Top 8 Apps Similar to Mathematical dictation

Диктант 1.5.2
Уметь правильно писать слова необходимо каждомучеловекувнезависимости от его возраста и профессии. НашеприложениепоможетВам ликвидировать ошибки и незнание орфограммрусскогоязыка. Вамвсего лишь надо вставлять пропущенные буквы, аигра самаоценитВаши знания и покажет где Вы совершили ошибку.Проверь себя исвоихдрузей! Особенности приложения: * Наглядность *Простой иудобныйинтерфейс * Вы сразу же видите свои ошибки *Увлекательнаяипростая подготовка к экзаменам для любого класса*Возможностьподелиться своим результатом Никогда не поздноначатьписатьграмотно!
Словарный диктант 1.2
Программа поможет школьникам подготовиться к словарнымдиктантампорусскому языку, а взрослые смогут проверить своизнаниясловарныхслов.
Русский язык. Диктанты, упражн 6.7
Spelling: exercises. Class 4 - 8. Preparation for the exam
Учим русский язык 1.54
Russian language (spelling and grammar) in an unobtrusive form
Melodic Dictation Light light
This is light version of melodicdictation.This application is for musicians, people studying musicor justlove it.The main idea of the application is simple: you are listeningtofamiliar melody and trying to identify musical notes ofsomemelody.This develops your musical ear.Using "MeloDic" you will be able to improve yourmusicalskills.You can do it every day using your android device.Attention: light version of application contains 16 melodies. Togetfull library you have to buy full version.Features:- 100 melodies of various genres and artists- 8 playback timbres: piano, cello, alt flute, acousticguitar,distortion guitar, harmonium, harmonica, air vox- adjustable playback, instruments and piano keys.Requirements:- device screen 4" or bigger- Android 4.1 or higher- wish for having a sharp ears;)
Russian language: tests 5.0
orthography of russian language
Math for Kids 4.2.0
Application "Math For Kids" will help your child in learningofoperations "Addition", "Subtraction" and "Comparison" andprovideyou easy and flexible control over the process and trackingtheresults. One of the techniques / strategies for learning: 1.Selectarithmetic operation in menu: "Addition", "Subtraction"or"Comparison" 2. Go to “Settings” and set "Maximum value ofresult",based on the current knowledge of the child. For example,if childis learning Additions up to 5 (inclusive), then 5 should bechosenas the value of the "Maximum value of result" field 3. Settheduration of one lesson by setting "Number of examples" 4.Encourageyour child to complete example 5. Child should pronouncearithmeticexpression and choose the answer which he thinks is right6. Thenext example will be started only when the current exampleiscorrectly solved 7. Number of solved examples on the firstattemptand the total number of examples will be displayed as soonas childcorrectly solves all examples of the current lesson 8.Based on theresults of the solved examples, you may repeat thislesson orchange the settings to complicate or simplify it Existentknowledgecan be checked in "Exercises" section. The exercise isinterruptedin case of three errors. The next exercise is a bitcomplicated andbecomes available after a successful completion ofthe current.Description of exercises: Exercise 1: 10 examples on"Addition" ofnumbers from 1 to 5 Exercise 2: 10 examples on"Addition" and"Subtraction" of numbers from 1 to 5 Exercise 3: 10examples on"Addition", "Subtraction" and "Comparison" of numbersfrom 1 to 5Exercise 4: 10 examples on "Addition", "Subtraction"and"Comparison" of numbers from 1 to 10 Exercise 5: 10 exampleson"Addition", "Subtraction" and "Addition/Subtraction" ofthreenumbers from 1 to 10 Exercise 6: 10 examples onoperations"Addition", "Subtraction" and "Comparison" with tensExercise 7: 15examples on "Addition/Subtraction" and 15 examples on"Comparison"of numbers from 0 to 15 Exercise 8: 20 examples onoperations"Addition/Subtraction" of three numbers from 5 to 15Exercise 9: 15examples on "Addition/Subtraction" and 15 examples on"Comparison"of number from 5 to 20 Localization: English,Ukrainian, Russian
Learn Czech Grammar
Quantum Labs
Simply the best app for learning czech grammar