Top 2 Apps Similar to devicealive LG GPad X

AT&T Device Alive
This application delivers andupdatesmerchandising content to Android display phones and tabletsinAT&T and affiliated retail stores, and is intended forthatpurpose only. This app is designed to run continuously,drainingthe battery of any device that is not connected to ACpower. Do notinstall this app on your device unless you are anAT&Trepresentative and have obtained login credentials.Device Alive runs on the DemoCast™ platform and is jointlydevelopedby Think Jineus, LLC and Glass Eye Projects, Inc.Offered By:Think Jineus, LLC/ Glass Eye Projects, Inc.Developer:Think Jineus, LLC
devicealive LG GPad X 8.0 3.6.2
This application is intended solelyforthepurpose of in-store demonstration for AT&T.Do not install this on your device unless you areanAT&Trepresentative and have obtained the password requiredtoopen theapplication.The application is designed to run continuouslyuntiluninstalledand will drain the battery.