Top 12 Games Similar to 台灣猜歌2016

猜歌之王 1.0
疯狂猜歌名(疯狂猜图,疯狂猜成语,疯狂猜对错) 1.1.2
添加了积分墙,以后不用花钱就可以拿金币啦。。。。修复了google 内购,现在可以买金币啦。。。。你的乐感怎么样?你是音乐达人吗?来挑战疯狂猜歌名吧!考验你的耳朵,挑战你的听觉。什么?你只要听一句就知道是什么歌?NONO,咱们来听它的前奏吧……你确定你还能猜得出来?歌曲类别丰富多彩,流行街头的草根音乐,红遍大江南北的劲歌金曲,更有影视作品的代表音乐……持续更新中,等你来挑战!蜂派游戏,带给您非一般的phone&pad游戏!◆官方网站:◆官方邮箱◆新浪微博: wall, did not have to spend money you can getgoldfriends. . . .Fix google insourcing, you can now buy gold coins friends. . . .How about your sense of music? You are the music of peopledo?Guess the title bar to challenge crazy!Test your ears, challenge your hearing.What? As long as you know what to listen to a song? NONO, we cometolisten to it a prelude to it ...... are you sure you canguessit?Song category colorful, popular grassroots street music,popularnorth and south of the Jade Solid Gold, more film andtelevisionwork on behalf of music ...... continuously updated,waiting foryou to challenge!Bee camp games, bring your non-ordinary phone & pad game!◆ Official website:◆ Official E-mail:◆ Sina microblogging:
我爱记歌名 1.4
喜欢听歌的你有福了,我爱记歌词,不需要你会唱,也不需要你有多么动听的嗓音。只要你喜欢听歌。我爱记歌名,融入了当前娱乐元素最为流行的歌曲作为内容,通过聆听歌曲片段来猜歌名,目前共分为最热歌曲、ktv必点、网络红歌、挚爱成名曲、致青春、揪心情歌、神曲、励志歌曲、经典老歌、美丽童声、中国风、摇滚之夜等16类,共计240关,我们拼的只是谁听的歌最多,拼的只是谁会的歌最多,只要你记性好,喜欢听歌,那么你就有可能是冠军!别犹豫了!喜欢听歌的你。一定会爱上这款好游戏!Blessed are youlikethesongs, I love to remember the lyrics, do not you sing, youdonotneed how beautiful voice. As long as you like the songs.I love the song, entertainment element into the currentmostpopularsongs as the content, by listening to song clips toguessthe songtitle, currently divided into the hottest songs, ktvwillpointnetwork red song, love song,, caused by youth, worriedLoveSong,The Divine Comedy, inspirational songs, classicsongs,beautifulChoirs, Chinese style, rock nights 16 categories, atotalof 240off, we just fight who listen to the song the most, whowillfightonly song the most, as long as your memory Well, likethesongs,then you are likely to be the champion!Do not hesitate! Your favorite songs. Will lovethisgreatgame!
经典猜歌词 1.06
你是音乐达人吗?来挑战经典猜歌名吧!考验你的耳朵,挑战你的听觉。什么?你只要听一句就知道是什么歌?NONO,咱们来听它的前奏吧……你确定你还能猜得出来?歌曲类别丰富多彩,流行街头的草根音乐,红遍大江南北的劲歌金曲,更有影视作品的代表音乐……持续更新中,等你来挑战!You are the musicofthepeople? To challenge the classic song guess it! Testyourear,challenge your hearing. What? You just listen to a songyouknowwhat? NONO, we used to listen to it a prelude to it ......areyousure you can guess? The song category colorful,populargrassrootsstreet music, popular in the north and south ofthe JadeSolidGold, more representative of the music videoworks......continuously updated, waiting for you tochallenge!
Guess The Singer - Quiz 1.0
Guess The Singer - Quiz :So, you think you know music? If you are a music fan,thistriviagame is for you!Can you guess the singer from a short song preview?Do you think you're good at music? - Give it a try!Guess The Singer - Quiz is Probably the best Song andMusicquizapp in the world,has finally arrived! Great music, enormous variation of Songsinthissimple but yet addictive music quiz app ever made:Guess The Singer - Quiz - Love Of Music is finally out!Testez vos connaissances dans l’une des catégories suivantes:- The Latest Hits of 2016-2017- Hits du moment- 2000's Hits,- Rap Hit- Hits Musique Country- One Hit Wonders- Love songs- Tubes of Summer- Hard Rock- Cult Rock- Rap, R&B, Hip-Hop et Funk- Singers- Pop music quizThis is PURE, INSTANT and lots of MUSIC FUN - Justdownloadandplay!* guess song or singerFun and Addictive - GUESS THE SONG GAME takes pictureandsongquizzes to a wholenew level!If you are so clever that you successfully complete thegame,donot sit on your laurels,hundreds of characters to guess are coming ever morecomplicatedandfun.Update your application and stay informed by followingourFacebookpage.
Pogodi Pesmu 1.18.0
Great game where you guess the names of Balkan music.
Indovina la canzone Song Game 0.0.11
Metti alla prova le tue competenzemusicaliegioca con la famiglia o gli amici nel tuo salotto, sullatuaTVgrazie al Chromecast con Song Game Tv.Song Game Tv si collega al tuo Chromecast e ti permettedisfidarechi desideri come un gioco da tavolo.Fai partire il gioco e fai partecipare fino a 8amicicollegatiinsieme con il Chromecast. Vota la playlist preferitaefaiiniziare la sfida!MODALITA' DI GIOCO◆ Prenota per primo e indovina l'artista o iltitolodellacanzonePLAYLIST◆ Standard: tutte le canzoni italiane e straniere più famoseenon.Chi cantava "Fatti mandare dalla mamma a prendereillatte"?◆ Cartoons: ritorna bambino e indovina le sigle deituoicartonianimati preferiti.◆ Colonne sonore: Le colonne sonore che hanno accompagnatoituoifilm preferiti, riuscirai a collegare la canzone alfilm?◆ Inni nazionali: Tutte le ore davanti alla tv a guardarelepartiteo le gare saranno utili in questa sfida in cuidovraiindovinare lanazione corretta per ogni inno.SCOPRI NUOVA MUSICA◆ Al termine della partita potrai acquistare tutte le canzonichehaisentito durante il gioco nei migliori store musicali.Ti piace SongGameTv?Diventa fan sulla nostrapaginaFacebook: informeremo su tutte le novità e aspettiamoituoicommenti.Considera questo gioco ancora come BETA,stiamolavorandoquotidianamente per correggere i problemi emiglioraresempre dipiù. Per questo i tuoi commenti sono ancorapiùimportanti.Test yourmusicalskillsand play with family or friends in your living room onyourTVthanks to Chromecasts with Song Game TV.Song Game TV connects to your Chromecast and allowsyoutochallenge those who want as a board game.Start the game and do participate in up to 8friendsconnectedtogether Chromecast. Rate your favorite playlistand youstart thechallenge!GAME MODE◆ Book first and guess the artist or song titlePLAYLIST◆ Standard: all the Italian and foreign songs famous andnot.Whosang "Tell Mama to get milk"?◆ Cartoons: baby back and guess the initials ofyourfavoritecartoons.◆ Soundtrack: The soundtrack that accompanied your favoritefilms,beable to connect the song to the film?◆ National Anthems: All hours in front of the TV watchingthematchesor competitions will be useful in this challenge whereyouhave toguess the correct country for each hymn.DISCOVER NEW MUSIC◆ At the end of the game you can buy all the songs thatyouhearwhile playing the best music stores.Like SongGameTv?Become a fan on ourFacebookpage: will inform you about all the news and look forwardtoyourcomments.Considers this game even as BETA, we are working dailytocorrectproblems and improve more and more. This is whyyourcomments areeven more important.
GUESS Who SING!The new APP challenging you to guess the singer of a song!1200 songs, italian and strangers27 category of song: ballad, rock, best70, best 80, vintageHave a fun27 Category81 Missions03 Statistics
Justin Bieber Emoji Songs Quiz 1.0
Tata Mobile
Can You Guess The Justin Bieber SongFromTheEmoji Lyrics?We spell out the greatest songs for you using only emojis.Canyoucrack the code of each emoji combo? Easy, right?We love emojis as much as the next person so we thoughtwe'dmakea little song quiz for all Justin Bieber fanatics outthere.But canyou decipher the code and prove you're the ultimatefan? Sograbyour emoji magnifying glass - there's many of yourfavestodecode.Your aim is to find the song tittle in the emoji. Enjoydoingyourbest by just guess emoji from songs. Find the correctanswersandfinish the next test. It's nice if you can win everylevel,becausethe game is made very simple.You simply press the alphabet letters are availableunderthecolumn question. If you've correctly answer each questionandyouget a value of one, and so on. Here you will find some oftheemojiand of course your job is to complete every emoji thatwillappearon the screen. If you can answer correctly then you willgetthevalue of coins and if you're need help then you willdecreasethevalue of the coin.We think that you would be stumped by our latestchallenge.Yep,we've translated some of her Justin Bieber songs intoemoji,andnow it's up to you to crack the code. Can you translatethelyricsand come out on top? Emoji Song Quiz On.Disclaimer:• App is for entertainment purposes only, a fan game app.• All trademarks and copyrights are owned bytheirrespectiveowners.• This app is not endorsed by, or affiliated with JustinBieberortheir affiliated entities.
开门大吉 5.0.3
看着央视热播的《开门大吉》 是不是经常为选手着急, 是不是也想挑战一把疯狂猜歌。***********************************************如果喜欢经典英文歌曲请下载英文版:《DoorBellMania》新增网络模式, 海量歌曲上线! 并且每周将新增百首歌曲!新增百余首经典英文歌曲!***********************************************游戏特色:● 内置200首歌曲, 《中国好声音》 《我是歌手》最新曲库● 操作简单, 按响门铃, 听铃声, 猜歌名, 听原音重现● 打开大门, 惊喜不断● 更多网络曲库即将发布Watching the CCTVhit"opendoors" are not always anxious for the players, is notalsowant tochallenge a crazy guess the song.***********************************************If you like classic English songs please downloadtheEnglishversion: "DoorBellMania" network model, on-line mass songs! And will addhundredsofsongs every week!Added hundreds of classic English songs!***********************************************Game Features:● Built-in 200 songs, "The Voice of China", "I am asinger,"thelatest music library● Simple, rang the doorbell, listen to ringtones, guessthesong,listen to sound reproduction● Open the door, constantly surprises● More upcoming network music library
ギタドラ GuitarFreaks & DrumMania 3.1.10
GITADORAとは?バンド体験が楽しめる、ギター&ドラム音楽シミュレーションゲーム。ネックボタンを押さえながらリズムにあわせてピッキングゾーンを弾くギターモードと、リズムにあわせてタップするドラムモードに挑戦しよう!GITADORAとは?バンド体験が楽しめる、ギター&ドラム音楽シミュレーションゲーム。ネックボタンを押さえながらリズムにあわせてピッキングゾーンを弾くギターモードと、リズムにあわせてタップするドラムモードに挑戦しよう!タッチで行う簡単操作!毎日起動するたびに新しい曲が遊べるので、お気に入りの曲がきっと見つかるはず!おもいっきりギターとドラムを楽しもう!!※本アプリは基本無料で遊べますが、課金していただくことにより、より多くの楽曲をプレーすることができるようになります。GITADORA対応OSAndroid 4.0以上動作確認済み端末 SC-04D、SHL21、L-01E、201M、Nexus7、SHL22、SOL24※上記条件を満たしている場合でも、お客様の端末使用状況により正常に動作しないことがあります。JASRAC許諾番号:9008060288Y43030The GITADORA?Band experience is enjoyable, guitar &drummusicsimulationgame.And guitar mode playing the picking zone to matchtherhythmwhileholding the neck button, and try to challenge thedrummode totapthe rhythm!The GITADORA?Band experience is enjoyable, guitar &drummusicsimulationgame.And guitar mode playing the picking zone to matchtherhythmwhileholding the neck button, and try to challenge thedrummode totapthe rhythm!Easy operation to be performed in Touch!Since the play is a new song every time you starteveryday,shouldyour favorite songs is sure to find!Fullest and enjoy the guitar and drums! !※ This app can play in basic free, by for you tocharge,youwillbe able to play more music.GITADORA corresponding OSAndroid 4.0 or higherTested terminalSC-04D, SHL21, L-01E, 201M, Nexus7, SHL22, SOL24※ Even if you meet the above conditions, youmaynotoperatenormally due to your terminal usage.JASRAC license number:9008060288Y43030
あのうた~あの4枚の絵が表す歌の名前を僕はまだ思い出せない~ 1.0