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中庸章句集注 1.0
本書是宋代哲學家、思想家朱熹對《中庸章句》的注釋,它是朱熹用力最勤的著作。附:《四書集注》是朱熹的代表著作之一,也是四書上升為儒家經典的地位以后,諸多注解中最有權威和影響最大的一種。朱熹,字元晦,一字仲晦,原籍徽州婺源今江西婺源縣,從他父輩起,居住福建南劍今福建南平。生于南宋高宗建炎四年公元1130年,卒于南宋寧宗慶元六年公元1200年。他一生只作過9年官,大部分時間在福建講學。晚年由于反對當權派韓倫胄,被誣為“偽學”領袖,受到貶斥。南宋末理宗尊崇道學,朱熹恢復名譽。元明清歷代皆尊程朱理學,理學成為官學,成為后期儒學的主流學派。朱熹學問淵博,著述很多,重要的有《四書集注》、《周易本義》、《通鑒綱目》、《楚辭集注》、《韓文考異》等。后人把他的遺文編輯為《朱文公集》,把他的語錄編為《朱子語類》。清康熙皇帝命李光地編出《朱子全書》,是《文集》和《語類》的選集。《四書集注》包括《大學章句》、《中庸章句》、《論語集注》、《孟子集注》。它是朱熹用力最勤的著作;臨終前一天還在修改《大學章句》。唐以前,儒學以五經為經典,《論語》和《孟子》尚未正式列為經書;《大學》和《中庸》是《禮記》中的兩篇,未有特殊的地位。語孟學庸并重始于北宋,而四書之正式結集則成于朱熹。其后社會重四書過于五經,科舉考試以四書為主要科目。在《大學章句》和《中庸章句》的序中,朱熹說明他重視四書的用意,說由于漢唐以來儒家經學只注意“記誦詞章”,道、釋異端“虛無寂滅之教”流傳,以至儒學道統到孟子之后不得其傳;二程、朱熹提出四書,正是要“接乎孟子之傳”。朱熹認為《大學》是“古之大學所以教人之法”,學者必由此入門,才能達于圣學。他作《大學格物補傳》,強調“即物而窮其理”,“至于用力之久,而一旦豁然貫通焉,則眾物之表里用粗無不到,而吾心之全體大用無不明矣。”他認為《中庸》是“孔門傳授心法”,闡明先圣之道,提摯綱維,開示蘊奧,沒有一本書如《中庸》這樣明白而詳盡。至于《論語》、《孟子》,朱熹引程子的話,說:“學者當以《論語》、《孟子》為本。《論語》、《孟子》既治,則六經可不治而明矣。”朱熹推崇孟子,認為孟子大賢,亞圣之次。從此孔孟并稱。朱熹在《論語集注》中說:“夫人欲盡處,天理流行”,“其胸次悠然,直與天地萬物上下同流”,指出了道學家追求的境界。This book is theSongDynasty philosopher, thinker Zhu Xi the "Mean Chapterscomments, itis the writings of Zhu Xi force most diligent.        Attachment:"FourBooks" is one of the representative works of Zhu Xi's FourBooksrose to the position of the Confucian classics, mostauthority andinfluence a lot of comments.        Zhu Xi,thecharacter dark, Zi Zhong dark, Huizhou origin Wuyuan todayWuyuanCounty in Jiangxi, starting from his parents, living in Southswordtoday Fujian Nanping, Fujian. Born South Song Emperor Jianyan,fouryears AD 1130 and died in Southern Song Dynasty Ningzong QingYuansix-year AD 1200. His life for the official 9 years, most ofthetime to give lectures in Fujian. In his later years asagainstthose in power Han Lun helmet, has been accused of"pseudo-science"leaders, by denigration. End of Methodismreverential University ofSouthern Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi restore thereputation. Yuan, Mingand Qing dynasties are respect andNeo-Confucianism, ScienceOfficial late Confucianism mainstreamschool. Zhu Xi learned a lotof writing, the "Four Books", "OriginalMeaning," Chronicle outline"," Songs of the South Annotations ","Korean Textual. Descendantshe left text editor for the "the ZhuWengong set, quotations fromhis numbered" ZHUAIYULE ". Qing KangxiHuang Di Ming Li Guang tocompile the "Zhu Shu", "Collected Works"and "category"anthology.        "FourBooks"including "Chapters" Mean Chapters, "AnalectsAnnotations","Mencius Annotations. It is the writings of Zhu Xiforce mostdiligent; still modify the "Chapters" the day beforedeath. Beforethe Tang Dynasty, Confucianism Pentateuch classic,"The Analects ofConfucius" and "Mencius" has not been officiallyclassified by thebook; "University" and "The Golden Mean" two "inthe" Book ofRites, No special status. Language Meng Xue Yong andbegan in theNorthern Song Dynasty, the book officially compiled andinto ZhuXi. Subsequent social book too Pentateuch, as the mainsubjects ofthe imperial examinations to the Four Books. UniversityChapters"and" moderation Chapters "sequence, Zhu Xi Description Heattachedimportance to the intention of the Four Books, said thatbecausesince the Han and Tang Dynasties of Confucian Classics onlypayattention to memorize word chapter, said, Buddhism heresythe"nothingness Perishable teach "spread, as well as ConfucianismRoadits transmission system to Mencius not; two-way, Zhu Xi putforwarda four book because we want to, "then the Mencius Chuan".Zhu Xi"university" is the ancient University teach the law,scholars willthus started, in order to reach St. school. As"Universityinvestigation of things complement Biography",emphasizing "thatmatter its poor management," As hard as long as,once suddenlythrough Yan, the list of all the objects with coarseno less thanmy heart all Dayong no unknown men. "He believes thatthe" GoldenMean "" Confucius teach the Heart ", to clarify theRoad, sage,mention Zhi Gang dimensional open shown Yun Austria, abook suchas" Mean "This idea and detailed. As for the "AnalectsofConfucius, Mencius, Zhu Xi cited number of days, said:"Thescholars when the "Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius"oriented"The Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius" Governance, sixwhere hedied Ming carry. " Zhu Xi respected Mencius, that Mencius,Yin,Yasheng times. Saying from Confucius and Mencius. Zhu Xi intheAnalects Annotations ", said:" Mrs. Yujin at justice popular","chest leisurely times, straight up and down with the heavensandthe earth with the flow ", pointed out that the pursuit oftherealm of the moralists.
中庸章句 2.0
中庸證釋 1.5
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菜根谭 1.0
Ming Shen
SIKUQUANSHU Trial Version v0.67
The app contains 4 books ofSiKuQuanShu,itrequires about 60 MB space.Please not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in theapporfind any flaw or have some suggestion. Siku Quanshu, variously translated as theImperialCollectionof Four, Emperor's Four Treasuries, CompleteLibrary inFourBranches of Literature, or Complete Library of theFourTreasuries,is the largest collection of books inChinesehistory.During the height of the Qing Dynasty in the 18th centuryCE,theQianlong Emperor commissioned the Siku Quanshu todemonstratethatthe Qing could surpass the Ming Dynasty's 1403YongleEncyclopedia,which was the world's largest encyclopedia atthetime.The editorial board included 361 scholars, with Ji YunandLuXixiong (陸錫熊) as chief editors. They began compilation in1773andcompleted it in 1782. The editors collected andannotatedover10,000 manuscripts from the imperial collectionsandotherlibraries, destroyed some 3,000 titles, or works,thatwereconsidered to be anti-Manchu, and selected 3,461 titles,orworks,for inclusion into the Siku Quanshu. They were boundin36,381volumes (册) with more than 79,000 chapters (卷),comprisingabout2.3 million pages, and approximately 800millionChinesecharacters.