Top 10 Apps Similar to Frases e imágenes para mamá

Frases e Imágenes para mamá 1.0
amor apps
En esta oportunidad tepresentamosunarecopilación de imágenes, fotografías y mensajes porel día delamadre para que puedas compartirlas con amigo, seresqueridos ytalvez con aquellas personas que no hemos visto hacemucho tiempo.Es la mejor oportunidad para decirlo con imágenes bonitaslomuchoque recuerdas a alguien o amas, cuando no es fácildecirloconpalabras. No olvide que una imagen dice más quemilpalabras…Las frases de esta aplicación harán estremecer deemociónanuestra madre y a las personas quienes la reciban,sobretodosesienten queridas y no olvidadas.Hacerse presente con un pequeño detalle en estasfechasespecialeses una alegria y demuestran la gran persona queeres TÚal decir unTE QUIERO, UN TEXTRAÑO, ME HACES FALTA O UNPERDONAME…O QUE TENGASUN FELIZ DIA.Estas frases e imágenes puedes ponerlas en tu móvilparaquesiempre te acompañen en esos momentos especiales quelosrequieras.N o es pesada la aplicación.Puedes compartir esta aplicación de mensajes de amor atravésdeFacebook, Tuenti, Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp, Line,Viber,Telegram,Weechat, Ozone, WeChat, Linkedln, Badoo,DailyMotion,Flickr, QQ,SinaWeibo, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, VK,Kik, Habbo,Friendster,Ortsbo.Una vez instalada la aplicación y presionando en laimagenquedesee le saldrá un cuadro de opciones tanto comoparacompartirlaen las redes sociales que usted elija. O tambiénpuedeestablecerlacomo: fondo de pantalla, foto de perfil, pantalladeinicio, fotodel contacto y pantalla de bloqueo.Si te gusto la aplicación puede ayudarnos valorándolaconcincoestrellas, dejar un comentario y no olvide pulsar +1.Unavezinstalada no necesita estar conectado al internet paraverlagalería de fotos e imágenesNOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad que nosayudaparamantener los costes de programaciónDios le colme de bendiciones esperamos haya sido desucompletoagrado le invitamos a visitar otrasaplicacionesinteresantes quetenemos en amor apps.This time wepresentacollection of images, pictures and messages for Mother'sDay soyoucan share them with friends, loved ones and perhaps thosewhohavenot seen a long time.It is the best opportunity to put it pretty picturesyourememberhow much you love someone or when it is not easy toputinto words.Remember that a picture is worth a thousandwords...Quotes from this application will shudder of excitementtoourmother and to the people who receive it, especially feellovedandnot forgotten.Be present with a small detail in these special days is ajoyandshow great person to say one is YOU I LOVE YOU, A TEXTRAÑO,Imissyou ... O PERDONAME OR HAVE A HAPPY DAY.These phrases and images can put them on your phone soyoualwaysaccompany you on those special moments that require. Norheavyapplication.You can share this application love messagesthroughFacebook,Tuenti, Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp, Line, Viber,Telegram,WeeChat,Ozone, WeChat, LinkedIn, Badoo, DailyMotion,Flickr, QQ,SinaWeibo,Instagram, Google+, YouTube VK, Kik, Habbo,Friendster,Ortsbo.After installing the application and clicking on thedesiredimagewill turn out enough to share on social networks youchooseanoptions box. Or you can set it as wallpaper, profilepicture,screen,contact picture and lock screen.If you liked the application can help us valuing itfivestars,leave a comment and do not forget to click +1. Onceinstalleddonot need to be connected to the internet to view galleryphotosandimagesNOTE: This application contains advertising that helps ustokeepthe costs of programmingGod fill you with blessings hope has been to his likingpleasevisitother interesting applications you have my love.
Poemas para mi mama 3.0.0
En esta aplicación recopilamos losmásbellospoemas de amor para dedicarle a tu mama. Si es suaniversarioo eldía de la madre puedes obsequiarla con estos bonitaspoesíasparademostrarle tu amor.Una forma sencilla de hacer feliz a mamá es a través delapoesíao haciéndole regalos. Por supuesto, pueden combinar ydarleunregalo en forma de poema, tal vez escrito en una maderaunvidrio oun lienzo y por supuesto enviándoselo a travésdenuestraaplicación.La poesía tiene un lenguaje especial y lospoemaspuedentransmitir más fácilmente nuestros sentimientosmásprofundos.Muchos poemas se han escrito sobre mamá y para el díadela Madrepara expresar este sentimiento y nosotros te ayudamosconnuestrarecopilación totalmente gratuita.In thisapplication,wecollect the most beautiful love poems to devote toyour mom.Ifyour anniversary or Mother's Day you can obsequiarlawiththesebeautiful poems to show your love.A simple way to make Mom happy is through poetry ormakinggifts.Of course, you can combine and give a gift in the formofpoem,written perhaps a glass or wood and canvas course sendingitthroughour application.Poetry has a special language and poems can more easilyconveyourdeepest feelings. Many poems have been written about MomandMother'sDay to express this feeling and we will help withourcompletely freecollection.
Orações Virgem Maria 5.0.0
Nerta Labs
As orações existem para formularmos umpedidoou para agradecer alguma graça concedida. Muitas jáforamesquecidas, outras nem por isso e continuam bem vivas nanossamemória. S. Mateus disse: "Pedi e ser-Vos-à-dado!". Faça oseupedido através da oração. Pode ser a um santo da sua devoção ouaosanto mais apropriado em função da natureza do que quer pedir.S.Mateus também disse: "Procurais e encontrareis!". Recomendamosqueprocure a oração que mais lhe convém. Encontrará certamenteaoração certa para o momento certo.Católicos realmente adoram Maria como se fosse uma "deusa"?Qualo significado da Teologia Mariana? Tire definitivamente assuasdúvidas...-SE CREMOS que Deus é Pai; se cremos que Jesus é o Cristo,oUngido, o Filho de Deus, também precisamos respeitar, honrar eamara mãe de Jesus, a Virgem Maria.Se cremos que todos os que amaram verdadeiramente a Deusnestavida estão no Céu, e que aqueles que seguiram Jesus emorreramacreditando nele estão ao seu lado, seria o cúmulo doabsurdo suporque a mãe do Cristo aqui na Terra não estivesse juntoa Ele no Céu.Maria, ela que, segundo a Bíblia Sagrada, era cheia doEspíritoSanto, declarou de si mesma:“De hoje em diante, todas as gerações mechamarãobem-aventurada!” (Lc 1, 48)Nosso Salvador não salvaria sua própria mãe? Nós,cristãos,cremos que recebemos por Graça o direito e o poder depedir einterceder junto a Deus. Podemos pedir ao Pai em nome deJesus, oufalar diretamente a Jesus e pedir que nos conceda suasbençãos. Opróprio Senhor Jesus Cristo ensinou isso nos Evangelhos,e queGraça maravilhosa é esta! Não devemos deixar jamais deconversarcom nosso Senhor, que, sendo Deus, se fez homem e fraco,pornós.Foi Ele somente quem sofreu as piores dores e deusuaprópria vida em sacrifício pela nossa salvação. Jesus é nossoúnicoSenhor, Um com o Pai e o Santo Espírito, nosso único Salvador,eexclusivamente por Ele recebemos a vida eterna. Jesus Cristotambémé nosso único Mediador, junto ao Pai, no sentido de nosresgatar dopecado e salvar as nossas almas. Enquanto cristãos,precisamosassumir que é Ele, - e apenas Ele, - que está eternamenteno centroda nossa fé, das nossas orações e da nossa salvação.Prayers are toformulatean order or to thank some grace given. Many have alreadybeenforgotten, others less so and still very much alive in ourmemory.Matthew said: "Ask and be Thee-to-die." Order throughprayer. Canbe a saint of their most appropriate devotion to thesaint ordepending on the nature of what they want to ask. Matthewalsosaid, "You seek and you shall find." We recommend that you lookforthe prayer that suits you. Certainly you find the rightsentencefor the right moment.Catholics worship Mary really like a "goddess"? What doesthetheology Mariana? Definitely take your questions ...-IF WE BELIEVE that God is Father; if we believe that Jesus istheChrist, the Messiah, the Son of God, we must also respect,honor andlove the mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary.If we believe that all who truly loved God in this life areinheaven, and those who followed Jesus and died believing in itareon your side, it would be the height of absurdity to supposethatthe mother of Christ on earth was not with Him . Heaven Mary,shewho, according to the Holy Bible, was filled with the HolySpirit,said to herself:"From now on, all generations will call me blessed" (Lk1:48)Our Saviour did not save his own mother? We Christiansbelievethat received Grace by the right and the power to ask andintercedewith God. We ask the Father in Jesus' name or speakdirectly toJesus and ask him to give us his blessings. The LordJesus Christtaught that in the Gospels, and what marvelous grace isthis! Weshould not leave never to talk to our Lord, who, thoughGod, becameman and weak for us.It was only those who suffered the worst pain and gave hisownlife in sacrifice for our salvation. Jesus is our one Lord,onewith the Father and the Holy Spirit, our only Savior andonlythrough Him receive eternal life. Jesus Christ is also ouronlyMediator, with the Father, to redeem us from sin and saveoursouls. As Christians, we must assume that it is He - and healone -who is forever at the center of our faith, our prayers andoursalvation.
Happy Mother's Day HD Wall 2.1.16
Purple Berry
Celebrate Mother's Day with 92 HD quality images / photos.Thewallpapers include heart shape pendant, carnation as the symboloflove for mum and many others. To all the lovely mothers outthere,Happy Mother's Day. Mother's love is love at first sight andamother's love is forever. Hope you'll find something you'lllove.New feature: You may choose to crop the image on the left,right orcenter. Check out more Android wallpaper from Purple Berry.Connectwith Purple Berry onFacebook: youare willing to help us translate the app to another languageorimprove the existing translation, please send
Saludos para todos 1.0
“Saludos para todos” es una aplicaciónqueestádiseñada expresamente para dar a conocer nuestragaleríabonita demensajes de saludos que puedes compartirla con todoelmundo, esdecir tus amigos, familiares y muchos amigos que noloshemos vistopor mucho tiempo y les permitirá sacarles unasonrisa,y a la vez sesientan queridas y no olvidadas, por lo cualvas aencontrarmensajes con cariño, además se incluyen saludos paralosdías demucha relevancia como día del maestro, día de la madre,díadelpadre, día del niño, etc.Esta aplicación no es pesada, cuenta con saludos debuenosdías,saludos a la familia, saludos para cada día de lasemana,incluyefotos y frases inéditas como por ejemplo: Hoy es unhermosodíapara disfrutarlo, un lindo día, feliz día del maestro,Unhermososábado, etc.Esta aplicación no necesita estar conectada a Internet unavezqueya esté descargada directamente en tu androide(tabletas,celulares)y presionando en la imagen que te guste tesaldrá uncuadro deopciones tanto para compartirlas en las redessocialescomo facebook,twitter, instagram que elijas y correoselectrónicoso también puedesestablecerla como fondo de pantalla,foto deperfil, pantalla deinicio, foto de contacto y pantalladebloqueo.Puedes escoger entre imágenes que contienen fotosdehermosospaisajes de todo el mundo, caritas felices,hermososanimalitos,caricaturas, todo tipo de flores maravillosas, ya lavez expresanmomentos de entusiasmo.Date prisa está disponible ahora. Si te gusta estaaplicaciónteinvitamos a que lo califiques con cinco estrellas y noteolvidesdejar un comentario positivo más uno.Esta aplicación contiene publicidad que nos ayuda amantenerloscostos de programación."Greetings to all"isanapplication that is specifically designed topublicizeourbeautiful gallery of messages greetings share witheveryone,thatis your friends, family and many friends we have notseen foralong time and they allow to get a laugh, and yet feelloved andnotforgotten, so getting messages fondly also greetings tothe daysofmuch relevance as teacher's day, mother's day,father'sday,include day child, etc.This application is not heavy, has greetingsgoodmorning,greetings to family, greetings for each day of theweek,includesphotos and unpublished phrases such as: Today isabeautiful day toenjoy a nice day, happy day master, AbeautifulSaturday, etc.This application does not need to be connected totheInternetonce it is downloaded directly to your Android(tablet,mobile) andclicking on the image you like you will get abox ofoptions bothto share on social networks like facebook,twitter,instagram youchoose and emails or you can also set it aswallpaper,profilephoto, home screen, contact photo and lockscreen.You can choose images containing photos ofbeautifullandscapesaround the world, happy faces, beautifulanimals,cartoons, allkinds of wonderful flowers, and at the sametimeexpress moments ofenthusiasm. Hurry is available now. If you like this application willinviteyouto qualify with five stars and do not forget to leaveapositivecomment plus one.This application contains advertising that helpsuskeepprogramming costs.
Frases de la Madre Teresa 4.5.1
Frases celebres de la Madre Teresa de Calcula, beata venerada porlaIglesia Católica y fundadora de Misioneras de la Caridad cuyamisiónes ayudar a los más pobres de entre los pobres.
Love Greetings: Sayings Quotes 1.1
"An app to fall in love with!”———————————————OVERVIEW & QUANTITY———————————————♥ ♥ ♥ Charm your sweetheartby sending the most beautifullove sayings and romantic quotes———————————————FEATURES———————————————✔ LOVE SAYINGS & QUOTESThe most beautiful love sayings,quotes and poems for your sweetheart:♥ Cute Love Messages♥ Valentine’s Day♥ Good Morning, Darling!♥ Good Night, Honey!♥ Funny Flirt Messages♥ Sensual Love Poems♥ Falling in Love♥ Long Distance Relationship♥ “I love you” in all languages♥ Hurting Love♥ Touching Love Quotes♥ Bible Love Quotes♥ Love and Romance Proverbs♥ Miss You!♥ Bad Relationship♥ Shakespeare Love Quotes♥ Phrases For Your Wedding,Engagement, Wedding Anniversary♥ Broken Heart Sayings♥ Sorry! Forgive me!♥ Hug Day Sayings♥ Corny Names♥ Breaking up✔ TEXT READYFor all kind of Social Networksand everything else!✔ TEXT TO SPEECHThe app reads out loud✔ USABILITYEasy navigation, cute design———————————————Just try it!It’s the best app of the kind!——————————————————
Frases Bonitas de Dios 1.0
amor apps
En esta oportunidad tepresentamosunarecopilación de imágenes, fotografías y mensajescristianosparaque puedas compartirlas con amigo, seres queridos ytal vezconaquellas personas que lo necesitan.Es la mejor oportunidad para decirlo con imágenes bonitaslomuchoque Dios ama a cada persona.Las frases de esta aplicación serán una bendición paralaspersonasquienes la reciban, para que su fe no decaiga y másbiensefortalezca.Que importante es saber que Jesús no ama y compartirlo en lawebatravés de tu celular, n o es pesada la aplicaciónfácilmentepuedesdescargártelaPuedes compartir esta aplicación de mensajescristianosenFacebook, Tuenti, Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp, Line,Viber,Telegram,Weechat, Ozone, WeChat, Linkedln, Badoo,DailyMotion,Flickr, QQ,SinaWeibo, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, VK,Kik, Habbo,Friendster,Ortsbo.Una vez instalada la aplicación y presionando en laimagenquedesee le saldrá un cuadro de opciones tanto comoparacompartirlaen las redes sociales que usted elija. O tambiénpuedeestablecerlacomo: fondo de pantalla, foto de perfil, pantalladeinicio, fotodel contacto y pantalla de bloqueo.Si te gusto la aplicación puede ayudarnos valorándolaconcincoestrellas, dejar un comentario y no olvide pulsar +1.Unavezinstalada no necesita estar conectado al internet paraverlagalería de fotos e imágenesNOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad que nosayudaparamantener los costes de programaciónDios le colme de bendiciones esperamos haya sido desucompletoagrado le invitamos a visitar otrasaplicacionesinteresantes quetenemos en Love AppsThis time wepresentacollection of pictures, photographs and Christian messagessoyoucan share them with friends, loved ones and perhaps thoseinneed.It is the best opportunity to put it pretty pictures howmuchGodloves each person.The phrases of this application will be a blessing forpeoplewhoreceive it, so that your faith may not failandratherstrengthened.How important it is to know that Jesus loves them and shareitonthe web through your phone, the application is not heavyyoucaneasily download itYou can share this application with ChristianmessagesinFacebook, Tuenti, Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp, Line,Viber,Telegram,weechat, Ozone, WeChat, LinkedIn, Badoo,DailyMotion,Flickr, QQ,SinaWeibo, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, VK,Kik, Habbo,Friendster,Ortsbo.After installing the application and clicking on thedesiredimagewill turn out enough to share on social networks youchooseanoptions box. Or you can set it as wallpaper, profilepicture,screen,contact picture and lock screen.If you liked the app can help valuing five stars, leaveacommentand do not forget to click +1. Once installed need notbeconnectedto the Internet to view gallery photos and imagesNOTE: This app contains advertising that helps ustokeepprogramming costsGod fill you with blessings hope has been to his liking inviteyoutovisit other interesting applications that we Love Apps
Promesas Bíblicas para ti 1.0
amor apps
En nuestra aplicación tepresentamos200imágenes, fotografías con mensajes, para quepuedascompartirlascon amigo, seres queridos y tal vez conaquellaspersonas que nohemos visto hace mucho tiempo pero que deseguro lasrecuerdas.Es la mejor oportunidad para decirlo con promesa de labiblialomucho que recuerdas a alguien o amas y sobretodocompartirunabendición que se encuentra en la palabra de Dios.Las frases de esta aplicación harán estremecer de emociónalaspersonas quienes la reciban, sobretodo se sientenqueridasnoolvidadas y fortalecidas en la fe.Puedes compartir esta aplicación de mensajes bíblicos deamoratravés de Facebook, Tuenti, Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp,Line,Viber,Telegram, Weechat, Ozone, WeChat, Linkedln,Badoo,DailyMotion,Flickr, QQ, SinaWeibo, Instagram, Google+,YouTube, VK,Kik, Habbo,Friendster, Ortsbo.Una vez instalada la aplicación y presionando en laimagenquedesee le saldrá un cuadro de opciones tanto comoparacompartirlaen las redes sociales que usted elija. O tambiénpuedeestablecerlacomo: fondo de pantalla, foto de perfil, pantalladeinicio, fotodel contacto y pantalla de bloqueo.Si te gusto la aplicación puede ayudarnos valorándolaconcincoestrellas, dejar un comentario y no olvide pulsar +1.Unavezinstalada no necesita estar conectado al internet paraverlagalería de fotos e imágenes.NOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad que nosayudaparamantener los costes de programaciónDios le colme de bendiciones esperamos haya sido desucompletoagrado le invitamos a visitar otrasaplicacionesinteresantes quetenemos.In ourapplicationwepresent 200 pictures, pictures with messages, so youcan sharethemwith friends, loved ones and perhaps those who havenot seenlongago but that surely remember them.It is the best opportunity to speak with a promise fromtheBiblehow much you remember someone or love and above all shareablessingthat is found in the word of God.The phrases of this application will shudder of excitementtothepeople who receive it, especially not forgotten feelcherishedandstrengthened in faith.You can share this application of biblical messagesoflovethrough Facebook, Tuenti, Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp,Line,Viber,Telegram, WeeChat, Ozone, WeChat, LinkedIn,Badoo,DailyMotion,Flickr, QQ, SinaWeibo, Instagram, Google+,YouTube, VK,Kik, Habbo,Friendster, Ortsbo.After installing the application and clicking on thedesiredimageyou will turn out enough to share on social networksyouchoose anoptions box. Or you can set it as wallpaper,profilephoto, homescreen, contact picture and lock screen.If you liked the application can help titrating withfivestars,leave a comment and do not forget to click +1. Onceinstalledneednot be connected to the Internet to view galleryphotosandimages.NOTE: This application contains advertising that helps ustokeepprogramming costsGod fill you with blessings hope has been to his likinginviteyouto visit other interesting applications we have.
Rosary - I am with you 1.9
Rosary "I am with you" The main goal of this app is makingtheRosary a part of our daily life and to encourage people topraymore. This Rosary app is very special, it is made by “The HolyLandSounds” team from the Holy Land, Nazareth the home town of ourLordJesus, Mary and Joseph. It is made in Arabic - the language oftheChristians of the Holy Land. You can meditate with us askingourMother Mary to lead you to Her Son Jesus . This prayer is comingtoyou from Marys home in Nazareth, the Holy Grotto ofAnnunciation,where the Angel told Her: “Hail Mary full of grace theLord is withThee…” The Rosary is prayed by the singer RababZaitoun, with theRosary team. The Rosary App is interactive forAndroid phones. Itdisplays the full Rosary beads and you can goforward and backwardwith the beads. In the app you can also findmore about us,YouTube, Facebook, visit our website, download musicand contactus. You can find also questions and answers regardingthe Rosary.using SSL encryption we are uploading a basicinformation about thedevice for our internal statistics , so we canimprove our selfmore and more data we are sending : OperationSystem Version /Operation System Name / Phone Number / NetworkOperator / CountryDo not forget that the Rosary is a very powerfulweapon againstEvil. O Holy Mother of God Pray for us.