Top 1 Apps Similar to Toddler Talk

Toddler Talk 1.0
Is your child a late talker? Do you wanttohelpyour child start communicating? Is your child actingoutbecausehe/she can't express their needs? Is your child inspeechtherapy andyou want to help them at home to boost progress?If yousaid YES toany of those questions, this app is for you!Who is this app for?This app is appropriate for any toddler who isn't talking yetorjustsaying a few words! If your child is over 2 year of agebutstill nottalking, start here!These next few years are exciting and VERY importantforlanguagedevelopment. A strong foundation for laterlanguage,reading, andwriting skills is being built!What's included?In this app, we designed a 10 week program. Each week, we teachanewskill to target during daily activities including:Overview of developmental milestonesChecklists that can be printed or savedHow to play with your toddler and develop languageEffective ways to talk with your childHow to teach imitation skillsA painless way to encourage first wordsHow to ask questions the correct wayTips on how to read to your toddlerWhat toys are best for your childand more!What's so different about this app?We know that when you are a parent, free time is limitedorevennon-existent. Therefore, we wanted to make this app workforyou.We don’t want to add more to your plate. Instead, wegivesmall,easy tips to try out each week. You won't have tobuyanything elseor even add activities to your busy day, butjustalter how yourinteract with you child. Easy.This app does not guarantee that your child will starttalkingin10 weeks. The 10 weeks is for you, the parent! It is acrashcoursein speech therapy. You will learn effective ways on howtointeractwith your child which will, in turn, helphim/herdeveloplanguage.Each section is split up by weekly tasks. Theseweeklytaskswill:Either introduce a new strategy to try with your child or,Practice a previously learned strategy.You will learn how you, as a parent, can make simplechangeswheninteracting with your child that will greatly impacttheirspeechand language development. By making small adjustmentseachweek,you won’t become overwhelmed and give up!NOTEThere are no games in this app. Instead, we provide anabundanceofinformation in simple, easy to understand weekly pages.We helpyoumake little adjustments to the communicating you alreadydo.Who made this app?This app was created by a practicing, experienced,ASHAcertifiedspeech language pathologist. After working withmanyfamilies whosechildren were late talkers, she noticed thattheparents have thegreatest ability to make the mostsignificantimpact on theirchildren's language development just bymaking smallchanges. Wehave been working hard to educate parents ina costeffective,convenient way :)Enjoy!