Top 20 Games Similar to Infernals - Herosi Piekieł

Margonem Mini 1.10.1
Margonem Mini - Poland MMORPG - fight, earn items,developcharacter!
Legend Online - Polska 2.6
Szlachetni rycerze! Kapłankaświątynipotrzebuje Waszej pomocy!Legend Online jest mobilną grą CCG oraz MMO, któraoferujegraczom niezwykłe doznania kolekcjonowania kart, dobieraniatalii,walki z potworami oraz innymi graczami (pk lub pojedynekpvp).Ponad 200 kart różnego typu i poziomu do znalezienia,stworzenia irozwijania. Twoja talia rośnie w siłę razem z Tobą!Zdobycieunikalnych kart będzie kosztować Cię trochę czasu iwysiłku, aleopanowanie ich potężnej mocy z pewnością wynagrodzi Ciwszelkietrudy! Dobry wybór i u stawienie kart ułatwi Ci prowadzeniewalkioraz sprawi, że Twoi znajomi będą patrzeć z zazdrością naTwojedokonania. Po ustawieniu kart w szyku, walka odbywa się wtrybieautomatycznym! Wystarczy, że będziesz obserwować jakpostępujebitwa i po jej zakończeniu zbierzesz łupy, doświadczenie iprzedewszystkim satysfakcję.W realiach średniowiecznego fantasy staniesz siębohaterempomagającym pięknej kapłance przywrócić światu pokój idobrobyt.Przygoda czeka! Dowiedź swej odwagi i biegłości w walce.Użyjzmysłu taktycznego by uratować świat!Legend Online jest kontynuacją przeglądarkowego hitu o tejsamejnazwie, który zyskał niezwykłą popularność w wielukrajach,szczególnie w Turcji. Przeglądarkowa wersja LegendOnlineprzyciągnęła ponad 10 milionów graczy z całego świata.Zostałaoceniona przez Facebook jako 25. najpopularniejsza gra wcałyminternecie.Oto wybrane elementy gry:++ Atmosfera epickiego fantasy będzie towarzyszyć Ci wtrakcierozgrywki. Wybierz jedną z trzech wyjątkowych klas postaci,byrozpocząć swą przygodę: WOWNIK (silny i odważny), ŁUCZNIK (zwinnyiprecyzyjny) oraz CZARODZIEJ (mądry i kreatywny). Każdaprofesjaposiada swoisty zestaw atrybutów oraz umiejętności. Wybierztaką,która najlepiej Ci odpowiada!++ Niezwykle emocjonujący tryb PK: Przygotuj swoje własne kartyizaimponuj wszystkim na ARENIE PVP. Podejmij rękawicę irozpocznijPOJEDYNEK!++ Kombinacja gatunków CCG, RPG i MMO; w grzeodnajdzieszwszystkie te elementy. Kolekcjonuj karty (CCG), wcielsię w rolębohatera (RPG) oraz współzawodnicz z innymi graczami wtym samymczasie (MMO). Którykolwiek z wyżej wymienionych rodzajówgry jesttwoim ulubionym, z pewnością polubisz Legend Online.++ Równowaga pomiędzy wyczerpującą walką i relaksującąrozgrywką.Spektakularne efekty wizualne połączone zautomatycznymsterowaniem!++ Kolekcjonowanie i zarządzanie połączone zeplanowaniemstrategii: zbieranie kart i przechodzenie coraz towyższych etapówzapewni Ci wiele ambitnych wyzwań oraz przyniesiemnóstwosatysfakcji. Z trudem odniesione zwycięstwa sprawią, żezadaszsobie sprawę z wagi drobnych zmian w taktycznym ustawieniukart atakże potrzeby ich nieustannego ulepszania. Będziesz dumnyzodniesionych przez siebie postępów! Jest to doskonała pozycjadozabawy w tak zwanym "międzyczasie" oraz po prostu dlazabiciaczasu.++ Czujesz się bezradny w obliczu potężnych potworów?Użyjdodatkowej karty z talii swojego znajomego i zmieć przeciwnikówzpowierzchni ziemi za pomocą sojusznika, którego zawszepragnąłeśmieć! Być może pewnego dnia to Ty staniesz się bohaterem,któryprzechyli szalę zwycięstwa na stronę jednego z przyjaciół.RECENZJE5/5 „Niesamowita gra” – Gui Jorge5/5 „Bardzo dobra. Zupełnie pozbawiona lagów” – Erick Mateus5/5 „Szukałem tak wciągającej i przyjemnej gry od dłuższegoczasu.Nie musisz dokonywać mikropłatności, by być silnym i dobrzesiębawić.” – ekuLz5/5 „Uzależniająca... w pozytywnym tego słowa znaczeniu!! Bijenagłowę wiele innych gier online!” – Zaphode5/5 „Jest to wspaniała gra RPG. Stanowczo polecam.”–GrotesqueGuitarJeżeli lubisz połączenie CCG i walki, nie zwlekaj! Pobierzjużteraz! Zaproś swoich znajomych i baw się razem z nimi!Szlachetnirycerze! Stańcie się bohaterami mogącymi uratowaćkapłankę orazcały świat!Noble knights!Thepriestess of the temple needs your help!Legend Online CCG is a mobile game and MMO that offers playersaunique experience collectible cards, matching waist, fightmonstersand other players (or duel pvp pk). Over 200 cards ofdifferenttypes and levels to find, create and develop. Your deckcontinuesto grow with you! Gaining unique card will cost you sometime andeffort, but mastering their mighty power will reward youanyeffort! Good choice to appear and in keeping tabs will helpyoufight and make your friends will look with envy atyourachievements. After setting the cards in the array, thebattletakes place in automatic mode! You can just see how thebattle isprogressing and after you collect loot, experience and,above all,rewarding.The reality of medieval fantasy will become a hero to helpabeautiful priestess restore world peace and prosperity.Adventureawaits! Prove your courage and skill in battle. Use yourtacticalsense to save the world!Legend Online is a continuation of a browser hit of thesamename, which became extremely popular in many countries,especiallyin Turkey. Browser version of Legend Online has attractedmore than10 million players around the world. Has been assessed byFacebookas the 25th most popular game all over the internet.Here are some elements of the game:++ Epic fantasy atmosphere will accompany you during thegame.Choose one of three unique character classes to begintheiradventure: vovnik (strong and brave), ŁUCZNIK (agile andprecise)and WIZARD (clever and creative). Each profession has aspecificset of attributes and skills. Choose the one that suitsyoubest!Extremely exciting ++ PK mode: Prepare your own cards andimpresseveryone at the ARENA PVP. Take the gauntlet and startDUEL!++ The combination of species CCG, RPG and MMO; in the gameyouwill find all of these items. Collect cards (CCG), Take on theroleof a hero (RPG) and compete against other players at the sametime(MMO). Any of these types of games is your favorite, youwilldefinitely love Legend Online.++ The balance between comprehensive struggle andrelaxinggameplay. Spectacular visuals combined with automaticcontrol!Collecting and managing ++ combined with strategyplanning:collecting cards and jumping higher and higher stages willprovideyou with many challenging tasks and will bring a lotofsatisfaction. With difficulty victories make you ask aware oftheimportance of small changes in the tactical set of cards andtheneed for their continuous improvement. You will be proudofsustained progress by yourself! This is an excellent positiontoplay in the so-called "Meanwhile," and just to pass the time.++ Do you feel helpless in the face of powerful monsters?Useadditional card from the deck of his friend and forgiveopponentsto the ground by means of an ally, which have alwayswanted!Perhaps one day you will become a hero who will tip thescales ofvictory to the site of one of the friends.REVIEWS5/5 "Awesome game" - Gui Jorge5/5 "Very good. Entirely without lag "- Erick Mateus5/5 "I was looking so addictive and enjoyable game for a longtime.You do not have to make micropayments to be strong and have agoodtime. "- EkuLz5/5 "Addictive ... in the positive sense of the word !! Beatsmanyother online games! "- Zaphod5/5 "This is a great RPG. We strongly recommend it."-GrotesqueGuitarIf you like the combination of CCG and fight, do notdelay!Download it now! Invite your friends and have fun with them!Nobleknights! Become heroes that may save the priestess and thewholeworld!
Heroes Realm - Strategia RPG 1.0.2
Przygotuj swoją drużynę do walki wtejheroicznej, trójwymiarowej przygodzie, podczas którejspotkaszkroczących przez ogień, podniebne elfy, orki i lodowychwojowników!Świat został rozdarty - zostań tym, który połączyponownie teziemie!W tej wyjątkowej grze MMO RPG, opartej o zarządzaniebohaterami,jesteś przywódcą ruchu oporu ścierającego się z zepsutymbogiem,który rozbił świat na części.Pokonaj złych wojowników w każdym z podzielonych światów:imwięcej walczysz, tym silniejszy się stajesz! Stwórznajpotężniejszyzestaw bohaterów i wybierz odpowiednią strategię napolu bitwy.Udaj się w pełną przygód podróż przez różne światy, różniącesiękulturą, zamieszkującymi je stworami i dostępnymi zasobami,którepomogą ci wypełnić misję i ponownie połączyć ze sobąstrzępyrozbitej ziemi.* Zbierz armię bohaterów, którzy dysponująindywidualnymizdolnościami* Rozmieść ich w strategiczny sposób w ramach wyjątkowegosystemuwalki i* Obserwuj, jak realizują twoje plany w filmowych ujęciach 3D* Rzuć wyzwanie innym graczom w kilku trybach PvP* Staw czoło wrogom w przygodowym trybie PvE* Ulepszaj swoją drużynę i wyposaż ją w runy i wspomagacze* Korzystaj ze specjalnego systemu wojen sojuszy i połącz swe siłyzinnymi graczamiZacznij rewolucję już dziś! Zostań przywódcąheroicznegopowstania!Odkryj świat pełen historii i głębi!Pobierz za darmo już teraz!-------------------------------------------------------------Warunkiużytkowania:ści: jest całkowicie darmowa. Umożliwia jednak dokonywaniezakupóww aplikacji. Można wyłączyć tę możliwość wustawieniachurządzenia.Gra wymaga połączenia z internetem.Prepare your team tofightin this heroic, three-dimensional adventure, during which youwillmeet rolling by fire, soaring elves, orcs and ice warriors!Theworld has been torn - Become the one who re-connect theselands!In this unique MMO RPG, based on the management of theheroes,you're the leader of the resistance to abrasive with abroken god,who pitched the world into parts.Defeat the evil warriors in each of the divided worlds: themoreyou fight, the more powerful you become! Create the mostpowerfulset of characters and select the appropriate strategy onthebattlefield.Go on an adventurous journey through different worlds,differentcultures, creatures living in it and the resourcesavailable tohelp you complete the mission, and reconnect with eachother piecesof broken earth.* Gather an army of heroes who have individualcapabilities* Arrange them in a strategic manner within the unique battlesystemand* Observe how implement your plans to film scenes 3D* Challenge other players in several modes PvP* Confront enemies in the adventure mode PvE* Improve your team and equip it in runes and aids* Use the special war system of alliances and join forces withotherplayersStart a revolution today! Become the leader of theheroicuprising!Discover a world full of history and depth!Download for free now!-------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer: game is completely free. However, it allows to makepurchaseswithin the application. You can disable this option inthe devicesettings.The game requires an Internet connection.
Infernals - Heroes of Hell 1.0.1
Hell breaks loose! Fight the ultimate evilinthis sinister Action MMO RPG! Survive and strive for dominance inapost-apocalyptic wasteland. Are you the one who unitesallInfernals and conquers the darkness?Prepare for battle! Assemble an unstoppable squad of heroesandtest their survival skills in action. Evolve them intobrutalmonsters, demonic soldiers, or gifted healers. Fight intacticalreal-time battles and combine your squad’s skills formaximumeffect. Obliterate rogue forces in stunningly detailed3Dfights.FEATURES:★ COLLECT all Infernals for flawless dominance: Infernals aretheultimate warlords who dominate the battlefield. Convince themtojoin your squad and end the reign of the demon lord withtheirsupport.★ ASSEMBLE an unbeatable team of powerful heroes: Summon hundredsofunique characters, collect an unstoppable squad of heroes, andtesttheir survival skills in action.★ UPGRADE your heroes to perfection: Equip them with Relicslikeamulets and masks to unleash their powers.★ ENGAGE in tactical real-time battle: Find the right strategyandbuild the perfect team.★ EXPLORE the corrupted wasteland of the Infernals: Delve intoagrim fantasy world and discover the story behind thosehellishevents.★ COMPETE against the best players in the Fighting Pit: Strivefordominance against thousands of other players worldwideinchallenging PvP modes in this MMO. Join guilds to uniteyourstrengths. Only the fittest will survive in the arena.★ ENJOY stunning 3D characters and breathtaking effectsHuman civilization has reached its peak. Mankind hasharnessedboth the powers of steam and lightning, creatingtechnologicalmarvels never seen before. To sustain this lifestyle,huge amountsof coal and iron were extracted from the ground. Butone day, thecolossal drills dug too deep and ripped open a gatewayto anotherworld – the realm of the demons and other supernaturalbeings.These creatures swarmed from the depths and spread chaosacross theland.General Terms andConditions: app is completely free to play. Additionally itoffersoptional in-app purchases.
RPG Module Full 2.2.2
Download once and play many adventures
Warspear Online (MMORPG, RPG, MMO)
Warspear Online – the classic 2D MMORPGwithmillions of players from all over the world!Bestowed the award of “Best MMO RPG game” in 2015 by «BESTAPPEVER AWARDS»!Download the game and all updates for free!Choose your side in the War of the Spear. Lead your army tobattlein open PvP, stand shoulder to shoulder with your friends todefeatdevious dungeon dwellers and obtain the title of StrongestArenaWarrior! There’s no time to wait – you must act!Create a hero- 4 races and 2 alliances: Firstborn and Chosen vs. MountainClansand Forsaken- Blade Dancer, Ranger, Druid, Paladin, Priest, Mage,Barbarian,Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Necromancer and Death Knight,Seeker,Warden, Charmer, Hunter- 100+ expert skills for personal builds- 100+ relics for adding effects to basic skills- Character customization: costumes, decorative items,haircuts,hair colours- 9 crafting professions for creating unique armor, weaponsandaccessories- 150+ personal achievements with unique rewards, ratingtop-1000,sharing on Facebook- Loyal Minions to help you in battlesFight with enemies- Capturing Castles on Ayvondil- Battle zones for free PvP-battles, friendly duels- Arenas of 2х2, 3x3 and 5x5- Massive battles for territories between Alliancesfoughtregularly- Thousands of monsters and hundreds of dangerous bossesExplore a huge world- 8 huge islands- Dozens of Dungeons with treasures- 1,500+ original quests and hundreds of daily ones- Monthly updates: new quests, territories, dungeons,skills,achievements, decorative items, equipmentPlay with your friends- Unite in Guilds and groups- Take part in tournaments, events and Arinarholidaycelebrations- Communicate in chats, trade and exchange goods____________Massive update “Engineer’s Madness”! Top character’s levelwasincreased by 28, above Ayvondil appeared vast islands with newraidboss Engineer and abandoned dungeons of Technopolis. Newquests,craft tasks, achievements, weapons, equipment and manymore!Adventures continue!____________Technical features- 80 Mb free space- Android 2.3.6 and more- EDGE/3GWebsite: http://warspear-online.comForum: http://forum.warspear-online.comFacebook:
Auto Battle - Free MMORPG 3.4.0
★Award-winning Android RPG Game of 2015★Auto Battle - Epic War RPG is the best MMORPG experiencewhereyou battle endless monsters, adventure through dungeons&battle in PVP arena. Use endless loot & 24/7 auto battleto topplayers & guilds. Choose one of three classes —Warrior,Hunter, or Mage — to explore dungeons and engage inexciting AutoWar against various monsters and bosses! Train yourbrave heroes toparticipate in team battle and guild wars forhandsome rewards likeGems, Honor, and Reputation! Form or join aguild with smartmatch-making system to become the best player inthe world! Usestrategy to defeat enemies and Smash your bros in PVEand PVPcombat alike!Unlike other dungeon crawlers and hack 'n' slash MMORPGs,AutoBattle offers a never-ending farming adventure in the palm ofyourhand. Even when you have to stop playing, Auto Battle letsyoucontinue the fight in Offline Mode. You can continueexploringdungeons while you put the hard hours in at work. You cankeepearning Experience, Coins, and Equipment while you’re studyingforschool. You can keep hiring heroes and summoners to wage warinyour sleep.Fulfill Your Destiny, Use Your Strategy, and ClaimYourThroneGame Features:24/7 Auto BattleEven when you are not online, your character will keepexploringdungeons, fighting enemies, earning experience, andfinding gearfor you. Conquer monster-packed PVE dungeons or wagewars inintense PVP combat. Experience the different type of battlethroughthe different combinations of skills, heroes and gear.Customizable HeroesCreate a male or female hero in any of three traditionalclasses.Will you choose the strong and resilient Warrior, thenimble andsharpshooting Hunter, or the magnificent andspell-slinging Mage?The customization doesn’t stop there. Overtime, upgrade yourcharacters and gear, equip the epic loot youdiscover, and designyour own combination of skills. As your powergrows, spread yourreputation across the world in this action-packedadventureRPG!Unique SmeltingSmelt your common gear to get better items in return, evenpowerfulartifacts! What are you waiting for? Forge the ultimateweapons,gear, and artifacts so you can crush your enemies and showoff yourmagnificent equipment — up close!Fiery Arena CombatProve your might by defeating other players in the Arena.Defeathigher-ranked players to take their place and claim yourright todaily Gem rewards! Fight your way to the top of theleaderboardsand bask in the glory!Team CombatJoin up with other players in twice-daily Team Battles andexcitingGuild Wars. Defend your Team Battle championship as long asyou canfor better rewards. Work together with your guild to rakeinExperience and gain Reputation.Challenge BossChallenge yourself with hundreds of achievements andinstantlyboost your power and speed with enhancement, devour andtransfer!Journey through the darkness, team up with your friends toconquerthe Bosses. Use tickets to challenge bosses and use Sweep tokeepslaying boss monstersDazzling GraphicsDazzling graphics with HD resolutions - Visually StunningSkills,Cool Weapons and Gear Effects. Explore various maps likeNew Trials,Darkness Tower, Monk Temple, Hall of Heroes, RebornRealm, Hall ofthe Dead, Gold Statue, Darkness Rebirth and manymore.Join thousands of players in the best MMO RPG experienceonAndroid today!One of the best 2015 games now! Be hunter, explore dungeon inFiveMapsOfficial Facebook Fan Page:
Arcane Online - Best 2D Fantas 2.3.22
Explore the magical world of Arcane Online. "Excellent mmorpg!Somuch to do!"
MU Origin 17.2.0
Webzen Inc.
Get ready for the Full 3D EPIC MMORPG experience! Mobile MMORPGwillnever be the same! Experience an exciting real time MMORPGthat letsyou embark on an epic fantasy journey. Meet friends,create parties,and gear up to fight against the evil on a vastopen world to bringback tranquility. WHAT'S NEW MU Origin 17.0Update! Holy Mage- Holylight shall shine upon us. Be hold theglory lies on a path. NewClass Holy Mage has arrived at the MUContinent! Terminate theenemies to the eternal death with HolyMage! Aether Shield- A divineshield that will protect us from theopponent's attacks! A holypower that can stop any skills andattacks! Protect yourself withthe Aether Shield! Miracle- Activatethe Celestial and acquire thepower of Miracle! Defeat the enemieswith the power of Miracle!Supreme Enhance- The new Tier ofEquipment! It is time to exceed thelimit of Equipment! Feel thepower of the next level Equipment!Kingdom Warfare- A fierce battleto conquer the throne has begun!Who will take the throne in theend! Defeat the enemies and conquerthe throne! FEATURES - Chooseand customize from three differentclasses: Dark Knight, DarkWizard, and Elf. - Equip and evolve yourhero with powerful gearsand enhance wings to make yourselfunstoppable. - Enhance theirabilities and witness the dazzlingdisplay of each hero’s uniqueskills. - Your powers are endless!Become stronger through endlesslevels and contents! - Journeythrough an exciting open world andcomplete epic quests. - Gatherparties and explore unique dungeonsto defeat world bosses! - GatherDiamonds, Materials, Zens, andStar Essences in open PVP Areas!Dominate and hoard them all! -Exchange in real time through Tradingand Auction System. - Clashwith rivals in PvP battles and becomethe PVP King! Join forceswith powerful players and conquer enemiesin the immersive world ofMU Origin today! Like us on Facebook: our Forums: Need help?Visit: Note: A network connection isrequired toplay. *MU: Origin" is only available inEnglish.-----------------------------------------------------Bydownloading this game, you agree to the Terms of Service,PrivacyPolicy. Terms ofService: PrivacyPolicy: Originrequires access to the following data to start the game.1. YourGoogle+ account data may be used to assist in sign-up andlogin tothe game. 2. Your game account data may be used to sendevents andnotices through Push Notification. 3. Your device storagemay bechecked in order to install updates or fix bugs. Please notethatwe do not support devices that run on Asus/Intel processors.
Forgotten Tales MMORPG Online 8.24.1
DM Studio
MMORPG game with players from all over the world. Explore thegreatopen world.
Celtic Heroes: World Boss Raid 4.1.1
Enter a huge 3D MMORPG world!
Order & Chaos Online 3D MMORPG
Gameloft SE
Battle Orcs and Demons in a massive multiplayerrole-playingadventure
Arcane Legends MMO-Action RPG 2.8.4
Real-time action strategy MMORPG! Combat, Trade, Leaderboards,andEvents!
Goat Simulator MMO Simulator 2.0.4
Coffee Stain Studios brings next-gen Goat MMO simulation tomobiledevices
Clash for Dawn: Guild War 1.9.2
Join 1 Million Players for the best ARPG action on mobile!
Villagers & Heroes 5.5.3 (r62384)
Villagers & Heroes is a cross-platform, open world MMORPG inafantasy world.
Dungeon Hunter 4
Venture forth into the mostimmersive,accomplished, and addictive chapter of the acclaimedaction RPGsaga!***** REDISCOVER THE THRILL OF DUNGEON CRAWLER GAMES- Hack your way through an EPIC STORYLINE & a darkfantasyadventure- SLASH hundreds of enemies and massive bosses- LOOT countless items***** EXPERIENCE A TRUE RPG- Choose from 4 types of warriors with unique combat styles- UPGRADE your battle skills- CUSTOMIZE, craft and charm your gear- Throughout the game, unveil the mysteries surroundingyourwarriors***** GO FOR MULTIPLAYER ACTION- Fight along your friends in the CO-OP arenas- Show off your battle skills in the action-packed PVP mode- Gather up and fight other warriors in TEAM DEATHMATCH gamesThe Demons, a race thought to have been extinguished eons ago,havereturned. You awaken from what seemed like a nightmare to findyourkingdom, Valenthia, decimated. Unharmed from the battle, youaremysteriously gifted with tremendous new power and skills. Youcouldbe your people’s only remaining hope…Embark on an epic adventure and get ready to fight your waythroughintense solo and multiplayer levels in this new freeinstallment ofthe iconic dungeon crawler game.This free fantasy game is best suited for fans of: hack 'nslash,action RPGs, dark fantasy games, multiplayer and freeadventuregames.If you are one of them, get the game now for free!_____________________________________________Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or likeuson Facebook at to get more infoaboutall our free upcoming games.Check out our videos and game trailerson our blog at fortheinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Privacy Policy : of Use : User License Agreement :
BladeBound: RPG Adventure Game 2.25.4
Artifex Mundi
A raid of immortal heroes in one of RPG mobile legends &amarvel of PVP arenas!
Order & Chaos 2: 3D MMO RPG 3.1.3a
Gameloft SE
Fantasy heroes on the road to redemption. MMORPG game.