Top 19 Apps Similar to Corrin Cresci

miMomento MK 1.2
***Aplicación exclusiva para ConsultorasdeBelleza independiente Mary Kay.****miMomento MK es tu mejor aliado para organizar MomentosMKinolvidables para tus Anfitrionas. Esta aplicación te ayudaráamantener un registro de todas tus Anfitrionas con suinformaciónpersonal y el Momento MK que les gustaría vivir, todoestoorganizado dentro de un calendario que te mostrará fechasyhorarios disponibles para agendar tus Momentos MK.Contiene sugerencias y consejos que te ayudarán a organizartodoy a invitar a todas las mujeres a participar ydivertirseconociendo productos Mary Kay con sus amigas.También cuenta con increíbles marcos e invitacionesparacompartir por correo o redes sociales. Y lo mejor de todo,cuentacon la fabulosa ruleta de beneficios para reconocer atusAnfitrionas y terminar el Momento MK de una forma divertidaydiferente. ¡A tus Anfitrionas les encantará!¡Llena tus días de Mi Momento MK!Exclusive ***ApplicationIndependent Beauty Consultant Mary Kay. ****miMomento MK is your best ally to organize MKunforgettablemoments for your Hostess. This application will helpyou keep trackof all your Hosts with your personal information andMK moment theywould like to live, all organized within a calendarthat will showdates and times available to schedule your momentsMK.Contains tips and advice that will help you organizeeverythingand invite all women to participate and have fun knowingMary Kayproducts with your friends.It also has amazing frames and invitations to share via emailorsocial networks. And best of all, has the fabulousbenefitsroulette to recognize your Hostesses and finish the MomentMK in afun and different way. In your Hostess will love!Fill your days My Moment MK!
Mary Kay Pink Changing Lives 1.0.2
It’s the first Mary Kay app to connect you with everythingMaryKayis doing to give back in the community. IntroducingthePinkChanging Lives app! Mary Kay independent sales forcemembersaregiving back by volunteering their time to pamperdeserving women–domestic violence and cancer survivors, veterans,teachersandmore. And now you can log your makeovers for good! Youcan alsousethis app to connect with the Mary Kay Foundation andsupportitswork to end domestic violence and cancers affectingwomen.Businessleaders give back! And this app will also help youshareyour greatwork in the community on social media! Key features:-Logyourmakeovers for good! -Track your achievements! Watch yourheartgrowand change colors with your progress. - Connect with theMaryKayFoundation and donate to its ongoing mission ofendingdomesticviolence and cancers affecting women. -Share yourgreatwork onsocial media!
Mary Kay InTouch® Germany 1.1.2
Mary Kay CJSC
Sie benötigen keinen PC mehr, um überdieErfolge und wichtigen Ereignisse der Consultants in Ihrem Teamaufdem Laufenden zu bleiben!Installieren Sie einfach die App, geben Sie IhreConsultantnummerund Ihr Passwort für die Anmeldung bei InTouch®ein, und schonkönnen Sie mit der Verwaltung Ihres Geschäftsbeginnen!Modul „myBusiness“Sie können Ihre Geschäftstätigkeit überall auf der Weltausführenund dabei immer die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielen. Siehabenfolgende Optionen:- Überblick über die persönlichen Erträge, die Erträge desTeams,der Unit und der Area in Echtzeit.- Rascher Abruf von Kontaktdaten für Ihr Team, Ihre UnitundTochter-Direktorinnen: Dabei können Sie umgehend mitdenMitgliedern Kontakt aufnehmen und sie bei Fragen oderProblemenunterstützen, ihnen zum Geburtstag oder anderenwichtigenEreignissen gratulieren. Zu diesem Zweck stehen IhnenvorgefertigteSMS-Vorlagen zur Verfügung, oder Sie verfasseneigeneNachrichten.- Verwendung einer praktischen Suche: Consultants könnennachUmsätzen, Startdatum oder Status sortiert werden.- Planung der Zusammenarbeit mit neuen Teammitgliedern gemäßderenAktivität.Modul „Programme“Erfassung der Aktivitäten wichtiger Consultants undUnterstützung,damit diese höhere Ergebnisse erzielen können:- Überwachung der Anzahl vorhandener und potenziellerStarConsultants in Ihrem Team und Ihrer Unit während des aktuellenStarConsultant Quartals.Modul „News“:Hier werden Ihnen die aktuellsten Nachrichten aus dem InTouchdirektin der App angezeigt.Die App steht nur für Consultants in DeutschlandzurVerfügung.You no longer need a PCinorder to stay up to date on the successes and important eventsofthe Consultants in your team!Just install the app, enter your Consultant ID and passwordtolog in to InTouch®, and you can start to manage yourbusiness!Module "myBusiness"You can save your business anywhere in the world perform andachievegetting the desired results. You have the followingoptions:- Overview of the personal income, the income of the team, theUnitand the Area in real time.- Rapid Accessing the contact details for your team, unitandsubsidiary directors: You can immediately get in touch withthemembers of contact and support for questions orproblems,congratulate them on their birthday or other importantevents. Forthis purpose, are pre-fabricated SMS templates availableor writeyour own messages.- Use of a quick search: Consultants can be sorted by sales,startdate or status.- Planning of working with new team members according totheiractivity.Module "Programs"Detecting the activity of important consultants and support, cansothat these higher results achieved:- Monitoring the number of existing and potential StarConsultantsin your team and your unit during the current StarConsultantquarter.Module "News":Here are the latest news from the InTouch are displayed directlyinthe app.The app is only available for consultants in Germany.
Mary Kay InTouch MY 3.1.2
Mary Kay Inc.
The two biggest features includeAt-A-Glanceand Contacts List (ie, Team and Unit Members). You canviewproductions and related information on the At-A-Glance page,andcontact information can be found for Team and Unit MembersinContacts List according to sort orders or filters.
Mary Kay InTouch® Spain
Mary Kay CJSC
Mary Kay InTouch® Spain La única Aplicación Oficial exclusivaparalaFuerza de Ventas de Mary Kay España. ¡Ya no vas anecesitarunordenador para estar siempre conectado con tusClientes,hacerseguimiento de los programas, y estar al día delasúltimasnoticias y fechas importantes de la Compañía! ¡Sólotienesqueinstalar la aplicación, meter tu Número de Consultoraylacontraseña de tu InTouch! Y ahora, ¡con nuevos módulos yunnuevodiseño! ¡Nuevo Módulo!: Conéctate y Aprende: ‘ConéctateyAprende’es la nueva herramienta profesional de formaciónonlinepara todaslas Consultoras de Belleza. En este módulopodrásencontrar: -Cursos divertidos e interactivos. - Actividades.-Vídeos. -Consejos y tutoriales. Accede directamente desde la Appycomienzaa formarte ¡dónde, cómo y cuándo tú quieras!¡NuevoMódulo!: MisClientes: Ofrece a las Consultoras de Bellezalaoportunidad dedarles a sus clientes un servicio desdesusdispositivos móviles encualquier lugar. - Se sincroniza alinstantecon MisClientesMK® dela versión web de InTouch. -Recibenotificaciones en el móvil.¡Pedidos recibidos,seguimiento,entregas…! - Crea, maneja, filtray guarda pedidosrápidamente desdela palma de tu mano. - Ten todoel catálogo deproductos de MaryKay® disponible. - Importarápidamente tuscontactos desde tuteléfono. Podrás llamar a tusclientes, mandarlesun mensaje detexto o un correo electrónico,agregar una nota sobrela persona,crear un recordatorio deseguimiento, crear una etiquetay ¡muchomás! Módulo de "MiNegocio": - Sigue a tiempo real tuproducciónpersonal, la de tuEquipo, Unidad y, si eres EmpresariaNacional,las del Área. -Encuentra rápidamente la información decontacto detu Equipo,Unidad y Empresarias de 1ª línea. Contacta conellas demanerainmediata para ofrecerles un seguimiento eficaz,felicitarlesporsu cumpleaños y en fechas importantes con un SMStipo ya creadoocreando uno tu misma. - Utiliza la búsquedadeConsultoras:ordénalas por producción, fecha de inicio oestatus.Módulo de"Programas de Motivación”: En este módulo podrásencontrarlosdiferentes ‘Programas de Motivación’ dirigidos a lasConsultorasdeBelleza y Empresarias. - ¡Nuevo! Club 3/6/12.¡Serconsistenteahora es más fácil! Aquí podrás ver si pertenecesalClub (o qué tefalta para conseguirlo) y a qué regalos ypromocionesespecialestienes acceso. Además, si eres Empresaria,podrás seguirtoda lainformación de tu Unidad. - Consultora Estrella- Corte deVentas -Corte de Compartir - Club de Unidades. Paramejorar tuseguimiento,en todos los programas encontrarás losdatosdiferenciando entrelas Consultoras de Belleza ganadorasdelprograma y las ganadoraspotenciales. ¡En cualquier lugar y atiemporeal! Módulo de“Calendario ": - Consulta todos los eventos ylasformaciones de laCompañía en un vistazo (Seminario, Webinars,…)¡Note pierdas nuncaningún evento! - Además podrás crear tuspropioseventos, invitar aotras Consultoras y recibir susrespuestas. Elcalendario se puedesincronizar con el de tudispositivo, ¡todas tuscitas importantesen un solo sitio! Módulo de“Noticias”: - Estatesiempre informadade las últimas noticias deMary Kay España. -Podrás seleccionarlas noticias que más teinteresan y almacenarlasen tu carpeta de“Favoritos”. - Recibe unanotificación cuandopubliquemos unanoticia importante.
Consultant Buddy: Party Calc 2.1
Hamway Apps
Direct Sales Entrepreneur’s!Total up your sales for your customers in style.(NEW FEATURE) On version 2.1Consultant Cloud! read below.Key Features:~Built in calculator~Total up your sales for your clients~Consultant Cloud ( New )~Mileage and Fees recorder ( New )~Include your taxes, handling, and shipping fees. ( saveduntiledited )~Email custom Invoices to your clients. with your uniquecompanyname and web address pre-formatted into the email.~Customize:Add your company nameAdd your web addressChange the theme / color of the main screen..Add in your commission~Mileage TrackingAdd in your travel mileage and travel expenses for your taxwriteoff's at the end of the year.Once you’ve got the app setting set to your preference, you’llbespeeding up your client check out process by 100% andyou’llimpress your customers with this Amazing, Simple,Beautiful,Useful.. appWe guarantee.————————————————————————-Version 2.1Ok, I’ve been busy working on a major new feature forConsultantBuddy.Drum roll please ……..*~Consultant Cloud:Amaze your colleagues, Impress your friends, Make them wishtheycould be as awesome as you.With this amazing new feature you can now accessimportantinformation on the go..Need to look up the price for a product? No need to go throughthehassle of surfing the corporate website. Now you can grabproductinformation with just a couple of clicks.Get CURRENT information for your products~Quickly snap the price into the subtotal by tapping the “AddPriceButton”Efficiently tally up your salesPrice of product.Product descriptions.Serial number.Product options and more..The Beauty of the “Consultant Cloud” is. I can update thecurrentcatalogs or add new Company Catalogs at any time and itwill beavailable instantly..If you would like your company catalog added to the Cloud. Justsendme a request with a web link, and I will do my best to additquickly.Just setup your user profile from the cloud page.Once your setup and logged in.Select your company.Then search our database for a relevant key word.A list of products will be shown with all matches fromthesearch.Current List as of 8/5/14Thirty-One GiftsMary KayAvonLia SophiaGold CanyonPerfectly PoshYouniqueTupperwareIt WorksJamberry NailsPampered ChefPassion PartiesRequest your catalog to be added from ( ..————————————————————————-Perfect for Consultants working with..Avon; Thirty One; Damsel in Defense; Dove Chocolate; Gold Canyon;InA Pikle; It Works; Jamberry Nails; Jewelry in Candles; LiaSophia;Mary Kay; Mialisa; Miche; Origami Owl; Pampered Chef;Partylite;Passion Parties; Pink Zebra; Posh; Pure Romance;Scentsy; SensuousPlayroom; Slumber Parties; South Hill Designs;Tastefully Simple;Tupperware; UnderCover Wear; Wildtree; Younique;SeneGence; Cabi;Pleasure Parties; Rodan and Fields;And any other Direct Sales Company.Please contact me with your questions or appimprovementsuggestions.I look forward to answering any and all of your questions.HamwaySupport@comcast.netEnjoy your sales!
QT Office 1.0
QT Office
* Please note, the QT Office app is FREEforour members. If you are not a member, then you will not be abletouse this app. The app is listed in the FREE section becausethereis no charge to download. PLEASE do not leave bad feedbackbecausethere is a SERVICE attached to the app. We are not trying tohideanything. Read the details to find out the TONS of cool stuffwecan help you with, and THANK YOU to all of our members thathavemade QT (and this app) possible.The QT Office app is designed to help you run your MK businessonthe go. You can create invoices, add and track customers,addexpenses and a whole lot more right from your phone. This isnotjust a calculator, this is the complete business tool you havebeenlooking for. QT was started in 2008 and has been growingstrong; wehave consultants, directors and Nationals in all 50states. Pleasego to to learn more.This app also ties in with your online www.qtoffice.comaccountso when you update from your phone, everything on youronlineaccount will be updated as well.*Note: After you download this app to your phone, we suggestthatyou go to InTouch from any computer with internet access toimportyour customers and orders. These are the only two things youcannotdo from the moible app. After that, you will be mobile.Here is a quick bullet point list of a FEW of the things QTcando:- track your customer's purchase history- send you follow up reminders to contact your customers- remember your customer's birthdays- track your inventory levels- tell you what products you need to re-order- track your expenses- track your profit/sales- let you create tax write off invoices- take partial payments- track your team members- create gift certificates and coupons for your customersThere is a lot more than that. Come see for yourself.KW: Mary Kay, QT Office, QT App, QT Mobile
妃琳家族 4.0.2
女性需要被認可,無論在家中還是在社會上,玫琳凱就是以讚美和鼓勵助人成功。玫琳凱公司每年向美容顧問和經銷商發放的獎金總額高達3千8百萬美元,包括名車,競賽獎金和各種獎勵。公司爲美容顧問設立的多種獎勵辦法中,最著名的就是象徵成功的“粉紅色的凱迪拉克”計劃。至今已有價值一億多美元的一萬多輛這樣的車輛,行駛在世界各地。   在中國,已有十幾名玫琳凱優秀的業務顧問獲得象徵著事業成功的粉紅色桑塔納2000或帕沙特。大黃蜂鑽石別針,象徵著玫琳凱女性勤奮,努力,勇於進取的精神。  每年的研討會,公司爲美容顧問設立了一座絢麗的認可舞臺,讓美容顧問盡情表現她成功自信的風采。
SimpleKay 1.0.2
Starter Step
SimpleKayPowerful tools for your Mary Kay® business made SimpleFeatures:Commission CalculationsSimpleKay calculates your estimated commissions for themonthinreal-time across 7 commission structures so youarealwaysup-to-date.Inventory ManagementSimpleKay integrates directly with Mary KayInTouch®,automaticallyimporting new wholesale and customer ordersevery dayandsynchronizing your product inventory quantities.Business Cards and Email SignatureSimpleKay pulls your Mary Kay® approved data directlyfromyourconsultant website and transforms it into abeautifullycraftedmobile business card and email signature.Get started today at
Mary Kay InTouch®
Mary Kay CJSC
Your business is in your hands now.
Mary Kay InTouch® Poland
Mary Kay CJSC
Twój biznes na wyciągnięcie ręki. Teraz możesz być wstałymkontakcieze swoimi Konsultantkami i na bieżąco sprawdzaćichosiągnięcia.Pobierz aplikację, zaloguj się wpisując swójnumerKonsultantki ihasło i zarządzaj swoim biznesem gdzie ikiedyzechcesz. W aplikacjidostępne są dwa moduły: My Business&Programy. My Business Tenmoduł pomoże Ci w łatwy iprzejrzystysposób śledzić sprzedaż Twojegozespołu i postępyKonsultantek zTwojej Grupy. Wyświetli również bazęwszystkichTwoichKonsultantek, skatalogowaną np. po aktualnymstatusie czydacierozpoczęcia współpracy. Programy Ten modułzapewnia stałydostęp dobazy Programu „Konsultantka Gwiazda”. Dziękiczemu możeszsprawdzaćaktywność i postępy swoich Konsultantek orazmotywować jedo pracy.Aplikacja dostępna jest w języku polskim irosyjskim,wyłącznie dlaNiezależnych Konsultantek Kosmetycznych MaryKayPolska.
Mary Kay® Showcase DE 1.4.9
Mary Kay CJSC
*****FÜR SELBSTÄNDIGESCHÖNHEITS-CONSULTANTSMIT MARY KAY®*****Mary Kay® Party (Mit dieser App wird es noch einfacher eineMaryKay® Gesichtspflegeparty zu halten.)Mit dieser App haben Sie alles notwendige fürIhrGesichtspflegeparty immer dabei. Wenn Sie noch zögern Ihr MaryKay®Geschäft zu starten, dann sehen Sie wie einfach esist,selbständige Schönheits-Consultant mit Mary Kay® zu sein. DieseAppenthält nur Inhalte für selbständige Schönheits-Consultant mitMaryKay® und nicht für Endkunden.***** FORIndependentBeauty Consultants Mary Kay *****Mary Kay Party (With this app makes it even easier to keep aMaryKay Skin Care Party.)With this app you have everything necessary for your facialcareParty always. If you still hesitate to start your MaryKaybusiness, then you will see how easy it is to be independentBeautyConsultant with Mary Kay. This app only contains contentforIndependent Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay, and not forendusers.
Revolutionize your Mary Kay Business withthisfull featured app !
Mary Kay InTouch® Belarus 2.0.0
Ваш бизнес у вас на ладони.Вам больше не нужен компьютер для того, чтобы всегда бытьнасвязи с Консультантами своей команды и быть в курсе их достиженийиважных событий из жизни!Просто скачайте приложение, введите свой логин и пароль для входавInTouch® и начните управлять своим бизнесом!Блок «Мой бизнес»Контролируйте бизнес в любой точке планеты и получайте именнотерезультаты, к которым стремитесь:· Следите за личными продажами, продажами ЛичнойГруппы,Бизнес-Группы и четырех линий дочерних Лидеров Национальнойветви врежиме реального времени.· Быстро находите контакты Консультантов Личной ГруппыиБизнес-Группы, а также дочерних Лидеров первой линии,оперативносвязывайтесь с ними и оказывайте своевременную поддержкуи помощь,поздравляйте с днем рождения и важными датами, используяSMS-шаблонили создавая собственный текст.· Пользуйтесь удобным поиском: Консультантов можно ранжироватьпообъему продаж, дате начала ведения бизнеса или статусу.· Планируйте взаимодействие с новыми членами команды взависимостиот их активности.Блок «Мотивационные программы/ «Звездный Консультант»Следите за активностью ключевых Консультантов и помогайтеимдостигать еще больших высот:· Контролируйте количество существующих и потенциальных Звездввашей Личной Группе и Бизнес-Группе в текущемЗвездномквартале.· Смотрите историю получения статуса Звездного Консультантаиколичество баллов по программе в текущем Семинарском году повсемчленам своей команды.В следующем релизе вас ждет новый функционал, а такжерасширениесписка программ, представленных в блоке«Мотивационныепрограммы».Приложение доступно для пользования толькоКонсультантамиБелорусского отделения Компании.Your business atyourfingertips.You no longer need a computer to stay in touch withtheconsultant and his team to be aware of their achievementsandimportant events in the life! Just download the app, enter your username and password to loginand start InTouch® manage your business!Block "My Business"Control your business anywhere in the world and get exactlytheresults that seek to:· Keep track of personal selling, sales Personal Group,businessgroups and four lines of subsidiaries leaders of nationalbranchesin real time.· Quickly find contacts Consultants Personal Group andbusinessgroups, as well as subsidiaries leader of the first line,promptlycontact them and provide timely support and assistance,Happybirthday and important dates using SMS-template or create yourowntext.· Use the convenient search: Consultants can be ranked in termsofsales, the date of commencement of business or status.· Plan interaction with new team members, depending ontheiractivity.Block "Motivational Programs /" Star Consultant " Watch the activity of key consultants and help them to achieveevengreater heights:· Monitor the number of existing and potential star in yourpersonalgroup and business group in the current quarterStar.· See the history of obtaining the status of Star Consultant andthenumber of points on the program in the current year seminarsfor allmembers of his team.In the next release, you will find new features, as wellasexpanding the list of programs presented in the block"Motivationalprogram."The application is available for use only by the Consultantsofthe Belarusian branch of the company.
메리케이 알리미 1.10
Mary kay, Inc
지나간 공지사항도 한 곳에서 편하게 확인할 수 있고, 일부 공지사항은 알리미앱을 통해서만 특별히 전달될 수 있습니다.
Revolutionize your Mary Kay Business with this full featured app !
Live Out Loud 4.11
Revolutionize your Mary Kay Business withthisfull featured app !
Business Prospect Manager 1.0.7
JN Appz
An easy-to-use Business Prospect Management App for businesseslikeMulti Level Marketing ( MLM ), Network marketing, Product SalesorService based marketing which involve in the search ofpotentialcustomers or Independent business owners. As, BusinessProspectingis the important and first step in building the rightfoundation ofa business, we came up with this simple app which canassist, whileyou do cold contacting and planning the appointments(actions) withthose prospects starting from Inviting throughclosing the deal.So, it is obvious that by using this app you canbe persistent inattending all the appointments fixed with yourprospects when youget reminders ahead of those tasks. Advantages& Features:*Easy to Manage your Cold Contact or Prospect list.Now you canstop adding cold contacts to personal contact list toavoidconfusions. *Save your time While you do Business Prospectingorwhile Building a client list. *Easy to plan everysignificantbusiness move with your Prospect such as Inviting,Showing thePresentation, Follow Up.......until you close the sale,that tooall in a single page. *Easy to track your appointments within thebuilt-in calendar. *Get reminded when you havebusinessappointments. *You can export the list of prospects toaspreadsheet for backup. *Keep yourself motivated by checkingyourProspecting report regularly. *You can set a preferredbackgroundimage to match your mood. *Moreover if you are consciousaboutenvironment, you can save trees by using this app instead ofpaperfor maintaining your prospect list. Business Prospect Managercanassist all Distributors or Independent business owners whobelongto direct selling or MLM companies like Amway, Avon,Herbalife,Vorwerk, Infinitus, Mary Kay, Perfect(China), Natura,Tupperware,Nu Skin, Tiens, Primerica, Ambit Energy, Oriflame,Belcorp, TelecomPlus, New Era .…. so on and also assists marketingexecutives whoare in any Product Sales or Service based Business.For more infoon using the app, Visit: If youthink of any new featuresthat makes this application unique andpowerful while being simpleto use, Please send us the feedback.Report us via email if you faceany issues in the app. You can helpus by: * Give Rating and commenton Google Play. Happy Prospecting:) & Thanks a lot for usingthis app.
DARE Area 4.15
Revolutionize your Mary Kay Business with this full featured app !