the Prophet SAW.
Al-Mathurat bersama Ustaz Don 2.0
Madcat World
Al-Mathurat bersama Ustaz Don mengandungi wirid dan doaharianyangdiamalkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Wirid, Doa, ZikirdanIstighfardalam Al-Mathurat ini akan memantapkan jiwa disampingmemilikikeutamaan dalam segala aspek kehidupan. Mendidikhati agarsentiasamerindui kepada Ilahi dan memberi kelapangan hidupdankesihatanjasmani. Bacaan di dalam Al-Mathurat inidiperdengarkanoleh suaraUstaz Don Daniyal.
Mathurat 1.1.1
Mathurat - mobile application that brings together a collectionofprayers ma'thur.
m-Mathurat 2.9
Versi TABLET: m-Mathurat adalah applikasi mobil untuk himpunandoaal-Ma’thurat. Mengandungi koleksi doa yang di amalkan olehNabiMuhammad s.a.w. yang disusun oleh Imam Hassan Al-Bana. Aplikasiinimenyediakan doa-doa dan ayat al-Quran dalam bahasa Arabdanterjemahan dalam bahasa Melayu. - laman web rasmi(v 2.9):------*Versi ini tidak sesuai untuk tablet 10 inci (untuk versi tablet- ).*Orientasi potret sahaja.*Dijanakan dengan iklan Google Admob(untuk versi tablet dan orientasi landscape, sila carim-Mathurattablet)Dioptimumkan untuk Android 4.0 dan ke atas.Kongsikan m-Mathurat di FB/ Twitter/ LinkedIn/ Google+, dllMainkan berterusan secara automatik.Boleh swipe untuk pindah skrin.Apabila applikasi dibuka waktu pagi, doa versi pagi akandipaparkan.Begitu juga apabila petang, hanya doa versi petangdipaparkan.App ini mengandungi doa al-Ma'thurat ringkas (Sughra).Kata kunci: al-ma'thurat, mathurat, almathurat,ma'thurat,sughro, al-ma'thurat Ustaz Don, al-ma'thurat ringkas,al-Ma'thuratbersama Ustaz Don, doa rabitah, maksurat, matsurat,al-ma'thuratwazifah sughro.ENGLISH: m-mathurat is a mobile application for al-ma'thurat.Itcontains collections of du'a practiced by The ProphetMuhammads.w.t, which was collected and arranged by Imam Hassanal-Bana. Theapplication provides the verses in Arabic andtranslation in Malay.It also has the recitation voice for eachverse and du'a.Recitation provided by Ustaz Don Daniyal Biyajid.This app containsal-Ma'thurat Sughro.*This version is not optimized for tablet (for tablet - ).*Ads supported.*Support portrait only orientation. - feedback - official website
Al Ma'thurat Kubro & Sughro 4.0
Pustaka 2000
Al mathurat app consist of al mathurat kubro andsughro,completedwith transliteration and translation in English,bahasaIndonesia,and Bahasa Malaysia. Al Ma'thurat is a compilationofAdhkar (sing.Dhikr) and Ad’iyah (sing. Dua’) derived from theAlQur’an and theauthentic Al Hadith. It was compiled by ImamShaheedAl-Banna (1906–1949), the founder of the muslim brotherhoodand ispresented inthe form of a wird (litany) to be recited everymorningandevening. Wirid, dua, dzikr and istighfar found inal-Ma'thuratinaddition to strengthening the soul, it willalsoprovidespaciousness and tranquility in our lives. It is alsotheweapon ofthe believer. Al-Matsurat can be read in the morningandeveningdepending on the space of time that we have. Wiridandduaaccumulated in it is based on authentic texts whichbecamethepractice of the Prophet By reading remembrance andprayeraspracticed by the Prophet means that we haveunfurledthemselvesfrom Satan and the enemy is always malicious.Inaddition, it canstrengthen confidence and faith in AllahSWT.Between al-Ma'thuratpriority are: • Apply the guidance ofAllahS.W.T to be shown theright path and kept away from theaccursedSatan. • The practice ofremembrance and prayer as practicedby theProphet can draw closerto God S.W.T and strengthen the faithanddevotion to Him.
Al Matsurat Mobile 1.3
Al Ma'tsurat Al-Wazhifah. Dhikr morning and afternoon Prophet
Al-Ma'thurat Sughra & Kubra 2.5.1
Al-Ma'thurat Sughra & Kubra for everyone!
Mathurat Kubra by DK 0.0.5
Mathurat - aplikasi mudah alih yang menghimpunkan himpunandoa-doayang ma'thur.
m-Mathurat tablet 2.9.2
Versi phone - m-Mathurat adalah applikasi mobil untuk himpunandoaal-Ma’thurat. Mengandungi koleksi doa yang di amalkan olehNabiMuhammad s.a.w. yang disusun oleh Imam Hassan Al-Bana. Aplikasiinimenyediakan doa-doa dan ayat al-Quran dalam bahasa Arabdanterjemahan dalam bahasa Melayu. - laman web rasmi(v 2.9.2):------*Versi ini sesuai untuk tablet 10 inci.*Orientasi landscape sahaja.Dioptimumkan untuk Android 4.0 dan ke atas.Kongsikan m-Mathurat di FB/ Twitter/ LinkedIn/ Google+, dllMainkan berterusan secara automatik.Boleh swipe untuk pindah skrin.Apabila applikasi dibuka waktu pagi, doa versi pagi akandipaparkan.Begitu juga apabila petang, hanya doa versi petangdipaparkan.App ini mengandungi doa al-Ma'thurat ringkas (Sughra).Kata kunci: al-ma'thurat, mathurat, almathurat,ma'thurat,sughro, al-ma'thurat Ustaz Don, al-ma'thurat ringkas,al-Ma'thuratbersama Ustaz Don, doa rabitah, maksurat, matsurat,al-ma'thuratwazifah sughro.ENGLISH: m-mathurat is a mobile application for al-ma'thurat.Itcontains collections of du'a practiced by The ProphetMuhammads.w.t, which was collected and arranged by Imam Hassanal-Bana. Theapplication provides the verses in Arabic andtranslation in Malay.It also has the recitation voice for eachverse and du'a.Recitation provided by Ustaz Don Daniyal Biyajid.This app containsal-Ma'thurat Sughro.*This version is OPTIMIZED for tablet.*Support lanscape orientation. - feedback - official websiteVersion of the phone- m-Mathurat is mobile application for al-Ma'thuratprayerassembly. Contains a collection of prayer that is practicedby theProphet Muhammad compiled by Imam Hassan Al-Bana. Thisapplicationprovides the prayers and verses from the Quran inArabic andtranslation in Malay. - feedback - official website(V 2.9.2):------* This version is suitable for a 10 inch tablet.* Landscape orientation only.Optimized for Android 4.0 and above.M-Mathurat Share on FB / Twitter / LinkedIn / Google+, etc.Continuous play automatically.Can swipe to move the screen.When the application opens the morning, morning prayer versionwillbe displayed. Similarly, when the evening prayer onlyversiondisplayed afternoon.This app contains a brief prayer of al-Ma'thurat (Sughra).Keywords: al-ma'thurat, mathurat, almathurat, ma'thurat,sughro,al-ma'thurat DJ Don, al-ma'thurat short, al-Ma'thurat withDJ Don,prayer Rabitah, maksurat, matsurat, al-ma'thuratwazifahsughro.ENGLISH: m-mathurat is a mobile application for al-ma'thurat.Itcontains collections of du'a practiced by The Prophet Muhammadswt,Which was collected and arranged by Imam Hassan al-Bana.Theapplication ORARI the Verses in Arabic and translation in Malay.Italso has the recitation voice for each verse and du'a.Recitationprovided by Ustaz Don Daniyal Biyajid. This appcontainsal-Ma'thurat Sughro.* This version is optimized for tablets.* Support lanscape orientation. - feedback - official website
Dhikr Al Mathurat AlMatsurat
Al Mathurat is a compilation of Adhkar(singDhikr) and Ad’iyah (sing Du'a) derived from the Qur’an andtheauthentic Ahadith. It was compiled by Imam Al-Banna, ispresentedin the form of a wird (litany) to be recited every morningandevening. Dhikr is not only limited to words; repentance isdhikr,reflection is dhikr, seeking knowledge is dhikr, seekinglawfulprovisions (provided that the intention is correct) is dhikrandgenerally, every lawful act during which the presence of Allahisfelt is dhikr. For dhikr to bear fruit, the following etiquettesofdhikr should be observed:(i) Humility, sobriety and pondering over the meanings ofthedhikr and the du'a.(ii) Lowering one's voice as much as possible so as nottodisturb others but at the same time one must be completelyawake.As Allah says: (And remember your Lord by your tongue andwithinyourself, humbly and with fear without loudness in words inthemornings, and in the afternoons and be not of those whoareneglectful).(iii) Abiding by the sequence of the group if the dhikrisperformed collectively. One should not be too fast nor too slowinobserving the sequence; but rather keep up with the pace ofthegroup.(iv) Cleanliness and respectability of clothes and the placeofdhikr. By observing these guidelines, one will find happinessinhis heart, light in his soul and blessings from Allah.
Dhikr morning and evening, compiled by Hasan Al-Banna.
Al-Matsurat 1.0
Al-Matsurat Sughra is a collection ofmorningand evening prayer composed by Hasan Al Banna.Feature:- Change the font size- Automatic changing of the morning / evening prayerNotes : Translation only available in Indonesian for now.
Al-Matsurat lengkap 1.0
Doa Pagi dan Sore yangdisusunberdasarkanHadits RasulullahAplikasi ini berisi Arab,Latin,dan TerjemahAplikasi ini akan tetap GRATIS, anda juga bisamemberikandukungankepada developer.Mohon juga sertakan pula kami dalam Doa yang dipanjatkan,semogaAllah SWT senantiasa memberikan jalan menuju Ridho NyaMorning andEveningPrayerwhich is based on the Hadith RasulullahThis application contains Arabic, Latin, and TranslationsThis application will remain FREE, you can also providesupporttodevelopers.Please also include also our prayer that being said,mayAllahcontinue to give way to his Ridho
Azzams Mathurat 1.0.1
Lasdipo Dev
Azzams mathurat adalah kumpulan dzikirpagidansore yang ma'tsur dari Nabi Muhammad Shalallahu'AlaihiWasallam, dikumpulkan oleh Syaikh Abdullah Azzamrahimahullah.Azzam mathuratini merupakan versi aplikasi androiddari buku sakuadzkar sobah wamasa' karya beliau.Azzams mathuratisacollection of dhikr morning and afternoon ma'tsur oftheProphetMuhammad peace and blessings' Alaihi Wasallam, collectedbySheikhAbdullah Azzam Rahimahullah. Mathurat Azzam is anandroidappversion of a paperback book adzkar sobah wa period'ofhisworks.
Al Mathurat 1.0.1
Do'a Al Ma'tsurat adalah kumpulan doa-doayangdibaca setiap pagi dan sore sesuai dengan tuntunan NabiMuhammadSAW. Do'a do'a ini mempunyai banyak keutamaan. Dan disusunolehHasan Al Bana.Fitur aplikasi:- Terjemah Bahasa Indonesia- Risalah Al-Ma'tsuratFtur yg sedang dibuat:- Play Audio- Versi Bahasa InggrisKata kunci: al-ma'thurat, mathurat, almathurat,ma'thurat,sughro, al-ma'thurat Ustaz Don, al-ma'thurat ringkas,al-Ma'thuratbersama Ustaz Don, doa rabitah, maksurat, matsurat,al-ma'thuratwazifah sughro.ENGLISH: Du'a Al Ma'tsurat is a collection of prayers werereadevery morning and afternoon in accordance with the guidance oftheProphet Muhammad. Benediction prayer has many virtues. Andcomposedby Hasan Al Bana.*Ads supported.*Support portrait or landscape orientation.Du'a Al Ma'tsurat isacollection of prayers that are read every morning and afternooninaccordance with the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad. Thisprayerprayer has many virtues. And composed by Hasan Al Bana.Application features:- Translation: Indonesian- Minutes of Al-Ma'tsuratEfficient feature that is being made:- Play Audio- English VersionKeywords: al-ma'thurat, mathurat, almathurat, ma'thurat,sughro,al-ma'thurat Ustaz Don, al-ma'thurat concise, al-Ma'thurattogetherUstaz Don, prayer Rabita, maksurat, matsurat, al-ma'thuratwazifahsughro.ENGLISH: Du'a Al Ma'tsurat is a collection of prayers werereadevery morning and afternoon in accordance with the guidance oftheProphet Muhammad. Benediction prayer has many virtues. Andcomposedby Hasan Al Bana.* Ads supported.* Support portrait or landscape orientation.
Doa & Zikir
This application contains a collection of doa and zikir for muslim.
Doa Al-Ma'tsurat Pagi & Petang 4.0.2
Application for dhikr & prayer in the morning and evening
Zikir Al Matsurat Pagi Sore 1.1
Moslem Way
Do'a Al Ma'tsurat adalah wirid dandoaharianyang disusun oleh Hasan Al-Banna.Do'a do'aAl-Mathuratiniberdasarkan tuntunan Al-Qur'an dan Hadits RasulullahSAW.AplikasiDzikir pagi dan petang merupakan salah satudarisunnah."Hai orang-orang yang beriman, berdzikirlah (denganmenyebutNama)ALLAH dzikir yang se­banyak-banyaknya. Danbertasbihlahkepada-Nyadi waktu pagi dan sore." (QS. Al-Ahzab:41-42).Fitur aplikasi :- Tanpa koneksi internet.- Aplikasi Yang ringanSemoga BermanfaatDu'a Al Ma'tsuratwaswirdand daily prayer composed by Hasan Al-Banna.Do'aAl-Mathuratprayeris based on the guidance of the Qur'an and theHadith of theProphetMuhammad. Applications dhikr morning andevening is one ofthesunnah."O ye who believe, berdzikirlah (by calling names)GODrememberingthat as much as possible. And glorify Him in themorningandevening." (QS. Al-Ahzab: 41-42).App features:- Without an internet connection.- Applications light May be useful
Zikir & Wirid Al Ma'Tsurat 1.0
Aplikasi Al-Mathurat mengandungi wirid dandoaharian yang diamalkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Wirid, Doa, ZikirdanIstighfar dalam Al-Mathurat ini akan memantapkan jiwa disampingmemiliki keutamaan dalam segala aspek kehidupan. Mendidikhati agarsentiasa merindui kepada Ilahi dan memberi kelapanganhidup dankesihatan jasmani.Untuk pengembangan aplikasi Zikir & Wirid Al Ma'Tsurat,baikberuba kritik maupun saran, silahkan kirimkan melalui emailkami di; suportistanstudio@gmail.comAl-Mathuratapplicationcontains wirid and daily prayer practiced by the ProphetMuhammad.Wird, Prayer, Recitation and Istighfar in Al-Mathuratwillstrengthen the soul in addition has primacy in all aspects oflife.Educating careful sentiasa merindui to the Divine and togivespaciousness of life and physical ill-health.For application development Recitation & Wirid AlMa'Tsurat,both beruba criticisms or suggestions, please send it viaemail usat;
Al Ma'thurat Pro Version 2.0
Pustaka 2000
Al Ma'thurat pro version is a paid versionofal ma'thurat kubro and sughro application without anyadvertising.Al mathurat app consist of al mathurat kubro andsughro,completed with transliteration and translation in English,bahasaIndonesia, and Bahasa Malaysia.Al Ma'thurat is a compilation of Adhkar (sing. Dhikr) andAd’iyah(sing. Dua’) derived from the Al Qur’an and the authenticAl Hadith.It was compiled by Imam Shaheed Al-Banna (1906 –1949),the founderof the muslim brotherhood and is presented in the formof a wird(litany) to be recited every morning and evening.Wirid, dua, dzikr and istighfar found in al-Ma'thurat inadditionto strengthening the soul, it will also providespaciousness andtranquility in our lives. It is also the weapon ofthe believer.Al-Matsurat can be read in the morning and eveningdepending on thespace of time that we have. Wirid and duaaccumulated in it is basedon authentic texts which became thepractice of the ProphetBy reading remembrance and prayer as practiced by theProphetmeans that we have unfurled themselves from Satan and theenemy isalways malicious. In addition, it can strengthen confidenceandfaith in Allah SWT.Between al-Ma'thurat priority are:• Apply the guidance of Allah S.W.T to be shown the right pathandkept away from the accursed Satan.• The practice of remembrance and prayer as practiced by theProphetcan draw closer to God S.W.T and strengthen the faith anddevotionto Him.
Matsurat 1.0
Kumpulan dzikir pagi dan petang yangdianjurkanoleh Rasulullah, disusun oleh Hasan Al BanaSet of dhikr morningandevening is recommended by the Prophet, compiled by HasanAlBana
Al Ma'tsurat Lite 1.0
Hulu Hili
Aplikasi Al-Ma'tsurat Sederhana namun bermanfaat
Al Ma'thurat English Pro 1.4
Morning and afternoon dhikr also known asAlMa'thurat dhikr have many greatness. This application isacollection of morning and afternoon dhikr that had been taughtbythe Prophet Muhammad PBUH to be done by mosleem.This application supported by features as follow:1. Beautiful and fluent recitation audioFeel the deeper experience in Al Ma'thurat dhikr in the morningandafternoon accompanied with the beautiful and fluentrecitationfeatured audio that could be play, replay, pause, fastforward,fast rewind just like audio player.2. Auto Play NextEnjoy the simplicity in doing dhikr with auto play next featurethatwill change the sound and page automatically without troublingdoingit manually.3. Zoomed ScreenZoom the application's screen to ease you on reading a biggerarabictext .4. Reminder NotificationOften forgot to dhikr? Reminder yourself to do dhikr in themorningand afternoon with the reminder notification feature.Hope it's helpfulWassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhHelpful critics and suggestions will be received happily byus.Send your critics and suggestions to avoid errors when resuming application after home buttonpressed,please do not check "Don't keep activities" menuin"setting->developer options" menu.Regards,Sakuriu Development Team
الدعوات المأثورات 1.8
ABarakat Apps
برنامج يحتوي علي ادعية مختارة من كتاب"الدعواتالمأثورات : اللهم " جمع و تقديم و تحقيق محمد عاشور لجمعالأدعية أوأحاديث الدعوات
حسن البنا 5.0
كتب حسن البناHassanal-Bannawrote
Majmu'atu Rasa'il ID 1.0
Majmu'atu rasa'il atau dalam BahasaIndonesiadisebut Risalah Pergerakan merupakan kumpulan risalahkarya ImamHasan Al-Banna.Materi risalah yang disajikan:1. Risalah Ta'lim2. Nizhamul Usar3. Dakwah Kami4. Apakah Kita Para Aktivis?5. Kepada Mahasiswa6. Menuju Cahaya7. Risalah Jihad8. Mu'tamar Ke-enam9. Mar'ah Muslimah10. Kepada Apa Kami Menyeru Manusia?11. Di Bawah Naungan Al-Quran12. Al-Ma'tsurat13. Al-'Aqaaid14. Kepada Para Pemuda dan Secara Khusus Kepada ParaMahasiswa15. Dakwah Kami di Zaman Baru16. Antara Kemarin dan Hari Ini17. Mu'tamar Ke-lima18. Agenda Persoalan Kita dalam Kacamata Sistem IslamMajmu'atu Rasa'il orinIndonesian called Treatise Movement is a collection of treatisesbyImam Hasan al-Banna.The material presented treatise:1. Minutes of Ta'lim2. Nizhamul Usar3. Propagation Us4. Are We Activists?5. To Students6. Toward the Light7. Minutes of Jihad8. All six Mu'tamar9. Mar'ah Muslimah10. To What We're calling on people?11. Under the Shade of the Quran12. Al-Ma'tsurat13. Al-'Aqaaid14. To the Young and In Special To The Students15. Propagation We in the New Age16. Between Yesterday and Today17. All five Mu'tamarIssues Agenda 18. We in the Islamic System Glasses
Dzikir Lengkap
Yasin Tahlil Maulid Ratib Al Mathurat Majmu Syarif Dalam 1Aplikasi(Terlengkap)
Al-Mathurat 1.0.3
Do'a Al Ma'tsurat adalah kumpulan doa-doa yang dibaca setiappagidan sore sesuai dengan tuntunan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Do'a do'ainimempunyai banyak keutamaan. Dan disusun oleh Hasan Al Bana.Fituraplikasi: - Terjemah Bahasa Indonesia - Risalah Al-Ma'tsuratFturyg sedang dibuat: - Play Audio - Versi Bahasa Inggris Katakunci:al-ma'thurat, mathurat, almathurat, ma'thurat, sughro,al-ma'thuratUstaz Don, al-ma'thurat ringkas, al-Ma'thurat bersamaUstaz Don,doa rabitah, maksurat, matsurat, al-ma'thurat wazifahsughro.ENGLISH: Du'a Al Ma'tsurat is a collection of prayers werereadevery morning and afternoon in accordance with the guidance oftheProphet Muhammad. Benediction prayer has many virtues. Andcomposedby Hasan Al Bana. *Ads supported. *Support portrait orlandscapeorientation.
Neo Mathurat 1.0
Adhwa Yahaya
Neo Mathurat is a very light app thatallowuser to go through each page by scrolling the page andnavigate viabutton. Neo Mathurat is an app that enable user torecite Mathuratvia android mobile and tablet as the alternative toMathuratbooklet. Mathurat : Collection of dawn and dusk dzikr fromourbeloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH compiled by Hasan Al Banna.
Kumpulan Doa Dzikir Terlengkap 1.0
Matrama Group
Kumpulan doa doa sholat terlengkap, Kumpulan dzikirTerlengkap,Bacaan doa doa islam, Himpunan doa doa mustajab. Adajuga doa doapendek, rezeki, dhuha, tidur, mathurat, tahlilan,umroh, belajar,dan lainnya.Aplikasi ini juga meliputi doa setelah sholat fardhu,sebelumtidur, sesudah sholat, untuk orang sakit, kunut, untuk orangtua,naik kendaraan, keluar rumah, ulang tahun, niat puasa,bercermindan masih banyak lagi yang lainnyaSemoga Aplikasi ini dapat terus kami update agar menambahwawasankita mengenai doa.
Dzikir Pagi Sore 1.1
Morning Afternoon dhikr, dhikr morning and afternoonapplicationsaccording Sunnah.
30 Duaas (Invocations)
In Islam, Dua (دعاء) which literallymeans"invocation" is an act of supplication.This application is a collection of 34 duaas with audio for eachDuawith translation and phonetic transcription.
La Citadelle Du Musulman 3.0
C’est une application Android de Hisnuelmusulmane (La Citadelle Du Musulman), par Sheikh Sa'id IbnWahfAl-Qahtaani, en Français.Nous avons ajouté une liste d'index accompagnée de photos,pourrendre l'exploration plus facile pour l'utilisateur.Cetteapplication contient une collection de Douaa et Dikr de livreHisnuel musulman en Français et en Arabe avectranslittération.application simple, gratuite et facile à utiliserpar toutepersonne de différents âgesLa Citadelle Du Musulman, invocations tirées de Saint Coran etdela Sunna: est un très beau livret qui se compose denombreuxauthentiques (invocations) de Duaa, des invocationsquotidiennes etlors d'occasions.Nous allons continué à travailler sur cette application (QueDieunous accorde son soutient et facilité) pour améliorer etajouterplus de fonctionnalités et des informations.La Citadelle Du Musulman, Hisnul Muslim, Musulman, Hisnul,Hisn,La Citadelle, Doa, Zikr
Duaas (invocations) from Quran
The Quran contains many invocations andwiththis application you'll be able to learn up to 50.To facilitate learning, the audio (voice of Sheikh MisharyAlafasy)is included with the Arabic text, and the translation andphonetictext (transcription).Each Duaa is displayed with its references in the Koran and theAyat(verse) containing the supplication is also displayed.Do not hesitate to contact us to request improvementsorcorrections.May Allah accept our deeds.
40 Rabbanas (Quranic duas) 2.3
Abdullah apps
40 Rabbanas (Quranic supplication) contains 40 supplications(Duas)of Quran
Hisnii: Dua & daily Reminders 2.0.6
Fahed Mahidi
The best Islamic app for authentic supplications (dua) anddailyreminders !