Top 13 Apps Similar to eni station

enjoy vehicle sharing 2.0.89
Your journey: from departure to arrival, in an app. Enjoy.
Prezzi Benzina - GPL e Metano
Con Prezzi Benzina trovi subitoildistributore di carburante più economico vicino a te!Seleziona il tuo carburante (Benzina, Diesel, Metano, GPL,Dieselspeciale o Benzina speciale) e in base alla tua posizioneoall'indirizzo cercato individua subito i distributori più viciniepiù economici nella tua area, sia che facciano partedellecompagnie più conosciute (come Eni/Agip, Aquila, AlRisparmio,Auchan, Benza, Beyfin, Carrefour, Conad, Costantin,Enercoop, Ego,Energas, Energyca, Esso, Europam, Fiamma 2000, H6,Ies, IP/Api, IPMatic, Loro, Noaloil, Petrol Gamma, Q8, Q8easy,Repsol, Retitalia,San Marco Petroli, Sia Fuel, Shell, SettePetroli, Tamoil,TotalErg, TE 24/24 e Vega) o siano dei distributoriindipendenti("Pompe Bianche" o "No Logo"). E una volta che haiscelto ildistributore ti ci puoi far portare dal tuo software dinavigazionepreferito!Guarda i prezzi di ogni singola stazione di servizio eaggiornarlitu stesso.Prezzi Benzina vuole rendere i prezzi dei carburantipiùtrasparenti. La qualità del servizio migliora con lacollaborazionedi ogni singolo utente, quindi più utenticollaborano, più i prezzisaranno precisi e i risparmi disponibili atutti.Prezzi Benzina è un progetto che nasce dallacollaborazionetra Federconsumatori, Adusbef, Adiconsum note:- i voti ai distributori non vengono aggiornati immediatamente,madopo qualche minuto- gli aggiornamenti dei prezzi inviati vengono processati ogni5minuti- le distanze chilometriche sono calcolate in linead'aria,rappresentano quindi una stima per difetto della distanzareale dapercorrere- per qualsiasi informazione o segnalazione di errorecontattateci,saremo più che lieti di risponderviandroid@prezzibenzina.itVuoi diventare beta tester? Clicca qui: Gasolinepricesimmediately find the cheapest gas station near you!Choose your fuel (petrol, diesel, CNG, LPG, special orspecialPetrol Diesel) and depending on your location or the addresssoughtimmediately identifies the closest and cheapest distributorsinyour area, whether they are part of the companies known (suchasEni / Agip, Aquila, Al Savings, Auchan, Benza, Beyfin,Carrefour,Conad, Costantin, Enercoop, Ego, Energas, Energyca, Esso,Europam,Fiamma 2000, H6, Ies, IP / Bees, IP Matic, they, Noaloil,PetrolRange, Q8, Q8easy, Repsol, Retitalia, San Marco Petroli, BothFuel,Shell, Seven Petroli, Tamoil, TotalErg, TE 24/24 and Vega) orareindependent distributors ( "pumps White" or " No Logo "). Andonceyou've chosen the distributor you can let us bring fromyourfavorite navigation software!Look at the prices of every single gas station and updatethemyourself.Gasoline prices want to make prices more transparent fuel.Thequality of service improves with the cooperation of eachindividualuser, so the more users collaborate, the more prices willbeprecise and the savings available to all.Gasoline prices is a project that is a collaborationbetweenConsumers Association, Adusbef, notes:- Vows to distributors are not updated immediately, but after afewminutes- The change posted prices are processed every 5 minutes- The distances are calculated as the crow flies, thustheyrepresent an underestimate of the actual travel distance- Contact us for any information or error reporting, we will bemorethan happy to answer android@prezzibenzina.itWant to become a beta tester? Click here:
Price Coach 2.3.7
Price Coach is the app that lets you quickly check the pricesofGas,Diesel and LPG of every Italian, French, Spanish andGermanservicestation. You can find the cheapest station near toyou orvirtuallynavigate all the country to search for betterprices!With PriceCoach you can also check the prices trend forevery kindof fuel inevery town and compare it with the nationalaverageprices. On PriceCoach you can find these brands: Agip,Aquila,Auchan, Benza, Beyfin,Carrefour, Conad, Coop, Costantin,Ego,Enercoop, Energas, Energyca,Eni, Esso, Europam, Giap, H6, Ies,IP,Keropetrol, Loro, Lukoil,Noaloil, Oil One, OMV, Q8,Repsol,Retitalia, Shell, San MarcoPetroli, Sia Fuel, SPEnergiaSiciliana, Tamoil, Total Erg, Vega andmany otherindependentbrands The prices displayed are communicateddirectly bythestations managers to the Ministry of EconomicDevelopmentforItaly, to the Ministry of Economy and Finance forFrance, totheMinistry of Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda forSpain andtoTankerkönig ( for Germany. Thereforewe donotassume responsibility for the reliability of theprovidedprices.
OsservaPrezzi è stata pubblicatadalMinisterodello Sviluppo Economico per favorire la piùampiadiffusione delleinformazioni sui prezzi dei carburantipraticati daogni singoloimpianto di distribuzione sull’interoterritorionazionale (art. 51L. 99/2009).L'App consente di consultare i prezzi comunicati daigestoridegliimpianti in una zona o presenti lungo un percorso.Le informazioni relative agli impianti sono inserite daigestoriesono in evoluzione. Per ulteriori approfondimentièpossibileconsultare il sito dell’Osservatorio prezzietariffe realizzazione dell’App è stata curata dal Sistema CameraleedaInfoCamere per l’integrazione con i dati del RegistroImprese,agaranzia dell’ufficialità delleinformazionianagrafichepubblicate.DisclaimerLe informazioni restituite dall’app scaturisconodallecomunicazioniobbligatorie da parte dei gestori al Ministerodellosviluppoeconomico (art. 51 L. 99/2009). Per ulterioriinformazioniconsultail sito dell’Osservatorio prezzietariffe the Ministry of Economic Development to encouragethewidestpossible dissemination of information on prices chargedbyeachdistribution system throughout the country (Article 51ofLaw99/2009).The App allows you to see the prices reported byoperatorspresentin an area or along a path.The data relating to implants are inserted by theoperatorsandare evolving. For further information please consultthe websiteofthe Observatory and rate realization dell'App was organized by the ChamberSystemandInfoCamere for integration with data from the BusinessRegister,toguarantee officialdom of thebiographicalinformationpublished.DisclaimerThe information returned by the APA arising from mandatoryreportsbymanagers at the Ministry of Economic Development (Article51 ofLaw99/2009). For more information visit the website oftheObservatoryand rate
CNG, LPG, LNG & Electric Stati
Find all stations of CNG, LNG, LPG and Electrics.
With this powerful application you cankeeprecord of all your supplies of fuel. The applicationismultilingual (English, Italian, German, French, Spanish) andisautomatically set on your tongue.The application lets you store all the supplies made and isableto generate real-time consumption statistics for the lastmonth,the last six months, the last year or the consumptiontotlaemade.The "Real Time" is a convenient function that detects inrealtime the speed, altitude and istanateni consumption basedonaverage consumption last month.Moreover, the "Real Time" trace the journey that you canreviewby visiting the "trails" where you can view all previouslocationsreporting the time taken, average speed and distancetraveled.Finally, the Settings panel allows you to manage the units askmor Miles Liters or Gallons or Imperial Gallons and U.S. $ or€.Under the "Settings" you can also change the language.
Essence&CO 2.15.0
Compare fuel prices at nearby stations or on route.
Q8 Stations 1.09
Q8 stations in Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Italy,Swedenand Denmark
Rifornimenti Autostrade Lite 2.1
RedCat Studio
Rifornimenti Autostrade Lite is a smallappthathelp you find the Gas Station with best gasoline, dieselandLPGprice along Italian Highway Network.With constantly updated data, the app let you savemoneybysuggesting the right Gas Station:Note:- Even if we do our best to keep the price updated anerrorispossible.Always check that the price at the Gas Station.- Need help ? contact us, we are happy to answer yourquestions.
PB Widgets - Beta 1.0
Attenzione: i widget per funzionare hanno bisogno che siainstallatoPrezzi Benzina. Widget di Prezzi Benzina per mostrare iprezzi medidei carburanti e i prezzi dei distributori favoriti.
Cerca Distributori GPL 2.2.1
Find Distributors LPG closer to your location
ACI Mobile Club 13.7.9
Informazioni sui veicoli in circolazione,ilsoccorso stradale ACI, i punti di interesse e, per i Soci ACI,leconvenzioni e la tessera digitale. ACI Mobile Club èanchel'applicazione mobile dell'ecosistema EasyCar e porta inuoviservizi dell'Automobile Club d'Italia sul tuosmartphone.Scopri la facilità di uso e le tante informazioni adisposizionedella nuova versione dell'APP ACI Mobile Club.Information inexistingvehicles, roadside assistance ACI, points of interest and,for ACImembers, the conventions and the digital card. ACI MobileClub isalso the mobile application ecosystem EasyCar and bringsnewservices Automobile Club of Italy on your smartphone.Discover the ease of use and the many information available tothenew version APP ACI Mobile Club.
Scanner Veicoli
★ The No. 1 app to search for insurance, stamp duty,review,complaints and booklet ★