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John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible A classic commentary ontheOldand New Testaments, complete and unabridged. Written inaclear,lucid style, it combines a profound reverence for theBiblewith arare objectivity in its exegesis. One of themostinfluential biblescholars of all time, John Calvin,althoughcontroversial, is a forceto be reckoned with. Hiscommentariesreflect an incredible commandof the Scriptures, as hesought tointegrate the entirety of itsteaching by combining asolidexegetical method with a pastoralinsight that is oftenneglectedin commentaries today. Calvin strikesa balance betweenpassion andrestraint, often infusing his writingwith a distinctquality ofcontrolled intensity. Scholars nowrecognize Calvin asabove allelse a teacher. He sought to open theWord of God inscripture tothe common people from whom, he believed,the Bible hadbeenwithheld by the scholastics, monks and priests ofthe Romanchurch.By recapturing scripture's simple, genuine andnaturalsense,Calvin returned scripture to its rightful place inthechurch. Hissole object as a teacher was "to lay down a pathwaytothe readingof sacred Scripture for the simple and uneducated."JohnCalvin(Middle French: Jean Cauvin; 10 July 1509 -- 27 May 1564)wasaninfluential French theologian and pastor duringtheProtestantReformation. He was a principal figure in thedevelopmentof thesystem of Christian theology later calledCalvinism.Originallytrained as a humanist lawyer, he broke from theRomanCatholicChurch around 1530. After religious tensions provokedaviolentuprising against Protestants in France, Calvin fledtoBasel,Switzerland, where in 1536 he published the first editionofhisseminal work Institutes of the Christian Religion. Calvinwasatireless polemic and apologetic writer whogeneratedmuchcontroversy. He also exchanged cordial and supportiveletterswithmany reformers including Philipp MelanchthonandHeinrichBullinger. In addition to the Institutes, hewrotecommentaries onmost books of the Bible as well astheologicaltreatises andconfessional documents, and he regularlygave sermonsthroughoutthe week in Geneva. Calvin was influenced bytheAugustiniantradition, which led him to expound the doctrineofpredestinationand the absolute sovereignty of God insalvation.Calvin's writingand preachings provided the seeds for thebranch oftheology thatbears his name. The Presbyterian and otherReformedchurches, whichlook to Calvin as a chief expositor oftheirbeliefs, have spreadthroughout the world. Calvin's thoughtexertedconsiderableinfluence over major religious figures andentirereligiousmovements, such as Puritanism, and somepoliticalhistorians haveargued that his ideas have contributed tothe riseof capitalism,individualism, and representative democracyin theWest.