Top 10 Apps Similar to Four Hours

DBK Komponents 1.4
Free Kustom Komponents. Feel free to use inanyof your walls.Check out my other Kustom works here:
Flash for KLWP 1.4
Descripción What you need... -First KLWP app (nothingmore)-NovaLauncher Prime or Apex Launcher -Grid size 10x8 -inNovasetting,wallpaper scrolling on -3 pages only Require Kustom3.1.6and up-Check Videoforapreciateanimations: you needhelpsetting send Mail me
Material Music Komponent 1.9
I/O Sxedio
Three customizable material music komponents to use withKLWP.Required: KLWP Kustom Live WallpaperMaker be customized to your preference through theKomponent's'Settings' tab in KLWP's advanced editor. Some mediabuttons arecosmetic/non functional, at least for the moment.Credits:MaterialDesign
Calendar Plus for Kustom 1.9
Calendar komponent for Kustom. Fullyadjustablecolors, fonts and sizes. Shows 1 to 5 rows. Days of theweek, month,year optional. You can choose to have dots, squares,triangles orrectangles as appointment reminders. Up to four everyday. You canscroll through the calendar. if you want to get backto the currentdate just click on the current day.****For non commercial use only****
A Drop for KLWP 1.9
A simple theme for KLWP with unique animations.
Material Weather Komponent 1.10
I/O Sxedio
Material Weather Komponents based on the design ofWeatherTimelinewidgets. Required: KLWP Kustom LiveWallpaperMaker changes according to weatherconditions. In turn,the colorscan be customized. -Switch betweenstraight and roundcorners. -Swap'Max' and 'Min' temperatureposition. -Switch betweenlast updatedand current time. -Switchbetween 'Precipitation'percentage(currently not available) and'Feels Like' temperature.All optionsare available through the'Globals' tab of KLWP'sadvanced editor.Notes: -Text and icons(except the weather icon)will switch fromwhite to dark whenweather conditions are snow,hail and sleet. -Thecolor paletteused, is a mix of the Classic andMaterial themes usedby theWeather Timeline app. Credits: J.Amourette for theweathericons
Weather IconPack Maker Kustom 1.9
Choose an icon for every weatherconditioninthe settings of the komponent.I you want to see which one you picked you can turn onthe"examples"switch at the bottom of the settings.Save thekomponent,leave theeditor and go back in. When you are donechoosing theicons you haveto put the switch off again. After yousaved thekomponent the rightweathericon (for the day you picked inthesettings) will appear onyour screen.If you want to use these icons again in a differentskinyou'llhave to export them (save on your phone). Click on thelockat thetop of your screen. Click on the icon with the arrow init,Changethe hame of the komponent and save. You can nowimportthekomponent in any skin you like.Do you find the komponent to be to heavy, you candeletetheexamples layer. Unlock the komponent (at the top ofyourscreen)Check the box behind the examples layer and click ondelete(thewaste bin at the top of your screen)IF YOU USE ICONS YOU FOUND ON THE INTERNET PLEASE MAKESUREYOUARE ALLOWED TO USE THEM!!This komponent only works as part of a Kustom LiveWallPaper(goget it!!) Works from KLWP 2.08 and up****For non commercial use only****
Agenda to Maps, incl weather 1.11
Use Google Calendar, fill in a properlocationwith your appointments and a click on the time will bringyou toMaps and the directions! In this komponent the weatherforecastsfor each appointment are included. Colors and fonts areadjustablein the settings of the komponent.Works only on Kustom Live Wallpaper Maker (go get it!)****For non commercial use only****
MusicArt Kustom Komponent 1.9
Simple Kustom komponent showing albumcoverandmusic controls****For non commercial use only****
Simple Maps Kustom Komponent 1.9
Two komponents for KLWP maker with mapsshowingcurrent location with marker, Both have a transparentroadmap orhybrid option. One is a worldmap and one has zoomlevels10, 14, 18.****For non commercial use only****