Top 8 Apps Similar to Dentrip Dental

Dentistry 2.2
La aplicación Dentistry recoge las publicaciones editadasporMedicina Oral S.L, editorial dirigida por el profesor JoséVte.Bagán Sebastián, Catedrático de Medicina Bucal de laUniversidad deValencia y Jefe del Servicio de Estomatología delHospitalUniversitario de Valencia. Presidente de la EuropanAssociation ofOral Medicine (2009), entre su amplia obra seencuentran 9 librosde Estomatología y más de 300 artículoscientíficos. Primera obrade la colección ya a la venta:Fisiopatología de las glándulassalivales. Autores Prof. José V.Bagán Sebastián • Catedrático deMedicina Oral de la Universidad deValencia. Jefe de Servicio deEstomatología del Hospital GeneralUniversitario de Valencia.España Dra. Yolanda Jiménez Soriano •Profesora Ayudante Doctor dela Universidad de Valencia
SmileMakr Dental Tourism 1.0
SmileMakr by Dental Travel Services.ADentistsearch portal connecting qualified internationaldentistswithclients from the Global North. Book yourappointmentonline.Dental Tourism, Simplified for dental care consumers whowishtotravel for procedures and save up to 70% compared to thecostsinone's home country. From routine teeth cleaningtoimplants,veneers, or any form of cosmetic dentistry, use ourmobileapp tofind the most affordable and qualified dentist inthedestinationof your choice.
DentalValet 1.0
DentalValet is a free dental app thatwillfindyou a dentist, manage and optimize your dental careneeds.Want abetter Smile? You can discover what procedures areavailableandcreate your wishlist of dental treatments and createtheoptimalplan for your oral health.Want to ask your dentist questions?Do you know what services a dentist really offers?Want to know how much typical services could cost?Make your first appointment with DentalValet and get on theroadtogreat oral health.
IMAGINA Dental 4.0.4
Discover the official app ofIMAGINADentalIMAGINA Dental, 4th Digital Technologies & AestheticDentistryCongress, takes place from 7th to 9th April 2016 atMonaco'sGrimaldi ForumThe Congress offers three days of conferences, practicalworkshopsand demonstrations of 3D imaging applications fordentistry,enabling you to promote and showcase 3D technologies(cone beam,CAD/CAM, digital prosthetics, lasers, aligners…) todentists,orthodontists, prosthetic and dental technicians.All the relevant information - schedule, lists ofspeakers,exhibitors, practical info… is already available
My Smile Dentist App 1.3
At MY SMILE DOCTORS, we endeavour to helpourpatients achieve optimal oral health with every visit. Byinvestingin high quality treatments and advanced dental technology,we havebeen able to establish an effective method to help enhancethelook, feel and function of your smile.
Dentist by Metropolee 1.0
Al progetto dentale Dentistaderiscono,sottogli stessi ideali, professionisti affermatiesuperspecializzati.L'ideale comune è il diritto di tutti alle cureodontoiatrichedialta qualità.I professionisti che collaborano al progetto Dentistsonospecialistidi grande esperienza e giovanieccellenzedell’odontoiatria, laureatiin Italia con il massimodellevotazioni.Sotto l’ideale Dentist, hanno già curato oltre 100.000pazientiinItalia.Ad ogni tipo di intervento effettuato, i professionistiaderentialprogetto, sono in grado di rilasciare CertificazionidiConformitàe Garanzia sulle cure dentali effettuate. Iprodottiutilizzatisono tutti di altissima qualità, delle piùgrandiaziendefornitrici Italiane, Europee e Statunitensi.Dispongonodelle piùmoderne attrezzature sanitarie ed adottanorigidissimiprotocollidi sterilizzazione per ambienti,strumentazioni edattrezzature.Powered by Metropolee.comDental Dentistadheretothe project, under the same ideals, establishedprofessionalsandsuper skilled. The common ideal is the right of all to dental careofthehighest quality.  The professionals involved in the projectDentistspecialistsare highly experienced and outstanding youngdentistrygraduates inItaly with the highest voting. Under ideal Dentist, they have already treatedmorethan100,000 patients in Italy.  For each type of surgery performed, professionalsinvolvedinthe project, they are able to issue Certificates ofComplianceandWarranty on dental care performed. The products usedare all ofthehighest quality, the largest suppliers Italian,European andUS.They have the most modern medical equipment andadopt verystrictsterilization protocols for environment,instruments andequipment.Powered by
Dentist One World 3.1
Dentist One World is anonlinemedicalcommunity, exclusively for Dentists.Welcome to Dentist One World, a Skipta CommunityforAndroid.Dentist One World is an online medicalcommunityexclusively forverified Dentists that enablescommunication,consultation andinformation exchange within a privateand secureplatformFEATURES:Core features and functionality offer a rangeofcollaborativepeer-based services, including:StreamThe Stream is a customized compilation of activitiesuniquetomembers and the members’ posts and groups thattheyarefollowing.Curbside ConsultA place where Dentists are encouraged to post theirtoughestcasesor industry conundrums for feedback.GroupsGroups within Dentist One World provide a destinationforfocusedinformation and topics of interest, such asamedication,professional organization or academic institution.GamesGames allow members to test their knowledge andcompeteagainstpeers.NewsThe latest news and information is brought to membersfromthereputable sources they are already viewing on a dailybasis.CareersYour perfect job is out there and Dentist One World wantstohelpyou find it! In our Careers area, you're able to search,saveandapply to jobs based on location and specialty.Private MessagingInstantly chat with colleagues in a private setting.
Columbia Dentist 1.0
Columbia Family Dentist, ColumbiaCosmeticDentistFamily and Cosmetic Dentist in Columbia, South CarolinaWelcome to our practice. We know how important having agreatsmile is to looking and feeling good. That's why Dr. DavidLovitand the entire team at our Columbia, South Carolina dentalpracticeis committed to providing the highest quality in familyandcosmetic dentistry. We guarantee all work as long aspatientsmaintain proper oral hygiene. Our philosophy is to providethe bestquality, most comprehensive, dental work with the leastamount ofstress as possible for the entire family.Dental Work to Help You Feel and Look Your BestLeveraging today's latest technology, Columbia dentist Dr.DavidLovit can create results that change how you look and feel,helpingyou reach your best smile. Whether you need a routinecheckup, ormore advanced procedures like a smile makeover, ourdental practiceoffers a wide variety of procedures to uniquely fityour needs. Inaddition, our friendly staff ensures your visit tothe dentist isaffordable and comfortable. If you are searching fora Columbiafamily dentist or a Columbia cosmetic dentist – look nofurther,contact us today at (803) 787-4900.