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Sales Tracker 2.2.6
Sales Tracker is a handy tool for you to manage salesandprofit.Sales Tracker provides friendly UI to enter sales ofproductorservice easily. You can import sales record from ebay,market, csv file. You can view sales record and profitbyweekly,monthly, and yearly profit trends with bar chart andlinechart.[Features] 1. Trace sales and profit with daily,weekly,monthlyand yearly 2. Add/delete/edit sales record 3. Importsales,itemfrom csv file 4. Sort/filter sales record 5. Bar chartandlinechart (require internet) 6. Sales report in csv, html andexcelxml7. Export/Email sales report 8. Backup and restore databasetoSDcard, Dropbox™ and Google Docs 9. Auto backup database toSDcardwhen exiting the app 10. Auto backup database toDropbox™whenexiting the app 11. Manageable currency 12.Configurable firstdayof week 13. Configurable date format, timeformat 14.Passwordprotection 15. Add new record with default value16.Default emailaddress for receiving report 17. Share databasewithmultipledevices by using Dropbox™ 18. more... ※ If you liketheapp, thenplease give us a good rating as the driving forcebehindourcontinued development, thank you. ※ Since we can't replyreviewsinthe market, if you have any suggestions or questionsplease mailtoour mailbox directly. For market reviews, please justleaveyourrating and cheers, thanks again. kw: sales logger, saleslog,salestracking, sales track, track sales, track profit,salesreport,sales management, profit tracker, profit logger,profittrack,sale, sales
Sales Tracker 11.09
SoftMiMo LLC.
Sales Tracker is included in Balance Book. Perfect solution tokeeptrack sales and profits. ---Feature list:--- • Passwordprotection• Select from 37 most used currencies • Configurablefirst day ofthe week • Database back up to SD card, Dropbox™ andEmail. •Database restore from SD card or Dropbox™. • Local autodatabasebackup • Online auto database backup • Share database withmultipledevices by using Dropbox™ • Export/Send report in CSV orHTMLformat. Report file can be sent to Dropbox™ and Google Docs iftheapps for them are installed. • Unlimited number ofproduct/serviceitems • Auto update unit price • Auto default values• Duplicatesales record • Yearly/Monthly/Weekly/Daily summary •Monthly/WeeklyCharts • Support 4 popular date formats. • Supportboth 12 and 24hour time formats. • Install and run from SD card(for Android 2.2and above) -More... ---System requirements:--- -OS:Android v2.1 orabove -Physical Resolution: 320x480(HVGA),480x800(WVGA800),480x854(WVGA854), 540x960, 800x600, 1024x600,1280x800 and otherresolutions -Perfect for Android smart phone andtablet ---Thingsyou should know--- • App developer doesn'tparticipate in thepurchase and download process, if you haveproblems with creditcard authorization, charge, double charge,download failures, wehave no way to help you, you'll need to checkthe Google technicalhelp forum. • Update is always free, Googlecontrols charging andit WILL NOT charge for update. ---Contactus:--- Provided by FrankAndroid Software @ free to contact usvia email. We have excellent support recordand no question will beignored.
Sales Management 4.20.27
Digital Step
Manage store, manage fashion store, manage shop, Sales management
Sales Manager 7.3.0
The Sales Manager is a powerful tool for producing salesinvoicesinthe field. It is a cloud based, multi-user client serversystem,andVanguard Software provides various server options. Theclientcanrun on an Android or iOS phone or tablet, and it alsorunsonChromebooks. The apps are free. They are not trialversions,andthey have no expiry date. They fully functional, thoughthereare anumber of paid extras. They can also be used as standaloneapps,though various restrictions apply. The Sales Manager isfasterandmore accurate than traditional paper-based methods, andcanhandlelarge amounts of data. Invoices can be printed on aWi-Fiprinter,and barcodes can be scanned from any Android devicewith abuilt incamera. The salesman does not have to lug around aheavylaptop –he only needs the phone that he already carries. TheSalesManageris designed to run on just about any iPhone orAndroidphone, andcan be used even on devices with small screens. Ithas arichgraphical user interface, which makes it easy to learn andtouse.The application uses a highly scalable SQLite database,andallqueries are indexed. It can handle large numbers ofcustomersandproducts, with little or no loss of performance. TheSalesManagercan adapt to match most business situations,andautomaticallyformats dates and prices according to thecurrentlocale. It alsohas a flexible business model that includessupportfor multipleprice lists and variable tax rates. It can beused forreturns andrefunds, as well as invoices. KEY FEATURES •Fastresponse to userinput • Highly scalable database • Easy tolearn •Simple userinterface • Barcode scanning • Invoice printing •Webservices •Multiple price lists • Variable tax rates
Putler Now 2.4.0
Putler Now connects with Putler fordesktop(the best sales analytics app in the universe) and showsyoudetailed analytics of your sales on your mobile device.Putler desktop automatically downloads transactioninformationfrom PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout, Authorize.Net,BigCommerce,SagePay, Shopify, WooCommerce, Etsy, eBay and manyothers... Thendoes complex data crunching to give you simple andvaluableinsights on your business.People have said Putler is like "an X-ray vision formybusiness".With Putler Now, you get an up to date summary of yourbusinessfor the current month.*BENEFITS*Here's what you will get with Putler Now:• Simple, Automatic sync with your payment gateway ore-commercesolution (via Putler Desktop)• Insightful Summary Statistics – current account balance,today'ssales, month to date sales, forecast, target vsachievement• Sales, Products and Customer Tracking – beautiful trendcharts,key performance indicators and table listing• Discover top products, refund rates, average revenue percustomer,customer loyalty plus a lot more-- CUSTOMER REVIEWSCustomers are already raving about Putler:• The value it adds is to be able to have a quick snapshot ofwhatis going on money wise in my business. This is HUGE for me, andILOVE it!• Awesome!!! Very easy to use and setup.• This is as solid as Google's Analytics. Must have!Visit our website for more information on Putler and doleaveyour reviews here.
Base CRM
Base CRM is the sales tracking app youalwayswanted. By streamlining your contacts and sales into asimple,mobile workflow, Base CRM makes growing your businesseasy.Manage your contacts, track sales, log calls or create tasksallfrom your Android phone or tablet. Then watch as all ofyourchanges are instantly synced with the Base CRM web The next generation CRM allows you to easilycaptureinformation during or after meetings and carry your salesdata withyou everywhere you go.Base for Android is 100% free. It allows you to track up to 50salesopportunities in your sales pipeline. However, the webversion islimited to a 14-day trial with pricing starting at$25/month. Thismeans you're able to use Base on your Androiddevice for as long asyou'd like, for free.EASY CRM AND SALES MANAGEMENTAt Base, we believe that CRM software should beintelligent,friendly, and by your side everywhere your businesstakes you. Witha highly usable interface, Base is the first post-PCCRM tochallenge the stale business software landscape. Effortlesslygrowyour business, no matter how crazy things get.Features:-Native tablet app-Use Geolocation to map your customers and salesopportunities-Sync all of your notes, contacts and deals across the computersanddevices you use-Automatically log calls, then create a note or task to documentthecall-Capture leads or contacts while you’re on the go and managethemthrough your sales pipeline-Add tasks and reminders so you always remember to follow up-See the latest updates from your colleagues-And much much more...This application uses Google Analytics to anonymously trackusagedata within the application.ACCOLADESReadWrite: “Very neat and clean UI that is immediatelyobvious,something that Salesforce and other more complex CRM toolscan'tclaim.” (Aug, 2011)TMCnet: “No more complicated forms, consultant customizationandever-increasing license fees.” (Oct, 2011)TechCrunch: "It’s deceptively simple to use but actuallyprettypowerful in its simplicity."What are you waiting for? Get your free Base account today tostartgrowing your business.
SimiTracking - Magento App 2.2
You are busy and often work while away fromtheoffice? You always want to find a good way to keep eyes onyoure-store without sticking to the laptop all the time?SimiTrackingis for you.It’s a free native app for Magento stores which helps tofollowsales statistics anywhere at anytime with no datasharingrequirements from the third party!Just tap and all necessary detailed reports on best sellers,ordersand customers are at your fingertips.For more information, please visit:
Salesteam Tracker 1.6
Improve your sales team performance withSalesTeam Tracker. The data of sales team provided by Sales TeamTrackerassures that your most valuable investment i.e. your salesteam- isgiving their best and empowering you to make bigdecisions.Companies go through some very common problems regarding theirSalesTeam. Some of them are: Salesmen generally do not utilize the whole time in fruitfulwork,they sometime indulge in talking for hours or go somewhereelse forpersonal use etc. this is how they do misuse oftime. If they have any app installed by their company to keep trackthenthey logout or check-out from app so that particular durationcan’tbe tracked and they give excuse of network problem. Sometimes to hide their blunders, they use excuses like ‘mybikewas punctured’ or ‘my bike was out of petrol’ etc. and theManagerof company head need to consider it as truth due to lackofproof. If manager or company head want to assign any urgent tasktosalesman which has high priority then how to do it? How to manage if any high priority task is assigned toanysalesman and he/she can’t accomplish it due to someurgency? It is always clumsy to track and manage the reports likewhatsalesman has done the whole day, their attendances, assignedtaskshave been accomplished or not etc.Company owners or managers quite frequently face these problems.Ifthe problems are arisen then solution needs to be invented andwehave invented it.The only solution is Sales Team Tracker. Let’s see how: Sales Team Tracker facilitates you to track all yoursalesmenevery time and every moment during working hours once theycheck invia app. Their each and every location, distance coveredinspecific time and real time GPS location is tracked by SalesTeamTracker. Salesman can’t give excuse of network problem because inthiscase, Sales Team Tracker app saves all the locations inlocaldatabase and transfer that data to server database when thenetworkresumes. Sales Team Tracker has a feature through which you canclickinstant photo of any happening and send it to server by addinganycomment for the same so that salesman can’t lie. Company head and manager can easily assign tasks to salesmenanytime with setting priority and the concerned salesman willthealert for same. If the salesman can’t accomplish the high priority task rightnowthen he can quickly transfer it another salesman withaddingcomments so that it can be accomplished on time. Company owner and manager can track the whole day reports,tasksassigned, attendance of salesmen only by sitting atoneplace.Except this, it has more features like salesmen can create newleadsthrough the app if they find something interesting. Companiescanpurchase our subscription plans according to their requirementandif they want a customized one then we are prepared for thattoo.Note - For signup
PlayMaker Spark 21.8.1
PlayMaker Spark Mobile allows sales representatives toeasilyaccessup-to-date information related to critical referralsourceprofiles,scheduled events, and previous visit and call noteswhileworking inthe field, even without an Internet connection.Entervisit and callnotes, schedule events, and enterexpensesthroughout the day, andsync any new information to yourPlayMakeraccount when connectivitybecomes available. Forsalesrepresentatives, sales associates,account executives,clinicalliaisons. PlayMaker Spark Mobile is agame-changer for yoursalesteam, with features like: * Customizablesales activity feed*Real-time referral module * Expense modulewith photo receipts*Revolutionary drag & drop calendar *Physician andfacilitytargeting data * Real-time sales goals andstats *QuickNotes forcalls and visits * And so much more!
iCRM 1.1.10
iCRM - рабочий инструмент для менеджеровпопродажам с возможностью работы, как в online так и offlineрежимах.Решение предназначено для оперативной работы менеджеров попродажамс доступом к следующей информации:- клиентская база с контактной информацией и возможностьюпозвонить,отправить sms-сообщение и написать письмо по «одномуклику»- календарь запланированных взаимодействий с клиентами и Списокделв котором отражены жестки и гибкие задачи менеджера- отражение интереса клиента с возможностьювыставлениякоммерческого предложения и отправки его на согласованиевцентральную CRM систему- выполнение задач по бизнес-процессам в которых участвуетменеджер,как исполнитель- постановка поручений другим сотрудникам компании иотражениявыполнения поручений, где исполнителем являетсяменеджер- прикрепление аудио записи, фотографий и видео записейприрегистрации взаимодействий с клиентами и отправкой их вцентральнуюCRM систему- отправка из решения прайс-листа по emailРешение может использоваться самостоятельно, но в первую очередьонопредназначено для совместной работы с аналитическими CRMсистемамиразработанными на платформе 1С:Предприятие(1C:CRM).iCRM - working toolforsales managers with the ability to work both online andofflinemodes. The solution is designed for operational salesmanagers withaccess to the following information:- Customer base with contact information and the ability tocall,send sms-message and write a letter to the "one-click"- Calendar of planned interactions with customers and to-dolistthat reflects the rigid and flexible task manager- A reflection of the interest of the client with the possibilityofissuing quotation and send it for approval to the centralCRMsystem- Tasks for business processes that involve the manager, asaperformer- Production orders to other employees of the company andreflectperformance of assignments where the performer is themanager- Attach audio recordings, photos and video recordingsduringregistration interactions with clients and sending them tothecentral CRM system- Sending of the decision price list via emailThe solution can be used alone, but primarily it is intended toworktogether with the analytical CRM systems are designed ontheplatform 1C: Enterprise (1C: CRM).