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南遊記 1.0
《南遊記》是明代小說,又名《華光傳》即《五顯靈官大帝華光天王傳》,余象鬥是作者兼刊刻者。《南遊記》寫得很拙劣,但身為書坊主的余象鬥已感到“其勞鞅掌矣”!那時常見書坊主寫小說,因為《三國演義》與《水滸傳》在嘉靖朝刊行後,通俗小說受到大眾熱烈歡迎,文人此時卻不屑於創作。書坊主眼見開闢了新財源卻無作品可印,便或自撰,或雇下層文人編寫大概由於寫得太辛苦卻遭盜版,對此又無可奈何,他實在氣不過,便破口大罵:“襲人唾余,得無垂首而汗顏,無恥之甚乎!”不過,當時盜版是尋常事,余象鬥自己也經常翻刻別人的書籍。"Journey to the South"isa Ming Dynasty novel, also known as "Huaguang pass" or"fiveapparitions official Great Huaguang King Biography, the YuXiangdouauthor and inscribed. "Journey to the South" very poor, theAsBookshop Lord Yu Xiangdou was "labor martingale palm carry on."!       Common Bookstoreownerswas writing a novel, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and"Outlaws ofthe Marsh" in the Jiajing toward inclusion, popularfiction warmlywelcomed by the general public, scholars does notdeign to creation.Bookstore main Seeing opened up new sources ofrevenue but no workcan be printed, stools or essays, or employedwritten in lowerliterati probably too hard pirating, this couldnot help it, he wasreally angry, they shouted: "very hot spit Ihave not bowed deeplyashamed even almost shameless! "However,piracy is commonplace, Ilike fighting often carved over otherpeople's books.
岑凱倫小說集 1.7.9
作者簡介:岑凱倫,女,原名張慧。籍貫生年不詳。她出身于香港一富裕家庭,從小接受良好教育,小學讀英文書院,大學畢業后又赴國外留學攻讀建筑系。回港后任職于自己家族的建筑公司,后從事小說創作。她的小說受香港著名作家依達的影響,專寫青春小說。十余年來,共出版小說二十幾部,在香港、臺灣,新加坡以至中國大陸都擁有大量的讀者。其代表作有:《八月櫻桃》、《白馬王子》,《白雪公主》、《彩虹公主》、《澄莊》、《天鵝姑娘》、《愛的彩衣》、《青春十八》、《海邊·夕陽》及《天倫樂》等。About the Author:Cen Kailun, female, formerly known as Zhang Hui. Birthplaceofbirth unknown.She was born in Hong Kong, a wealthy family, young,well-educated,English College Primary read, study abroad aftergraduation tostudy the Department of Architecture.After returning to Hong Kong to work in his family'sconstructioncompany, after engaging novels. Her fiction writerfamous Hong Kongis affected by Wajda, specifically writing youthfiction.More than ten years, a total of two dozen novels published inHongKong, Taiwan, Singapore and even mainland China has a largenumberof readers.Their works are: "August Cherry", "Prince Charming," "SnowWhite,""Rainbow Princess", "Cheng Zhuang", "Swan Girl," "LoveDreamcoat","youth eighteen", "sea · Sunset "and" Family Fun "and soon.