Top 18 Games Similar to NoNi's Bulls and Cows

Cows and Bulls 2.3
Marian Zlatev
Cows and Bulls or Bulls and Cows is an old code-breaking mind game.
Code Breaker (Bulls & Cows) 1.0
DR App Dev
Code Breaker (Bulls and Cows) -- alsoknownas'Cows and Bulls' or 'Pigs and Bulls' or 'Bulls andCleots'.An old code-breaking paper and pencil game fortwoplayers,pre-dating the similar commercially marketed board game.In this Android variant you can practice your mentalcodebreakingskills in the 'Quick Play' section. Thenchallengeyourself in the'Adventure' section, with 81 gold bars tobeunlocked across 27locked safes. There is also up to 162 goldbarshidden in Adventure..if you can find them!At the start of the game your Android devicewillrandomlygenerate a secret number.In this variation of the game, the secret digit numbercanincludedigits from 0-9 and duplication digits are allowed.Using the scroll wheels, the player tries to guessthesecretnumber. If the matching digits are on their rightpositions,theyare 'bulls', if on different positions, theyare'cows'.Example:Secret number: 4271Players try: 1234Answer: 1 bull and 2 cows. (The bull is '2', the cows are'4'and'1'.)The secret numbers for bulls and cows areusually4-digit-numbers,but the game can be played with 3 to 8digitnumbers (in every caseit is more difficult than with3digits).
Bulls & Cows: guess the number v
This is the numerical version of the game.Thegame is played with 3, 4 or 5 digitsAndroid writes a 4-digit secret number. The digits must bealldifferent. Then, the player try to guess the number. Androidgivesthe number of matches. If the matching digits are in theirrightpositions, they are "bulls", if in different positions, theyare"cows".Example:Secret number: 4271Opponent's try: 1234Answer: 1 bull and 2 cows. (The bull is "2", the cows are "4"and"1".)
Bulls & Cows 11.01
Yulian Gyurov
Atanasov Games Presents Bulls and Cows Game !
Bulls and Cows 2.0.2
Niket Patel
Bulls And Cows game is basedonArtificialIntelligent. Here Computer Guess a 4 Digit Numberwhereall digitsare different and player have to find it out. Whenplayerguess anumber and if he get same digit position ascomputergeneratednumber has then Bulls will plus 1 or if the digitispresent in thenumber then Cows will plus 1. For an example.LetComputerGenerated Number is 4052 and player guess 4250 thenBullswill be 2and Cows will be 2 because digit 4 and 5 are atcorrectpositionand 0 and 2 are present in number. Each time youhave 6moves toguess a number.
Bullseye Puzzle 1.05.01
A logic puzzle game! Your goal is to reveal a secret codeselectedbyeither an AI or Human adversary. Each turn, you get aresponsethatgives you a hint about how close are you to the actualsecretcode.Once you get all BULLSEYE of the code's length - You'rethewinner! -A tweak on the conventional "Mastermind" and "BullsandCows" games.- The game comes with enriched game style options.-You can playfrom easy levels to ultra difficult ones thatinvolvea game'sspecial 2-codes feature (Numbers and Colors). -Supportalmost allscreen resolutions and devices, includingscreenrotation for dynamicgame layout! - Advanced scoringmechanism thatpushes the player tohis limits! - Four Game playtypes: * Solo *Tournament (with varyinglevels). * Vs. computer AI.* Vs. humanplayer via remote Bluetoothconnection. - Seems easy atfirst, youwill spend quite some timebefore revealing the code. -Support 10different languages!
Cows & Bulls 1.0
A Cube
Cows & Bulls is a software version of the classic game,whichwas played practically by everybody in the classroom atschool, atlectures and seminars at the university and at the boringmeetingsat work. Game rules : 1.Questioner should enter a uniqueword andpass the phone to the finder 2.Finder guesses the word andtheno.of matches is given as response. ->Bulls : Matching letterinright position ->Cows : Matching letter but NOT inrightposition 3.The Guess should be a valid dictionary word. 4.Gameendswhen FINDER guesses the word of QUESTIONER in specific no.ofguesses. 5.Repetition of letters is not allowed. 6.CLUE canbegiven by the Questioner to help the Finder guess the wordeasilyand it is optional. Developed by, Ashwin Kumar.S (SSN CollegeofEngineering)
Guessnum 1.1
Night Worker fans↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑Send mail here if you have problem.dpi:480*320,800*480,960*540.It's a number guess game.If you get the right number in right position, you'll getan"A".If you get the right number but in wrong position, you'llgeta"B".You can select 3 or 4 numbers to play.We have four game modes,"Countmode","Timemode","AI-battle mode","PVP-battle mode".Guess fewer counts as you can!Have fun!
Cows And Bulls 1.0
Cows and Bulls is a number guessinggame.Thetarget is to guess a 4-digit number that the computerhasguessed.The computer guesses the number using the followingrules:- Thenumber is a 4-digit number - Only digits from 1 to 9 areused- Nodigit can be repeated You have 10 tries to guess the numberandateach try you can check to see if your guess is correct.Thegamewill analyse your number and tell you how many Bulls andCows.ABull means that a particular digit is there and intherightposition. A Cow means that a particular digit is there butnotinthe right position.
Bulls And Cows - Mastermind 2.0
Bulls and Cows is an old code-breaking mindorpaper and pencil game for two players.It is a game with numbers or words that may date back a centuryormore. It is played by two opponents.The difference from classical game is that player doesn't havetomake less moves in order to win.You just have to be faster!You will be able to learn by yourself or train versuscomputerplaying classical game.It's a nice game to train your brain.Challenge your friends on iOS devices!
Cows And Bulls 1.0
Ishan Khanna
Cows And Bulls, a publicdomaincode-breakingdeduction game, was almost certainly theinspirationforMastermind, designed by Mordecai Meirowitz andpublished byParkerBrothers in the early 1970s. This is an androidbased replicaofthat game developed by Ishan Khanna @BoilingStocks
Bulls and Cows (Code Breaker) 1.2
Bulls and Cows is an old code-breakingpaperandpencil game, predating the similar commercially marketedboardgameMastermind.It is a guessing game in which the computer generatesarandomnumber or word and the user's objective is to try andguessthisword.The game deals with different levelsofvaryingdifficulties.The game not only deals with number guessing butalsowithalphanumeric words.
Bulls And Cows 1.5
Sony Vijay
Guess a secret number. The player hastwolevelsto choose from, a 3-digit and a 4-digit level and foreachlevel acorresponding secret number is generated which containsalluniquedigits. The count of Bulls and Cows is shown for eachguesstheplayer makes. Bulls represent the number of right digitsatrightplace and cows represent the number of right digits atthewrongplace.If the secret number = 7462 and the guessed number =7629,thenBulls = 1 (7 at right place) and Cows = 2 (6 and 2 atwrongplace).The player makes the next guess using the number ofBullsand Cowsas cues and tries to unlock the secret number withinsevenchances.It's a fun way to churn your brain so go ahead andunlockas manysecret numbers as you can.
Guess Num 1.0
This 1AIB number guessing game is the Android version ofatraditional paper and pencil game for two players. The [AI]inbetween [1AIB] stands for Artificial Intelligence, becausethisprogram has a "cat" level intelligence. Features: 3 playingmodes:Cat guess You, You guess Cat, Cat vs You. Variable digits: 2,3, 4or 5 digits. 3 A.I. levels: low, mid, high levels. How to play:1.Each player should set an n-digit secret number in mind (orwriteit down). That secret number should be made up by distinctdigits(for example, "123"). Typically, the first digit of thatnumbercannot be zero (like 079), but you can allow the first digitbezero if you want. 2. Each player will try to guess theotherplayer's secret number. For example, one guess "746", and theotherplayer's secret number is "648", then he/she will get theanswer"1A1B" from his/her opponent. "1A" means "746" has 1 digit atthecorrect position (the digit "4" in this case); "1B" means "746"has1 digit at the wrong position but exists in the secret number("6"in this case). 3. According to the answer, each player can makeabetter guess at next round. Here's an example: (Cat isyouropponent.) [Secret number "5879"] You: 1234 (Start guessing.)Cat:0A0B (Wrong digits.) You: 5678 (Keep trying.) Cat: 2A1B ('A'is5,7; 'B' is 8) You: 5876 (Keep trying.) Cat: 3A0B ('A' is5,8,7;No'B') You: 5879 (Keep trying.) Cat: 4A0B (Yes, BINGO!) Youcan alsosee "Answer Hint" or "Number Analysis" for assistance.
Bulls and Cows 1.0
Bulls and Cows, a public domain code-breaking deduction game,wasalmost certainly the inspiration for Mastermind, designedbyMordecai Meirowitz and published by Parker Brothers in theearly1970s. Players will have to guess a random four-digit numberto winthe game. The number or bulls represents a correct number inthecorrect position while the number of cows represents acorrectnumber in the wrong position. Enjoy!
Bull & Cow 1.0
Vishal Raj
Droid generate a N (depends upon level)digitnumber and User, tries to guess it.At each turn the User tries a N digit number, and the Droiddisplayshow close it is to the answer by giving:1)The number of Bulls - digits correct in therightposition.2) The number of Cows - digits correct but in thewrongposition.The User tries to guess the answer in the fewest numberofturns.Rules-Droid cannot generate number with repeated digits and 0 init.Bulls are counted before Cows.The consist of two modesMode 1User tries to guess the correct answer in fewest turnsMode 2User tries to guess the correct answer in fixed number of turnsgithub link-
Bull Cow Multiplayer 2.0.1
MW dev
You like figures , you want to be themasterofnumbers !Try our new version of the big classical game Bull AndCowthatallows you , as a kid , to develop your capacity ofdeductionandlogic , and as a grown up , to prove your hidden skills!None of us didn't play it during lessons , in the classroom,that'swhy I wanted to create my own game that can keepyoucampanywherever you go ! so take your smart phones ,download it,anddiscover the secret number as quicky as possiblehave fun, share your score, play with friends andbethechampion.
Cows And Bulls Prodigy 1.0
Ishan Khanna
Cows And Bulls, a publicdomaincode-breakingdeduction game, was almost certainly theinspirationforMastermind, designed by Mordecai Meirowitz andpublished byParkerBrothers in the early 1970s. This is an androidbased replicaofthat game developed by Ishan Khanna @BoilingStocks