Top 22 Apps Similar to Get Creative! Hypnosis

Think Resilient! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high qualityandtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection is necessarytodownload***If you face any issue with your Androidapplication,please do write to our support email address beforerating theapplication***THINK RESILIENT! RESILIENCE AFFIRMATIONSOh no, not another day like this! Stress at home and at work,afull schedule and then some bad news...Anyone can see that you're panicking, your mind isimmediatelyfull of worst case scenarios, you feel paralysed. Thereare howeverpeople, unlike you, who remain completely calm and incontrol insimilar situations.You regard such people as reliable and strong as an oak,firmlyrooted in the ground, and who can't be easily knocked down.But yousee the situation in a helpless way, feeling impotentandpowerless. Do you want to be more resilient and feel more securetobetter cope with daily demands, at work as well as inprivate?Then the "Think Resilient! Resilience Affirmations" programisideal for you!WHAT EXACTLY ARE AFFIRMATIONS?Affirmations are an easy and effective self-coachingtechniquethat is particularly optimal for supporting processes ofchange inyour life. An affirmation is nothing other than a short,positivelyformulated sentence (of faith) or positive belief, andthe secretto its success lies in repetition.Because our thoughts, feelings and actions form aninterdependentrelationship, we can influence our feelings andbehavior by changingour thoughts. Hence, with the help ofaffirmations, negative,unconscious thoughts and self-doubt can bechanged for thebetter.HOW AND WHEN SHOULD I USE THE PROGRAM?The secret to the success of affirmations lies inrepetition.With approximately 20 minutes a day, you will quicklyfeel andexperience your first successes. Kim Fleckensteinrecommends thatthe program be used daily over a period of fourweeks orlonger.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN„Think Resilient!“ was designed by well-knownGermanHypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is acertifiedalternative practitioner in psychotherapy, aclinicalHypnotherapist and NLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich shealreadypublished a range of best-selling self-help and hypnosisprogramsas Apps and MP3s under the label GET ON APPS!. Her uniquetechniqueand self experiences have helped to create the specialcharacterand heart of her recordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershealso publishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 20-Minute professional Affirmationsessionusing the latest relaxation techniques – suitable forboth,beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every program byCSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicleorduring any other activity that requires your full attention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once adayover a period of 4 weeks.
Get Calm! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are highqualityandtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection isnecessarytodownload***If you face any issue with yourAndroidapplication,please do write to our support email addressbeforerating theapplication ***GET CALM! OVERCOMING INNER RESTLESSNESS BY HYPNOSIS-Feel calmer, more serene and gradually more confident-Consciously enjoy life with more calm and serenity-Intentionally get rid of fear-mongering thoughtsDo you often experience an inner restlessness andconstantlyhaveirrational fears that prevent you from enjoying lifeto thefullest?Perhaps you are sometimes overcome by an innertrepidationor thestrange feeling that someone or something isbreathing downyourneck? ""Get Calm! Overcoming Inner Restlessnessby Hypnosis""willhelp you regain your inner peace. You willgradually learn howtodispel issues and situations that overcame youwith confusionandunease just a moment ago, and replace thosenegative thoughtswithfeelings of light-hearted calm, serenity, andconfidence. Youwillfeel and understand how to connect with andinternalize theenergyof Mother Earth herself, enabling you to bringeverythingundercontrol, without fear. You will learn how to trustyourself,gainever-increasing clarity in your mind, and feelincreasinglyfreerand calmer.HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS""Get Calm! Overcoming Inner Restlessness by Hypnosis""isaneffective relaxation training that utilizes classichypnosisandmental coaching techniques. This 26-minute program isaimedatadults and young adults who feel driven by innerrestlessnessorinexplicable fears that prevent them from living acalm andhappylife. In this pleasant hypnosis training course,KimFleckensteinwill use a large number of positive affirmationstoactivate thepower of your very own subconscious. Witheachrepetition, yourability to calm down and control your feelingsandthoughts will beaugmented. Over time, this will help you to letgoof innerrestlessness, old limitations, and fearful thoughtsforgood,allowing you to find inner peace and a comfortingsenseofcalm. ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEINThe program was designed by well-known GermanHypnotherapistKimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is acertifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinicalHypnotherapistandNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she alreadypublished a rangeofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs asApps and MP3sunderthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique andselfexperienceshave helped to create the special character andheart ofherrecordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershealsopublishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 26-Minute professional Hypnosissessionusingthe latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques –suitable forboth,beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, whichleadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every programbyCSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motorvehicleorduring any other activity that requires your fullattention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any othermedical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to thisprogram once adayover a period of 4 weeks.
Get Deep Sleep! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large,agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you faceanyissue with your Android application, please do write to oursupportemail address before rating the application*** Get DeepSleep!Sleep well by Hypnosis You have problems with sleeping orfallingasleep? You finally want to sleep better and well again? Youwantto overcome insomnia naturally? Then try out „Get DeepSleep!“today! „Get Deep Sleep!“ is a powerful tool for yourpersonalchange and empowerment. The hypnotic and relaxationtechniqueswithin this program help you best to reach your personalgoal of agood night’s rest! Sleep is an essential part of ourlives, atleast we spend a third of it just sleeping. And we takesleep forgranted like the sunrise in the morning - until sleepproblemsappear! More than 30 percent of people in the Westernindustrialcountries suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders. Alsothefindings of science about sleep and its impact on our healthshowhow important a regular, healthy and restful sleep is. By theway -the duration is less important than the quality. A permanentlypoorsleep and sleep disorders have significant impacts -irritability,depression and fatigue are the most common. A simpleand effectivemethod for a deep, better and healthy sleep ishypnosis. Thehypnosis program "Get Deep Sleep!" was developed byHypnotherapistKim Fleckenstein to help you sleep better at nightand be moreenergetic and productive during your waking hours.Through hypnoticlanguage patterns and specific suggestions KimFleckenstein willlead you through a visualization process thathelps the body andmind to relax and fall asleep easily. Sleep welltonight! ABOUT KIMFLECKENSTEIN „Get Deep-Sleep!“ was designed bywell-known GermanHypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein. Kim Fleckensteinis a certifiedalternative practitioner in psychotherapy, aclinicalHypnotherapist and NLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich shealreadypublished a range of best-selling self-help and hypnosisprogramsas Apps and MP3s under the label GET ON APPS!. Her uniquetechniqueand self experiences have helped to create the specialcharacterand heart of her recordings. Getting requests from allover theworld, she decided to publish her hypnosis programs inenglishlanguage as well. Together with professional and nativespeakerCathy Weber she made it reality! WHAT YOU GET • A highlyeffective25-Minute professional Hypnosis session using the latesthypnoticand relaxation techniques – suitable for both, beginnersand moreexperienced users. • The professional and warm voice ofCathyWeber, which leads you into a deep state of relaxation andchange.• A high quality and state of the art recording. •Professionallycomposed background music for every program by CSWMusic. PLEASENOTE Do not listen to this program while operating amotor vehicleor during any other activity that requires your fullattention. This program does not replace a doctor or any othermedicalaids.   The best effect can be achieved by listening tothisprogram once a day over a period of 4 weeks. GET DEEP SLEEP!ISYOUR PERSONAL COACH! ALWAYS WITH YOU! GIVE IT A TRY, NOW!
Get Released! Hypnosis 26.0
GET RELEASED! LEARNING TO LET GO BY HYPNOSIS• The fulfillment of your desires is no longer in the handsofothers• Break away from the bondage of existing habits; let go of thepastand your old baggage• Put an end to negative thoughts and limiting beliefsDo you get stuck in the past too often? Would you like tofinallyovercome your separation and release your old relationship?Wouldyou like to let go of your children, your heartbreak or yourdesireto have children? Is it perhaps also difficult for you tolet go ofnegative thoughts, situations and stressful feelings? Youwouldrather feel free and unencumbered by them. But how? Thehypnosisprogram „Get Released! Learning to Let Go by Hypnosis""can help youto finally allow and learn to let go. Because life isabout changeand letting go. It is even more important for you tolearn thatexternal changes are possible only by changing yourinternalthoughts. With this hypnosis program, you will experiencestep bystep how to go from passively clinging to actively lettinggo andhow to make yourself independent of other people, previoushabitsand negative thoughts. Each day, you will graduallyreorientyourself toward a life that is free from fear and thereforeall themore fulfilling.HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS„Get Released! Learning to Let Go by Hypnosis"" is aneffectiverelaxation training that utilizes classic hypnosis andmentalcoaching techniques. This 28-minute program is aimed atadults andyoung adults who find it difficult or simply impossibleto let go.With this hypnosis program, Kim Fleckenstein opens thedoor to yoursubconscious mind in order to embed positive,life-changingaffirmations deep within it. With each repetition, youwill changeyour style of feeling, thinking and acting. Say goodbyeto limitingthoughts and let go forever of habits and people thathinder yourhappiness.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEINThe program was designed by well-known German HypnotherapistKimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical HypnotherapistandNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a rangeofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3sunderthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and selfexperienceshave helped to create the special character and heart ofherrecordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershealso publishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 28-Minute professional Hypnosissessionusing the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques –suitable forboth, beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every program byCSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicleorduring any other activity that requires your full attention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once adayover a period of 4 weeks.
Get Liberated! Hypnosis 26.0
GET LIBERATED! OVERCOMING MENTAL BLOCKSBYHYPNOSIS• Put an end to counterproductive feelings• Find the causes of blockages and selectively eradicate them• Determine for yourself which events have an influence andwhichones do notYou sometimes feel that something is blocking you internallyandpreventing you from e.g. overcoming your shyness,succeedingprofessionally, speaking confidently in public or puttingaheartache behind you. You suspect that it would help you to gettothe bottom of the reasons for your mental blocks. Thehypnosisprogram „Get Liberated! Overcoming Mental Blocks byHypnosis“ canhelp you identify the important or seeminglyinsignificant event inyour life that is the cause of your problemsand doubts. Step bystep, it helps dissolve blockages that preventyou from optimallydeveloping to your full potential, once and forall. With thishypnosis program, you will learn to put an end tonegative thoughtsand strengthen your awareness of what is good foryou. You can feeland radiate positive energy better with time.Because yoursubconscious changes your focus in a positivedirection. Youexperience deep contentment, harmony and claritywhich make youmuch stronger.HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS„Get Liberated! Overcoming Mental Blocks by Hypnosis“ isaneffective relaxation training that utilizes classic hypnosisandmental coaching techniques. This 39-minute program is aimedatadults and young adults who wish to definitively let go ofmentaland emotional blockages. Kim Fleckenstein helps you achievethis byusing the ""timeline method,"" an imaginary journey back intimealong the timeline of your own life. With this method, you cancallup certain events that are the cause of your blockage, changethem,and thus remove the feeling of being blocked by theeventforever.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEINThe program was designed by well-known German HypnotherapistKimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical HypnotherapistandNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a rangeofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3sunderthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and selfexperienceshave helped to create the special character and heart ofherrecordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershealso publishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 39-Minute professional Hypnosissessionusing the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques –suitable forboth, beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every program byCSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicleorduring any other activity that requires your full attention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once adayover a period of 4 weeks.
Get Motivation! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large,agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you faceanyissue with your Android application, please do write to oursupportemail address before rating the application*** From a diettoregular jogging - most of us have many resolutions, where wefirsthave to overcome our lack of will power, to pull through.Those whowant to eventually make it, can choose hypnosis, toself-motivatethemselves: The motivation training " Get Motivation!IncreaseSelf-Motivation by Hypnosis" supports you in many areas oflife -from losing weight to movement programmes up to your taxreturn. *Do you regularly say farewell to your resolutions, whilststandingin front of the chocolate shelf at the supermarket? * Youwouldlike to start with your learning pensum early this semester? *Youwant to eventually start a fitness programme? GET MOTIVATION! Itisa great feeling when a task is completed successfully. But itisalso always a challenge to attack everyday tasks withhighmotivation and to really master from A to Z! Though for thosewhodon’t manage to motivate themselves, they battle all too oftenwithself-doubt. Starting to learn the day before the exam, thatcanreally be risky. Sport is only profitable for those whoregularlyjump into their sport shoes or swim their lengths in thepool. Goodresolutions don’t help at all. They only give us aguiltyconscience. Self-motivation is asked for in such situations:Theeffect of motivation training or "mental coaching" is amethodwhich is scientifically proven. Our motivation training iscalled"Get Motivation! Increase Self-Motivation by Hypnosis". Itworkseffectively with the techniques of hypnosis and mentalcoaching.The 31 minute programme is intended for young people andadults whowould like to get motivated, to complete diverse everydaychallenges, better and with more success. The positivesuggestionssupport self-motivation specifically. The so called"quadrupleeffect" is used, where the suggestions are reacted fourtimes in arow, like in a canon. This so called confusionstechniquestrengthens the effect of the hypnosis. ABOUT KIMFLECKENSTEIN „GetHappiness!“ was designed by well-known GermanHypnotherapist KimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical HypnotherapistandNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a rangeofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3sunderthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and selfexperienceshave helped to create the special character and heart ofherrecordings. Together with professional and native speakerCathyWeber she also publishes her programs in English. WHAT YOU GET* Ahighly effective 31-Minute professional Hypnosis session usingthelatest hypnotic and relaxation techniques – suitable forboth,beginners and more experienced users. * The professional andwarmvoice of Cathy Weber, which leads you into a deep stateofrelaxation and change. * A high quality and state of theartrecording. * Professionally composed background music foreveryprogram by CSW Music. * Customize your settings and discoverotheruseful features. PLEASE NOTE Do not listen to this programwhileoperating a motor vehicle or during any other activitythatrequires your full attention. This program does not replaceadoctor or any other medical aids. The best effect can beachievedby listening to this program once a day over a period of 4weeks.GET MOTIVATION! IS YOUR PERSONAL COACH! ALWAYS WITH YOU! GIVEIT ATRY, NOW!
Get Inner Peace! Hypnose 26.0
**For the moment this program is onlyavailablein German language! An English version will followsoon!**+++Bitte achten Sie darauf, die App nur mit einerWLAN-Verbindungzu installieren, es geht nicht über die Flatrateinnerhalb desGerätes selber+++GET INNER PEACE! INNEREN FRIEDEN FINDEN MIT HYPNOSE- Inneren Frieden und Erfüllung finden- Loslassen und die inneren Mitte langfristig verankern- Mehr Ruhe, Ausgeglichenheit und Zufriedenheit in ihrLebenbringenSie sind einfach nur müde vom täglichen Kampf – sowohl imBerufals auch im Alltag? Sie sind unruhig und kommen einfach nichtzurRuhe? Sie fühlen Sich nicht mehr in Balance, haben IhreinnereMitte verloren? Sie möchten den „Krieg“ mit sich oder demAußenendlich loslassen, um wieder ein Leben in Ruhe, ZufriedenheitundFreude leben?Das klassische Hypnoseprogramm “Get Inner Peace! InnerenFriedenfinden mit Hypnose” kann Ihnen dabei helfen, zurück in IhreinnereMitte zu gelangen und (wieder) Frieden mit sich selbstzuschließen. Sie lernen, nach und nach den Frieden in Ihnen selberzuerkennen und zu empfinden, so dass Sie diesen auch immer mehrnachAußen ausstrahlen. Sie begeben Sie dabei auf eine Ebene, aufderSie immun sind gegen störende Einflüsse aus dem Außen. Durchdiefriedvolle Ruhe, die Sie durch das Hypnoseprogrammerfahren,bringen Sie sich wieder in mentale Balance und lassen Sienichtmehr aus Ihrem Gleichgewicht bringen.WIRKUNG UND ANWENDUNG“Get Inner Peace! Inneren Frieden finden mit Hypnose” isteinEntspannungstraining, das wirksam mit den Techniken derklassischenHypnose und des mentalen Coachings arbeitet. Das27-minütigeProgramm richtet sich an Erwachsene und jungeErwachsene, diewieder in Balance, Ruhe und Gelassenheit in ihrLeben bringenmöchten. Kim Fleckenstein nimmt Sie dazu mit auf einementale Reisein Ihren persönlichen Raum des inneren Friedens.Friedvolle Gefühleund Gedanken begleiten Sie von nun an, so dassSie in den nächstenTagen, Wochen, Monaten öfter und öfter dieheilende Kraft Ihresinneren Friedens spüren werden. Sie erlebeneine ganz neueLeichtigkeit und können Ihr Leben endlich wieder inRuhe undFrieden genießen.HIGHLIGHTS DER APP* Wirksames 27-minütiges Hypnoseprogramm - entwickeltundgesprochen von Hypnosetherapeutin Kim Fleckenstein nachdenneuesten Erkenntnissen der Hypnose!* Leichte, intuitive Bedienung und Anwendung – für Anfängerunderfahrene Hypnoseanwender geeignet!* Höchste Qualität durch Aufnahmen inprofessionellemTonstudio!* Hochwertige und auf das Programm abgestimmte Musik vondenProfimusikern von CSW Music!BITTE BEACHTENBitte hören Sie dieses Programm nicht beim Autofahren oderbeiTätigkeiten, die Ihre uneingeschränkte Aufmerksamkeiterfordern.Das Programm ersetzt keinen Arztbesuch oder Medikamente,diekrankheitsbedingt benötigt werden.Hypnose ist prinzipiell für alle körperlich und geistiggesundenMenschen geeignet. Sollten Sie in therapeutischerBehandlung sein,z.Bsp. aufgrund einer Depression oder Psychose, und/ oderverschreibungspflichtige Medikamente einnehmen, halten Siebittevor Anwendung dieses Programms Rücksprache mit IhrembehandelndenArzt. Das Programm ersetzt keine Behandlung beikrankhaftenAngststörungen.Um den bestmöglichen Effekt zu erzielen, sollten Sie dasProgrammüber einen Zeitraum von mindestens 30 Tagen einmaltäglichhören.Wissenswertes über die Anwendung und Wirkungsweise vonHypnose.Hörproben und weitere Angebote finden** For the momentthisprogram is only available in German language! An Englishversionwill follow soon! **+++ Please be sure to install the App with a wirelessconnection,it does not go over the flat rate within the deviceitself +++GET INNER PEACE! Inner peace with hypnosis- Find inner peace and fulfillmentAnchor release and the inner middle long term -- Bring more peace, balance and satisfaction in their livesThey are just plain tired of daily struggle - both at work andineveryday life? They are restless and simply do not come to rest?Youno longer feel in balance, your inner self have lost? You wanttolet go of the "war" with them or the outer finally to again livealife in peace, happiness and joy?The classic hypnosis program "Get Inner Peace! Inner peacewithHypnosis "can help you to get back to your inner self and(again)to make peace with yourself. They learn to recognize thepeaceafter and in your own hands and feel so that you radiatethisincreasingly outward. You go here to a plane on which youareimmune to disruptive influences from the outside. Thepeacefultranquility that you learn through the hypnosis program,bringyourself back to mental balance and not let them get out ofyourbalance.Effect and Application"Get Inner Peace! Inner peace with Hypnosis "is arelaxationexercise that works effectively with the techniques ofclassicalhypnosis and mental coaching. The 27-minute program isaimed atadults and young adults who want to bring back intobalance, peaceand serenity in their lives. Kim Fleckenstein takesyou to on amental journey into your personal space of inner peace.Peacefulfeelings and thoughts will accompany you from now on, soyou willfeel more and more often in the next few days, weeks,months, thehealing power of your inner peace. Experience a wholenew light andcan make your life once again enjoy in peace andquiet.HIGHLIGHTS OF THE APP* Effective 27-minute hypnosis program - developed and spokenbyHypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein according to the latest findingsofhypnosis!* Easy, intuitive operation and application - for both beginnersandexperienced users hypnosis suitable!* Highest quality due to recordings in a professionalrecordingstudio!* High quality and adapted to the program music fromtheprofessional musicians of CSW Music!PLEASE NOTEPlease do not listen to this program while driving orduringactivities that require your full attention. The program doesnotreplace a doctor's visit or medications that are needed duetoillness.Hypnosis is in principle suitable for all people physicallyandmentally healthy. Should you be in a therapeutic treatment, a result of depression or psychosis, and / or takinganyprescription medication, please keep before application ofthisprogram in consultation with your doctor. The program doesnotreplace treatment with morbid anxiety disorders.To gain the maximum benefit, you should listen to the programfora period of at least 30 days once a day.Find out more about the application and effects of hypnosis.Tohear audio and other deals in
Get Mindfulness! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are highqualityandtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection isnecessarytodownload***If you face any issue with yourAndroidapplication,please do write to our support email addressbeforerating theapplication ***GET MINDFULNESS! MINDFULNESS TRAINING BY HYPNOSIS-Feel positive energy and radiate it yourself-Attract the fulfillment of wishes and desiresthroughmoreconfidence-Handle your own feelings with increased clarity,honesty,andauthenticityI'm sure you already know this: Negative feelings suchasfear,anger, and hate, or deficits are counterproductive and asignthatyou should make changes to your life. The first step indoingso isincreased awareness. Either that, or you have the feelingthatyourquality of life would increase significantly if you weretopaymore attention to your inner voice and blockoffnegativevibrations coming from the outside.""Get Mindfulness! Mindfulness Training by Hypnosis""willhelpyou to increase your awareness and develop anewconsciousness,enabling you to become more aware of how to liveforyourself eachday and to promote your own emotional growth. Youwilllearn tohandle your feelings authentically and honestly,tostrengthen yournerves and the way you present yourself, and tofinda new sourceof strength in your new awareness — independentofothers or ofexternal circumstances.HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS""Get Mindfulness! Mindfulness Training by Hypnosis""iseffectiverelaxation training that utilizes classic hypnosisandmentalcoaching techniques. This 31-minute program is aimedatadults andyoung adults who want to solidify their ownawarenessand confidence.For one, this will allow them to livetheir liveswith moreconfidence and ease. And for another, it willhelp themto""attract"" the fulfillment of their own hopes anddesiresthroughconscious thought and actions at all times. In thisaudioprogram,Kim Fleckenstein will leave deep, indelibleimpressions inyoursubconscious with the use of positiveaffirmations. This willenableher to bring greater harmony to yourperception andreinforce yourconfidence, helping you to see yourgoals and planswith greaterclarity.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEINThe program was designed by well-known GermanHypnotherapistKimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is acertifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinicalHypnotherapistandNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she alreadypublished a rangeofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs asApps and MP3sunderthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique andselfexperienceshave helped to create the special character andheart ofherrecordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershealsopublishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 31-Minute professional Hypnosissessionusingthe latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques –suitable forboth,beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, whichleadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every programbyCSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motorvehicleorduring any other activity that requires your fullattention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any othermedical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to thisprogram once adayover a period of 4 weeks.
Think Self-Confident! 26.0
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large,agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you faceanyissue with your Android application, please do write to oursupportemail address before rating the application ***THINKSELF-CONFIDENT! AFFIRMATIONS FOR SELF-ESTEEM Do you want to bemoreself-confident because you know that so many things in lifewouldbe easier? But you lack self-esteem in crucial situations?TheProgramme ""Think Self-Confident! Affirmations forSelf-Esteem""supports you with many positive, motivationalaffirmations. Withthe help of positive affirmations, you learn toaccept yourself theway you are, trust in yourself and stand by yourstrengths,weaknesses and quirks self-confidently in everysituation. WHATEXACTLY ARE AFFIRMATIONS? Affirmations are an easyand effectiveself-coaching technique that is particularly optimalfor supportingprocesses of change in your life. An affirmation isnothing otherthan a short, positively formulated sentence (offaith) or positivebelief, and the secret to its success lies inrepetition. Becauseour thoughts, feelings and actions form aninterdependentrelationship, we can influence our feelings andbehavior bychanging our thoughts. Hence, with the help ofaffirmations,negative, unconscious thoughts and self-doubt can bechanged forthe better. HOW AND WHEN SHOULD I USE THE PROGRAM? Thesecret tothe success of affirmations lies in repetition. Withapproximately20 minutes a day, you will quickly feel and experienceyour firstsuccesses. Kim Fleckenstein recommends that the programbe useddaily over a period of four weeks or longer. ABOUT KIMFLECKENSTEIN„Think Healthy!“ was designed by well-known GermanHypnotherapistKim Fleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical HypnotherapistandNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a rangeofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3sunderthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and selfexperienceshave helped to create the special character and heart ofherrecordings. Together with professional and native speakerCathyWeber she also publishes her programs in English. WHAT YOU GET* Ahighly effective 20-Minute professional Affirmation sessionusingthe latest relaxation techniques – suitable for both,beginners andmore experienced users. * The professional and warmvoice of CathyWeber, which leads you into a deep state ofrelaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the artrecording. * Professionallycomposed background music for everyprogram by CSW Music. *Customize your settings and discover otheruseful features. PLEASENOTE Do not listen to this program whileoperating a motor vehicleor during any other activity that requiresyour full attention.This program does not replace a doctor or anyother medical aids.The best effect can be achieved by listening tothis program once aday over a period of 4 weeks.
Get Moving! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are highqualityandtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection isnecessarytodownload***If you face any issue with yourAndroidapplication,please do write to our support email addressbeforerating theapplication ***GET MOVING! MOTIVATE YOURSELF TO EXERCISE BY HYPNOSIS• Achieve athletic goals and overcome your lackofwillpower• With each day, you’ll become more optimistic,slimmer,morepowerful and more productive• Experience the positive effects inside and outYou would like to be more athletic? Because you realizethatyouwould be more satisfied with yourself and more balancedout?Andbecause your body would feel much better? But you justsimplycan’tseem to motivate yourself to regularly exercise?The hypnosis program “Get Moving! Motivate Yourself toExercisebyHypnosis” digs deep into your subconsciousness andcanalterobstructive patterns of behavior with positiveaffirmation,makingit a little bit easier each day to exercise andto outwityour weakwillpower. Your desire to become more active andmore fitwillbecome stronger and stronger and you will be moremotivatedbecausenot only will your interest in exercising increasebut alsothelove you have for yourself – and you won’t be the onlyonetoexperience this positive change, but others will noticeittoo.HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS“Get Moving! Motivate Yourself to Exercise by Hypnosis”isaneffective relaxation training that utilizes classichypnosisandmental coaching techniques. The 29-minute program isgearedtowardyoung people and adults who would like to exercise(more) butjustcan’t seem to motivate themselves. Even people whoarealreadyactive but need an injection of motivation every once inawhile orare working toward an athletic goal can highly benefitfromthisprogram.Kim Fleckenstein will inspire you during thismotivationaltrainingwith targeted suggestions to motivate you andput an end toyourlack of willpower!ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEINThe program was designed by well-known GermanHypnotherapistKimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is acertifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinicalHypnotherapistandNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she alreadypublished a rangeofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs asApps and MP3sunderthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique andselfexperienceshave helped to create the special character andheart ofherrecordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershealsopublishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 29-Minute professional Hypnosissessionusingthe latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques –suitable forboth,beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, whichleadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every programbyCSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motorvehicleorduring any other activity that requires your fullattention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any othermedical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to thisprogram once adayover a period of 4 weeks.
Get Awareness! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high qualityandtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection is necessarytodownload***If you face any issue with your Androidapplication,please do write to our support email address beforerating theapplication ***GET AWARENESS! EXPERIENCE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS BY HYPNOSIS• Feel your own cosmic bond more strongly• Live your pure self, free from fear and discord• Allow goals that arise within to manifest themselves withoutYou know that everything in our universe is one, and that youarelinked to the great vastness. And you also know that you createyourreality with your thoughts. Just as you know that your bodyreflectsyour own inner state. But how can you use this cosmicenergy in aneven better manner for yourself, trust yourself more,and find outwhy you are alive?The hypnosis program “Get Awareness!” can help you expandyourconsciousness independently from time and space. You will learntodelve deep within yourself and concentrate on your lovingself,which will always point out the right path for you. Youwillexperience your feelings more distinctly as a decisivedrivingforce for reality. And you will learn how to determinemoreattentively which experiences you decide to undergo inyourlife.HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS“Get Awareness!” is a form of relaxation training thatworkseffectively with the techniques of classical hypnosis andmentalcoaching. The 32-minute program is aimed at adults and youngadultswho are open to spirituality, and in particular the laws oftheuniverse. If you would like to learn to use it moreeffectively,Kim Fleckenstein will open the gate to yoursubconscious with thisaudio program. Positive affirmations willthen be anchored in yoursubconscious, strengthening your deep bondwith the universe, thedivine powers, and all that is — or howeveryou choose to call thisgreat phenomenon.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicleorduring any other activity that requires your full attention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once adayover a period of 4 weeks.
Get over Lovesickness! 26.0
***The Audio files are high qualityandtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection is necessarytodownload***If you face any issue with your Androidapplication,please do write to our support email address beforerating theapplication ***GET OVER LOVESICKNESS! HEAL A BROKEN HEART BY HYPNOSIS• Finally let go of your (ex-)lover and the pain ofbeinglovesick• Stop the constant negativity revolving about in your thoughtsthatonly lead to hurt and sorrow• Reclaim the freedom to control your feelings and thoughts“Lovesickness isn’t worth the pain!”, sang Siw Malmkvist inthe60s. Sure, we would all be better off if we could let gooffeelings of grief, pain and anguish — but unfortunately there’snooff switch for broken hearts. Whether you were the one whoendedyour relationship, were dumped, or are unhappy in love,thehypnosis program „Get over Lovesickness! Heal a broken HeartbyHypnosis„ can help you to get over your lovesickness. All youhaveto do is say “stop”, and you will be able to stopthemerry-go-round of thoughts and feelings you have foundyourselfcaught on. You will slowly regain control over your ownfeelings,allowing you to finally feel free again. This will giveyoumuch-needed space to process everything that has happenedandfinally let go of the other party.HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS„Get over Lovesickness! Heal a broken Heart by Hypnosis“ isaform of relaxation training that works effectively withthetechniques of classical hypnosis and mental coaching. The37-minuteprogram is aimed at adults and young adults that aresuffering fromlovesickness after a breakup or are unhappy in love.In thishypnosis course, Kim Fleckenstein will personally show youhow toregain full control of your thoughts and feelings. Once youhaveachieved this, you will be able to use targeted suggestions toletgo of painful memories and old thoughts and feelings thatareweighing you down. After this inner “spring cleaning”, you willbeable to take a deep breath and look optimistically towardsthefuture.Duration: ca. 37 MinutesABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN„Get over Lovesickness!" was designed by well-knownGermanHypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is acertifiedalternative practitioner in psychotherapy, aclinicalHypnotherapist and NLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich shealreadypublished a range of best-selling self-help and hypnosisprogramsas Apps and MP3s under the label GET ON APPS!. Her uniquetechniqueand self experiences have helped to create the specialcharacterand heart of her recordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershealso publishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 37-Minute professional Hypnosissessionusing the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques –suitable forboth, beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every program byCSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicleorduring any other activity that requires your full attention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once adayover a period of 4 weeks.
Get Running! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high qualityandtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection is necessarytodownload***If you face any issue with your Androidapplication,please do write to our support email address beforerating theapplication ***GET RUNNING! RUNNING MOTIVATION BY HYPNOSIS• Motivation to go running• Intensify your running and enjoy it (even more)• Activate resources and achieve athletic goals•Are you a running and want to step up your training? You’ve setagoal and want keep pushing forward while running? Or youwouldfinally like to start running, because you feel that moreexercisecould do your body and soul some good?With the hypnosis program “Get Running! Running MotivationbyHypnosis”, you’ve got a training partner at your side, readytosupport you. No matter whether you’re a beginner or apassionaterunning, hypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein will provide youwith themotivation you need to reach your running goals with thissportshypnosis.HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS“Get Running! Running Motivation by Hypnosis” is aneffectiverelaxation training that utilizes classic hypnosis andmentalcoaching techniques. The 28-minute program is geared towardrunnersand those who would like to become one. With help fromtheso-called “mental movie technique,” you’ll visualize yourrunduring the hypnosis. This will allow your subconscious toreceivethe impulses its need and which you can access at any timewhenyou’re really out there running.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEINThe program was designed by well-known German HypnotherapistKimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical HypnotherapistandNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a rangeofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3sunderthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and selfexperienceshave helped to create the special character and heart ofherrecordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershealso publishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 28-Minute professional Hypnosissessionusing the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques –suitable forboth, beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every program byCSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicleorduring any other activity that requires your full attention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once adayover a period of 4 weeks.
Feel the Here and Now!Hypnosis 26.0
**For the moment this program is onlyavailablein German language! An English version will followsoon!**
Get Self-Confidence! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large,agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you faceanyissue with your Android application, please do write to oursupportemail address before rating the application*** You don’twant tofeel insecure and anxious anymore? You want to build upself-esteemand develop a steady self-confidence? You want tounleash yourstrengths and live up to your full potential? Then tryout “GetSelf-Confidence!” today! „Get Self-Confidence!“ is apowerful toolfor your personal change and empowerment. The hypnoticandrelaxation techniques within this program help you best toreachyour personal goal of a happy and fulfillinglife!******************************* Feedbacks from Users“FantasticApp!” “I have tried out several hypnosis apps – this oneis thebest for me!” “I have downloaded all "Get on Apps" Programsand Ilisten to them every single day! I can recommend all "Get onApps!"Programs are without exception.”******************************* Alow self-esteem is neither innatenor inherited. Also the height ofyour bank account or the PS ofyour car don’t go along with thelevel of your self-confidence.Self-confident people have learnedto accept the way they are. Astrong belief in yourself and theawareness of your own strengths,weaknesses and peculiarities arethe cornerstones of a strong andsteady self-esteem. The hypnosisprogram "Get Self-Confidence" is aneasy-to-use and effectivetraining for your personal growth. "Theunique combination of musicand voice leads the listener into adeeply relaxed, sleep-likestate. Thus change processes can beinitiated quickly and easily",says hypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein.Positive and motivatingsuggestions encourage the listener todevelop new patterns ofbehavior and thinking. By listening to “GetSelf-Confidence!” youwill learn how to rely on yourself and how totackle life’schallenges. Start to feel optimistic and positiveabout your live –start living now! ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN „GetSelf-Confidence!“ wasdesigned by well-known German HypnotherapistKim Fleckenstein. KimFleckenstein is a certified alternativepractitioner inpsychotherapy, a clinical Hypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach.Based in Munich she already published a range ofbest-sellingself-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3s underthe labelGET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and self experienceshave helpedto create the special character and heart of herrecordings.Getting requests from all over the world, she decided topublishher hypnosis programs in english language aswell. Togetherwithprofessional and native speaker Cathy Weber she made itreality!WHAT YOU GET * A highly effective 30-Minute professionalHypnosissession using the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques–suitable for both, beginners and more experienced users. *Theprofessional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leads you intoadeep state of relaxation and change. * A high quality and stateofthe art recording. * Professionally composed background musicforevery program by CSW Music. * Customize your settings anddiscoverother useful features. PLEASE NOTE Do not listen to thisprogramwhile operating a motor vehicle or during any other activitythatrequires your full attention.  This program does notreplace adoctor or any other medical aids.   The best effectcan beachieved by listening to this program once a day over aperiod of 4weeks. GET SELF-CONFIDENCE! IS YOUR PERSONAL COACH!ALWAYS WITHYOU! GIVE IT A TRY, NOW!
Get Lucid Dreams! Hypnosis 26.0
**For the moment this program is only available in Germanlanguage!An English version will follow soon!**
***The Audio files are highqualityandtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection isnecessarytodownload***If you face any issue with yourAndroidapplication,please do write to our support email addressbeforerating theapplication***GET HAPPINESS! BE HAPPY AND ENJOY LIFE BY HYPNOSIS* Multiply and intensify moments of happiness andjoiedevivre* Make room for more happiness* Permanently change your thinking about happinessThere are innumerable happiness advisers. They allpromise,eachin their own way, the ultimate path to happiness. Whatalmostallbooks and audio books have in common is the message thatwecreatehappiness in our minds, completely independentofexternalcircumstances. However, in order to experience moremomentsofhappiness or to intensify your feelings of happiness andjoyinlife, it is not enough to simply flip on the "happinessswitch"inyour mind. Knowledge must be manifested in yoursubconsciousmindin order for it to function sustainably.Thanks to hypnosis, this is much easier and faster thanyouthink!With the hypnosis program "Get Happiness! Be happy andenjoylife byHypnosis", you will succeed in releasing the old andmakingroom forjoy, ease and happiness through manyjoy-givingaffirmations. Youwill soon discover for yourself how theprogramsupports you infeeling happier and experiencing more joyinlife."Get Happiness! Be happy and enjoy life by Hypnosis" isthenameof our happiness training program which works effectivelywiththetechniques of classical hypnosis and mental coaching.The30-minuteprogram is aimed at adolescents and adults who wishtoenrich theirlives by increasing and intensifying feelingsofhappiness. Thehypnotic and relaxation techniques withinthisprogram help you torelax deeply. Targeted affirmations onhappinessspeak to yoursubconscious, and you internalise thesemessageseffortlessly. So,in everyday life, you remember morefrequently andwith everincreasing speed what it feels like to behappy. With yourmentalattitude reoriented towards happiness, youwill also "drawmorehappy moments into your life" and feelnoticeably more joiedevivre.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN„Get Happiness!“ was designed by well-knownGermanHypnotherapistKim Fleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is acertifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, aclinicalHypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich shealreadypublished a range ofbest-selling self-help and hypnosisprogramsas Apps and MP3s underthe label GET ON APPS!. Her uniquetechniqueand self experienceshave helped to create the specialcharacterand heart of herrecordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershealsopublishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET• A highly effective 30-Minute professional Hypnosissessionusingthe latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques –suitable forboth,beginners and more experienced users.• The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, whichleadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.• A high quality and state of the art recording.• Professionally composed background music for every programbyCSWMusic.• Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motorvehicleorduring any other activity that requires your fullattention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any othermedicalaids.The best effect can be achieved by listening to thisprogramoncea day over a period of 4 weeks.
Find Forgiveness! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large,agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you faceanyissue with your Android application, please do write to oursupportemail address before rating the application *** FINDFORGIVENESS!LEARN TO FORGIVE BY HYPNOSIS • Learn how to forgive andforget •Make peace with yourself and others • Feel freer andmorelight-hearted Do you find it difficult to forgive other peopleorlet go of an injustice that has been done to you? Would you liketoface the future with a positive attitude rather than holding ontoold injuries? Would you like to stop wasting your preciousenergyon past situations or particular people? Would you like tofeelfree again and leave thoughts such as disappointment, guilt,etc.far behind? Would you also like to be able to forgive yourself?Thehypnosis program “Find Forgiveness! Learn to Forgive byHypnosis”can help you get away from constantly thinking about hurtsanddisappointments. Within a short time, you will notice that itismuch easier to give up energy-consuming thoughts of the pastandlook ahead with a positive outlook. You will gain more awarenessofyour own behavior and the behavior of those around youbyconsidering these behaviors from a new perspective. You willbecomemore and more familiar with the qualities of reconciliationandbenevolence. You will learn to let go of those things thatyousimply cannot change, so that you can finally be at peace andlookto the future with new strength. HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS“FindForgiveness! Learn to Forgive by Hypnosis” is aneffectiverelaxation training that utilizes classic hypnosis andmentalcoaching techniques. The 27-minute program is aimed at adultsandyoung adults who wish to say goodbye, once and for all,toenergy-consuming thoughts and feelings and who no longer wish tobevictims of their own past. With the help of your subconsciousmind,it will gradually become easier for you to give upvindictivebehavior and to leave self-righteous thinking andbehavior to otherpeople in the future. With the knowledge that thisis just anunnecessary energy-waster, liberate yourself from theprison ofhurt feelings and the desire for revenge in order to enjoya moresatisfying life and spiritual balance. ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEINTheprogram was designed by well-known German HypnotherapistKimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical HypnotherapistandNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a rangeofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3sunderthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and selfexperienceshave helped to create the special character and heart ofherrecordings. Together with professional and native speakerCathyWeber she also publishes her programs in English. WHAT YOU GET* Ahighly effective 27-Minute professional Hypnosis session usingthelatest hypnotic and relaxation techniques – suitable forboth,beginners and more experienced users. * The professional andwarmvoice of Cathy Weber, which leads you into a deep stateofrelaxation and change. * A high quality and state of theartrecording. * Professionally composed background music foreveryprogram by CSW Music. * Customize your settings and discoverotheruseful features. PLEASE NOTE Do not listen to this programwhileoperating a motor vehicle or during any other activitythatrequires your full attention. This program does not replaceadoctor or any other medical aids. The best effect can beachievedby listening to this program once a day over a period of 4weeks.
Get Divine! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large,agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you faceanyissue with your Android application, please do write to oursupportemail address before rating the application *** GET DIVINE!UNVEILYOUR OWN DIVINITY BY HYPNOSIS • Step-by-step, follow theinternalguidance which reveals your destiny. • Feel deepcontentment andease. • Feel enriched with love, serenity and divineconfidence.Maybe you still remember the trusting feeling you had asa child,this powerful security of not being alone but instead beingled.And you might sometimes still feel that you are one with adivinepower, with the universe, or whatever you prefer to call itforyourself. The spiritual hypnosis program “Get Divine! Unveilyourown Divinity by Hypnosis” can you help to become more consciousofthis elementary power again. You will learn to trust in more ofadivine guidance again and to positively direct yourmentalprocesses in terms of health, wealth, love, and inner andouterharmony. Thus you experience with each passing day how todrawincreasingly more positive events into your life. By feelingyourdivine connection again, you strengthen your inner love of selfandhow to live and learn to better understand the meaning of life.HOWTHE PROGRAM WORKS “Get Divine! Unveil your own DivinitybyHypnosis” is a form of relaxation training that workseffectivelywith the techniques of classical hypnosis and mentalcoaching. The30-minute program is aimed at adults and young adultswho are opento spirituality and finding the meaning of life – notpurely fromearthly things. If you want to (re)discover your divinecore andstrengthen your universal attachment, Kim Fleckensteinanchorseffective affirmations in your sub-consciousness withthisaudio-program which helps you to follow in faith and confidenceofyour determination. PLEASE NOTE Do not listen to this programwhileoperating a motor vehicle or during any other activitythatrequires your full attention. This program does not replaceadoctor or any other medical aids. The best effect can beachievedby listening to this program once a day over a period of 4weeks.
Get Relaxed Flights! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high qualityandtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection is necessarytodownload***If you face any issue with your Androidapplication,please do write to our support email address beforerating theapplication ***This is your captain speaking: At long last, you can nowfindenjoyment in air travel thanks to the “Flight Edition” of the“GetRelaxed!” Hypnosis Program. The flight attendants serving youtodayare: Relaxation and Serenity! We wish you a pleasantflight!”GET RELAXED FLIGHTS! OVERCOME FEAR OF FLYING BY HYPNOSISWhether you are a frequent flyer or a holiday flyer, as oftoday,you are carrying your own inner captain in your pocket. “GetRelaxedFlights! Overcome Fear of Flying by Hypnosis” has beenspecificallydeveloped for in-flight relaxation and for people witha fear offlying. A combination of voice and music takes you into astate ofgentle relaxation, where Hypnotherapist Kim Fleckensteinoffers youhelpful suggestions on the subjects of relaxed flyingand the fearof flying.Enjoy this hypnosis program during your flight and switch overtoyour own personal flight mode!Please note the accompanying recommendations for the useofhypnosis programs. Kim Fleckenstein makes no representation ofthisprogram with regard to healing.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEINThe program was designed by well-known German HypnotherapistKimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical HypnotherapistandNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a rangeofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3sunderthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and selfexperienceshave helped to create the special character and heart ofherrecordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershealso publishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 20-Minute professional Hypnosissessionusing the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques –suitable forboth, beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every program byCSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicleorduring any other activity that requires your full attention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once adayover a period of 4 weeks.
Get Healthy! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high qualityandtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection is necessarytodownload***If you face any issue with your Androidapplication,please do write to our support email address beforerating theapplication***You are ill and want to feel well again? You have pain andwantto relieve from it? You are sickly and want to boost yourimmunesystem? Then try out „Get Healthy!“ today!„Get Healthy! Self-Healing by Hypnosis!“ is a powerful toolforyour personal change and empowerment. The hypnotic andrelaxationtechniques within this program help you best to reachyour personalgoal of a healthy and active life!Activate your inner doctor with the unique healthhypnosisprogramm "Get Healthy! Self-Healing by hypnosis!”* Feel healthy and fit!* Activate resilience and self-healing forces!* Get free of pain!**********************************Feedbacks from Users“I must say I was skeptical about hypnosis apps - but theseappsare really good! Although the apps don’t replace a realtherapy,they are really great for relaxation and to “rechargeyourbatteries”!”“This Hypnosis program is excellent! Kim Fleckensteins voiceisvery pleasant. I love it!”***********************************HOW THE PROGRAM WORKSIllnesses, operations, (chronic) pain or stress rob ourenergyand power. In the long term negative thoughts and badfeelings harmour health, quality and joy of life.But fortunately all the resources we need for a healthy,activeand happy life are allocated by our mind and body. Throughhypnosistechniques you will get access to them and recall them fromyoursubconscious mind.By listen ling to Kim Fleckensteins hypnosis program"GetHealthy! Self-Healing by Hypnosis!" you will learn andinternalizenew, positive beliefs that are crucial for a healthylife. Thisself-help program brings you in touch with your innerdoctor andhelps you to activate your self-healing powers.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN„Get Healthy!“ was designed by well-known GermanHypnotherapistKim Fleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical HypnotherapistandNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a rangeofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3sunderthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and selfexperienceshave helped to create the special character and heart ofherrecordings. Together with professional and native speakerCathyWeber she also publishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 33-Minute professional Hypnosissessionusing the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques –suitable forboth, beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every program byCSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicleorduring any other activity that requires your full attention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once adayover a period of 4 weeks.GET HEALTHY! IS YOUR PERSONAL COACH! ALWAYS WITH YOU! GIVE ITATRY, NOW!
Think Perfect! Affirmations 26.0
***The Audio files are high qualityandtherefore quite large, a good wifi Connection is necessarytodownload***If you face any issue with your Androidapplication,please do write to our support email address beforerating theapplication ***Think Perfect! Overcoming Perfectionism AffirmationsAre you one of those people who always want to do thingsrightand do far more than you have to? Do you put yourselfunderpressure as a result and make things unnecessarily difficultforyourself? The Affirmation Programme ""Think Perfect!OvercomingPerfectionism Affirmations"" will help liberate you fromtheperfectionism trap. Relaxing, positive affirmations will helpyouto be more easy-going in your pursuit of perfection and toallowyou to see your desire for perfection in a more realisticway.WHAT EXACTLY ARE AFFIRMATIONS?Affirmations are an easy and effective self-coachingtechniquethat is particularly optimal for supporting processes ofchange inyour life. An affirmation is nothing other than a short,positivelyformulated sentence (of faith) or positive belief, andthe secretto its success lies in repetition.Because our thoughts, feelings and actions form aninterdependentrelationship, we can influence our feelings andbehavior by changingour thoughts. Hence, with the help ofaffirmations, negative,unconscious thoughts and self-doubt can bechanged for thebetter.HOW AND WHEN SHOULD I USE THE PROGRAM?The secret to the success of affirmations lies inrepetition.With approximately 20 minutes a day, you will quicklyfeel andexperience your first successes. Kim Fleckensteinrecommends thatthe program be used daily over a period of fourweeks orlonger.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN„Think Healthy!“ was designed by well-known GermanHypnotherapistKim Fleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certifiedalternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinicalHypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she alreadypublished a range ofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programsas Apps and MP3s underthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique techniqueand self experienceshave helped to create the special characterand heart of herrecordings.Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Webershealso publishes her programs in English.WHAT YOU GET* A highly effective 25-Minute professional Affirmationsessionusing the latest relaxation techniques – suitable forboth,beginners and more experienced users.* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leadsyouinto a deep state of relaxation and change.* A high quality and state of the art recording.* Professionally composed background music for every program byCSWMusic.* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.PLEASE NOTEDo not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicleorduring any other activity that requires your full attention.Thisprogram does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids.Thebest effect can be achieved by listening to this program once adayover a period of 4 weeks.