Top 26 Apps Similar to Hajj & Umrah Guide

Hajj and Umrah 1.2.3
This App is the most authentic Hajj & Umrah guide foryourAndroid device.
Umrah Guide step by step 2.3
Step by step guide to perform Umrah with refs from the Quran&authentic Sunnah
Manasikana 1.0.12
An interactive application that helps you during your journeytoperform Haj or Umrah, or during your visit to Madinah. TheMinistryof Haj and Umrah provides Manasikana app for pilgrims onsmartdevices with the following special capabilities: • It useshighlyaccurate satellite based maps of the sacred areas, that helpapilgrim make sure he is in the right place at the right time.•Using GPS technology, pilgrims can locate their companionsduringHaj and find the possible route to reach them. • Theapplication isregularly updated to reflect all the Masjids,restaurants,restrooms and other places of interest for pilgrims inthe holycities and Jeddah. • It provides instant translationservices forpilgrims. • Emergency services are available at an easyand directtouch • The app will automatically update your loved onesback homeevery time you reach your desired destination (Makkah,Madinah,Mina, Muzdalifa, Arafat, Jeddah, etc.). Manasikana appFeatures:Manasikana app has been designed by a team of highlyskilleddedicated professionals to provide you with the appropriatehelpand direction during the journey of Haj, Umrah, or Madinahvisitusing the following features: HELPS IN FINDING DIRECTIONSANDLOCATIONS Locate your companions in real-time and find the routetoreach them. OUT OF BOUNDS SERVICES Make sure you are withinthebounds of Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifa or Haram with a simple anddirectactions OFFLINE MAPS View and search to “Points of Interests”usingoffline maps without an Internet connection. PLACES OFINTEREST(POIs) Locate places of public interest such as nearestMasjids,restaurants, restrooms, shopping malls, etc. Find theshortestpossible route to a POI from your current location.EMERGENCYSERVICES Emergency services can be called at the touch ofthe redbutton that is always visible on the screen MONEY EXCHANGEANDCURRENCY CONVERTER Find the way to the nearest currencyconversioncentre Get up to date currency exchange rates forcalculationPRAYER SCHEDULE AND QIBLA COMPASS Get prayer times basedon yourcurrent location Know the time remaining for the next prayerGetQibla direction based on your current location WEATHER UPDATEGetweather alerts in Makkah, Madinah and Jeddah. NEWS SERVICES GetHajand Umrah related news by the Ministry. HAJ AND UMRAH TWEETSGetup-to-date tweets from Ministry of Haj and Umrah TRANSLATIONANDTEXT TO SPEECH SERVICES Translate any word or phrase from/toArabic(requires Internet) Let your mobile speak the Arabic text(requiresInternet) SUGGESTION AND FEEDBACK Submit your suggestionandfeedback in order to improve Haj and Umrah services RELATEDAPPSKnow related governmental apps that you can use during yourjourneyRECOMMENDED PLACES See recommended places by the Ministry ofHajand Umrah MULTI-LINGUAL SUPPORT Use the app in any of thesevenlanguages (Arabic, English, French, Urdu, Malay, TurkishandBengali) EASY INSTALLATION AND REGISTRATION Login throughTwitter,Google or Facebook.
الحج والعمرة 1.0.2
الحج والعمرة بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم تطبيق الحج والعمرة عبارة عنمنسكمُيسّر وفق هدي النبي ﷺ للشيخ الفاضل أبي عبدالرحمن عبدالله بنأحمدالإرياني حفظه الله. مميزات التطبيق: ◄ سهولة تصفح الكتاب ◄قائمةخيارات سريعة ◄ ميزة البحث في الكتاب ◄ إضافة الفوائد إلىالمرجعيات ◄عدم الحاجة للإتصال بالإنترنت ◄ المشاركة عبر الشبكاتالاجتماعيةوالبريد الإلكتروني ✦ تعلم كيفية مناسك الحج والعمرة علىوفق هدي النبيﷺ. ✦ أخي المسلم؛ بين يديك منسك مُيسّر فيه فوائدوتنبيهات هامة بما لاتجده مجموعاً في كتاب. ✦ قال الشيخ عبداللهالإرياني حفظه الله: ❞فقدكان السلف الصالح رضوان الله عليهم، يحرصونغاية الحرص على تعلُّمالدين، وكيفية مناسك الحج والعمرة على وُفق هديالنَّبِيّ الأمين ﷺ ...وقد جمعتُ في هذا المنسك المُيَسَّرِ عِدَّةفصولٍ … وحلَّيتُ المنسكبفوائد وتنبيهاتٍ هامةٍ من كلام أهل العلم،بما لا تجده مجموعًا فيكتاب، والفضل في ذلك لله وحده، فله الحمدُوالمِنَّة.❝ ✦ ملاحظة: اقتصرالشيخ عبدالله الإرياني حفظه الله بذكرحج التمتع فقط والسبب: حجةالتمتع هي الأكمل، وأما حج الإفراد فيبدأمن يوم التروية كما هو موضح،إلا أن يحرم من الآفاق فيقدم فيطوف طوافالقدوم عند وصوله مكة والقارننفس المفرد إلا أنه ساق معه الهدي،فيطوف للقدوم، ويبقى على إحرامه إلىيوم التروية، ثم يشتركون في بقيةالأعمال، إلا أن المتمتع والقارنيذبحان الهدي، بخلاف المفرد.
مناسك الحج والعمرة 2.1
Al-Reda Apps
Rituals & Activities of Hajj and Umrah. Contains Fatwa&Prayers. [Arabic Only]
مناسك العمرة 1.6
Mohamed Razak
Stronger educational application to perform Umrah is free of adsandwithout Internet
Haramain Recordings 1.18
The All In One App To Keep You Connected To The Blessed Lands
Munajat-e-Maqbool مناجات مقبول 2.0
A beautiful collection of Munajaat andDurood-o-Salaam“QurubatInd-Allah wa Salawat-ur-Rasool” (قربات عنداللہ وصلواتالرسول) aselection of prayers (duas), is one of thevarioustreatises ofHakeem-ul-Ummah Hazrat Maulana Muhammad AshrafAliThanvi (رحمہاللہ), which he has chosen out from Hisn-e-Haseen(حصنحصین) andother compilations. Though the persian treatise“ZariatulWusoolIla Janab-e-Rasool Durood Shareef" (ﺫﺭﯾﻌۃ ﺍﻟﻮﺻﻮﻝ ﺍﻟﯽﺟﻨﺎﺏﺍﻟﺮﺳﻮﻝﺻﻠﯽ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﯿﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ) of Allama Makhdoom MuhammadHashimSindhiThathvi (رحمہ اللہ) is a compilation based on the wordsofDuroodsquoted from the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), theSahaaba(رضی اللہعنہم) , and the Ta’baeen (رحمہم اللہ). thisurdutranslation hasbeen done by Shaheed-e-Islam Hazrat MoulanaMuhammadYousufLudhyanvi (رحمہ اللہ) while immersing himself in trueloveanddevotion, and has been arranged in a section-wise formatsimilartothat of Munajat-e-Maqbool. Now, bothMunajat-i-MaqbolandZiyarat-ul-Wusool have been published togetherin order to makeiteasy for the readers to complete its reading in aweek'stime.Since long our friends, accomplices, and esteemedreaders hadbeenrequesting for the online availability ofthecompilation.Therefore, with the blessings of Allah, theonlineedition ofMunajat-e-Maqbool and this compilation of DuroodShareefhas beenprepared in a very beautiful and modern layout. Inthisedition,the facility of jumping to a particular page fromthecontents pageitself has been made possible. Also, one cangothrough thetranslation of Durood Shareef by clicking ontheirrespectivenumbers, and clicking on the translation numberwilldisplay thetext of the particular Durood Shareef on the screen.Ourfriendsand esteemed readers had since long beenearnestlyrequesting fordigital availability of this collection,which hasnow beenprepared in a beautiful and latest fashion app. Inthisapp: ***One can easily browse to any page right from thecontentspageitself. *** Further, the translation of aparticular"DuroodSharif" can be viewed by clicking its number, andviceversa. ***The order of Manzil has been kept into consideration.***Any pagecan be jumped to right from the contents page andviceversa. ***The translation of Durood Shareef can be view byclickingon itsnumber. *** Also, clicking on the translationnumberingwilldisplay the Text of Durood Shareef. *** The "DuroodoSalam"application can be shared among friends using theSharingOption.To earn Allah’s blessings, nearness and pleasure,andtheintercession of the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), it isrequiredtomake "Durood Sharif" daily practice. We bow ingratitudebeforeAllah for granting us the ability of makingthiscollectionwidespread through the platform of shaheedeislam.comMayAllah makethis platform a means of disseminating the knowledgeofour elders,Ameen. I am highly indebted to all those who havebeeninstrumentalin the completion of this task, particularly myfatherMaulanaMuhammd Saeed Ludhyanvi, uncle Sahibzada MaulanaMuhammdTayyibLudhyanvi (rector Darul Uloom Yousfiyah), and Dr.Sheikh WaliKhanAl-Muzaffar, whose comprehensive supervisionalwaysremainedavailable. May Allah bless their life and knowledge,andengulfthem with His safety. I am also greatly thankful toAmjadRahimChaudhary, Allaama Yasir Arafat, and Hafiz MuhammadTalhaTahir fortheir valuable suggestions in preparing thisbookof"Munajat-e-Maqbool and Durood o Salam" and its AndroidApp.Also,my special thanks go to Umair Idrees, Shahood Ahmad,AbdurRahmanand all those who have rendered their help in one way ortheother.May all bless all of us with His pleasure. AmeenMuhammadIlyasLudhyanvi Founder and Administrator Shaheed-e-IslamWeb Portal
Islam App Muhammadan Way 7.4.1
Muhammadan Way: Prayer, Quran, Hadith, Dua, Naats, Islamicteachingsin one app
Official app of General Presidency of the Grand Mosque andtheProphet's Mosque
Durood Shareef - Read and List 1.0
MZ Studios
40 Durood Shareef - Read and Listen
Islamic Speeches 1.5
Read the most important & motivational Islamic Speeches onyourAndroid device.
Hajj Malayalam Guide 1.0
Complete Hajj Umra Guide in Malayalam
Pillars of Islam & Eemaan 1.1
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful,theEspeciallyMerciful. There are five pillars of Islam and sixpillarsof Eeman,which every Muslim should know about it in detail.Thiscomes in afamous hadees called as HADEES E JIBREEL. Islam isbothbelief andlaws, in which Allah and His Messenger have told us.WhenAllahcompleted the teachings of Deen E Islam, He chose it to bethewayof life for all of mankind until the Hour (JudgementDay).TAWHEEDis the first pillar of Islam and Eeman and it’s a keyandessenceof the call of the messengers as mentioned inQur’anSurahAnbiya21:25. The base of Qur'n is Tawheed. Allahprotectsthepeople of Tawheed and faith from the evils of this worldandthehereafter as mentioned in various Ahadees. Allah (Glory betoHim)says in the Qur’an: "And whoever seeks a religion otherthanIslam,it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafterhewill beone of the losers." Qur’an.A’le ‘Imran 3:85PoweredbyAskIslamPedia. Barak-Allaahu feekum “May Allah bless youAll.”
Muslim Directory: Adhan Times 9.0.3
Prayer Times, Dua, Masjid, Zabiha Halal Restaurants, Athan,Azan,Qibla, Manzil,
Nullifiers of Islam 2.0
Memorization tool for the famous Arabic textinIslamic Creed entitled "Nawaaqid Al-Islaam" by Al-ImaamShaykhMuhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab (Rahimahullah)."Nawaaqid Al-Islaam" can be translated into Englishas"Nullifiers of Islaam".This app has been designed for the beginner studentofknowledge.To aid memorization, the text has been split up so that it canbememorized line-by-line.Also to help in memorization, this app has audio for thecompletetext as well as the small portions of text.The main body of the text is split up into 10 screens witheachscreen displaying one of the nullifiers.Please leave feedback to help us improve this FREE app.
Gardens of Sunnah 1.2.1
Blessed traditions of the Beloved Prophet sallAllahu alayhiwasallam
Haramain brings the prayers from Makkah and Madinah straight toyourphone.
Sahih Bukhari in Urdu 1.75
Quran Reading
Sahih Bukhari Urdu is a Smartphone Application thatcomprisestheentire collection of sayings and deeds (hadith) ofProphetMuhammad(PBUH) compiled back by Imam Bukhari. ThisApplication isin Urdufor the native user for their bestfacilitation andbetterunderstandings. Main Screen consists of Listof Books,Introductionalong other embedded features. List of Bookscontainall6483-compiled Hadiths in 97 separatechapters.Introductioncontains brief description to the compiledSunnah ofProphetMuhammad (PBUH) and the work of Imam Bukhari.Otherfeaturesinclude: • Translation of Hadiths in available UrduandEnglishlanguages. • Change of theme for clear visibility. •Changeof Fontsize and Font style for user assistance. • Hadith ofthedaynotification in order to get daily alerts from the Appandstayconnected to the teachings of beloved Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).•Bookmarking for favorite and later-to-read Hadith. • GoTooptionfor quick access and launch to the required HadithsofMuhammad(SAW). • Share and save settings. FollowingProphetMuhammad (PBUH)is a direct following of Allah Almighty;hencedownload thisApplication, as nothing is better than adoptingandacting on theSunnah of Muhammad (PBUH).
Sonay Jagnay Kay Azkaar 1.8
Sonay Jagnay Kay Azkaar By Alhuda International
Surah Al-Dukhan 1.0
iQra Apps
Do You want 70,000 angels will ask for yourforgiveness?ReadAd-Dukan Ad-Dukhan (Arabic: سورة الدخان‎ suratud-Duḫḫān,"Smoke")is the 44th chapter (sura) of the Quran with 59verses. Thefirstverse is one of Quran's Muqatta'at, the lettercombinationsthatappear in the beginning of some chapters. Verse 37mentionsthepeople of Tubba, interpreters explain that this referstothepeople of Sheba. The word dukhan, meaning 'smoke', ismentionedinverse 10. Whoever recites ad-Dukhan(44) on the nightofal-Jum’ah,70,000 angels will ask for forgiveness for thatpersonuntilmorning”. If anyone recites surah Dukhan in the night hewillseethe morning while 70,000 angels seek forgiveness forhim.”HazratAbu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu reported Allah’sMessengersallallahualaihe wasallam as saying, "If anyone recitesHa-mimAl-Dukhan anynight, seventy thousand angels will askforgivenessfor him in theevening."(Tirmizi) App
Qurbani Collection 1.4
Download the Qurbani Collection developed by I.T departmentofDawat-e-Islami.
Masnoon Janaza 1.17
Taqwa Apps
At the time of death, in certain matters, everyone seeksguidanceand help.
Dua e Qunoot & More 2.91
Quran Reading
Learn Dua e Qunoot includes Ayatul Kursi, Names of Allah,IslamicDuas & Azkar
Munthakhab Ahadees 2.1
Munthakhab Ahadees was organised by Maulana Muhammad YusufKandhlawi(Rahimahullah) The book Munthakhab Ahadees, is aselection ofauthentic Ahadees, relating to the Six Qualities ofDa'wat andTabligh. This work was originally done in Arabic by“MaulanaMuhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi (Rahimahullah)”, during the lastphase ofhis devoted life. He collected all the relevantprinciples, rulesand precautions from their original sources. Hehas been socomprehensive and extensive that this book is notmerely acompilation of these principles, rules and instructions,but perhapsan encyclopedia, in brief, with their relativeimportance. Thismasterpiece was later organised and translatedinto Urdu by hisgrandson, Maulana Muhammad Sa'ad Kandhlawi(Muttalilluhul Aali).Munthakhab Ahadees was translated into Tamilby “Maulana MuhammadRoohul Haq Sahib”, which is a ready referenceto guide the mankindtowards the righteousness and enjoining thegood and forbidden allevil deeds for the development andconstruction of an ideal society.Now, Munthakhab Ahadees isavailable as an Android Application,enabling English and TamilSpeaking Android Users to read and gainacknowledge on the go. Thisis the official Android Application ofMunthakhab Ahadees,originally published as a hard copy by DarulMarashid, a non profitorganisation. The word "Munthakhab / Muntakab/ Munthakab /Muntakhab" is an Arabic word, which is translated inEnglish as"Selected". The word "Ahadeeth / Ahadith / Ahadees" isalso anArabic word, which is translated in English as "Sayings ofProphetMuhammadh (peace be upon him)". The word "Ahadeeth / Ahadith/Ahadees" is the plural form of the Arabic word "Hadees / Hadith/Hadeeth" which means the same as "Ahadeeth / Ahadith / Ahadees"butin singular form. "Munthakhab Ahadees" is a compilationSelectedSayings of Prophet Muhammadh (peace be upon him) fromvarious bookscompiled by various authors, where the Ahadees are"Authentic" ThisApp provides users to read and share MunthakhabAhadees in Arabicand Translation in English and Tamil. 1) KALIMAHTAYYAIBAH 2) SALAT3) 'ILM AND DHIKR 4) IKRAM-UL-MUSLIM 5) IKHLAS 6)DA'WAT ANDTABLIGH 7) AVOIDING THE IRRELEVANT
Sahih Bukhari - Urdu 2
Kor Academy
Mukhtasar Sahih Bukhari in Urdu. Noori Nastaleeq font.Easilyreadable font.