Top 1 Apps Similar to eZ Document Tracker (Trial)

eZ Document Tracker 1.2.2
eZ Document Tracker is a simple appthatallowsyou to keep record of all your important documents andwheretheyare stored. So, the next time that you need yourchildbirthcertificate, family medical documents, importantloandocuments,tax documents, banking records, or your importantworkrelatedpapers, you will know where they are. Always updateeZDocumentTracker when you move your important document fromonelocation toanother location.All your documents or stuff records are organizedbyfolder,therefore you can keep track of the information by keepitin thecorrect folder. eZ Document Tracker comes with utilitytostore animage, you can snap a picture or get it from yourphonegallery andattach into eZ Document Tracker. You can also usetheSearchfunction to easily locate where you store thedocuments.Download eZ Document Tracker today and startgettingorganized!With a little bit of imagination you can even useit tokeep trackof your office mails, your tools, your companydocumentsflow, yourbills, or any other item that you need to keeptrack of.It's up toyou!Main features:✔ Simple and easy document tracker app.✔ No registration required. It is an offline app.✔ Nice User Interface and organize your documents in folder.✔ Easily add, update and delete records.✔ Locate and search the document base on theirtitleordescription.✔ Attach an image.✔ Add and manage your own document categories and status.✔ Set a reminder and notify you.✔ Backup and restore the data to/from local storage or DropBox.