Top 40 Apps Similar to Trillionaire Mindset: Wealth

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind 2.7
AJ Educators
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind (1963) asserts that ourouterworld is a reflection of our subconscious mind. The bookprovidespractical insights on the workings of the subconscious mindas wellas on how to focus and redirect its energies. The author,Dr.Joseph Murphy (1898 – 1981) was a writer, minister and one ofthekey proponents of the ‘New Thought’ movement. The Conscious&the Subconscious Mind “There are two levels of yourmind—theconscious (rational) and the subconscious (irrational). Youthinkwith your conscious mind, and whatever you habitually thinksinksdown into your subconscious mind, which creates according tothenature of your thoughts. ” “Once the subconscious mind acceptsanidea, it begins to execute it. It is an interesting andsubtletruth that the law of the subconscious mind works for goodand badideas alike.” “You will get a reaction or response fromyoursubconscious mind according to the nature of the thought orideayou hold in your conscious mind.” “You must remember that thesearenot two minds. They are merely two spheres of activity withinonemind. Your conscious mind is the reasoning mind. It is thatphaseof mind, which chooses. For example, you choose your books,yourhome, and your partner in life. You make all your decisionswithyour conscious mind.” “On the other hand, without anyconsciouschoice on your part, your heart is kept functioningautomatically,and the process of digestion, circulation, andbreathing arecarried on by your subconscious mind through processesindependentof your conscious control.” “Your subconscious mindaccepts what isimpressed upon it or what you consciously believe.It does notreason things out like your conscious mind, and it doesnot arguewith you… it responds according to the nature of yourthoughts orsuggestions. ” . . . The Captain and His Ship Theconscious mind islike the navigator or captain at the bridge of aship… he directsthe ship and signals orders to men in the engineroom, who in turncontrol all the boilers, instruments, gauges,etc.” “The men in theengine room do not know where they are going;they follow orders.They would go on the rocks if the man on thebridge issued faultyor wrong instructions based on his findingswith the compass,sextant, or other instruments. ” “The men in theengine room obeyhim because he is in charge and issues orders,which areautomatically obeyed. Members of the crew do not talk backto thecaptain; they simply carry out orders. The captain is themaster ofhis ship, and his decrees are carried out. ” “Likewise,yourconscious mind is the captain and the master of your ship,whichrepresents your body, environment, and all your affairs.Yoursubconscious mind takes the orders you give it based upon whatyourconscious mind believes and accepts as true. ” . . . The PowerofSuggestion ‘One of the basic laws of the mind: Your subconsciousisamenable to suggestion.’ “A suggestion is the act or instanceofputting something into one’s mind, the mental process by whichthethought or idea suggested is entertained, accepted, or putintoeffect.” “Different people will react in different ways to thesamesuggestion because of their subconscious conditioning orbelief.”“…your conscious mind has the power to reject thesuggestiongiven.” “The suggestions of others in themselves haveabsolutely nopower over you except the power that you give themthrough your ownthoughts. You have to give your mental con-sent;you have toentertain the thought. Then, it becomes your thought,and you dothe thinking. Remember, you have the capacity to choose.”
WealthBuilders Community 7.6.10
Everyone deserves to obtain wealth, and we are showing you howtodoit. The Wealth Builders app is the official platform fortheWealthBuilders Community powered by Empify. This communityisfilled withthousands of working professionals andentrepreneurswho, just likeyou, are looking for the support neededto growfinancially.Learning how to grow your wealth can bechallenging attimes, so theWealth Builders Community gives you thetools,resources, andsupport needed, so that you can achievefinancialfreedom, creategenerational wealth, and become confidentinmanaging, saving, andinvesting your money. Join us in theWealthBuilders app to: +Surround yourself with otherentrepreneurs,working professionals,students and parents who arelearning how tobuild wealth like you +Get 24/7 access to onlinecourses andfinancial tools that will behoused in your personallibrary + Getexclusive financial insightand round-the-clock supportfromfinancial experts who make learningabout money lessintimidating +Get access to the step-by-stepinvestment educationfor those whoare just starting and for thosewho have alreadystarted investing+ Get access to monthly contentand discussionsthat give youpractical tools for managing, saving,and investingyour money +Get exclusive access to LIVE Q+A andgroup coachingsessions whereyou can get all your questionsanswered + Be able toparticipate inmonthly challenges + Get dailyfinancial newsbreakdowns anddiscussions + Get access to ourmonthly Money &Mentality BookClub + Get access to communityevents, roundtablediscussions, andin-personal meetups + Get themotivation and supportyou need topush through your financial upsand downs + Get VIPAccess so thatyou are the first to getdiscounts and early access toclasses,merchandise, guides, andevents The Wealth BuilderCommunitymembers come together to gainthe knowledge and support ontopicslike: + The Stock Market + RealEstate Investing + Saving+Creating Additional Income +Entrepreneurship + Paying DownDebt…and much more. To learn more,visit:––WealthBuilders offers a $7.99monthly subscription plan or$84.99annual subscription plan. Whenpurchasing a subscriptionyouriTunes account will only be chargedat purchase confirmationorafter the end of your free trial, ifavailable.Subscriptionsauto-renew unless cancelled 24 hrs prior toperiod end.You canmanage your subscription or turn offauto-renewal in youriTunesAccount settings after purchase. Termsof
The Growth Mindset 12.0
Our mindset plays an important role in determining achievementandsuccess.
Beginner Real Estate Investing 13.0
Looking for a passive income strategy, Real Estate Investing isforyou!
The Power of Positive Thinking 2.9
AJ Educators
Mastering the Problems of Everyday Living
BOOK The Power of Your Subconscious Mind BY Dr. Joseph Murphy
Think and Grow Rich 1.2
AJ Educators
About Think And Grow Rich (1937) is one of the best-sellingbooksofall time. It examines the psychological power of thoughtandthebrain in the process of furthering your career forbothmonetaryand personal satisfaction. Enjoy the summary ofthisall-timeself-help classic! BOOK SUMMARY TowardsSuccessConsciousness “Youare the master of your fate, the captainof yoursoul." Think AndGrow Rich is a state of mind. It exploitsthe powerof thought tomanifest strong desires and a definitepurpose intoreality.Turning your all-consuming obsession (definitepurpose)into areality is not an easy task. However, if the desireis strongandyou’re willing to raise the stakes, you will win.Theauthorprojects the following formula: Desire + Ideas + Plans+MassiveAction = Success Start with your goal. What do youreallywant? Abetter job? To succeed in your current career? To workforabusiness leader who inspires you? To achieve thatgoal,shiftingyour thinking from failure consciousness tosuccessconsciousnessis the key. For this to happen, the question‘how do Iget a job?’needs to change into ‘what can I give to ajob?’, and‘how do I getmore dollars per hour?’ into ‘how do I givemoreenergy, desire,focus?’ To get from where you are to where youwantto be, theauthor highlights: “Never quit. Never give up.Focus.Seek help.Make new connections. Take different approaches.Seekadditionalresources to help you improve your job searchskills.Persist andfind people who can help you to achieve yourgoals.” Keytakeaways• The book exploits the power of thought tomanifeststrong desiresand a definite purpose into reality. • Faithis theglue that holdsit all together. • Every achievement startswith astrong desire,workshopped to reality through imagination,followedby anorganised plan. • Successful people reach decisionspromptlyanddefinitely, changing their mind slowly. • Lack ofpersistenceisone of the major causes of failure. • To acquire greatpower&succeed, you need the help of a mastermind. •Sexualdrive,transmuted into creative and productive outlets, can beapowerfulforce for success. • Fear is just a state of mind. Itissubject tocontrol and direction.
The Power of Now 2.6
AJ Educators
A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline 1.0
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline by BrianTracy.Thebookoffers 21 ways to achieve self-discipline in allaspects oflife,which will improve in the following three mainareas:personalsuccess, money, business, sales, and personallife.Throughself-mastery and self-control, one can developmorepersonality,pride, accomplishment, and self-image. One waytoachieveself-discipline: 1. Success: Imagine the ideal life youwanttolive. When you define what success means to you atthework,family, health and money levels, you'll immediately beabletodetermine what you need to achieve to achieve the ideallife.2.Personality: The hallmark of personality isintegrity.Honestyrequires a lot of self-discipline to resisttemptation andmakegood decisions. The real personality of oneappears duringcrisesor when one is under pressure. One can develophischaracterthrough study, teaching and practice. 3.Responsibility:Negativeemotions stem from anger and rely on a humantendency toblameothers, which is the easy way to justifyfailure.Acceptingresponsibility for self-success and achievingpersonalhappinessrequires a lot of effort and self-discipline.4.Objectives: Setyour goals and set a path to achieve yourideallife. Follow thismethod to achieve your goals: Select what youwantto achieve,write it down on paper, and set a deadline for it.Writedown alist of all the actions needed to get to the situationyouwantsorted by time and importance. Start immediately withthesesteps,and continue working every day, moving towards yourmaingoal. 5.Personal Excellence: The most valuable asset you haveisyou. Soone has to invest in himself and his career bydevelopinghisskills, so he can increase his value and increasehisexpectedprofits. It is important that this development beaprioritythroughout your life. 6. Courage: All of us areafraidofsomething, and most people are afraid of failureandpoverty.Self-discipline helps to gain the courage to faceproblemsandcrises. 7. Perseverance: Nothing great is achieved inlifewithoutperseverance, which makes us overcomesetbacks,frustrations,obstacles and even crises. 8. Work: Manypeople wasteas amazingtime in unproductive tasks. So you need toidentify andfocus onthe most productive activities. A survey ofCEOs wasconducted andidentified two characteristics that are themostimportantqualities they are looking for in their employees:"theability toprioritize and work on high-value tasks",and"organization to workquickly and accurately"
Eat That Frog! Book to Get More Done in Less Time 1.0
Eat That Frog is a book talking about 21 Great WaystoStopProcrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. "Eat alivefrogfirst thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen toyoutherest of the day." - Mark Twain Brian Tracy offersprofoundandpractical wisdom in his bestselling book, Eat ThatFrog!Frompersonal experiences to a collection of productivityhacksfrominfluential authors in time management andpersonaldevelopment,the book contains 21 practical suggestions thatanyonecan use toincrease personal effectiveness andovercomeprocrastination. ingeneral is something like Time Manager.
Entrepreneur Business Ideas - Tools & Tutorials 1.1.10
This app contains articles on getting businessideas,protectingbusiness ideas, and how to generally think aboutbusinessideas. Inaddition to the articles, there is a list of 100businessideas. Inaddition to that, there is a tool to help youbeginplanning yourown business - all on this one app!! All the tipsonbusiness ideasfor entrepreneurs are tips and suggestions camefromour experiencegrowing our business plan app. That business planappnow has over100,000 downloads and over 20,000 business plans. Soifyou are anentrepreneur who is looking to start a business, theappsbased onmany entrepreneurs just like you. This app focusesonbusinessideas. It contains articles on these businessentrepreneurtopics:1) How to get business ideas 2) Psychology ofbeing asmallbusiness owner and an entrepreneur 3) Evolution of abusinessideaand how they change over time. This is what happens toyourideaafter you get your business ideas. 4) What to do if youhavetoomany business ideas and how to choose the best out ofthoseideas5) Common business idea mistakes 6) Protecting businessideasafteryou get the business ideas, and whether you shouldprotectthem atall In addition to these articles, there are also100businessideas you can try. And if that wasn't enough, there isalsoasoftware tool on the app which helps you create asmallbusinessplan for of your business idea. It is a good idea tocreatea smallbusiness plan just for yourself to help you organizeyourideas.And if you feel you would like more guidance and helpinmakingyour business idea a reality, you can get help fromanexperiencedentrepreneur by trying our premium business ideasandbusiness planapps. Get expert help from a real person andbeginmaking greatprogress on your business idea today. For techsupportoradditional business idea article requests,
Fundrise: Real Estate Investing, Built for You. 1.16.0
Real estate investing is now at your fingertips.Realestateinvesting has powered the growth of the world’slargestinvestmentportfolios for decades. Now it can power yours.WithFundrise, youcan invest your money in a portfolio filledwithinvestmentscarefully selected and proactively developed withthegoal ofmaximizing returns pursuant to your choseninvestmentstrategy.Invest in something real. Private real estateoffers theuniquepotential to earn consistent cash flow throughincome andlong-termgrowth through appreciation. Fundrise hasacquired andactivelymanaged more than 200 assets collectively worthmore than$4.7billion on behalf of Fundrise investors.Flexibleinvestmentminimums. Unlike most private real estateinvestments,our lowinvestment minimum gives you the flexibility toinvest therightamount of money for you, on your schedule, to meetyourfinancialgoals. Maximize returns with our low-fee approach.Feesmatter.That's why our proprietary technology and uniquelow-feemodel aredesigned to ensure you keep more of what youearn.Next-leveldiversification. We believe that smartdiversification iscriticalto long-term wealth creation andpreservation. We make iteasy todiversify beyond stocks and bonds,outside the stockmarket.Diversifying is simple and helps youminimize assetcorrelation andportfolio risk as your investmentportfolio gainsimmediateexposure to dozens of high-quality privatemarket assets.A missionof transparency. Within minutes ofinvesting, you canwatch as yourdollars are diversified. Throughyour investornewsfeed, you canwatch as each asset in yourinvestment portfolioprogresses,including developments such as newconstruction updates,occupancyreports, market data trends, andproject completions.Bank-levelsecurity. Fundrise uses bank-levelsecurity for yourprotection.Investor information is encrypted withbank-level AESencryption.Two-factor authentication is available toall investors,and appusers have access to the added layer ofprotectionavailablethrough Face Unlock andfingerprintauthentication.Hyper-responsive support. Our dedicatedteam ofknowledgeablefinancial professionals in our WashingtonDCheadquarters isavailable via email or phone to answeryourquestions or help withyour account. Award-Winning Company.✓Fundrise has been repeatedlyrecognized by Forbes as one of the50most innovative fintechcompanies in the US. ✓ Fundrise wasrankedin the Inc. 5000 list ofthe fastest-growing private companiesinAmerica in 2018 and 2019.Getting started is quick and easy.Signingup with Fundrise issimple and only takes a few minutes.Fundriseintegrates with morethan 3,500 banks including Chase, WellsFargo,and Charles Schwab —with no complicated paperwork required.1.Decide how much money toinvest. Unique benefits are unlockedatdifferent account levels.2. Select your strategy. Cashflow?Appreciation? A balance ofboth? You set the strategy, we dotherest. 3. Grow your portfolio.Build your net worth by continuingtoinvest over time. DisclosuresFundrise Advisors, LLC isanSEC-registered investment advisor.Registration with the SECdoesnot imply a certain level of skillor training. Investinginsecurities involves risks, and there isalways the potentialoflosing money when you invest in securities.Beforeinvesting,consider your investment objectives andFundrise’s chargesandexpenses. Nothing in this material should beconstrued asinvestmentor tax advice, or a solicitation or offer,orrecommendation, to buyor sell any security. All images andreturnfigures shown are forillustrative purposes only, and arenot actualcustomer or modelreturns. Visit forofferingdocuments and otherinformation.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effecti 2.2
AJ Educators
Most Influential Business and Personal Development Book oftheTwentieth Century
As A Man Thinketh - Night Mode 8.88
As A Man Thinketh is a book for Self Improvement by James Allenwithnight mode
The Richest Man in Babylon book offline 1.6
tik apps
The Richest Man in Babylon is a 1926 book by George S.Clasonthatdistributes financial advice through a collection ofparablesset4,000 years ago in olden Babylon. The book remains indesignalmosta century after the parables were originally published,andisregarded as a classic of own financial advice. The RichestManinBabylon says Money is the medium by which earthlysuccessismeasured. Money makes possible the enjoyment of the besttheearthaffords. Money is plentiful for those who understandthesimplelaws which govern its acquisition. Money is governed todaybythesame laws which controlled it when prosperous menthrongedthestreets of Babylon, six thousand years ago Here is thetableofcontents you'll find in The Richest Man in Babylone-book:Aboutthe author Foreword * A Historical Sketch of Babylon *The ManWhoDesired Gold * The Richest Man in Babylon * Seven Curesfor aLeanPurse * Start thy purse to fattening * Control thyexpenditures*Make thy gold multiply * Guard thy treasures againstloss * Makeofthy dwelling a profitable investment * Ensure a futureincome*Increase thy ability to earn * Meet the Goddess of Good Luck*TheFive Laws of Gold * The Gold Lender of Babylon * TheWallsofBabylon * The Camel Trader of Babylon * The ClayTabletsFromBabylon * The Luckiest Man in Babylon. The Richest ManinBabylonpdf book The Richest Man in Babylon offline book app isnoneedinternet connection required.
Awaken The Giant Within 3.3
AJ Educators
How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Physical andFinancialDestiny!
Landa: Real Estate Investing 1.0.1
Landa is a real estate investing app. Investing in a propertyisnowaffordable for everyone. It’s simple, transparent, quick,andallfrom your phone. How does it work? Choose a Property BuySharesEarnDividends from Rental Income We use technology toredesignrealestate investing. Each property is divided into10,000shares.Through the Landa App, you can buy and sell on yourtime.You’re incontrol. No investment manager is selectingproperties foryou. Youcan handpick your portfolio by buying sharesin as manypropertiesas you like. Earn dividends. Every month, wecollect therent, payexpenses, and distribute the profits.Transparency is key.Weprovide real-time updates on your property.If there is arentchange, a maintenance issue, or a new tenant, youwill knowaboutit. People Are Talking “This app is the only realestateinvestingapp you need. Highly recommend and enjoy using thisapp.”- Ryan O.“Landa is a great fit for everyone from a “newbie” totheseasonedinvestor, like myself.” -Craig You may obtain a copy ofthelatestoffering statement on Form1-Aat
How To Be A Man- eBook 33.0
Tara ebooks
How To Be A Man- eBook with the best eBook Reader
Law of Attraction Hypnosis - Secret Vision Board 2.43
◎ A single audio session of 30 minutes a day that is effective*injust 1–3 weeks ◎ Hypnosis audio carefully read by thesoothingvoice of a certified hypnotherapist ◎ Peaceful backgroundmusic andnature sounds to help you relax ◎ Hypnotic Booster withbinauralbeats to induce your brainwave frequency into an optimalstate forreceiving hypnotic suggestions ◎ Separate volume controlsforVoice, Background, and Hypnotic Booster ◎ Awaken at End featurecanbe disabled at bedtime for a relaxing, restful sleep ◎Repeatsessions or loop while you sleep ◎ Continue listening tobackgroundsounds after the session ends THE BEST HYPNOSIS APPAVAILABLE TOUSE THE LAW OF ATTRACTION Law of Attraction Hypnosis isfree to tryand effective* with the default settings. A one-timein-apppurchase is required only if you wish to change thedefaultsettings. (Each of our free hypnosis apps includes its ownin-apppurchase; in-app purchases cannot be shared among separateapps.)INTERACT WITH US Surf City Apps offers a range of hypnosisapps tohelp you enjoy a healthier, happier, and more abundant life.Tellus how you use our apps to improve CONTACTSUPPORT TERMS &CONDITIONS*DISCLAIMER Resultsnot clinically proven. The content and servicesprovided by thisApplication are for educational purposes only andare not intendedto be a substitute for professional medical advice,diagnosis, ortreatment. Never rely on information on thisApplication in placeof seeking professional medical advice. Consultyour doctor beforeusing this Application if you suffer from a heartcondition, mooddisorder, epilepsy, or a psychiatric or neurologicalcondition.
Unlimited : Book Summaries 2.2
AJ Educators
Get the knowledge of the world’s best authors in 10 minutesorless!”
Secrets of Millionaire Mind 2.1
Secrets of Millionaire Mind app about the secret to success book
Billionaire Affirmations 1.0.7
Daily positive affirmations to help you stay positive andmotivatedeveryday.
Attract Wealth Hypnosis Free 2.14
ATTRACT WEALTH HYPNOSIS*◎ A single audio session of 30 minutes a day that is effective*injust 1–3 weeks◎ Hypnosis audio carefully read by the soothing voice of acertifiedhypnotherapist◎ Peaceful background music and nature sounds to helpyourelax◎ Hypnotic Booster with binaural beats to induce yourbrainwavefrequency into an optimal state for receivinghypnoticsuggestions◎ Separate volume controls for Voice, Background, andHypnoticBooster◎ Awaken at End feature can be disabled at bedtime for arelaxing,restful sleep◎ Repeat sessions or loop while you sleep◎ Continue listening to background sounds after thesessionendsTHE BEST HYPNOSIS APP TO ATTRACT WEALTH AVAILABLEAttract Wealth Hypnosis is free to try and effective* withthedefault settings. A one-time in-app purchase is required onlyifyou wish to change the default settings. (Each of our freehypnosisapps includes its own in-app purchase; in-app purchasescannot beshared among separate apps.)INTERACT WITH USSurf City Apps offers a range of hypnosis apps to help you enjoyahealthier, happier, and more abundant life. Tell us how you useourapps to improve your SUPPORThttp://support.surfcityapps.comTERMS & CONDITIONS*DISCLAIMERResults not clinically proven. The content and services providedbythis Application are for educational purposes only and arenotintended to be a substitute for professional medicaladvice,diagnosis, or treatment. Never rely on information onthisApplication in place of seeking professional medicaladvice.Consult your doctor before using this Application if yousufferfrom a heart condition, mood disorder, epilepsy, or apsychiatricor neurological condition.
Power of Habit 1.8
TrmApps Dev
Power of Habit app is a habit improve and habit maker of life.
The richest man in Babylon PDF 4.2
Battle Castle
This book was absolutely fantastic!
Self Esteem Building Guide 1.0
This application give you an information about self esteembuildingguide.
DealMachine for Real Estate 11.0.0
Real Estate Investing At Your Fingertips
FlashCourse: Learn About Stocks, Bonds, and Money 1.4.11
FlashCourse gives you fun, fast, free courses aboutmoney,investing,stocks, bonds, crypto, banks, saving,budgeting,mortages, realestate, student loans, credit cards,options,futures, derivativesand so much more. No ads, nosubscriptions -ever. The most commontrait among the world'swealthiest people isthis - all of themunderstand money andinvesting. Yes, they knowhow to make money. Butthey also know howto invest money. Theyknow how investing works.They have a plan,and they stick to it.This can't happen withoutknowledge aboutfinance - but there's oneproblem... Learning aboutmoney andfinance...kind of sucks. Yep,we said it. It's superboring. It'stry, it's riddled withfinancial jargon and terms barelyanybodyknows. Most of the greatfinance and investing tools outthereeither require you to alreadyknow what you're doing, OR theytakeadvantage of the fact that youdon't. ...Until now.WithFlashCourse, you can join THOUSANDS oflearners interestedinlearning about money and finance such asstocks, bonds,futures,options, bitcoin, ethereum, the history ofmoney, banks,taxes,budgeting and more – no matter how muchexperience and timeyouhave! FlashCourse makes learning the basicsof money andinvestingfun and engaging with animated content toteach you whatyou want tolearn, quick quizzes to test yourunderstanding, andachievements tokeep you motivated. And best ofall, it's FREE! Weget it. You loginto your online bank account atWells Fargo, Chase,Citibank, BOAor...wherever... and you'reinstantly hit with a waveof depression.You work SO hard - butyour account balance just isn'tquite whatyou thought it would beby now - right? If a journey of athousandmiles begins with asingle step, a journey towards buildingwealthbegins with learningabout money and investing. FlashCoursemakes iteasy, fun and free.As a short, 5-minute part of your dailyroutine,you can learnabout stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, futures,options,bitcoin,ethereum, municipal bonds, or any other type ofsecurity.Fun,animated courses include: • Stocks from Scratch(bakery theme)•Bonds, James Bonds (secret agent theme) • BitcoinBananas(jungletheme) • Futuristic Futures (robot theme) • TheHistory ofMoney (ajourney through time) • The Raging River of Money(whitewaterrafting theme) • The Magic of Ethereum (halloweentheme)•Litecoin, Camera, Action (movie set theme) •BlockchainCowboys(old west theme) • Common Stock Circus (circustheme) ...andDOZENSmore! All free. Yes - totally free. No catch.Want tounderstandwhat you're seeing on that ticker on CNBC orBloomberg?FlashCoursehas your back. Want to see your accountbalance onRobinhood,Fidelity, Etrade or TD Ameritrade grow?FlashCourse canhelpeducate you. Want to be able to have asimple,intelligentconversation about various topics in financelikebuilding a stockportfolio, hedging with options, or what theheckVanguard is?FlashCourse is there for you. FlashCourse is thebestand most funway to learn about money and investing in just5minutes a day.Keep track of your progress, unlock achievements,andjoin agrowing army of thousands of learners. --- Our PrivacyPolicyandTerms of Use are availableat you have anyquestions,don't hesitate to get in touch with
Pre: Play With Our Money 1.1.18
Nousium, LLC
pre Mission: to build a startup community whereyourparticipationmatters! The Pre app provides a GamifiedStartupInvesting®experience that allows investors and audience tobecomehighlyengaged with startups presenting at pitch events.Hosts! Ampup theexperience and take your pitch event to the nextlevel!Investorsand preInvestors get acquainted with Pre tounderstandyourinvestment habits and develop your skills! How itworks A Hostsetsup an event on the app and gets an event codeAudience membersusethe event code to join and receive preMoney -the currency ofpreDuring the pitch event, preInvestors who havejoined the eventwillinvest that preMoney in the most promisingstartups At the endofthe event, leaderboards are displayed for thetop 3 startupsandpreInvestors Bonus: preInvestors can messagestartupswithcomments, questions, and more. Event Hosts can createacustomizedrating criteria that preInvestors use to ratethepresentations bystartups Additional Features Check outhighlightsof curated eventsas well as a calendar of upcoming pitchevents toattend Theperformance screen allows you to get insightonyourpreInvestments, events you have participated in, as wellasyourworld rankings! The Resources screen is Pre’s learninghub,whereyou can check out curated articles and videos ontopicsofentrepreneurship, investing, raising capital, and more.Updateyourprofile and link your social media accounts to let peopleknowwhoyou are With Pre we are taking pitch events intothenewmillennium. You no longer need to have passiveaudiencessnoozingoff. Pre gives your audience a chance to directlyengagewith thestartups and compete amongst themselves to be thebestpreInvestor.Consequently the pitches of startups have agreatermeaning, as thestartups themselves are competing for themostamount of preMoneyin the room. For you as a host, it gives youanopportunity to makeyour event count as you get real livemarketdata that translatesinto analytics you and the participantsof theevent can use and goback to whenever. How good are you atspottinga market favorite?As part of the event results users get astartupleaderboard thatdisplays startups ranked by the amount ofpreMoneythey raised.Investor Leaderboard displays participants withthehighest returnon investment. Startups and Investors that usePrecan make it tothe top of our World Rankings! OurPerformancesection gives youdetailed information on yourpreFormance fromevents youparticipated in to help you adjust yourstrategies as youattendand invest in more pitch events. Analyzingyourinvestmentperformance will be your key to rising in theworldrankings. WithPre we will bridge the gaps betweenStartups,Investors, Audience,and Organizers at pitch events. It istime toopen up the startupeconomy to everyone. We are looking totap intothe core values ofentrepreneurship and create a culture ofbusinessacumen by helpingeveryone understand that business andinvestingreally is foranyone and everyone with a soundunderstanding ofassociated risks.From this, we can all worktogether to translateideas into a worldthat thrives!
⚡ Business Ideas - Plan, Forecast & Pitch⚡ 1.06
Bring Your Business Ideas to Life This appplans,financiallyforecasts and organizes your business ideas,newbusiness ideas,startup ideas and side hustles. It also guidesyouthrough creatinga great business pitch: 1. Capture yourbusinessstartup ideas,side hustle ideas, app ideas and side lineswith easyto usetemplate 2. Select the pitch deck, pitch sheet orpitchspeech tab3. The app will automatically write yourcustomizedelevator pitchand five year financial forecast -Everything youneed to plan andorganize your business ideas, sidehustles, startupideas and sidelines Features - Capture yourbusiness ideas, sidehustles,business startup ideas and side lines -Plan and organizeyourbusiness ideas - Pitch sheet captures yourbusiness startupidea onan easy to present canvas - Pitch speechcaptures yourbusinessstartup idea in a 1 minute elevator pitch -Pitch deckoutlinesyour slides for a longer presentation of yourbusinessstartup idea- Store multiple business ideas, startup ideasand sidehustles -Update on the move - Share your business startupideas andpitchesby email, copy to clipboard, and by PDF - Yourbusiness ideaandpitch has the key elements to define and sell yourbusiness:*Business Name * Offer * Target Customers * GeographicMarket *FiveYear Financial Forecast * Five Year Objectives*CompetitiveAdvantage *Strategic Steps * Note Ideal for --Entrepreneurialbusiness ideas - Small business owners withnewbusiness ideas& plans - Employees with side hustle ideasthatneed planning -Creatives with new business ideas and sidehustleideas - Salespeople with new business ideas & plans -Startupbusiness ideas& plans - Business Consultants advising onnewbusiness startupideas that need a plan and pitch - CEOs -ManagingDirectors withnew business ideas & plans - Strategistswithbusiness ideas,new business & startup ideas that needplanning,forecastingand pitching
Self-Esteem Hypnosis 2.54
You won’t have to try to feel self-confident — it justhappensnaturally!*
BabySteps: Debt Payoff Planner & Debt Snowball 2021.05.11
Paying off debt doesn’t have to take as long as you think!It’stimeto take your money back—and the BabySteps app shows youthefastestway to do it. Got some credit cards? What aboutstudentloans or carpayments? (Maybe you’ve got a little bitofeverything.) Hey, that’smost people. But you don’t want tobe“most people.” With theBabySteps app, you’ll track allyourpayments in one place and takethem out one by one usingthepowerful debt snowball. But once thosedebts are history,what’snext? Your money is finally freed up to dowhat YOU want itto. Andthe BabySteps app helps you track yourmoney for the longhaul.You’ll work through Dave Ramsey’s 7 BabySteps, thestep-by-stepplaybook with money that’s helped millionsgo from “Ican’t dothis” to “I just did that!” Pay off debt. Buildan emergencyfund.Save for a down payment on a home. Invest foryour future.Watchyour confidence with money grow as you reach onegoalafteranother. TRY RAMSEY+ TO GET THE APP So, first thingsfirst.Toaccess this app, you’ll need to be a memberofRamsey+.(SmartDollar members—you’re already good to go!) Wait,whynot justthe BabySteps app? Well, if you want to hit a bigmoneygoal (likepaying off debt), tracking your progress is justonepart. You’vegot to tackle your mindset AND your habits.That’swhere Ramsey+comes in. All three of our apps work together tohelpyou makebetter choices with money every single day. All thosesmallwinsadd up to BIG results in your bank account and betterhabitsthatget you to your goals faster. You also get access to:•EveryDollar– Take control of your spending so you can putmoremoney towardyour goals with our easy-to-use budgeting app.•FinancialPeace –Learn the practical know-how about saving,payingoff debt, andbuilding wealth you can start putting intopracticeTODAY. Not amember of Ramsey+ yet? No problem. Start yourFREETRIAL at KEYAPPFEATURES Followour simple money plan: • Learn Dave Ramsey’s 7BabySteps. • Findout which Baby Step you’re on. • Work the BabyStepsto pay offdebt, save for emergencies, and build wealth. Trackyourdebtpayments using the debt snowball method: • Discover thedateyou’llbe totally debt-free. • Pay off one debt at a time,smallesttolargest. • Find out how much faster you can be debt-freebyaddingextra money to your monthly payments. • Throw adigitalsnowball atyour debt every time you make a payment. Boom. Itfeelsgood to hitback. Track your savings: • Get tips on how tosavemoney fasterand establish an emergency fund. • Flip somedigitalcoins intoyour piggy bank. Literally. • Watch your savingsaccountgrow—alongwith your motivation. Watch in-app coaching fromfinanceexperts: •Dave Ramsey lays out the facts about debt andsaving. •RachelCruze gives budgeting tips to reach your goalsfaster. •KenColeman dishes out career advice that works at everyBabyStep.Take the app anywhere: • Track your progress on bothdesktopandmobile. • Sync with your EveryDollar budget to updateyourdebtsnowball in real time.PrivacyPolicy: ofUse:
Real Estate Exam Prep 3.4.9
Practice Test questions for Real Estate Exam
Ramsey Network 5.3.759
The Ramsey Network Shows offer a daily dose of real talkaboutlifeand money. In this app, you can get these podcastswheneverandwherever you want to listen. The Ramsey Networkpodcastappincludes content from some of the top experts in moneyandlife:The Ramsey Show gives you practical advice for life’stoughmoneyquestions. In this podcast, Dave Ramsey guidespeopleincontrolling their finances with learning how to budget, getoutofdebt, advice on investments and more. Apple’s 4thMostPopularPodcast in 2019. The Chris Hogan Show helps you learnhow toinvestyour finances wisely, control your money and becomeanEverydayMillionaire. This podcast will give you a clear guideinhow to seta goal, make a path and build wealth. The KenColemanShow guidesyou in pursuing your passions and landing yourdreamjob. Thispodcast gives you a clear path towards a career thatyoubenefitfrom, financially and personally. The Rachel CruzeShowteaches youhow to take control of your money and create a lifeyoulove. Thispodcast guides listeners in how to stick to abudget,make wisemoney decisions and live debt-free with morefreedom thanever. TheChristy Wright Show prepares women to turntheir passionintoprofits. In this podcast, she guides femaleentrepreneursintostarting, growing and leading thrivingbusinesses.TheEntreLeadership Podcast helps business owners becomebetterleadersand grow their teams and profits. The BorrowedFuturepodcastseries shows you the dirty secrets behind the studentloanindustryand a debt-free path to education. The appfeatures:-Browsing bytopic, including debt, budgeting, rants,business &homeselling -Clip creation to share with friends-Create accounttoaccess your saved information later -Accessquality contentfromall our shows Our podcast hosts have appeared onCNN, FoxNews,CNBC, Good Morning America, The Rachel Ray Showandmore.Additionally, they have over 13 best-sellingbooks,including:Total Money Makeover (Dave Ramsey), EverydayMillionaire(ChrisHogan), Proximity Principle (Ken Coleman), SmartMoney, SmartKids(Rachel Cruze), Entreleadership (Dave Ramsey)&Debt-FreeDegree (Anthony ONeal).
Real Estate Practice Test 2022 2.1
Appearing for Real estate Salesperson Exam? Prep withaccuratepractice tests.
Fundraising & Make Money Tools & Tutorials 2.0.1
All suggestions, articles and tips come from the experienceofthe100,000+ entrepreneurs on our business plan app. Weunderstandthatoften what people want is simply to make money, andin this appweshare many tips on how you can make money byworking,startingprojects or businesses, or raising money for yourbusiness.The apphelps you understand how to make money in a numberof ways.Thereare tutorials on how to: - Make money by starting asmallbusinessand growing it - Make money by raising money for aprojectorbusiness - Make money by applying to full-time orpart-timejobsThe app also features tools to help you planvariousfundraisingefforts. You can plan how to make money privatelyor byinvitingfriends or business partners and planning together.Thereis alsoour YouTube channel that covers topics like how tomakemoney bystarting a business, how to promote your business,andvariousfundraising techniques. The app is split up in afewsections. Thefirst section is about how to make money bystartingany of the 100common business ideas on the list that wehave puttogether. Theideas there are common business ideas thatmost peoplecan do. Thenext section of the app is about how to makemoney byactuallyraising money for a business or a project bygetting moneyvialoans, investors, donations or getting aninvestment. Andofcourse, you can always make money by taking parttime work orfulltime work and saving the money that you earn there.The otherwayto make money is to start a bigger kind of a business.Insidetheapp we have links to our free business ideas andbusinessplanningapps so that you can learn how to get businessideas onyour own,and learn to plan your business. Both of thoseapps arefree. Youcan also watch videos about how to make moneyright on theapp. Wehave added our YouTube channel which coverstopics likestarting abusiness, raising and getting money, promotingyourbusiness, andother topics about getting money or making money.Fortech support,please email:
Leadership Development 1.2
Take on more responsibility and develop your leadership skillswithour course.
Concreit - Invest in Real Estate 2.3.0
Concreit Inc.
Concreit makes real estate investing available for everyone.Sitback, relax, let your assets work. Unlike other ways ofowning& operating real estate, Concreit lets you invest infractionalshares of real estate, which means that you can invest asmuch oras little as you want, starting at $1. -=- Time &MoneyManagement -=- We get that life happens. You can schedule&request withdrawals anytime through our app, which is based onfundavailability. Easy as that. -=- Why Real Estate -=- Realestateinvesting has fueled growth in some of the world’slargestinvestment portfolios for decades, and now you can tap intothat aswell. Invest into a professionally-managed portfolioofincome-oriented private loans & buildings. Traditionalprivatemarket commercial real estate has been hard to reach forthose thataren’t as wealthy, but our mission is to make thisopportunityavailable for everyone. -=- Put your money on a mission-=- We’rebuilding easy solutions so you can invest towardsretirement, takethat trip of a lifetime, buy a home, save for akid’s education, oranything else! -=- Professional Management -=-Having a privatemarket real estate management team shouldn't onlybe available tothe wealthy. Keep a whole investment team in yourpocket throughour mobile application. We’re leveraging aproprietary full-stackreal estate technology platform to makedata-driven decisionscombined with the experience of our investmentadvisory committeeon each investment. -=- Bank-level Security -=-Concreit usesAES256-bit encryption for your personal data, the samesecuritylevel as banks. Your investor information is encrypted andwe offera layer of biometric protection through Touch ID and FaceIDaccess. -=- Disclosures -=- Investing in real estate involvesrisksincluding the potential loss of principal. A real estateportfoliois subject to risks similar to those associated with thedirectownership of real estate and real estate debt, as theinvestmentsare sensitive to factors such as changes to real estatevalues andproperty taxes, interest rates, cash flow of underlyingreal estateassets, supply and demand, and the management skill andcreditworthiness of the issuer & borrowers. Portfoliosconcentratedin real estate assets may experience price volatilityand otherrisks associated with non-diversification. US realestateinvestments may also be affected by tax andregulatoryrequirements. Economic factors, market conditions, andinvestmentstrategies will affect the performance of any portfolioand thereis no assurance that a portfolio will match or outperformanyparticular benchmark. There is no guarantee thatinvestmentobjectives will be achieved, and past performance is notindicativeof future results. Liquidity Not Guaranteed: Investmentsoffered byConcreit are illiquid and there is never any guaranteethat youwill be able to exit your investments through ourredemptionprogram. Visit for offering documents andotherinformation.
Career Karma 2.59
Career Karma
Career Karma is a community of peers, mentors and coaches thatwillhelp you land a dream career in Tech. You never pay a dime.Theonly cost is to help people behind you. In our app, you willmeetpeople who are just starting out and people who are severalstagesahead of you. No prior experience is needed. We will send youafree coding course to get started. When you join Career Karma,youcan take our assessment to get matched to the rightcodingbootcamps based on your specific needs / challenges, groupedintopeer circles, and introduced to a career guide.
A Promised Land book by Barack 2.1.5
A Promised Land book by Barack Obama, Enjoy a greatreadingexperience!