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History of Ancient Egypt 4.1
Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient NorthAfrica,concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River,situated inthe place that is now the country Egypt. AncientEgyptiancivilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalescedaround 3100BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) withthepolitical unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes(oftenidentified with Narmer). The history of ancient Egyptoccurred as aseries of stable kingdoms, separated by periods ofrelativeinstability known as Intermediate Periods: the Old Kingdomof theEarly Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Ageandthe New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age. Egypt reached thepinnacleof its power in the New Kingdom, ruling much of Nubia and asizableportion of the Near East, after which it entered a period ofslowdecline. During the course of its history Egypt was invadedorconquered by a number of foreign powers, including the Hyksos,theLibyans, the Nubians, the Assyrians, the Achaemenid Persians,andthe Macedonians under the command of Alexander the Great. TheGreekPtolemaic Kingdom, formed in the aftermath of Alexander'sdeath,ruled Egypt until 30 BC, when, under Cleopatra, it fell totheRoman Empire and became a Roman province. The success ofancientEgyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adaptto theconditions of the Nile River valley for agriculture.Thepredictable flooding and controlled irrigation of thefertilevalley produced surplus crops, which supported a moredensepopulation, and social development and culture. With resourcestospare, the administration sponsored mineral exploitation ofthevalley and surrounding desert regions, the early development ofanindependent writing system, the organization ofcollectiveconstruction and agricultural projects, trade withsurroundingregions, and a military intended to assert Egyptiandominance.Motivating and organizing these activities was abureaucracy ofelite scribes, religious leaders, and administratorsunder thecontrol of a pharaoh, who ensured the cooperation andunity of theEgyptian people in the context of an elaborate systemof religiousbeliefs. The many achievements of the ancient Egyptiansinclude thequarrying, surveying and construction techniques thatsupported thebuilding of monumental pyramids, temples, andobelisks; a system ofmathematics, a practical and effective systemof medicine,irrigation systems and agricultural productiontechniques, thefirst known planked boats, Egyptian faience andglass technology,new forms of literature, and the earliest knownpeace treaty, madewith the Hittites. Ancient Egypt has left alasting legacy. Its artand architecture were widely copied, and itsantiquities carriedoff to far corners of the world. Its monumentalruins have inspiredthe imaginations of travelers and writers forcenturies. Anew-found respect for antiquities and excavations inthe earlymodern period by Europeans and Egyptians led to thescientificinvestigation of Egyptian civilization and a greaterappreciationof its cultural legacy. This app is about history andfor researchPurpose .
History Of Egypt 1.0
History Of Egypt is an applicationthatcontainsa variety of information about the annals or chronicleofthe world.A lot of information such as ancient country orcity,biography offamous people and the battle of war story isincludedhere.The history of Egypt has been long and rich, due to theflowofthe Nile river, with its fertile banks and delta. Itsrichhistoryalso comes from its native inhabitants andoutsideinfluence. Muchof Egypt's ancient history was a mysteryuntil thesecrets ofancient Egyptian hieroglyphs were decipheredwith thediscovery andhelp of the Rosetta Stone. The Great Pyramidof Gizais the onlyone of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient Worldstillstanding. TheLighthouse of Alexandria, one of the otherSevenWonders, is gone.The Library of Alexandria was the only one ofitskind forcenturies.Human settlement in Egypt dates back to at least 40,000BCwithAterian tool manufacturing. Ancient Egyptiancivilizationcoalescedaround 3150 BC with the political unificationof Upper andLowerEgypt under the first pharaoh of the FirstDynasty,Narmer.Predominately native Egyptian rule lasted untiltheconquering ofEgypt by the Achaemenid Persian Empire in the6thcentury BC.In 332 BC, Macedonian ruler Alexander the Great conqueredEgyptashe toppled the Achaemenids and established theHellenisticPtolemaicKingdom, whose first ruler was one ofAlexander's formergenerals,Ptolemy I Soter. The Ptolemies had tofight nativerebellions andwere involved in foreign and civil warsthat led tothe decline ofthe kingdom and its final annexation byRome. Thedeath of Cleopatraended the nominal independence ofEgyptresulting in Egypt becomingone of the provinces of theRomanEmpire.Roman rule in Egypt (including Byzantine) lasted from 30 BCto641AD, with a brief Sassanid Persian interlude between619-629,known asSasanian Egypt. After the Islamic conquest ofEgypt, partsof Egyptbecame provinces of successive Caliphates andother Muslimdynasties:Rashidun Caliphate (632-661), UmayyadCaliphate(661–750), AbbasidCaliphate (750-909), FatimidCaliphate(909-1171), Ayyubid Sultanate(1171–1260), and the MamlukSultanateof Egypt (1250-1517). In 1517,Ottoman sultan Selim IcapturedCairo, absorbing Egypt into theOttoman Empire.Egypt remained entirely Ottoman until 1867, exceptduringFrenchoccupation from 1798 to 1801. Starting in 1867, Egyptbecameanominally autonomous tributary state called the KhedivateofEgypt.However, Khedivate Egypt fell under British controlin1882following the Anglo-Egyptian War. After the end of World WarIandfollowing the Egyptian Revolution of 1919, the Kingdom ofEgyptwasestablished. While a de facto independent state, theUnitedKingdomretained control over foreign affairs, defense, andothermatters.British occupation lasted until 1954, withtheAnglo-Egyptianagreement of 1954.Hopefully, with this application History Of Egypt, wecanhavemore insight and news update. We will continue toaddinformationabout this application. So you must still installtheapplicationwell. thank you.DISCLAIMER :All Content Such As Pictures or Text in this app we getfromsearchengine, So if I have violated your copyright, please letmeknowand we will be removed as soon as possible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned bytheirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliatedwithNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.
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