Top 11 Apps Similar to Tao Reader

Tao Te Ching 1.04
The Tao Te Ching was originally a shorttextofaround 5,000 Chinese characters in 81 brief chaptersorsectionscomprised of two parts, the "Tao Ching" and the "TeChing".The written style is laconic, has few grammaticalparticles,andencourages varied, even contradictory interpretations.Theideasare singular and the style poetic.It has been a source of inspiration to many, andBarrageSoftwareproudly presents all 81 English-translated chapterstoyou, in thepalm of your hand, for free!This Version includes:+ Translated version released under the GPL v1.0.+ Widget that displays a chapter a day (Can bechangedundersettings).+ Chapter selection screen.+ Go back and forth between chapters.+ Post chapter to your Facebook wall.
Tao Te Ching 2.0
Spirit Apps
Tao Te Ching by Lao-Tse
The Spoken Tao Te Ching FREE 1.45
Spirit Apps
The Tao Te Ching, Daodejing, or Dao DeJingalsosimply referred to as the Laozi, is a Chinese classictext.Accordingto tradition, it was written around the 6th centuryBC bythe sageLaozi (or Lao Tzu, "Old Master"), a record-keeper attheZhou Dynastycourt, by whose name the text is known in China.Thetext's trueauthorship and date of composition or compilationarestill debated,although the oldest excavated text dates back tothelate 4th centuryBC.* Fullscreen mode.* Easy and simple to use layout with page animations.* Choose from a wide variety of customisable themes.* Small lightweight size.* Contains advertisements from support of this application visit
Tao Te Ching PRO 1.0
Spirit Apps
The Tao Te Ching is a sacredTaoistscriptureauthored by Lao-Tze in the 6th Century BC. Itdealswithrealisations into 'Tao' and eastern philosophy.Program Features:* Full version of the Tao Te Ching in Englishtranslation(JamesLegge).* Easy and simple to use layout with page animations.* Choose from a wide variety of customisable themes.* Small lightweight size.For support of this application visit
道德经 3.0.1
《道德经》,原名《老子》,由战国时期道家学派整理而成,记录了春秋晚期思想家老子的学说。是中国古代先秦诸子分家前的一部著作,为其时诸子所共仰,是道家哲学思想的重要来源。道德经分上下两篇,原文上篇《德经》、下篇《道经》,不分章,后改为《道经》在前,《德经》在后,并分为81章。是中国历史上首部完整的哲学著作。《德经》在前是谓先修自身心意,后《道经》是谓以身心精进,在体悟道之所传。"Moral",formerly known as "I", by the Taoist school gathered fromtheWarring States period, recording the late Spring and AutumnthinkerI doctrine. Qin philosophers in ancient China, theseparation of abook before its time philosophers of belief, is animportant sourceof Taoist philosophy. Moral points up and down two,the originalarticle on "De Jing", next "Tao Jing", divided intochapters, laterrenamed the "Tao Jing" in front, "De Jing" in thepost, and isdivided into 81 chapters. Ministry of the history ofChina's firstcomprehensive philosophy."De Jing" is that the former pre own mind, after the "Tao Jing"iscalled to mind sophisticated in understanding the Taoofpreaching.
道德經(註釋/注音/朗讀) 1.0.9
流傳千年的道家經典,道法自然。1.全文注音:每一個漢字上都有注音,閱讀起來相當方便2.全文註釋:每一章都有詳細注解,展示道德經的精髓3.有聲朗讀:可以設定朗讀方式單章朗讀、單章迴圈、全文朗讀、全文迴圈4.全文檢索:可通過標題、內容搜索。《道德經》,又稱《道德真經》、《老子》、《五千言》、《老子五千文》,是中國古代先秦諸子分家前的一部著作,為其時諸子所共仰,傳說是春秋時期的老子(即李耳,河南鹿邑人)所撰寫,是道家哲學思想的重要來源。道德經分上下兩篇,原文上篇《德經》、下篇《道經》,不分章,後改為《道經》37章在前,第38章之後為《德經》,並分為81章。是中國歷史上首部完整的哲學著作。《道德經》作為一部文約,義豐,歷來被學人們稱為“哲理詩”,從深層次對社會、人生等問題深入思考,而且無論古代還是當代,不論中國還是國外,都是影響巨大的哲學著作。國學經典巨著,兒童早教的少兒教材,寶寶啟蒙的優質電子書Millenniumspread Taoist classics, Nature.1 full text phonetic: each character has a phonetic, it isquiteeasy to read(2) the full text Note: Each chapter has detailed notes, showingtheessence of the Tao Te Ching3 audio reading: reading mode can be set to read a single chapter,asingle chapter loop, the text read aloud the text of theloop4 Full text search: by title, content search."Moral", also known as "moral Scriptures", "I", "thousandwords","Laozi text", is an ancient Chinese writings before theseparationof the pre-Qin philosophers, thinkers of belief when its, thelegend is Laozi Spring and Autumn Period (ie Lier, HenanLuyiperson) written, is an important source of Taoist philosophy.Moraland down two points, on the original article "De Jing", next"Dao",regardless of chapter, later renamed the "Dao" the formerChapter37, Chapter 38 after the "De Jing", and points Chapter 81.IsChina's first full-length history of philosophy."Moral" as a covenant, Yi Feng, science has always been knownasthe "philosophical poem" deeper social life and other issuestothink deeply, and whether ancient or contemporary, whetherChineseor foreign, are tremendous impact on philosophy.Chinese classics masterpiece, children's earlychildhoodteaching, enlightenment quality baby books
El Dào Dé Jing (Chino: 道德經, Tao TeChing,también llamado Tao Te King), cuya autoría se atribuye aLaozi (WGLao Tzu, también trasliterado como Lao Tse, "ViejoMaestro"), es untexto clásico chino. Su nombre procede de laspalabras con las queempiezan cada una de sus dos partes: 道 dào "elcamino", la primeradel Capítulo 1, y 德 dé "virtud", o "poder", laprimera del Capítulo38, con el añadido 經 jīng, "libro clásico".Según la tradición, fueescrito alrededor del siglo VI a. de C. porel sabio Laozi, unarchivista de la corte de la dinastía Zhou, porcuyo nombre seconoce el texto en China. Las verdaderas autoría yfecha decomposición o de compilación del libro son aún objeto dedebate.Este texto es uno de los fundamentos del taoísmo filosóficoytuvo una fuerte influencia sobre otras escuelas, como ellegalismoy el neoconfucianismo. Tiene un papel importante en lareligiónchina, relacionado no sólo con el taoísmo religioso, sinotambiéncon el budismo, que cuando se introdujo por primera vez enChinafue interpretado usando en gran medida palabras yconceptostaoístas.En China la filosofía de la naturaleza y la visión delmundoestán impregnadas del pensamiento taoísta y así muchosartistas,pintores, calígrafos y hasta jardineros han usado estelibro comofuente de inspiración. Su influencia se ha esparcidotambién másallá del Lejano Oriente, ayudada por las muchastraduccionesdiferentes del texto a lenguas occidentales.The Tao Te Ching(Chinese:道德 經, Tao Te Ching, also called Tao Te Ching), whoseauthorship isattributed to Laozi (WG Lao Tzu, also trasliterado asLao Tzu, "OldMaster") is a Chinese classic text. Its name comesfrom the wordsthat begin each of its two parts: dào 道 "way", thefirst of Chapter1, and give 德 "virtue" or "power", the first ofChapter 38 with thejīng 經 added, "classic book". According totradition, it was writtenaround the sixth century. BC by the sageLaozi, an archivist at thecourt of the Zhou dynasty, by whose namethe text is known in China.The true authorship and date ofcomposition or compilation of thebook are still under discussion.This text is one of the foundations of philosophical Taoismandhad a strong influence on other schools, such as LegalismandNeo-Confucianism. It has an important role in Chinese religion,notonly related to religious Taoism, but also with Buddhism,whichwhen first introduced into China was largely interpretedusingTaoist words and concepts.In China the philosophy of nature and worldview areimpregnatedof Taoist thought and so many artists, painters,calligraphers, andeven gardeners have used this book asinspiration. Its influencehas also spread beyond the Far East,aided by the many differenttranslations of the text into Westernlanguages.
Ensinamentos do TAO 1.0
Aplicativo desenvolvido com ointuitodeespalhar pelo mundo os conhecimentos do taoismo,comseusensinamentos separados por capítulo,possuindo também aopçãodecompartilhamento dos ensinamentos do taoismo paravocêtambémajudar a espalhar esses conhecimentos pelo mundoApplicationdevelopedinorder to spread around the world the knowledge ofTaoism, withitsteachings separated by chapter, but also have theoption tosharethe teachings of Taoism for you also help spreadthatknowledgearound the world
Tao Te Ching 1.0
THIS BOOK IS IN PUBLIC DOMAINTao Te Ching - Laozi--FEATURES--*Book divided in chapters for easy reading*Day/Night option*Font size and color option*Bookmark option*Flip pages like real book
Tao Te Ching (Português) 1.2
*** Tem alguma sugestão de livro? Deixenoscomentários! ***O Tao Te Ching ou Dao de Jing, comumente traduzido como OLivrodo Caminho e da Virtude, é uma das mais conhecidas eimportantesobras da literatura da China. Foi escrito entre 350 e250 a.C.1 .Sua autoria é, tradicionalmente, atribuída a Lao Tzi(literalmente,"Velho Mestre"), porém a maioria dos estudiososatuais acredita queLao Tzi nunca existiu e que a obra é, naverdade, uma reunião deprovérbios pertencentes a uma tradição oralcoletiva versando sobreo tao (a "realidade última" douniverso).A obra inspirou o surgimento de diversas religiões e filosofias,emespecial o taoismo e o budismo chan (e sua versão japonesa,ozen).Have a suggestion***book? Leave in the comments! ***The Tao Te Ching or Dao de Jing, commonly translated as TheBookof the Way and Virtue, is one of the best known and mostimportantworks of literature in China. It was written between 350and 250a.C.1. Its authorship is traditionally attributed to LaoTzi(literally "Old Master"), but most scholars today believe thatLaoTzi never existed and that the work is actually a meetingofproverbs belonging to a collective oral tradition dealing ontheTao (the "ultimate reality" of the universe).The work inspired the emergence of various religionsandphilosophies, particularly Taoism and Buddhism chan (anditsJapanese, Zen).