Top 8 Apps Similar to DGK Pocket-Leitlinien

Alle krankheiten 3.7.3
Over 1,000 diseases. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy.
Ein Tag Deutsch in der Pflege 1.2.0
IMPORTANT: Please update your (Chrome) browser to thelatestversionto ensure best performance of the "Ein Tag Deutsch inderPflege"application. Free learning game with exercisesoncommunication,vocabulary, structures and pronunciation –forlearners of Germanlanguage level B1 and higher. Working inhealthcare you will befacing linguistic challenges. This gameisdesigned for you topractice your communicational skillswithdifferent people duringyour work day as you will meet thepatientTorben Teller, his caringwife and the demanding seniorphysicianDr. Thewes. No need toworry, helpful colleagues are atyour side.The game presentsnumerous authentic conversations ofeveryday workin health care.Choose what to say! In additionalexercises oncommunication,grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation youwillinternalize the mainlinguistic aspects of the setting. Onceyoudon’t know a word thedictionary will help you out. As well astheinfobox which providesuseful information about working inhealthcare in Germany.
GP Diagnosis 2.1.2
Dr. A. Roth
The Medical Diagnosis App. Enter symptoms, get a diagnosis.
Medical Terms EN 2.3.0
IPIX s.c.
With this simple, powerfull and free app you can reveal meaningsofthousands of medical terms in English language. Itcontainsdirectory of most common used medical terms, diseases,tests andsymptoms extended by external sources with tons ofmedicalterminology. Glossary is searchable through powerfull voiceenabledsearch engine with word prediction and smart option that letyounarrow search result to abbreviations only. App will help youtounderstand mystery looking terms from medicalrecords,prescriptions or expert advices. All of terms havesolidexplanation on Wikipedia - app will let you study them onyourwish. This app is for everyone, not only medical staffandstudents, because we all need sometimes medical help and wanttofind out more. This is totally free app so give it a tryandinstall it today. For your convenience app is localized forGerman,English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish,Portuguese,Russian and Swedish. Additional languages coming soon.Check outour webpage: for more info. You can find theremore notonly medical related apps.
Alle krankheiten (Free) 3.6.11
Wie kommt es zu einem Asthma? WelcheUrsachenhat Schlaganfall? Hier finden Sie zuverlässige undleichtverständliche Informationen zu vielen Hundert KrankheitenundSymptomen: Erfahren Sie mehr über Auslöser und RisikofaktorensowieDiagnose- und Therapiemöglichkeiten. Dazu erhalten Sie TippszurVorbeugung.In unserem Krankheitslexikon finden Sie detaillierteBeschreibungenzu den wichtigsten Krankheiten – leicht verständlich,von Expertenerklärt. Denn oft fallen Ihnen die wichtigen Fragen zueinerErkrankung erst ein, nachdem Sie die Arztpraxis miteinerKrankheitsdiagnose verlassen haben. Vielleicht hat der ArztauchFachausdrücke benutzt, die Sie nachlesen möchten. Oder Siemöchtensich als Angehöriger über eine Krankheit informieren. AllesguteGründe, warum wir Ihnen laienverständliche Informationen zudenwichtigsten Krankheiten anbieten. Erfahren Sie alles Wichtigeüberdas Krankheitsbild und zugehörige Symptome. Verstehen SiedieUrsachen und Risikofaktoren der Erkrankung. Lesen Sie, mitwelchenUntersuchungen die Krankheit diagnostiziert wird. UndinformierenSie sich über Behandlungsmöglichkeiten derErkrankung.Das Handbuch enthält eine Beschreibung von Krankheitenwie:blutdruck, diabetes, durchfall, fieber, pickel,kopfschmerzen,ebola.What causes anasthma?What causes a stroke? Here you will find reliable andeasilyunderstandable information to many hundreds of diseasesandsymptoms: Learn more about triggers and risk factors,anddiagnostic and treatment options. You will also receive tipsforprevention.In our lexicon disease you will find detailed descriptions ofthemajor diseases - easy to understand, explained by experts.Oftenyou noticed the important regarding a medical condition ononlyafter you have left the doctor's office with a diseasediagnosis.Maybe the doctor also uses technical terms that you wantto read.Or you want to learn as a member of a disease. All goodreasons whywe offer you lay understand information on majordiseases. Learneverything about the disease and associatedsymptoms. Understandthe causes and risk factors of the disease.Read with which studiesthe disease is diagnosed. And informyourself about treatmentoptions of the disease.The manual contains a description of diseases such as:bloodpressure, diabetes, diarrhea, fever, pimple, headache,ebola.
LOLYO Employee-App 1.0.24
cycoders GmbH
With the Lolyo app, you as an employee are always informedabouttheattractive offers exclusive for employees and all thelatestnewsfrom the company. Using the internal messenger, youcanchatdirectly with your colleagues and exchange ideas. Theappisintuitive as it has the familiar look and feel ofsocialnetworksand is therefore extremely easy to use. FEATURES •Get allthelatest news from the company • Add your comments to thenews•Always be informed about employee offers • Chatwithyourcolleagues • Earn and redeem points YOUR PARTICIPATIONWILLBEREWARDED Best of all, your participation in the appisrewardedwith points. These points can then be exchangedforattractiveoffers and products in our bonus store. Download theappnow foryour smartphone and log in! DOWNLOAD, LOG IN ANDCOLLECTPOINTS!You earn your first points simply by registering.Askyourpersonnel or marketing department now for yourpersonalaccesscode. Never miss out on any of the great employeeoffersyourcompany can negotiate and line up for you and stayup-to-datewiththe Lolyo app.
Sauerland&Siegen-Wittgenstein 3.13.5
The perfect app for the Sauerland and Siegerland-Wittgenstein.
Wilde Tiere und Spuren 2 PRO
Du bist in der Natur unterwegs undentdeckstSpuren von Tieren? Du möchtest die Spuren lesen underfahren werdiese hinterlassen hat?Mit "Wilde Tiere und Spuren 2 PRO" lernt man Spuren undFährtenzu erkennen und bekommt ein ideales Bestimmungs-undNachschlagewerk für die geläufigsten Säugetiereimmitteleuropäischen Raum und den Alpen. Endlich hat mandieMöglichkeit, die Spuren direkt auf dem Ausflug auch ohne Buchzubestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassende Informationen auseinerBibliothek voller Daten, Fakten und Bildern zu erhalten. LernedieSpuren zu lesen, erfahre alles Wissenswerte über dieTierarten,erlebe die Natur auf eine ganz neue Weise.INHALT* 74 Arten - 800 Bilder* Umfangreiche Beschreibung der Spuren und Arten* Artennamen in Deutsch und Englisch* Wissenschaftliche Spuren- und Artenbestimmung* Quiz - SpielSPUREN UND FÄHRTEN LESEN ANHAND VOM* FUSSTYP- Paarhufer, Unpaarhufer, Zehenballen, etc.* FUSSABDRUCK- Zehen-, Zehenspitz-, Sohlengänger, etc.* LOSUNG- Krümelig, pillenförmig, wurstförmig, etc.* NEST UND BAU- Erdbau, Burg aus Zweigen, Baumhöhle, etc.* STIMME- Piepsen, Zwitschern, Trillern, Quieken, etc.* AM BAUMSTAMM DURCH- Geweih, Zähne, Krallen, Körper, etc.BESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VOM* AUSSEHEN- Größe, Geweih und Hörner, etc.* LEBENSGEBIET- Lebensraum, Verbreitung, Standort Nest, etc.QUIZ - TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Spuren und Tiere kennenNATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themenausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten PublikumausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschaulicheundattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf,siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie unsbittean SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.You are in the natureofthe road and discover traces of animals? You want to readthetracks and find out who left this?With "Wild animals and tracks 2 PRO" you learn torecognizetracks and tracks and get an ideal destination andreference guidefor the most common mammals in central Europe andthe Alps.Finally, one has the possibility to determine the tracesdirectlyon the excursion without book and at the same time toobtaincomprehensive information from a library full of facts,figures andimages. Learn to read the tracks, learn all about theanimals, thenature experience to a whole new way. CONTENTS* 74 species - 800 images* Extensive description of the tracks and types* Species names in German and English* Researchers trace and species identification* Quiz - GamePrints and droppings READ THE BASIS OF* FOOT TYPE- Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla, toe pads, etc.* FOOTPRINT- Toe, toes pointed, plantigrade, etc.* SOLUTION- Crumbly, pill-shaped, sausage-shaped, etc.* NEST AND CONSTRUCTION- Earthwork, castle made of branches, tree hole, etc.* VOICE- Beeping, chirping, trills, squeaks, etc.* AM TRUNK BY- Antlers, teeth, claws, body, etc.DETERMINATION OF SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- Size, antlers and horns, etc.* LIVING AREA- Habitat, distribution, location, nest, etc.QUIZ - TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn the different tracks and AnimalsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring themselves to present excitingtopicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audience ofinterestedpeople, enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractivewaycloser. You are an author or photographer, you havefascinatingideas or content, then please contact us at OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.