Top 19 Apps Similar to 중국어 팡팡 - 게임으로 마스터하는 중국어 한자편

Learn Chinese. Speak Chinese
ATi Studios
Learn Chinese with free lessons daily.LetMondly teach you the Mandarin Chinese language quicklyandeffectively. In just minutes you’ll start memorizing coreChinesewords, form sentences, learn to speak Mandarin Chinesephrases andtake part in conversations. Fun Mandarin Chinese lessonsimproveyour vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation like no otherlanguagelearning method. Beginner or advanced learner, traveler orbusinessprofessional with a tight schedule? The app works greatanddynamically adjusts to your needs.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writingandspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugatorandstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feellikehaving your own Mandarin Chinese language tutor inyourpocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefitsoflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the Mandarin Chinese language classes in school?Youstarted with hundreds of basic words and expressions,continuedwith tons of Chinese grammar lessons and at the end of afullsemester’s language course you could barely translate asentence orsay “Hello!” to a foreigner. That’s the traditional wayto learn alanguage.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to theaveragelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation betweentwopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them tobuildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes moduleyouare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.It’san effective way to learn Chinese phrases. State-of-the-artNaturalSpeech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make theappeffective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutorforyou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learntheright Chinese pronunciation from conversations betweennativespeakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhowto listen to your Chinese words and phrases. You will only getapositive feedback if you speak Chinese clearly and correctly.Thiswill improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundredsofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes tolearningChinese. Mondly teaches you Mandarin Chinese vocabulary byofferingyou core words and phrases. The app breaks the learningprocessdown into short lessons and puts them into themedpacks.Learn conversational Chinese. Conversation is the mainreasonto take this free course. It will help you build a coreChinesevocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, and speakMandarinChinese clearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more duringthiscourse, just tap the Chinese verbs and get the full conjugationonthe screen, including the translation. It’s faster and betterthana dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting,soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary stepbystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing andcompetewith people from all over the world to become the bestlearner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz tobecome evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning Mandarin Chinese isdifferentfrom person to person. So we taught the app to learn fromyour wayof learning. After little time spent together, Mondlywillunderstand what suits you best and it will become your ownguideand customized teacher. Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these Chinese lessons, youwillmaster the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you will beonthe fast lane to learning a new language.
Learn Chinese - ChineseSkill
Learn Chinese - ChineseSkill is the perfectappfor beginners learning Mandarin Chinese On-the-Go. The appcontainsnumerous fun and engaging bite-sized lessons that testyourlistening, speaking, reading, and writing ability ofMandarinChinese language.The Spaced Repetition System, Chinese automaticspeechassessment, Chinese character handwriting andpinyintone animation technologies are applied inChineseSkill app tomake language learning more fun, easy andeffective. In the specialdiscover section, extra features of pinyinchart, pinyin tone andcharacter strokes order are provided in aninteractive way to helpbeginners enhance Mandarin languagefoundation. Following this app,ChineseSkill will help the beginnerslearn Mandarin Chinese quicklyto a conversational level.IMPORTANT: THE MAIN CONTENT OF CHINESESKILL ISCOMPLETELYFREE!!!Features:■ Game-based curriculum: optimized for the totally beginners;■ Multiple test modes: strengthen memorization andpersonalizelearning;■ Compartmentalized learning contents: designed for studyinginfragmented times;■ Spaced Repetition System: makes Chinese vocabularymemorizationfirm and efficient;■ Competing with friends: makes learning Chinese addictiveandfun;■ Crystal voice with native speaker: the slow andnormalpronunciation speeds covering all contents;■ Automatic speech assessment: making your Chinese speakingsoeasy;■ Offline learning supported: No internet connection requiredbyone-click downloading;■ Both simplified and traditional characters are supported;■ The option to display Chinese as pinyin, characters or both asyoulike;■ Synchronization of learning progress across devices.What are you going to learn?■ 50+ Chinese skills■ 150+ grammar points■ 200+ sentence patterns■ 1000+ keywords and phrases■ 2000+ essential Chinese charactersChinese Skill supports learning Chinese from 8languages:ENGLISH, SPANISH, KOREAN, JAPANESE, RUSSIAN, VIETNAMESE,PORTUGUESEAND THAI.Download “Learn Chinese - ChineseSkill” now and start yourChinesestudying anywhere on your own pace!
Learn Chinese Characters 1.99
Tse Wang
Chinese Characters (漢字Hanzi) are just like pictures. This appgivesyou pretty chosen pictures that will help you to think upitsrelative Chinese words (top commonly used) with theirpronunciationprovided. If you learn this app well, you will findyou are gettingto comprehend basic Chinese literature.讓我們一起來認識正體中文之美吧:)Let us feel the art and beauty of traditionalChineseCharacters:)
Chinese Handwriting Recog 1.5.7
Chinese character(Hanja, Kanji) handwriting recognitiondictionaryapp.
탄탄셀렉트(차이나탄) 3.4.0
China Tan was reborn as Tan Tan Select! Chinese conversation,fromHSK to business training in China!
너도나도 한자공부 3.3
너도나도 씨리즈!!한자를 배우는 엡 "너도나도 한자공부" 입니다.한자가 급수별로 되어 있어서 수준별로 재미있게 따라쓸수 있습니다.이전/다음 버튼을 추가하여 쉽게 다음글자로 이동하여 따라 쓸수 있습니다.퀴즈 게임를 통해서 실력을 체크할수 있습니다평가에 좋은 의견 많이 남겨주세요..감사합니다.--- 검색어 ---다국어 어학당 한자 한문 중국 중국어 운모 성모----개발자 연락처 로 메일주세요.부산시 해운대구 우동 1478번지 체크독빌딩 203호Cheerfully series!"Learning kanji Ephesians cheerfully character study".Fun Kanji in water level can write.Easily add a next / previous button to move to the nextcharactercan write.Through a skills check quiz geimreul canTo leave a lot of good feedback rating ..Thank you.--- Query ---Multilingual Kanji Chinese Language Institute in China ChineseMicaSt. Mary's
한자능력시험공부, 획순 필기인식 어문회 한자자격검정시험 1.0.15
최근수정사항 1) 한자 전체리스트 표시 2) 최신기출문제 2회분 추가 3)정답표시한국어문회, 대한검정회의 한자능력검정시험, 한자교육진흥회의 한자자격시험을 급수별로 한자공부할 수 있게 한어플.한자의 음과 훈은 물론이고, 부수 및 획순 까지도 한번에 공부할 수 있습니다.룝또한 필기인식 기능이 포함되어있어,스마트폰을 통해 한자쓰기를 반복적으로 하면서 한자를 암기할 수 있습니다.그리고 한자쓰기를 한 후에, 完자 아이콘을 터치하면, 쓰기를 한 한자가 맞는 지 O, X 표시를 통해서 알수있습니다.한국어문회와 한자교육진흥회의 모든 급수의 한자를 급수별로 구분하여 공부할 수 있습니다.어문회는 8급부터 특급까지, 진흥회는 8급부터 사범등급까지 한자교육기관에서 설정한 모든 한자가 포함되어 있습니다.(어문회한자 5,978자, 진흥회 한자 5,000자 모두 각 기관의 급수별로 구분)또한 각 급수별로 시험 기출문제를 추가했으니, 공부 후 공부 성과를 자체 점검할 수 있습니다.시험 기출문제는 각 급수별로 2~ 3가지 버젼이 랜덤으로 나오도록 되어 있습니다.본 어플로 간편하게 공부하여, 한자능력검정시험 및 한자자격시험에서 좋은 결과 있기를 바랍니다.별도의 한자 책을 구입하지 않고도, 한자자격시험 공부 어플만으로도 충분히 한자공부를 할 수 있게 만들었으니, 한자자격시험에서 좋은 결과를 얻고, 한자로 쓰여진 교재뿐만 아니라 천자문이나 명심보감, 조선왕조실록 같은 고전도 불편함없이읽으시기를 바랍니다.어문회와 진흥회 한자 구분은 상단 우측 메뉴 환경설정에서 체크하면 구분할 수 있습니다.참고로 한국어문회, 한자교육진흥회는 대한검정회와 더불어 우리나라 3대 국가공인 한자자격증 발급기관이며,그중에서도한자능력검정시험 응시자 수가 가장 많은 한자자격증 발급기관입니다. 본 어플은 향후 대한검정회의 급수별 한자뿐만아니라한자성어, 사자성어, 고사성어 등도 DB화하여 추후에 추가할 예정에 있습니다. 책으로 된 교재나 학원 수강 없이본어플로 한자능력자격 검정시험, 한번에 마스터하세요. 한자공부는 이 어플 하나로만 끝낼 수 있도록 지속적인 개정증보하여업데이트하겠습니다.v8에서는 대한검정회 한자를 급수별로 추가했습니다.v11에서는 한자쓰기에서 획순이 잘 나오지 않는 것을 수정했습니다. 부수는 다른 색깔로 표기되게 하였고요.v14에서는 사용자들의 요구사항을 반영하여 1) 한자 전체리스트 2) 문제풀이시 정답 확인할 수있도록수정하였습니다.
한자공부Q 1.0 1.2.41
Aribada Inc.
When I want to memorize all kanji. Learn how to writeessentialChinese characters by level, level, practice quizzes,correctnotes, and more.
Pocket Chn/Eng Dictionary 1.01.34
Chinese Handwriting recognition
왕가네 중국어-리얼 중국어 회화 02.01.00
왕가네 중국어의 설명 ※※※ 왕가네 가족을 통해 배우는 리얼 중국어 학습 어플 ※※※ ※ 왕가네라는 중국 가족을통한실제생활에 근거한 중국어 학습 ※ 초급 30개의 대화문, 중고급 350개의 대화문, 약 8천개의 대화문, 1만개이상의mp3※ 기본중국어 배우기부터, 생활중국어, 중급 및 고급회화에서 비즈니스 회화까지 왕가네 중국어의 모든 중국어문장은100%중국인이 제작합니다. 그렇기에 살아있는 생생한 중국어입니다. 왕가네 6인 가족이 이끌어가는 중국인가족의이야기를 왕가네중국어 어플에 담았습니다. ▶ 특징 및 기능 1. 스토리가 있어 머리속에 쏙쏙 남는 중국어 2.하나의대화문 화면에서문장과 병음, 한국어 뜻, 단어, mp3, 녹음이 모두 가능 3. 지속적으로 update 되는추가대화문(초급 및 중고급모두 향후 지속적인 추가 예정) 4. 왕가네 게시판을 통한 소통의 창구 5. 문장별,대화문전체, 단어까지 음성 mp3제공. 일부는 다운로드 가능 6. 중국어 입문자부터 중고급회화를 원하는 학습자까지 모두공부가능 7. 일반적으로초급회화는 약 10개~15개 사이, 중고급회화는 약20~30개의 문장 제공 ▶ 개발자연락처 ---- 개발자 연락처 : 07040104438
RightNow Chinese Conversation 1.4.1
A total of 30,000 phrases in 12 categories
Learn Chinese - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Chinese 0.81
- Chinese simplified radicals andstrokeorder.
[무료]재미나라-만화한자 1권 1.2.0
8,7 급 한자를 재미있고 쉽게 배울 수 있는 움직이는 한자 학습 만화,[만화한자1권]이 출시되었습니다.소개재재, 미미와 함께 떠나는 한자 대 모험! 움직이는 만화를 보며 자연스럽게 8,7급 한자를 배우는 한자 학습만화애플리케이션입니다.특징(1) 오프라인 만화책을 그대로 옮겨 온듯한 기존의 만화 앱과는 달리 말하고 움직이는 만화책으로, 애니메이션을보듯생생하게 스토리를 즐길 수 있습니다.(2) 한 권 당 다섯 화의 만화가 수록되어 있으며 완결판10권까지 시리즈로 출시될 예정입니다.(3) 만화를 통해 한자의 뜻과 음 , 모양을 자연스럽게 배우게 함으로서 스스로 한자어를 결합하도록 하여 어휘력과조어력을발달시킬 수 있습니다 .(4) 초등 교과 및 일상 생활에서 자주 쓰이는 필수 한자인 8,7급 한자를 중심으로 구성되어 초등 교과에 대한선행학습을 시켜 줍니다.(5) 아이들에게 쉬운 인터페이스 구성으로 언제 어디서나 부모의 도움 없이도 스스로 즐길 수 있습니다.이용시 주의사항(1) 실행시 Adobe AIR(무료)가 필요합니다(미 설치시 최초 1회에 한해 안드로이드 마켓 경유 설치후실행).(2) 디바이스 권장 사양은 OS 2.2(프로요)이상, CPU 1G 이상, RAM 256 이상, 해상도800x480이상입니다.권장 기종:갤럭시S2, 갤럭시(S,K,L), 갤럭시 호핀등구성 내용(1) 만화한자 1권 1~5화----개발자 연락처 :121-904 서울특별시 마포구 상암동 1653번지 한솔교육빌딩8,7-class learningChinesecharacters fun and animated cartoons that you can easilylearnChinese, [1 Cartoon Chinese] has been released.IntroduceRetrocession, the Chinese characters for adventure, leavingwithMimi! Watching the animated cartoon natural 8,7-classChineselearning application to learn Chinese cartoon.Characteristic(1) offline, unlike say a moving comic book and just move onlikethe old cartoon comic book app, you can enjoy the vividlyseenanimated story.(2) one Tuesday per five of the cartoonist has been recordedandwill be released in the series to complete 10 editions.(3) Chinese characters meaning and sound through the cartoon,youcan learn to look natural by developing the vocabularyandjoeoryeok to join the Chinese character for himself.(4) Primary Curriculum and consists mainly of 8,7-gradeChinesecharacters commonly used Chinese characters essential intheeveryday life helps the prior learning of the elementaryschoolcurriculum.(5) with children easy-to-use interface to configure, you canenjoyyourself anytime, anywhere without the help of parents.Precautions(1) The Adobe AIR (free) is required at run time (and only thefirstone when the US installed via the Android Market afterinstallationrun).(2) The device is recommended OS 2.2 (Froyo) or higher, CPU 1Gorhigher, RAM 256 or more, resolution 800x480 or higher.Recommended model: Galaxy S2, Galaxy (S, K, L), etc.GalaxyHoppinConfigure Content(1) Cartoon Chinese 1 1-5 Tuesday
모든 중국어 사전
■ Search all Chinese dictionaries in the world at once~(Previously:Chinese herbal search)
HSK12 Chinese learning English 1.1
I do not want a complex thing! Chinesekanjistudy application is simple and light. Study of the fingerwritingletters of all the words out of random Wait a minute, soevery timethe app runs nalttae it can review the new words.There are four learning methods. First-class and list the new HSK1to 2 out of the whole class can learn Chinese words and PinyinandChinese red pencil icon will study the report and the fingeralongthe blue pencil icon writing Chinese pinyin and how he comesoutonly words To test whether there can memorize and yellowpencilicon Chinese Pinyin and will report directly to the writingmethodof learning. Simple but effective iterative learning islearningChinese can be easily memorized.Chained screen are serrated finger pen icon can be set. You cansetthe thickness of the pen, you can change the color. The colorofthe pen is black, gray, blue, green, light blue, lightpurple,yellow, red, want to change the color, you can use the touchpen.Chained button at the bottom right of the screen is theexitbutton.Hyangsyang memorization and repetition learning is learningforunderstanding the most basic way, and know immediately whethertoreview the city must respond quickly to memorize and beremindedagain. Therefore, in order to repeat the learning, as iftaking theactual exam that you can test the iterative learningmethod isrequired. In this regard, it is noted that in view ofthefollowing."Learning how to study is repeated constantly work hard notonlyon. First look at the problem almost do not know the answer toaproblem solved deulyira close encounter later on, as the answertosolve the problem gamyeonseo obscured the words of the answerpaperor hand to cover a little annoying to have to hide of thestudy,however, an efficient method. while checking the wronganswerswrong so that next time I do not. annoying at first, becauseI hateto repeat the wrong problem, the more the enormous poweroflearning is given. ""Study the issue repeatedly throughout'm releasing yousee.Simyeon extent that the full animation when starting theiransweris to cover the head and hands straight right hand whilecheckingthe release reporting the contents of yourmemorization."Thus, studying Chinese has all the high road is not anyotherstudy. Please exercise consistently repeated. Hsk test alsohelps alot with Chinese painting.
따라쓰는 급수별 한자학습 19.0
Kanji test every day to push! Chinese Proficiency Exam,LearnChinese living Apps!
한자플러스[한자공부, 한자쓰기] 1.9.2
Chinese writing, Chinese studies, kanji quiz, play Chinesekanjiwater
모든 한자 사전
■ 사전 - 네이버 한자 사전 - 네이버 국어 사전 - 다음 한자 사전 - 다음 국어 사전 - 위키피디아 - 윅셔너리-이미지 - 도서 ---- 개발자 연락처 : +821026832433