Top 2 Apps Similar to 凱恩斯岩燒餐廳

桃花源餐廳 1.0.1
Appie Inc.
相遇桃花源-小城市裡幽靜的餐廳「晉太元中,武陵人,捕魚為業,緣溪行,忘路之遠近;忽逢桃花林,夾岸數百步….」,兩千多年前,有五柳先生之稱的陶淵明寫下這篇膾炙人口的夢想幻境,使讀者每每神往之!桃花源餐廳的廚藝源自於蔣經國總統的御廚-曾政道先生,曾老先生福建福州人,民國初年師承滿清宮廷師傅,對於料理的要求與堅持自不在話下,抗戰時期隨著戴笠將軍(情報官)走遍大江南北,見識到中華料理之豐盛面貌,來台後更經歷當時美軍顧問團餐廳、嘉義明故宮餐廳、新營狀元樓餐廳、台北圓山大飯店、碧海山莊….等主廚工作,民國85年創立斗六桃花源餐廳,雖地處羊腸小巷之中,賓客卻絡繹不絕,遠近馳名。現在曾家第二、三代也因嚮往那種悠然自得的生活,在嘉義市大雅路蘭潭水庫旁,又經營起一處寧靜雅致的餐廳,一來為了服務嘉義縣市以南廣大的鄉親,二來也希望更多的人能夠有機會細細品嚐道地中華料理,領略江浙、福州料理之精髓與創新。70年的功夫傳承,第二代-曾光國,第三代-曾紹文、馬國為的接棒與鑽研,讓鄉親以相當經濟實惠的價格,在自然輕鬆的桃花幽境裡,一嚐中華料理的博大精深。厭倦煩忙的生活步調嗎?嚮往停下腳步輕輕鬆鬆、無拘無束的享用一道道美食嗎?走一趟桃花源,您的感覺會不一樣喔!Encounter Utopia -Small city quiet restaurant"Jin UDL in Wuling, fishing for the industry, the margin ofriverline, forget the way the distance; Suddenly every PeachGrove, Gaanfew paces ...." Two thousand years ago, there are fiveknown as Mr.Yoo Tao wrote this popular dream illusion, so thatreaders are oftenfascinated!Utopia Restaurant cooking derived from the ChiangChing-kuo'schef - Mr. Zeng Zhengdao, Mr. Zeng Lao Fuzhou, Fujianpeople, theearly Republican apprentice chef Manchu court, andadhere to therequirements for food self-evident, during the warwith the Dai LiGeneral (intelligence officer) traveled north andsouth, an insightinto the rich Chinese cuisine face to Taiwan afterthe U.S.military advisory group more experienced restaurant, JiayiMingImperial Palace Restaurant, New Camp Imperial HouseRestaurant,Grand Hotel, Taipei, sea Hill .... etc. Chef work, theRepublic wasfounded 85 years Douliou paradise restaurant, althoughlocated inthe gut into the alley, but guests flocked known far andwide.Now once home second and third generations but also becauseofthe kind of longing for a leisurely life in Chiayi City, besidetheYalu Lan Lake Reservoir, and operating from a quiet andelegantrestaurant, the one to serve the majority of the folks southofChiayi counties, two to also hope that more people can havetheopportunity to savor authentic Chinese cuisine, a taste ofJiangsuand Zhejiang, Fuzhou cuisine and the essence ofinnovation.70 years of martial arts tradition, the second generation -ZengGuang country, the third generation - ZENG Shao-Wen, Malaysiaasthe successor and study, so that folks with very affordableprice,in a natural and relaxed peach quiet place where a taste ofChinesefood profound. Tired of annoying busy pace of life do?Stoppedyearning easy, unfettered access to a road dishes do? Take atripto paradise, you will not feel like Oh!
W&O Restaurant POS (Demo)
W&O Restaurant POS helps businessownerstaking orders easy , specially for restaurant, bar and coffeeshopetc. The owners knows their business at anywhere and inanytime.W&O POS local server which the server is installed inyourrestaurant, app taking order using local networkconnection.If you need to test the local server version, send emailtome.We also provide tailor-make for the system. Feel free tocontactus via email.[Features]1. Table service: open table, combine table, change table,takeoutand delivery2. Order: allow multi phones/tablets take order at same time,checkorder, cancel order, close order, remind order, confirm orderandkitchen's order monitor .3. Menu: auto-update menu from server.4. Kitchen: show orders in different color at every 5 secondinkitchen monitor.5. Print receipt: kitchen, bar, cashier, supportmultilanguageSupport most thermal receipt printers support Esc/POS commandwithLAN connection. Any problem let me know.6. Messaging7. Encrypt login password8. Multi language printer receipt9. More...※ If you like the app, then please give us a good rating asthedriving force behind our continued development, thank restaurant system, restaurant pos, bar pos, cafepos,restaurant point of sale, mobile pos, wireless pos, phonepos,restaurant, cafe, bar, point of sale