Top 3 Games Similar to 探検ゲーム

古墳探検 1.3
【古墳探検】 FOR GREEパズルゲーム「倉庫番」ベースのゲームです。ゲームでは、プレーヤーが古いお墓の迷路をさまよう冒険家となります。迷路から抜け出るために、さまざまなアイテムを使い知恵を絞って進みます。GREEユーザーをサポート、GREEコインを使用すると、より多いステージを挑戦できる。迷路の中では、画面を指でスライドさせ、迷路を回転させて金貨を取ってから出口へ向かいます。スコアはあなたが取った金貨の数と、回転した回数に基づいて算出されます。プレーヤーは最小の回転数で金貨を全て取るように知恵を絞ってください。ゲームには三つのテーマがあり、前のテーマをクリアし、且つ金貨の数が基準を満たす事ができれば次のテーマへ進む事ができます。[Explore]tumulusFORGREEIt is a game of puzzle game "Sokoban" basis.In the game, it becomes the adventurer the player wander themazeofold grave.In order to get out of the maze, and then proceed tosqueezethewisdom to use a variety of items.With support, the GREE GREE coins the user, it ispossibletochallenge the greater stage.In the maze, slide your finger on the screen, it will headtotheexit from taking the gold coin to rotate the maze.Score is calculated based on the number of gold coinsthatyoutook, to the number of times you have to rotate.Player please hammering out to take all the gold intherotationalspeed of the minimum.There are three themes in the game,The ability to clear the theme before, the number ofgoldcoinsmeeting the criteria andYou can proceed to the next theme.
秘宝探検隊 1.0.1
パズルに自信のあるキミに挑戦!!岩を押して宝をゲットだ!◆あそびかた◆プレイヤーを操作して岩を押そう。岩は押せる方向が決まっているぞ。ステージの宝箱を全てゲットすればクリア!The challengetoKimipuzzle confident in! !It's get the treasure by pressing the rock!◆ How to Play ◆Let's to push the rock by operating the player.Rock has been decided direction can press.Clear if get all the treasure chest of stage!
Arctic Expedition 1.0
Arctic Expedition is aroute-buildinggamesituated to the arctic seas, where the permafrostismeltingrapidly and various dangers prowl the explorer.The player character is a researcher studying the changesinthearctic sea ice. To explore the area, the player must buildaskiingroute to the North Poles using hexagonal routetiles.Variousdangers including polar bears, ice cliffs and openwateradddifficulty to the task.Hold the Android device in portrait position. In newgameview,select game mode and the level of difficulty.Movement: Drag one of three tiles on the adjacent hex inthefrontof the player character, rotate the tile to thedesiredposition anddouble tap. Multiple route hexes can be buildusingtiles already onthe game area. A movement of more than onetilegenerates extrapoints. The player wins by arriving the northpolesafely. Post yourbest score in the Facebook and commentthegame!In the explore mode the player must ski the longestpossibleroutein the game area by placing the route tiles wisely onthefront ofthe player character. There's no time limit and theicedoes notmelt.In the escape mode the player must also ski thelongestpossibleroute in the game area, but the route must beaccomplishedbebefore the sea ice melts. The ice starts melting fromthesouthernend of the game area. There's no time limit, but theicewill meltrapidly in accordance with the selecteddifficultylevel.Tested for Samsung Galaxy S II mobile and Samsung Galaxy10.1.Tabtablet computer.