Top 6 Apps Similar to Lourdes Health Network

Mobile EMR Inc. 2.0
Mobile EMR Inc.
Quickly gather and retrievemedical,dental,vision and pet data on the go with Mobile EMR.In life-or-death emergency situations, every secondmatters.Inaddition to stabilizing the condition of patients, rescueteamsandemergency medical staff must also gather pertinent medicaldataandhistory in order to administer proper andeffectivetreatment.Mobile EMR is the first-ever cloud-based appspeciallydesignedfor allowing medical and response staff to quicklyandeasilygather personal medical data especiallyinemergencysituations.Wherever you are and whatever happens, you canbeprepared—MobileEMR could save your life. No matter how much wetryto avoid it,accidents happen and they happen swiftlyandunexpectedly. In thesecases, patients may not be able toreadilyprovide pertinent medicalinformation that could be vital totheirtreatment and care. Whetherthey are in shock, unconscious,inpain, or simply confused,patients will not always be readywiththe right and accurateinformation that medical responsepersonnelneed to have.These personal medical information includemedicalhistory,medications, allergies, symptoms, as well asemergencycontactinformation. Gathering all these take a while.Thus, EMS,911,fire, police, hospital doctors’ offices, day care,dentistoffices,schools, and other first aid givers may have adelayinadministering necessary help and treatment.Mobile EMR provides a HIPPA approved cloud-based,secureandaccessible platform that people can fall back on inemergencycasesor any other situation in order to gatherextensivepersonalmedical data about an emergency patient. • 911 •Police,Fire, EMS• Hospitals • Doctors Office • Dentist Office•Ophthalmologist –Vision • US Military • Pet Clinics Veterinarian•Schools • DayCare • Patients -Family In addition to vital medical information, MobileEMRalsoallows users to store allergy information, insurancedata,laband/or radiological reports, dental records, vision, andmanymore.Mobile EMR stores all these information securely in thecloudsothat every person can access and update these duringtheirnextcheckup with their doctors or even in medicalemergencies.MobileEMR is a two-fold platform that combinesweb-based andmobiletechnology for users and medical practitionersalike.Users can simply enter their information in the MobileEMRform,starting with their basic information, emergencycontactdetails,blood type, medical and psychologicalhistory,medications,allergies, medical devices, physicians, patientnotes,and manyother details. Each user can also upload aphotoforidentification. In addition, Mobile EMR alsoprovidesprescriptionreminders for all patients who need to taketheirmedications ontime. Each patient who uses the platform isalsoassigned a uniqueMobile EMR Patient ID, which separatespatientsfrom oneanother.Using any smartphone, tablet or PC, people can haveaccesstoinformation relevant to your treatment and care.Medicalemergencystaff, doctors and nurses, specialistphysicians,pharmacists,insurance companies, and many otherpersonnel involvedin yourhealthcare will benefit from Mobile EMR.Ultimately, thebenefitgoes to you.When you visit your doctor or dentist, undergoamedicalprocedure, get involved in an accident oremergencysituation, orif you simply want to be prepared, you cancarry allyour importantmedical and emergency information with youso thatyou can betreated quickly and more effectively, especiallyin timeof urgentneed.
My Medical 1.6.2
Hyrax Inc.
An organized personal medical record that is yours to control!
FaceSheet 1.2
FaceSheet’s mobile charge capturesolutionallows physicians to enter charges at point of carestreamliningthe entire practice. FaceSheet will immediately reducethe amountof time spend entering your charges, processing yourpatientbilling information and communicating with other physiciansin yourpractice.With FaceSheet, physicians simply enter patient billing andclinicalinformation on their handheld technology from anywhere, atany time,with or without cell phone reception. Our technologyuploads yourchanges over the air to FaceSheet’s master database oncloud,keeping billing person up to date instantly.With FaceSheet on your Android device you can:· Reducing paperwork from hours to minutes.· Recover lost income by as much as 12.5% or moreperphysician.· Reduce errors in CPT and ICD codes.· Organize your entire patient list easily navigate to finishroundsfast.· Increase accuracy of patient record keeping with easyhandheldtechnology.· Improve HIPAA compliance by eliminating paper super billsandfriendly to environment.Color coding is given to organize yourself to know the statusofpatients between NEW, SEEN, NOT SEEN, DISCHARGED, COMPLETEBILLUPLOADED.Once the other members of your group begin using FaceSheet,theywill instantly get your updates, signoff notes andpictureFaceSheets. When weekend starts you don’t have to signoffpatientsone by one wasting time, FaceSheet with push notificationswillhave signoff notes from other physicians what to do withpatientsnext day on rounds saves lot of time.FaceSheet was designed with mobile physicians in mind. Itsroundingfunctionality can benefit any Physician Including allspecialistsdon’t miss valuable hospital visits, Nursing homevisits, Housecalls even hospitalists and intensivists can sharepatients andinformation more effectively.All data captured into FaceSheet by providers is stored securelyoncloud made available to everyone at a practice who needs to seeit.Providers can use their mobile devices to receive updates andentercharges while they’re on the go, and billing person can useoursecure website to complete the billing workflow and mark itasbilled or not so office managers monitor work flow.When covering physician assumes care of a patient, thecriticalinformation is already present on that doctor’s mobiledevice andimproving the continuity of care. Your practice’scomplete patientlist.FEATURES:· Maintain a list of patients and their demographic informationforrounding patients to finish billing.· Document individual encounters by Patient, location, dateofservice, CPT and ICD codes.· Report the charges organized by patient, facility and date topostto biller and to cloud to access later.· Templates to use for common ICD, CPT, Signoff notes andBillingNotes. Entry for unlimited Facilities.· FaceSheets are downloadable by billers in PDF format, for easeofbilling if necessary.· Signoff note to covering providers by push notificationincludinglist of patients to visit.· Color coding list to fast track between NEW, SEEN, NOTSEEN,DISCHARGED, COMPLETED BILLING.· Providers can give controlled access to multiple billers tofinishbilling task.No backup worries – We keep your billing DATA on our CLOUD for7years for free.HIPPA Compliant – All data is transported over secureSSLconnections using AES-256 encryption.
MedXCom for Physicians 1.12.8
Secure Messaging and Answering Service for Doctors.
MedTunnel 1.0.50
Finally! - Free Secure CommunicationforHealthcare.MedTunnel provides a HIPAA-compliant solution thatallowsphysicians and patients to exchange private healthinformation(PHI) that can include documents or messages. You canaccessMedTunnel via a web browser, a desktop app for both Mac orPC, orthis Android app. The MedTunnel iOS app allows you tosend/receiveboth SMS and email style messages with file attachmentsfrom asingle platform and inbox. No need to toggle between apps.You caneven send secure messages to non-MedTunnel users viaemail.The unique security employed by MedTunnel utilizes twoseparatekeys to encrypt messages. Since one key is known only byMedTunneland the other key is known only by an independent thirdparty, andMedTunnel and the third party are contractually obligatednot toreveal their keys to each other, neither MedTunnel nor thethirdparty can read your messages which makes MedTunnel a secureconduitthrough the Internet for sending PHI. Since MedTunnel actsas onlya secure conduit and MedTunnel does not itself have accessto PHI,according to HHS, a HIPAA business associate agreement isnotrequired to use it.-Provides the security that email and SMS text do not.-Lets you eliminate paper - so, no more using outdatedfaxmachines.-Scan documents using your device's camera into a PDF fileforsending.-As simple as sending a text or email.-Send and receive messages between providers, between providersandpatients, and between patients.-Access from anywhere in the world. Patients do not have to drivetotheir doctors office to pick up their medical documents.-Send secure messages to non-MedTunnel users via email usingapre-determined password.-Push notifications for when you get a new message.For more details including demo videos, the app and sign up for your MedTunnel ID andgetconnected instantly.Its Simple. Fast. Secure... and its Free.
ICD-10 Doc Guide 2.3
Developed by the leading ICD-10 educator intheUnited States, the Precyse University ICD-10 Doc Guide appallowsthe user to enter the name of a condition or disease andreceive thedocumentation tips and strategies to document themedical recordwith the specificity required for ICD-10 as well asimproveddocumentation in ICD-9. This app is perfect forphysicians, nursepractitioners, nurses, clinical documentationimprovementspecialists, and other clinicians who need a tool toquicklyretrieve information on how to document the most commondiseases andconditions. It is a great resource for any clinicianto use inpreparation for ICD-10 as well as to use in ourdocumentation priorto the ICD-10 transition.The app has hundreds of diseases and conditions and morediseasesare added frequently. Forget the old paper-based pocketphysicianguides, the Precyse University ICD-10 Doc Guide allowsyou to havethe ease and power of pulling this information when youneed it.If you are interested in becoming a client or learning moreaboutour comprehensive ICD-10 education solutions forhospitals,facilities, and physician offices, feel free to e-mail