Top 11 Apps Similar to CApps

CsA E.C.B. - Flechas em Vigas Beta
Aplicativo para a área de engenhariadeestruturas, tendo por objetivo proporcionar a estudanteseprofissionais uma forma rápida e acessível de calculardeflexões,inclinações e linha elástica em vigas, semnecessidadede conexão com a internet, após download e instalaçãoemdispositivos Android.O usuário poderá escolher os modelos de vigas, seu tipodecarregamento (pontual, carga distribuída, momento e etc), eentrarácom com os valores de módulo de elasticidade, momento deinércia,comprimento do vão e o valor da força atuante. O aplicativoretornao cálculo da deflexão, inclinação ou o valor da linhaelástica noponto escolhido pelo usuário na viga.É possível alterar as unidades de medidas de entrada de valoresnomenu configurações, proporcionando uma maior facilidade paraousuário trabalhar com app. Após a inserção dos valorese,independentemente da unidade de medida escolhida, a respostadocálculo é dado no Sistema Internacional de Medidas (SI).Application forthestructural engineering area, aiming to provide studentsandprofessionals a fast and affordable way to calculatedeflections,inclinations and elastic line beams, withoutconnection to the internet, after downloading and installingAndroiddevices.The user can choose the models of beams, its kind of load(punctual,distributed load, time, etc.), and will file with theelasticmodulus values, moment of inertia, the span length andvalue of theactuating force. The application returns thecalculation ofdeflection, slope, or the value of the elastic lineat the pointchosen by the user on the beam.You can change the units of values ​​input measures in thesettingsmenu, providing greater ease for the user to work with app.Afterentering the values, regardless of the selected unit, theresponseof the calculation is given in the International System ofUnits(SI).
SPS Structures 1.0
The SPS application has been developed so that everyone cansolve2Dstructures. Is based on the Direct Stiffness Method (DSM).Thenodesmodel is rigid but you can introduce some degrees offreedomat thebeam extremes. You can create a lot of differents kindofloads,those are: structure weight, nodal loads, loads applied atapointof the beam, loads distributed along the beam andthermalloads. Theapp let you generate different supports, likemovablesupports,hinged supports, fixed supports, elastic supportsand youcan alsointroduce prescribed nodal movements. In addition,you canobtain alot of graphic and numeric results. The graphicresultsare:deflected structure, axial forces curves, shearingforcescurves andbending moment curves. The numeric results arecompoundby differentlists. The application give you a nodes list, alistofdisplacements in different sections along the beam, alistofefforts in different sections along the beam and a completelistofmaximum values in each beam. The SPS application is theresult ofauniversity project. Therefore we reccommend thisappforengineering and architecture students and also foryoungerpeopleinterested in mechanic subjets or new technologies.SPS couldbeinteresting even for engineers when they need tosolveeasystructures. Although the app gives reliable results, theuseyougive to the app will be under your responsability, this appcanbeuse as complement but never as replacement ofcomputersoftware.FEATURES -Steel beams library -Secundary libraryfor yourown beams-Automatic scaling of the entire structure -Beamsandnodesnumeration -Possibility to choose the number ofsectionstoevaluate in each beam -SI units -Pinch zooming -Showandhideelements -Colors definition (background, beams,nodes,loads…)-Possibility to save projects in your device and openitlater-Nodal loads (forces, moments) -loads applied at a pointofthebeam (forces, moments) -loads distributed along thebeam-Thermalloads -Supports (movable, hinged, fixed, elastic,prescribed nodalmovements) -Possibility to introduce degreesoffreedom at the beamextremes -Graphic results (deflectedstructure,axial forcescurves, shearing forces curves and bendingmomentcurves) -Numericresults (The application give you a nodeslist, alist ofdisplacements in different sections along the beam, alistofefforts in different sections along the beam and a completelistofmaximum values in each beam)
Canal do Engenheiro 1.0
Raul Barca
Original and high quality for the student of civilengineeringcontent.
Basics of Civil Engineering Qu 4.3
Tortoises Inc
3000+ Civil Engineering Exam multiple choice practice questions
Mão-de-Obra na Construção 0.0.13
Tables with hand labor (hours / man) used inresidentialconstruction
Civil engineering 1.0
Do you really want to be an civil engineer?If you think that you want to be an civil engineer, youwillneedfirst a help finding out about the type of engineering thatismostconvenient to you.for example:if you choose Chemical engineering and biomedicalengineering,youget as responsibilities to analyze various productsto identifytheirdifferent chemical components and interpret theresults.Computer engineering,work on computerized systems,Electricalengineering it's all about Electricalsystems,Environmentalengineering it is based on the envirement andchangesapplicable tothe latter, and Industrial engineeringIndustrialEngineering willguide you to take responsibility of theMaterialand the prodictionandindustry department,And more...Do any of these sound interesting to you?This application will give you a global understandingaboutciviland Construction engineering,Then, now are you thinking about your dream civil engineeringJobandhow much salary you will earn?Civil engineers have significantly higher startingsalariesthando college graduates with bachelor's degrees inmanyotherfields.This application will help you step by step ot find outthemostinteresting courses to learn and to findjobsopportunitiesavailable in the market and give you a clearideaabout theappropriate salary of all types of engineeringandcivilengineering .So let this application guide through yourfuturesuccessfulengineering career .Faitures- the different steps which are involvedincivilengineering- Structural dynamics- how to find the apt structure design for the equipments- Modern Construction Materials- Geosynthetics and Reinforced Soil Structures- About Civil Engineering- Construction Engineering- Civil Engineering: Designing Bridges- Building Bridges- Mathematical ModelingPlease find all our free android application on thestore.Phoneand tablet design
ebitt Viga Free 1.0
O aplicativo Viga Full determina asreaçõesdevigas isostáticas biapoiadas, com até 3 vãos e 2balanços.Também, apresenta os gráficos do momento fletor edaforçacortante.Fornece o valor do momento máximo e o valor do cortante máximocomasrespectivas posições.As cargas podem ser: concentradas, distribuídasemomentosaplicados.Na versão Free apenas 3 cargas: 1 concentrada, 1 distribuídae1momento aplicado.Observações:- Não existe garantia nos resultados;- Sem anúncios no aplicativo.Paramanualacessar: aplicativos:ebitt Forma Freeebitt Forma Full----------------------ebitt Laje Freeebitt Laje Full----------------------ebitt Sapata Freeebitt Sapata Full----------------------ebitt Concreto Freeebitt Concreto Full----------------------ebitt Bloco 1 Freeebitt Bloco 1 Full----------------------ebitt Bloco 2 Freeebitt Bloco 2 Full----------------------ebitt Bloco 3 Freeebitt Bloco 3 Full----------------------ebitt Bloco 4 Freeebitt Bloco 4 Full----------------------ebitt Bloco 5 Freeebitt Bloco 5 Full----------------------ebitt Viga Freeebitt Viga Full----------------------ebitt Viga Contínua Freeebitt Viga Contínua Full----------------------ebitt Flexo Compressão Freeebitt Flexo Compressão Full##############ebitt Simplexo Freeebitt Simplexo Full------------------------ebittProject Pert FreeebittProject Pert Full------------------------ebitt Fluxo de Caixa Freeebitt Fluxo de Caixa Full------------------------Financial Graphical Calculator FreeFinancial Graphical Calculator Full------------------------ebitt BOM Free - Estrutura de Produtoebitt BOM Full - Estrutura de ProdutoThe VigaFullapplicationdetermines the reactions of isostatic biapoiadasbeamswith up to 3bays and 2 swings.Also, displays the graphics bending moment and shear force.It provides the value of the maximum moment and maximumshearvaluetheir positions.Loads can be: concentrated, distributed and applied moments.In Free version only 3 charges: 1 concentrated, 1distributedandapplied one time.Comments:- There is no guarantee on the results;- No in-app ads.Toaccessmanual: applications:EBITt Free FormEBITt Full Form----------------------EBITt Laje FreeEBITt Full Slab----------------------EBITt shoe FreeEBITt Full Shoe----------------------EBITt Free ConcreteEBITt Full Concrete----------------------EBITt Block 1 FreeEBITt Block 1 Full----------------------EBITt Block 2 FreeEBITt Block 2 Full----------------------EBITt Block 3 FreeEBITt Block 3 Full----------------------EBITt Block 4 FreeEBITt Block 4 Full----------------------EBITt Block 5 FreeEBITt Block 5 Full----------------------EBITt Viga FreeEBITt Viga Full----------------------EBITt Continuous Beam FreeEBITt Continuous Beam Full----------------------EBITt Flexo Free CompressionEBITt Flexo Full Compression##############EBITt simplex FreeEBITt simplex Full------------------------ebittProject Pert FreeebittProject Pert Full------------------------EBITt Free Cash FlowEBITt Full Cash Flow------------------------Financial Graphical Calculator FreeFinancial Graphical Calculator Full------------------------EBITt GOOD Free - Product StructureEBITt GOOD Full - Product Structure
Bridgemate 3.4.3
Real-time information on your results and rankings duringyourbridge games.
CsA Anchor - Dimen. Ancoragens 2.5
Aplicativo para a área deengenhariadeestruturas e geotecnia, tendo por objetivoproporcionaraestudantes e profissionais uma forma rápida eacessível decalcularcapacidade de carga em ancoragens, semnecessidadede conexão com a internet, após download e instalaçãoemdispositivosAndroid.O usuário poderá escolher dois métodos para o cálculo,sendooPorto(2015) e o de Bustamante e Doix. Entrará com com osvaloresdodiâmetro do furo, comprimento do trecho ancorado,valoresobtidospelos ensaios de sondagem (SPT), etc.É possível alterar as unidades de medidas de entrada devaloresnomenu configurações, proporcionando uma maior facilidadeparaousuário trabalhar com app. Após a inserção dosvalorese,independentemente da unidade de medida escolhida, arespostadocálculo é dado no Sistema Internacional de Medidas(SI).Applicationforengineeringstructures and geotechnics, aiming to providestudentsandprofessionals a fast and affordable way to calculateloadcapacity inanchorages, withoutconnection to the internet, after downloading andinstallingAndroiddevices.The user can choose two methods of calculation, and Porto(2015)andthe Bustamante and Doix. Enter with the values ​​oftheholediameter, length anchored stretch values ​​obtainedbyprobingtests (SPT), etc.You can change the units of values ​​input measures inthesettingsmenu, providing greater ease for the user to work withapp.Afterentering the values, regardless of the selected unit,theresponseof the calculation is given in the International SystemofUnits(SI).