Top 5 Apps Similar to Colorful Taipei

Travel Taipei 5.2.8
PocketGuide, the world’s leading audiocityguide application, gives you tours by voice, revealing thebeststories, insider hangouts and must-see sights in close to 100majorcities and tourist destinations. The app determines yourlocationand a recording of your personal tour guide describes whereyou are– you don’t need to touch your phone or read from thescreen. Allthe tours are developed by local experts who know theircitiesinside-and-out. You can choose from different themed tours,or justwander around the city and let PocketGuide inform you whenaninteresting site is nearby. The app can also record your trip:Withone click you can create an amazing 3D video of the sights youseeon your travels.You can use the GPS-activated voice tours for free as longasyour phone is online, but that means you will have to payroamingcharges. If you pay to download the tours, you can usethemoffline, and save on the cost of roaming. We charge a small feefordownloading the offline features because we need to reimbursethetour guides and cover our development costs. Other features youcanget for free include a map that works offline and free use ofthe3D tour.Why PocketGuide?• TOURS OFFERED BY LOCAL EXPERTS - Browse more than 400 toursguidedby people who make sure you see the most excitingplaces.• AUDIO GUIDED TOURS - It will guide you with clear audio cuesandonce you approach a sight it automatically starts to tell youaboutit• SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES - During your tour you can take photosandadd comments; from this PocketGuide automatically creates a3Dvideo which you can easily share with your friends• FIND GREAT PLACES - If you are tired, let our guides recommendyouthe best nearby restaurants and cafés• AVAILABLE OFFLINE - Once you download a city, the wholecontentworks in offline mode so you don’t have to payroamingcharges• OFFLINE MAP - Get a free offline map and navigate in thecityeasily while avoiding roaming charges.Enjoyed the tours? Keep on traveling? DownloadPocketGuide'sother versions available in other cities.
Taipei Travel Guide by Triposo 4.4.1
Triposo Inc
The Taipei travel guide is a complete and uptodate city guide. It works offline, you don't need aninternetconnection.Bookmark interesting places in the sightseeing section withallthe monuments. Pick your ideal restaurant in the eating outsectioncontaining the best restaurants. Discover the nightlife ofTaipei!Bars, pubs & discos in Taipei.Use the detailed offline map of Taipei to simply find outwhereyou are and see what's around.The complete background information can be an interesting readathome or on the road to your next adventure.Useful when you are there:- Currency converter.- Phrasebook for Chinese.- Weather forecast (updated when online).- Directions on how to get to a place by public transport.- Book hotels and tours in Taipei directly from the app(whenonline).About TriposoFounded by and for travelers, Triposo deliversup-to-dateinformation, detailed maps and intelligentrecommendations for morethan 40,000 destinations in 200 countriesaround the world. To makeour guides we use the content that isfreely available. Opencontent sites like Wikivoyage, Wikipedia,World66 and OpenStreetMapare among the best resources for anytraveler. Whether you are aplanner or prefer to go with the flow,Triposo helps you discoverthe unexpected and experience travel in anew way.If you see any problem with the app, please write us an so we can figure out what's wrong and fixit.Thanks!
愛台北 17.2
PinMap -親子、藝文活動,旅遊,信用卡優惠,美食,DM 3.6
相關PunApp評測:,是由UCNET所發想的一個idea,我們希望有一個APP能解決尋找生活資訊的需求,原以為APP市集上隨便找都有,沒錯....生活資訊的APP的確很多了,但都不是我們要的,資訊太雜反而是一個負擔,因此我們決定打造一個能讓使用者自由選擇的產品,PinMap就此誕生了。一開始的畫面是個六宮格快捷鍵,最初的六宮格是空白狀態,只要點選任一格就會顯示可掛載的地圖資訊。目前有麥當勞,肯德基,摩斯漢堡、便利商店、屈臣氏、全聯福利中心、Mobile01(美食與旅遊)、全台藝文活動、信用卡優惠、部落客美食、經濟部中部辦公室的菜市場美食名單、郵局ATM、觀光局的旅行台灣、教保資訊網的合格幼稚、實價登錄、全台基地台、全台飛場(感謝網友飛寶提供)、經濟部的觀光工廠名單、全台圖書館...未來會持續加入。根據使用者自行組合的類別不同,就能呈現不同的資訊,對一般家庭而言,如果不知道要帶小朋友去哪邊玩,可釘選藝文活動,就會呈現自己位置附近的戶外活動、室內展覽資訊。如果不是想看自己附近的資訊,也可以從功能列中選擇縣市並輸入道路名稱來換位置。關於居住機能部份,目前我們是整理線上各大實價登錄平台相關資訊(實價登錄類別與其他類別有一個不同地方,那就是點選右方列表縮圖可以直接開起街景模式)。使用者可以搭配基地台類別來查詢,如果對住在基地台附近較為敏感的用戶,或許可做為買房參考。基地台部分因資訊較為敏感,為了避免造成困擾所以就不提供住址,但使用者還是能透過地圖功能得知概略位置清單中每個項目的標題、類別圖示、或者是留言icon都可點選,點選之後就能查看其他使用者的評論或詳細內容,同時也會從Google比對相關圖片作為參考;為了尊重每篇文章或景點的內容原創性,如果是資訊來源是政府,我們會提供內容摘要(如菜市場美食或觀光工廠);如果資訊來源是論壇,那麼我們僅提供店家資訊,至於原始內容可點選外部連結觀看。如果您選擇的是連鎖店類別,那麼外部連結會導向DM優惠。更多說明請參考 :如要與我們聯繫請或有任建議, 歡迎mail到關鍵字:屈臣氏、全聯、Mobile01、藝文活動、信用卡優惠、經濟部菜市場美食、觀光局-旅遊台灣、實價登錄、3秒找郵局、3秒找便利商店、部落客美食、DM、合格幼稚園、飛場、藝文、展覽、表演、音樂演唱會、旅遊、農夫市集