Top 8 Apps Similar to Kamus Inggris IPO Chan Theme

Indonesian English Translator 3.3.5
Pro Languages
Translator from Indonesian to English, and from EnglishtoIndonesian.
Learn English Daily 10.8
Daily English lessons with audio for practising speaking&listening skills
kamus 1.20
The dictionary for Indonesian
Sederet Translator 1.0
Indonesian English Translator, Translate Sentences, andIndonesianDictionary.
Kamus Terjemah Bahasa Inggris 2.0
Kamus Terjemah Bahasa Inggris adalah kamus yangdapatmenerjemahkandari bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia maupunbahasaIndonesia keInggris. Fitur pada kamus terjemahan offline: ★Berisiribuan kata.★ Mudah digunakan, simple, dan powerfull ★Databaseberada di dalamaplikasi dan lengkap ★ 18 pilihan warnatheme ★Dapat menyimpankata terjemahan favorite ★ Share ke sosialmediaSemoga aplikasiini bermanfaat dan jika bermanfaat mohontulisreview dan berirating terbaikmu. Terimakasih. :D
Indonesian-English dictionary 3.5.4
Indonesian <> English dictionary + online translator
Kamus Bahasa Inggris
Pring Studio
Kamus Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia - InggrisdanInggris - Indonesia yang dapat anda gunakan secara gratis.Kamus inidapat di gunakan secara Offline atau tanpa koneksiInternet.Aplikasi ini akan mempermudah anda dalam mempelajaribahasa inggrisbaik untuk pelajar, maupun penggunaan sehari harisecara umum.★ Fitur:- Terdapat 54073 kata dalam database (Bahasa Indonesia danBahasaInggris)- Kamus dapat di gunakan secara offline (TanpaKoneksiInternet)- Aplikasi Kamus 100% GratisTags: Kamus English Indonesia, Kamus Indonesia English,Kamusenglish online, Kamus Gratis, kamus bahasa inggris,kamusofflineTranslationDictionaryIndonesian - English and English - Indonesian that youcan use forfree. This dictionary can be used in Offline or withoutan Internetconnection. This application will be easier for you tolearnEnglish well for students, as well as day to day useingeneral.★ Features:- There are 54 073 words in the database (IndonesianandEnglish)- Dictionary can be used offline (without InternetConnection)- 100% Free Application DictionaryTags: English Indonesian Dictionary, Kamus IndonesiaEnglish,dictionary english online, Free Dictionary, Englishdictionary,offline dictionary
Pintar Bahasa Inggris 1.0
AZMedia Labs
★★★★★ Belajar Bahasa Inggris denganmudahmenggunakan aplikasi Pintar Bahasa Inggris Mulai TingkatDasarSampai Tingkat Advance ★★★★★Jika anda sedang mencari aplikasi untuk Belajar BahasaInggrissecara mudah, maka aplikasi Pintar Bahasa Inggris ini adalahyangpas untuk anda download. Beberapa fitur dalam aplikasi inidapatmemudahkan Anda dalam mempelajari berbagai materi yangtelahdisediakan.Aplikasi Pintar Bahasa Inggris ini terdiri dariberbagaitingkatan materi, mulai dari pemula (Materi tingkatdasar),intermediate sampai pada materi Tingkat lanjut (advance)yangsemuanya disajikan dalam bentuk bahasa Indonesia sehinggadapatmemudahkan pengguna dalam memahami materi yang terdapatdalamaplikasi Pintar Bahasa Inggris.************************Keunggulan Aplikasi:************************► Materi disediakan dalam Bahasa Indonesia► Menu Bookmark (Favorite)► Menu pencarian untuk memudahkan pengguna mencari materiBahasaInggris yang ingin dipelajari► Tampilan aplikasi yang sederhana dan sangat mudah digunakan► Tingkatan Materi di bagi menjadi empat yaitu:★ Tingkat dasar I ★✔ English Alphabet✔ Colors✔ Numbers✔ How to tell the time✔ The names of days (Nama-nama hari)✔ The Months of the Year✔ The Seasons✔ Date✔ Part of Speech in English (Jenis-jenis kata dalambahasaInggris)✔ Nouns (kata benda)✔ Singular and Plural Nouns✔ Countable dan Uncountable nouns✔ Determiners✔ Artikel A, An dan The✔ personal Pronoun✔ Possessive adjectives✔ Object Pronouns✔ Adjectives✔ Verbs✔ Interjections★ Tingkat Dasar II ★✔ Simple Present Tense, Part I (is, am, are)✔ Simple Present Tense Part II✔ Have and Has✔ Demonstrative✔ This dan These✔ That dan Those✔ "There is" and "There are"✔ Noun Phrase✔ Quantifier✔ Some and Any✔ Much and Many✔ A little/little dan A few/few✔ Adverbs of Frequency✔ Adverbs of Manner✔ Adverbs of Degree✔ Modal Verbs (can and could)✔ Prepositions of Time✔ Present Continuous Tense✔ Have Got and Has Got✔ Prepositions✔ Imperative Sentence✔ Conjunctions★ Intermediate ★✔ Simple Past Tense✔ Was and Were✔ Simple Future Tense✔ Past Future Tense✔ Present Perfect Tense✔ Since, For, Yet, and Already in Present Perfect Tense✔ Be Going To✔ Past Continuous Tense✔ The Correct Adjectives Order✔ Adjectives dengan -ed dan -ing✔ Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary✔ Kalimat Pasif : Simple Present Tense✔ Kalimat Pasif : Simple Past Tense✔ Kalimat Pasif : Simple Future Tense✔ Kalimat Pasif : Present Perfect Tense✔ Kalimat Pasif : Present Continuous Tense✔ Elliptical Sentence: So/Too✔ Either and Neither★ Advance ★✔ Gerunds✔ Gerunds VS Present Participle✔ Either ... Or / Neither ... Nor✔ Not Only ... But Also✔ Both .... And✔ Question Tag: is, am, are✔ Question Tag: Do, Does✔ Present Perfect Continuous Tense✔ Past Perfect Tense✔ Past Perfect Continuous Tense✔ Future Continuous Tense✔ Positive Degree: As ... As✔ Comparative Degree: -er / more ...✔ Superlative Degree✔ A lot of / lots of / a lot✔ Pemakaian Kata "enough"✔ Too✔ Relative Pronouns✔ Conditional Sentence Type I✔ Conditional Sentence: Type II✔ Conditional Sentence: Type III✔ Both - Either - Neither✔ Prefer✔ To invinitive atau -ing✔ a number of VS the number of✔ another, other, others✔ Article 'the'✔ because, because of✔ . . .so . . . that . . .✔ . . . such . . . that . . .Semua materi sengaja disajikan dalam bahasa Indonesiauntukmemudahkan anda yang baru belajar bahasa Inggris. Di sampingitujika di saat anda membaca materi apapun di dalam aplikasi inidananda menemukan kesalahan baik itu kesalah ketik atau yanglainnya,silahkan menginformasikan kepada kami di menu kontak yangtersediadalam Aplikasi. Kami juga mengharapkan feedback daripenggunadengan membantu kami dalam meningkatkan aplikasi PintarBahasaInggris ini dengan memberi rating serta saran dan kritikatasAplikasi ini. Selamat Belajar dan Terima kasih.★★★★★ Learn Englishwitheasy to use applications Smart English Start Basics Level UpLevelAdvance ★★★★★If you're looking for an application to learn Englisheasily,then the application of Smart English is fitting for youtodownload. Some features of this application can allow you tolearna variety of materials that have been provided.Applications Smart English is made up of various layersofmaterials, ranging from beginners (Material basiclevel),intermediate to the material Advanced (advance) of whicharepresented in the form of Indonesian so it can be easier forusersto understand the material contained within the applicationPintarEnglish ,************************Application advantages:************************► The material provided in Indonesian► The menu Bookmark (Favorites)► Search menu to allow users to search for material they wanttolearn English► Display application is simple and very easy to use► Depth of material is divided into four, namely:The base level I ★ ★✔ English Alphabet✔ Colors✔ Numbers✔ How to tell the time✔ The names of days (names of the)✔ The Months of the Year✔ The Seasons✔ Date✔ Part of Speech in English (types of words in theEnglishlanguage)✔ nouns (nouns)✔ Singular and Plural Nouns✔ countable and uncountable nouns✔ Determiners✔ Articles A, An, and The✔ Personal Pronoun✔ Possessive adjectives✔ Object pronouns✔ adjectives✔ Verbs✔ interjectionsBasic Level II ★ ★✔ Simple Present Tense, Part I (is, am, are)✔ Simple Present Tense Part II✔ Have and Has✔ Demonstrative✔ This and Reviews TheseAnd Those That ✔✔ "There is" and "There are"✔ Noun Phrase✔ quantifier✔ Some and Any✔ Much and Many✔ A little / little and a few / few✔ Adverbs of Frequency✔ Adverbs of Manner✔ Adverbs of Degree✔ Modal Verbs (can and could)✔ Prepositions of Time✔ Present Continuous Tense✔ Have Got and Has Got✔ prepositions✔ Imperative Sentence✔ ConjunctionsIntermediate ★ ★✔ Simple Past Tense✔ Was and Were✔ Simple Future Tense✔ Past Future Tense✔ Present Perfect Tense✔ Since, For, Yet, and Already in the Present Perfect Tense✔ Be Going To✔ Past Continuous Tense✔ The adjectives Correct Order✔ adjectives with -ed and -ing✔ Use of Modal Auxiliary✔ Passive Sentences: Simple Present Tense✔ Passive Sentences: Simple Past Tense✔ Passive Sentences: Simple Future Tense✔ Passive Sentences: Present Perfect Tense✔ Passive Sentences: Present Continuous TenseElliptical ✔ Sentence: So / Too✔ Either and NeitherAdvance ★ ★✔ Gerunds✔ Gerunds VS Present participle✔ Either ... Or / Neither ... Nor✔ Not Only ... But Also✔ Both .... And✔ Question Tags: is, am, are✔ Tag Question: Do, Does✔ Present Perfect Continuous Tense✔ Past Perfect Tense✔ Past Perfect Continuous Tense✔ Future Continuous Tense✔ Positive Degree: As ... As✔ Comparative Degree: -er / more ...✔ Superlative Degree✔ A lot of / lots of / a lot✔ Use word "enough"✔ Too✔ Relative pronouns✔ Conditional Sentence Type I✔ Conditional Sentence: Type II✔ Conditional Sentence: Type III✔ Both - Either - NeitherPrefer ✔✔ To invinitive or -ing✔ a number of VS the number of✔ another, other, others✔ Article 'the'✔ Because, because of✔. , .so. , , that. , ,✔. , , such. , , that. , ,All material presented in Indonesian deliberately tofacilitateyou who are just learning English. In addition, if at thetime youread any material in this application and find fault eitherthetype or the other mistake, please inform us at the contact menuisavailable in the Application. We also expect feedback from userstohelp us to improve the application of Smart English is bygivingratings and comments and suggestions on this application.LearningCongratulations and thank you.