Top 3 Apps Similar to Propagación del sonido

Ciencias naturales 2.0
Miquel Abadal
The World of Animals and plants
Primaria-Textos Literarios 1.0
Somos una empresa comprometida conlaeducacióninfantil de México, sabes nosotros entendemos a losniñosde hoy espor ello que, innovamos herramientas que refuerzanyapoyan ELAPRENDIZAJE.¿Cómo lo hacemos?Partimos de la técnica, aprender esdivertido,creamosaplicaciones interactivas y multimedia, de formagratuitayaccesible para todo el mundo donde el gran ganador sonlosniños.Sin embargo esto es un gran reto y necesitamos detuapoyo,requerimos recursos para el diseño y desarrollodenuevasaplicaciones.Textos Literarios 5° Bloque 1Temas:• Textos Históricos• Fábulas y Refranes• Anuncios PublicitariosEs una aplicación tipo “Clase” donde se habla sobreladefiniciónde cada uno de los temas antes mencionados,medianteejemplosdinámicos y entretenidos. Está aplicación esmultilenguaje(Español,Inglés) con características de realizar tuspropiasnotas, repetirlos audios cuantas veces se requiera yunaevaluación para poner enpráctica los temas revisados durantelaclase.We are acompanycommittedto children's education in Mexico, we know you meantokids today iswhy, innovate tools that strengthen andsupportLEARNING.How do we do?We start with the art, learning is fun, createinteractiveandmultimedia applications, free and accessible toeveryone wherethebig winner is the children. However this is agreat challengeandwe need your support, we require resources to thedesignanddevelopment of new applications.Literary Texts 5th Block 1Subjects:• Historical Texts• Fables and Sayings• Ads AdvertisingIt is a "Class" type application where you talkaboutthedefinition of each of the above themes throughdynamicandentertaining examples. It's application ismultilingual(Spanish,English) with features to make your own notes,audiosrepeat asoften as required and an assessment to implementtherevised duringclass topics.
Exercises primary school kids 100
Exercises with review questions thathelpelementary school studying. Ideal exercises to reviewmath,language, and knowledge of the EnglishThis application will serve well to study, will serve assupportfor teachers to teach students review exercises ofvarioussubjects.It is also ideal for reviewing school exercises anddoinghomework during the summer holidays and ChristmasWith this app children learn, reinforce and improve theirEnglishlanguage skills, mathematics, knowledge of the environmentand othersubjects in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. Valid forchildrenages 5, 6,7, 8 and 9 who are studying first, second, thirdandfourth grade. Soon we will expand to add more questionsPrimaryeducation courses 4th, 5th and 6th grade.Valid for learning Spanish and English and having questionsinEnglish and Spanish.The questions are valid for primary school children inSouthAmerica and Spain: Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia,Venezuela,Bolivia, Ecuador and other Latin American as educationlevels fromall countries are similar. They are also valid forchildren inEngland, United States (USA) and any country whereEnglish isspokenIn addition, adults can use it as if it were a trivial orquizquestions to see if they know more than a primary school kid.Ifyou're an adult you should answer almost all questionscorrectly... if you do not know is that no more than a primaryschoolkid.In the area of ​​math addition, subtraction, multiplicationanddivision will wonder.In language synonyms, antonyms, verbs, readingcomprehension,etc. wonder Some of the questions are designed topromote readingcomprehension of children to learn to read andunderstand what theyhave read. You will be asked for vowels,consonants, so thatchildren develop reading comprehension and learnto read and writeproperly.Do you want your primary? You know that a child's primary?The number of questions and answers is quite high and soonwillbe adding more questions and more elementary courses. AIf you have problems in using, send us an email and we willtryto fix ASAP.This educational application for children is valid for anytabletor mobile both HD as normal. To play it is not necessary tohaveinternet or wifi since educational questions are included intheterminal and not loaded from internet.eduardodiazruizcarolacarominahonda