Top 19 Games Similar to 霸王入陣

Unequaled in Beauty 1.0.0
Do you know that each Chinese dynastyhasitsown unique dress style? There are various dressesfromdifferentdynasties in our new game Unequaled in Beauty.Tomorrow is the princess’s birthday, and the king is going toholdagrand birthday celebration for her. Can you help dressinguptheprincess?How to play:Players need to collect coins first, then they can go to theshoptobuy their favorite clothes and other accessories. Afterthattheycan dress up the model! Remember you just need time togetmorecoins! It is free!Features:- Tons of cosmetics and accessories are free to choose- Beautiful doll to dress up withSave your works!The saved image can be:- emailed to your friends!- shared on Facebook!- used as wallpaper or avatar
武媚娘之後宮風雲錄 3.6.2
宮廷Q傳 2.3.0
【遊戲簡介】史上最Q最萌的宮廷系列卡牌手遊《宮廷Q傳》震撼來襲!遊戲內以詼諧的對話重新詮釋了人們耳熟能詳的經典宮鬥劇情,將五款熱門宮鬥劇合為一體,絕對是宮廷迷們的最愛。同時彙集了角色扮演、養成、卡牌三種流行要素,配上超細緻的萌系畫風和無厘頭的爆笑劇情,絕對能帶給你不一樣的宮廷體驗!想要爆笑穿越宮廷?想要後宮佳麗三千?一切盡在《宮廷Q傳》!【遊戲特色】1、超萌角色畫風,堪稱卡牌遊戲史上最萌。2、多部經典宮鬥劇情逐一體驗:玩一款遊戲,看五部宮廷劇!3、後宮陣營派系林立,這不單是女人的天下,男人才是掀起腥風血雨的根源!4、漫漫宮廷路,形單影隻未免太過淒涼;有伴我最強,結親姻緣攜手遊戲之旅。5、遊戲角色卡牌多達數百款,涵蓋各宮鬥名人大家,甚至還有意想不到的驚喜角色!喜歡誰,就用誰!6、卡牌組合效果千變,想要強,不再只侷限一種搭配!7、跨伺服器多人副本齊闖關,與好友一起並肩作戰吧!官網:粉絲團:[Game Description]History of the most Meng Q most court series card hand tour"palaceQ Biography" shock struck! Game with witty dialoguereinterpretedpeople familiar with the classic story house fighting,the fivepopular Palace play fighting as one, absolute favorite offanspalace. While a collection of role-playing, to develop, cardthreepopular feature, coupled with ultra-detailed MengDepartmentnonsense style and hilarious story can certainly give youadifferent court experience! Want hilarious through the court?Wantthree thousand concubines? Everything in the "palaceQBiography"![Game Features]1, Super Meng role style, called the card game in the history ofthemost Meng.2, many of the classic story house fighting each experience: Playagame, watch five court drama!3, harem camp factionalism, this is not just a woman's world, manisoff the root of the reign of terror!4, the long court road, all alone and too desolate; there withmystrongest hand in marriage matchmaking game trip.5, the game character cards up to hundreds of models, coveringallGong Dou celebrity everyone, and even the role of anunexpectedsurprise! Like who, who can use!6, the combined effect of a card-changing, you want strong, notonlythe limits of a single match!7, more than a copy Qi checkpoints across the server, andfriendsfought together now!Official website: http: // https: //
你的目的就是殺死我。 2.2
In Japan has exceeded 50 million downloads Super-popular gamethatfinally took place Hello! !
初戀守护星-免費戀愛約會模擬選擇養成 乙女女性向遊戲 1.1
===描述=== 在分開數年之後再遇見你的未婚夫,這是巧合還是命運? ===推薦給這樣的人=== * 喜歡愛情電影,電視劇,言情小說*日本漫畫的愛好者 * 有興趣和帥哥談戀愛 * 無法抵擋和各種類型無敵帥哥談戀愛 * 現在就想談戀愛 * 喜歡戀愛遊戲,乙女養成遊戲*初次玩女性向視覺小說遊戲的人 * 喜歡時髦又可愛的虛擬角色的人 * 想體驗一場虛擬現實中戀愛的感覺 *想體驗臉紅心跳的感覺===提要===在天文社是第二年了,一直以來安靜又認真的你,該是時候去結交新朋友了然而事實是,另外一個也是唯一一個會員,是那個明星學校的混混安藤龍,而社長是變態山田廣樹,唯一的專長是演戲一開始你很擔心能不能融入,但當你開始認識他們之後,事情變得不一樣了,同時你也發現,某個一直以來很熟的人,居然是你的未婚夫!中村裕太是學生的心理師,最近開始替內米進行社交訓練課程,雖然只差了三歲,但是興趣相通的他們很快地變成好朋友這些人之間的關係會有甚麼變化?哪個又會是你的真命天子? ===主角===安藤龍留著一頭藍色龐克風髮型,耳環,在脖子上的鳥類圖騰刺青,綠色眼珠。他很常翹了課跑到屋頂,但還是認真考試。他看起來傲嬌又浪漫。山田弘樹波浪金髮和藍眼珠,他自認演技極佳,卻因為"騷擾女士"被戲劇社踢出社團,山田的個性風流又散漫藤原凜留著一頭整齊的黑短髮,有一雙蜂蜜色的眼珠,帶著眼鏡。他始終守著對內米在小學時的承諾。很快地他發現內米不知道他是誰,但藤原不放棄,仍然遠遠的守著內米。中村雄太淺咖啡色總是紮個馬尾的他,有一雙深藍墨水色的眼睛,他的身形健美,雖然年輕但有顆老靈魂,愛聽老歌。 ===特殊功能===①命運的相遇多年之後再命運的十字路口遇見你的未婚夫,而你已經忘記他是誰 ②各種的相遇這裡有許多不同類型的男生,快來看看誰會是你的菜? ③多重結局每個角色都有兩種故事走向,由你來決定結局! ④特殊故事劇情為了交到更多朋友,你可以跟明星學校的混混、變態社長相處的來嗎?===支援===如有問題請先查閱FAQ若您無法在FAQ裡找到您要的協助,請利用APP裡的"聯絡我們"功能,或者本頁面的"APP支援"我們將無法針對APP商店或者FB上的評論進行回覆,敬請知悉===關於Ice Queen Media=== IceQueenMedia致力於提供更高品質的互動浪漫故事,希望各位讀者都能享受更多有愛的日子,決定啟航,選擇屬於自己的愛的冒險吧!===重要資訊===需要安卓系統4.0及以上版本
SimLove:Dating Simulation Game 1.0.1
Ourshow Games
SimLove is a free dating simulation game.Youare a lovely girl in a big city full of different guys. Buildupyour character, try and get a date, try to get a boyfriendwithin100 days!SimLove has a remarkably open design. Other than a fewstoryelements, you are free to do what you want. The centerpiece ofthegame is the relationships that you can form with 16 characters.Youneed to slowly build their relationships through a varietyofactivities, including talking, dating, traveling, andotherinteresting things.Come and play this really addictive simulation game! Inaddition,despite of the great gameplay, the game is absolutelyFREE forever!
Star Little Princess 1.0.0
Beautiful face in addition with a tallheight,she looks graceful in dresses, while she is a cool rockerwhen sheis in pants. Whatever the style is, she can easily control.Retro,simple,or rocker? For the fashion princess, it is not asinglechoice question, but a multiple answer which even can besubvertedtotally!Players need to collect coins first, then they can go to theshopto buy their favorite clothes and other accessories. Afterthat theycan dress up the model! Remember you just need time toget morecoins! It is free!Save your works!The saved image can be:- emailed to your friends!- shared on Facebook!- used as wallpaper or avatarFeatures:- Tons of cosmetics and accessories are free to choose- Beautiful doll to dress up with
熹妃傳-第一部可以玩的宮鬥小說 1.2.1
"Biography" is a mobile game specially designed for women. It isaperfect interpretation of the love and hate in the Qing Dynasty.
Chinese Princess-Costume Lady 1.0.0
It’s gorgeous! Can not imaginethetraditionalChinese dresses are so pretty that I wish I cantravelback to theancient time! Now given the chance that you aretheQueen, andtomorrow is the day that all the rounding smallcountriespay theirtributes to the king. The Queen got up early tomakeup,hoping tomake a elegant impression on those envoys. Can youhelpher todecide wear which clothes?How to play:Players need to collect coins first, then they can go to theshoptobuy their favorite clothes and other accessories. Afterthattheycan dress up the model! Remember you just need time togetmorecoins! It is free!Features:- Tons of cosmetics and accessories are free to choose- Beautiful doll to dress up withSave your works!The saved image can be:- emailed to your friends!- shared on Facebook!- used as wallpaper or avatar
御劍江湖 10.0
☆☆玩腻了低端頁游式戰鬥?厭倦了簡單排名競技場?☆☆☆☆帶操作技巧的實時PK戰鬥,和兄弟一起多人挑戰終極BOSS的划時代PVE副本☆☆☆☆3V3,5V5,多人同屏幫會VS幫會超級戰場引爆你的江湖豪情☆☆☆☆智能匹配系統匹配實力相近對手,互相切磋共同晉升,誰是最終最強王者?☆☆☆☆招式克制,技能連招,屬性相生,職業相剋,戰鬥技巧等您發掘!☆☆☆☆御劍飛行,魔劍養成,器靈培養,絕美真人正妹俠侶盡在御劍江湖!☆☆【遊戲特色】【2015戰鬥 ARPG手機遊戲首選】建構龐大完整的江湖世界劇情觀,借鑒無數的中、日經典遊戲大作的遊戲內容,對場景、區域甚至戰鬥動作都精心設計,各種動作特寫動畫讓人歎為觀止,突破你的視覺極限。【次世代引擎帶來的極致3D畫面】採用虛幻引擎精心打造的場景,無論是日式戰場、古典中式園林、烽煙四起的荒涼戰場等多種場景,都極致還原。帶來一場東方奇幻的視覺盛宴。【酣暢淋漓的動作戰鬥模式】獨特的劃動式戰鬥操作,帶來無與倫比的操作手感。各種連續技能、瞬間必殺技、徹底顛覆你對手機動作遊戲的想像!【緊張激烈實時互動的PVE和PVP戰鬥】野外戰,域外PK所向披靡。蒙面戰鬥,封測期間殺氣暗湧。幫派戰,至尊奪旗攻堅爭奪。跨服戰,霸氣王者誰主沉浮。陣營戰,兩軍對峙兵臨城下。破天一劍,和兄弟征戰沙場!【盪氣迴腸的劍客之旅】一把劍,一壺酒,劍下本無生,何以見赤誠?本是心如死灰的孤獨劍客,無意之中遇到伊人,喚醒塵封多年內心的愛。拔刀一斬,誓死守護心愛之人。【個人成就和技術積分排名】各種關卡、戰鬥復本你挑戰,另外還可以與好友在排行榜上展開較量。【精彩公測活動】封測期間神兵、橙裝、神寵大派送,極品飛劍飛天落地,每日登入好禮不停,超值月卡,八倍返還!混沌仙宮,奢華禮包帶你征戰劍客世界,晉升至尊VIP遊戲特權大解鎖還送九天玄翼,快快行動吧~【聯繫我們】粉絲團將不定時公布遊戲攻略和好康活動~馬上就到粉絲團按讚吧!!官方粉絲團:客服中心: 遊戲內活動最下面可以聯繫官方GM解決問題,如無法正常登入遊戲,可email:cs4twgame@gmail.com請注意:※ 依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔12級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供虛擬遊戲幣購買等付費服務.請注意遊戲時間,防止沉迷.
無限.瀟灑斬一回 1.0.4
官方粉絲團:客服信箱:遊戲簡介====三國亂世背景和人物使用眾多動漫帥哥美女。酷炫的動漫格鬥模式,爽感爆表的戰鬥特效,創新豐富的多技能連招等超多玩法,即時的戰鬥技能無限釋放,獨創“QTE”格鬥模式,並採用先進的骨骼動畫技術!三國動漫大合體《無限.瀟灑斬一回》再進化,熱血推出『骨骼動畫技術』,等你來挑戰!★★動漫帥氣人物 真實打擊畫面★★★★大型多人線上手遊★★★★革新即時線上戰鬥系統 連技爽感爆表★★《無限.瀟灑斬一回》是款打擊街機戰鬥角色扮演手遊,加入了獨創“QTE”格鬥模式,並融入了動漫人物造型,讓玩家盡情享受戰鬥,玩到停不下來!三國故事背景,技能無限的畫面特效,豐富多彩的遊戲內容,讓你在遊戲中猶如身臨其境,享受三國街機世界的戰鬥之旅!【漫畫畫面】精緻細膩日系風,真實畫面,身臨其境般的遊戲體驗【即時PK】無限制即時PK模式,體驗格鬥遊戲般的爽快戰鬥【豐富技能】創新合體戰鬥系統,多種角色技能,效果自由搭配【地圖精美】在場景中移動時,各層地圖有不同移動速度,效果盡現。【激戰梟雄】不賣情懷,只靠實力【奪旗守城】守護城關,人在旗在【名將收納】廣納名將讓您當上三國霸主。【獨創神兵系統】獨創神兵模式,只要你點夠快破關就近在眼前!
Anime Little Princess 1.0.0
She's an anime girl, and she's beenupgradedtothe next level. She can jump higher, run faster, anddressmorefashionably than ever before! This lovely anime cutie fromheadtotoes in order to get her ready for a new day! Comeandhelpdressing her up!How to play:Players need to collect coins first, then they can go to theshoptobuy their favorite clothes and other accessories. Afterthattheycan dress up the model! Remember you just need time togetmorecoins! It is free!Features:- Tons of cosmetics and accessories are free to choose- Beautiful doll to dress up withSave your works!The saved image can be:- emailed to your friends!- shared on Facebook!- used as wallpaper or avatar
妖精的尾巴:啟程(首款正版授權) 1.5.0
全台首款!「妖精的尾巴」授權手遊集結魔導士公會原班人馬,參上!重溫魔導士的熱情、重現競技場的熱血挑戰全新彈珠玩法,體驗一指彈收激爆全場的爽快熱血!【遊戲介紹】:☆ 全台首款妖精的尾巴(魔導少年),日本授權手遊 ☆日本講談社官方授權,「妖精的尾巴(魔導少年)」全台首款正版手遊,還原經典動漫劇情,人物及場景均忠於原著呈現。☆ 集結魔導士公會原班人馬,還原經典動漫劇情 ☆忠於原著呈現,玩家所熟悉人物依照劇情逐一登場,不論主角納茲、露西、格雷、艾露莎、或是哈比、馬卡洛夫,進入遊戲就化身為公會一員,重溫經典,一同朝最強魔島士之路邁進!☆ 競技場熱血排名,PK妖精的尾巴成員 ☆融合動漫經典場景的競技場對戰,讓喜愛競爭的玩家可以挑戰魔導小隊實力,藉由隊伍組合策略與成員運用,爭奪排名,奪得鑽石獎勵!☆ 全新彈珠策略玩法,魔導小隊全方位養成 ☆以彈珠為核心玩法,融合卡牌角色養成。除等級提升、天賦技能培養、進化覺醒,更融入RPG多元玩法,利用穿戴魔裝與使用魔具加強各項屬性能力,讓彈珠打擊在爽快外更加上策略運用。☆ 友情技增援大爆發,COMBO技現高超技巧 ☆豐富的技能組合,當陣容中有伙伴彼此羈絆時,撞擊伙伴彈珠將產生超強友情技,華麗技能特效搭配強大傷害力,搭配技巧高超的COMBO連擊,實力再升級。☆ 多樣模式副本,滿足玩家喜好 ☆必備的多樣模式副本,直接擊殺BOSS、闖關千層通關塔、挑戰自選難易度關卡、玩家PVP共鬥、城鎮挑戰任務,足可滿足各種玩法喜好的玩家。==官方資訊==《妖精的尾巴:啟程》粉絲團:《妖精的尾巴:啟程》官網:《妖精的尾巴:啟程》客服信箱
Yap Chee Hong
Zexia Another Story 1.0.4
This game is a prequel story ofZexiaFantasyAdventures 3D. This intense action RPG takes plotonMaylenejourney, mother of Zexia.Help Maylene unravel the mystery of the Axis Gate, andsaveherchildren Zexia from the World Eater. Test yourskillsagainstdangerous monsters and journey on a perilous questinto amysticalhigh fantasy world in the epic, popular action RPG onyourmobiledevice!FEATURES- Superb anime 3D Graphics featured withexcitingARPGgameplay!!!- Fighting your way through an Axis story.- SLASH hundreds of enemies in war with JRPG battle style.- Use infinite combo with help from your ally and destroyalltheenemies!- Recruit friends to fight at your side with Mana.- Deep cinematic storytelling with a dramatic roleplayinggameaction!- Classic strategy and tactics element will make younostalgiaaboutyour past time.- With 2D anime illustration in visual novel dialog mode.- Unravel the mystery of the land and recruit knight to fightatyourside.
Ancient Royal Princess 1.0.0
Are you longing for a mysterious dressofQingDynasty? Now you have a chance to try the clothes oftheQingDynasty on! Come on and make the selection ofclothingcollocationand headdress, dressing them up, and feeling thecharmof the QingDynasty costume!How to play:Players need to collect coins first, then they can go to theshoptobuy their favorite clothes and other accessories. Afterthattheycan dress up the model! Remember you just need time togetmorecoins! It is free!Features:- Tons of cosmetics and accessories are free to choose- Beautiful doll to dress up withSave your works!The saved image can be:- emailed to your friends!- shared on Facebook!- used as wallpaper or avatar
魔天記 - 天罰地劫來襲 1.9
小說改編完整度最高的手機遊戲【魔天記】【魔天記】係凡人修仙作者忘語嘅最新作品,故事內容精采遊戲內完整移植小說故事劇情【遊戲特色】● 忘語監制 正版授權Complete novel ofthehighest mobile phone game magic day [note][Note] Department of magic day mortal Cultivation OFforgetLanguage generous latest work, the story completetransplantfiction story plot within good game [Game Features]● forget Language producer genuine authority
戰爭學院 - 打爆神對手
《戰爭學院》是一款集英雄養成、即時操作與策略組隊的策略型競技卡牌手遊。擁有豐富多元的角色培養與萬種的英雄組合,搭配可隨意變更英雄外觀的SKIN系統,讓玩家可以創造出獨一無二的專屬英雄戰隊。【GANK 一鍵集火 秒殺核心】秒殺只要one touch!一鍵集火指定攻擊,輕輕鬆鬆搞定最強BOSS!【SKIN 自由變裝 打造傳說】看我72變變變!各種時裝任選搭配,不僅變帥變萌隨你變!還讓你的能力UP UP!【FLASH 智能走位 突進斷招】英雄不再被卡在小框框內!智能AI走位讓你走到哪殺到哪,突進斷招Easy搞定!【CARRY 天賦進階 符文升星】沒有最強,只有更強!天賦配點與符文升星創造完美英雄,燃燒你炙熱的小宇宙吧!【PENTA KILL 致命輸出 反殺收割】拒絕無腦手遊,萬種技能策略,加上競技技巧展現,嘿!直接來尬「戰爭」一下啊!【SUPPORT 緣分英雄 激情共鳴】草叢三基友不能分!緣分共鳴釋放英雄隱藏能力,讓我們見證團結的力量!
Battleheart Legacy 1.5.3
Mika Mobile
Explore a rich and detailed fantasy world in Battleheart Legacy!