Top 19 Apps Similar to StrelkaMap

Карта Стрелка 2.5
Bytemax LLC
С помощью приложения "Карта Стрелка"можнопополнить баланс транспортной карты "Стрелка", котораяиспользуетсядля оплаты проезда на общественном транспорте вМосковскойобласти.Пополнение производится с банковской карты, комиссия за операциюневзимается.Укажите номер вашей карты "Стрелка" и реквизиты банковскойкартыв приложении, и пополнение баланса будет занимать у васнесолькосекунд. Вам не придется искать, где пополнить карту истоять вочереди, когда вы торопитесь.Вы сможете узнать баланс карты и посмотреть историю всехопераций:поездок и пополнений.By using "Map Arrow"canreplenish the balance of transport card "Arrow", which is usedtopay for travel on public transport in the Moscow region.Replenishment is made with a credit card, transactioncommissionwill be charged.Specify your card number "Arrow" and credit card details intheapplication and recharge will take you nesolko seconds. You donothave to look for, where to fill up the card and stand in linewhenyou are in a hurry.You can find the card balance and see a history of alltransactions:Travel and completions.
Speed Camera Radar 3.1.43
Road Soft
This application is used to detect hazards on the road, suchasspeed cameras (mobile ambush, static speed cameras, redlightcameras), speed bumps, bad roads and etc. This applicationusesdatabase of hazards previously detected by other users. Thelatestversion supports all the countries of the world! ⌚ Good news!Application supports smartwatches on Android WearOS ⌚GETTINGSTARTED 1. If you just installed the app you will need to gotomenu "Update databased" to download and install the latestdatabaseof speed camera for your region (country). 2. To run thehazarddetection mode, press the "Start" button. at the bottom rightofthe screen. 3. The application notifies only the dangers thatarealong your route. 4. You can call main setting, swiping fromtheleft edge of the screen to the right. 5. You can calldangersfilter that you want to discover swiping from the right edgeof thescreen to the left. 6. To add a new danger, tap on the SPEEDat thebottom of the screen. 7. Sign in to edit and remove currentPOI================= Starting with app version 2.0 user can sign-ininapp's community (using your Google Account). Registered usershavemore permissions to manage POI objects (danger) on the map,forinstance, user can explicitly delete irrelevant POI fromcommondatabase. ================= The workflow of the applicationdiffersfrom the hardware radar detector. Hardware radar detector -is apassive receiver that does not block the signal to which it isset,but simply notify the driver of the presence in the field oftheradar radio interference. This application works differently,ituses a database of hazards previously detected by other users.Forexample, if the application is informed about mobile ambush,itmeans that at this point can probably be mobile ambush. Anyusercan add new hazard to shared database. Also user can influenceonrating of hazard (when user get danger alert he can definewhetherdanger exists or not in fact). The application plays thesound andshows hazard on the map and distance to this hazard. Ifyou areconnected to the internet you will be able to monitor thetrafficjams. There is a feature update the database of the hazards.Theapplication may run in the background (even when the screenisoff), just enable option "Use speech when hazard detected".★★★Features ★★★ ★ Map or Radar view mode (no need Internet torenderdata) ★ Night mode for Map is supported (enabled in settings)★Night mode adjustment on screen ★ 3D tilt on map support(3Dbuildings) ★ Map auto zoom and rotation map along the way★Dashboard with current speed ★ 260 000 active hazards POIsaroundthe world (check your country in FREE version of this APP atfirst)★ Daily database updates! ★ Support voice alerts ★ Supportofworking in background or with other Navigation APPs ★ You canaddtheir own POI to shareddatabase=================================================================Becareful on the road and good luck! ==================
MapcamDroid Radar detector 3.8.1023
★★★★★ Radar detector MapcamDroid is an app which warns thedriverabout the radars, speed cameras and potentially dangerousparts ofthe road. MapcamDroid will remind you about the observanceoftraffic rules and speed limit in time. Moreover, it can help youtoavoid an accident or a fine.
HUD АнтиРадар (бесплатно)
База камер покрывает регионы России,Украины,Белоруссии и КазахстанаПриложение HUD Speed - это цифровой спидометр с встроеннойфункциейрадар-детектора.HeadUp Display (HUD) - это возможность использовать ваш телефонилипланшет как проекционный дисплей. Просто положите устройствоподлобовое стекло и вы увидите проекцию скорости и предупрежденийокамерах прямо на стекле. Не нужно отвлекаться от дороги -всенепосредственно перед вашими глазами!Карта с камерами в нашей базе -* * * * *В солнечную погоду яркости вашего устройства может не хватитьдляотображения проекции на стекле. В этом случае используйтеобычныйрежим отображения и поставьте устройство в держатель.Ночью,вечером и пасмурную погоду проекция будет всегдахорошовидна!Ключевые функции:- Цифровой спидометр. Скорость, определенная по GPS, являетсяболееточной, чем показывает спидометр в машине.- HUD Speed работает как радар-детектор и предупреждает Васостационарных камерах и радарах ДПС на Вашем пути.- Отображение данных в проекции на лобовом стекле.- Еженедельные бесплатные обновления базы камер!- Удобный, простой и полностью русифицированный интерфейс.Если при приближении к камере ваша скорость будет вышеразрешеннойболее чем на 19 км/ч, то приложение будет подаватьпредупреждающиезвуки. А это важно, т.к. теперь штраф за превышениена >20 км/чуже начинается с 500 рублей.Приложение работает с помощью известных данных орасположениистационарных камер и радаров ДПС (такие как Стрелка илиСтарт СТ) идругих объектов. База камер используется от нашегоизвестногоприложения GPS АнтиРадар.Наша группа ВКонтакте -* * * Внимание! * * *1. HUD Speed - это ваш помощник, но не гарант отсутствияштрафов,т.к. новые камеры могут не сразу попадать в базуданных.Пожалуйста, соблюдайте правила дорожного движения.Настоящийрадар-детектор, конечно, работает надежнее, но этоприложениебесплатно!2. Для работы приложения в фоне на устройствах Xiaomi и Meizuнужновыполнить настройку устройств. Смотрите наши инструкции:– Xiaomi:– Meizu: cameraspokrыvaetrehyonы Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia and KazakhstanAnnex HUD Speed ​​- This digital speedometer withvstroennoyfunction radar detector.HeadUp Display (HUD) - This Ability Require your phone OrHowproektsyonnыy tablet display. Just lay Arrangement Underlobovoeglass and vы uvydyte proektsyyu Speed ​​and preduprezhdenyyofcells directly on the glass. Not Need a otvlekatsya from the road-all neposredstvenno before your eyes!Map with cameras in our bazeilles-* * * * *In solnechnuyu weather vasheho Synchronization Device Cannotproektsyy grip to display in glass. In this sluchaeyspolzuyteNormal mode display and Put the Arrangement in theholder. Night,dinner and pasmurnuyu proektsyya weather will bealways visibleGood!Key functions:- Digital speedometer. Speed, opredelennaya on GPS, javljaetsjaMoretochnoy, than pokazыvaet speedometer in the car.- HUD Speed ​​rabotaet As radar detector and you preduprezhdaetofstationary cameras and radar DPS in Vashem way.- Otobrazhenie data in proektsyy on windshields.- Updates are free Ezhenedelnыe bazы cameras!- Convenient, Simple and completelyrusyfytsyrovannыyinterface.If at Approximation for your camera velocity will besomethingmorethan razreshennoy Above 19 km / h, the Annex will besubmittedpreduprezhdayuschye sounds. A This is important, becauseNow thepenalty for prevыshenye of> 20 km / h has nachynaetsyawith 500rubles.Annex works with pomoshchju of known data at Location ofstationarycameras and the SOT radarov (the arrow How to Start OrPT) andsecond objects. Base cameras yspolzuetsya nasheho offamousapplications like GPS Radar.Our group VKontakte -* WARNING! * * *1. HUD Speed ​​- This is your assistant, but no guarantee ofabsencefines, because New kamerы Immediately mogut not fall intotheDatabase. Please soblyudayte rules of the road movement. Bythisradar detector, of course, rabotaet nadezhnee, but Annex Thisfreeof charge!2. To work on applications in the background Device Meizu andXiaomiNuzhny Run setting devices. Our Smotryte Instructions:- Xiaomi: Meizu:
Антирадар HUD Speed PRO 53.6
Radar detector and digital spydometr smartphone.
RoadAR dashcam & speed camera
RoadAR, Inc.
RoadAR - dash cam app created tohelpdrivers every day. It works as a car camera, as a smartassistantrecognizing traffic signs and warning you to avoidtrafficviolations and as a speed camera notifier.UNIQUE FEATURES:✔ Current speed, GPS data, date and time, currently active signsarehardsubbed in video file (no more srt);✔ We have exposure compensation to keep road in constantlightnesswithin defined range (check it in settings)NEW FEATURES:✔ Automatic start/stop when driving/stopping;✔ Speed Camera warnigs;✔ Share on YouTube with couple clicks.AVAILABLE LANGUAGES:English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish,Portugalian(Brazil), Japanese (in case of wrong translation pleasewrite inEnglish to signs recognized with RoadAR smart dash cam app it send tothecrowdsourcing database. More drivers - better quality andcoverageof the database and warnings. Don't forget to invite yourfriends=) Meet more than 500k users community!RoadAR can work in background as dash cam and show warningsaboveany navigation app: Waze, Navmii, Sygic, Google Maps, TomTom,iGOand many others. Also above any speed cam app: Speed Cameras&Traffic Sygic, TomTom Speed Cameras, Speed camera radaretc.ATTENTION!Dash cam app needs to be constantly connected to car charger,ituses all functions of smartphone.Sounds are not recorded with old android versions (4.1andlower).Try to direct air cooling system of your car on device toavoidoverheating (long camera usage heats phone a lot).Current version supports only these signs:✔ Yeld (Give Way)✔ Speed Limit✔ No passing✔ No parking✔ No waiting✔ Crosswalk✔ Crossroads limits✔ Danger signsOther signs will be added soonNOTE: while testing in front PC image can be blurred becausefocusdistanse is infinite (to avoid focusing raindropsonwindshield).
MySpeed 7.2.2
Neil Boyd
MySpeed will alert you when you're near aspeedcamera.It can record your speed and location to a log file.What users are saying about MySpeed:"Tried all the free speed apps...this is the best!""One of few that run and warn in the background :)""Turning map is great :-)""Works GREAT, I use this to keep a log of my speed, helpfulforfighting inaccurate speeding tickets."MySpeed is a free app supported by adverts.keywords:osm open street map gps tracking routing navigation poi speedcamerasafety cameras traffic enforcement camera's speed trappolice radarspeeding ticket speed limitpoiplaza scdb flitspaal pocketgpsworld maparadar adivorradardroid opensatnav radalert blitzer trapster flits alert
Speed radar detector 1.5.0
Warning system Free completely free fixedandmobile radars free, the best radar detector premiumWe have created a free radar detector with all the options fortheuser.No more warning fines thanks to free fixed and mobile radars,thebest copilot to drive without fear of fines, radar warningnotifiesyou:Speed camerasmobile radarscontrolled traffic lightsDanger zonesYou can view the camera location on a mapWhat differentiates us from other radar applications:you can use google maps and see him radars noticesoption controls speed display on a map within the appfully configurable from the distances to sounds warningradar warning voicesimple design horizontally and vertically android 5The audio warning system for ideal speaker or Bluetooth willnotdistract you while driving.Fully configurable, you can select if you want to just notifyyouabout the fixed and mobile radars or if you want to do it onlyoneof them, also set sound emitted by the application whenyouapproach a speed control or the warning distance the same(default1000m)the database of fixed and mobile radars is in continuousgrowththanks to contributions from users, you can bring your datasendingan email to not forget toattachlatitude and longitude, soon we will include a system toprovidedirectly from the application.
Штрафы ПДД 2017 - штрафы ГИБДД
Проверка и оплата штрафов онлайн поофициальнойбазе ГИБДД России и базе Федерального казначейства ГИСГМП •Фотографии нарушения с камер ГИБДД • Безопасная оплатабанковскойкартой • Квитанция об оплате штрафа • Техническаяподдержка по всемвопросам оплаты штрафов • Действует 50%-скидка наоплату штрафа впервые 20 дней • ПДД 2017Как пользоваться:1. Добавив В/У или СТС вы будете получать полную информациюоштрафах по вашему автомобилю2. При наличии штрафа вы можете оплатить его с помощьюбанковскойкартой Visa/MasterCard (Стандарт безопасности 3-D Secure/ PCIDSS)3. После оплаты штрафа, вы получите банковское платежное поручениеиквитанцию об оплате штрафа. При необходимости, выможетепредоставить эти документы сотруднику ДПС- Полная и актуальная информация по штрафам: приложениеимеетофициальный доступ к базе ГИБДД и базе ФедеральногоказначействаГИС ГМП- Работает во всех регионах России- Гарантированная оплата штрафа: приложение позволяетотслеживатьстатус платежа и отправляет информацию о нем во всегосударственныебазы. После оплаты вы получаете платежное банковскоепоручение иквитанцию об оплате штрафа- Горячая линия технической поддержки – позволит получитьвсюинформацию о штрафе и о статусе его оплаты- Телефоны дежурной части и телефоны доверия для всех регионовРФ.Пригодится для вызова на место ДТП и сообщении опревышенииполномочий- Список кодов всех регионов РФ: узнай, кто едет впереди- Помощник в споре с инспектором ДПС: приложениеподскажетинформацию по всем правилам, штрафам и знакам. Вседанныепредоставлены простым и доступным языком. Для удобствапоиска, вприложении работает умный голосовой поиск, который найдетвсюнеобходимую информацию. Узнайте, какой на самом деле штрафвозможенза:• тонировку автомобиля• управление в состоянии алкогольного опьянения• выезд на встречную полосу• непристегнутый ремень безопасности• использование телефона за рулём• стоянку в неположенном месте• превышение скоростного режима (фото с дорожных камер)Защита платежей и личных данныхВсе транзакции проходят через специальные защищенные каналысвязи.Безопасность карточных платежей обеспечивается потехнологии3D-secure. Мы не храним данные ваших банковскихкарт.Verification andpaymentof fines online on the official basis of the FederalTreasury ofRussian traffic police and the GIS GMP • Photos withviolations oftraffic cameras • Secure payment by credit card •Receipt ofpayment of fines • Technical support on all issues ofpayment offines • Operates at 50% -skidka penalty payment the first20 days •SDA 2017How to use:1. Add / Y, or CTC, you will receive full information aboutthepenalties on your car2. If there is fine, you can pay it by credit card Visa /MasterCard(security standard 3-D Secure / PCI DSS)3. After paying the fine, you will get a bank payment orderandreceipt of payment of fine. If necessary, you can providethesedocuments employee DPS- Complete and current information on fines: officialapplicationhas access to the traffic police and the FederalTreasury-based GISGMP- Works in all regions of Russia- Guarantee payment of the fine: the application allows youtomonitor the status of payment and sends information about it toallstate databases. After payment you will receive a banktransferorder and receipt of payment of fine- Support Hot Line - will provide all information about thepenaltyand the status of its payment- Phones and the duty of the helpline for all regions of Russia.Itis useful to call on the scene of an accident and reportingofabuse of power- The list of codes of all regions of Russia: find out who isgoingto come- Assistant to the dispute with the inspector DPS: Theapplicationwill prompt information on all the rules, penalties andsigns. Alldata provided a simple and accessible language. Forconvenience,the application operates intelligent voice search,which will findall the necessary information. Find out what isactually possiblefor a penalty:• Car toning• Management of intoxicated• exit at the oncoming lane• unfastened seat belt• Using the phone while driving• parking in the wrong place• speeding (photo from traffic cameras)Protection of personal data and paymentAll transactions are run through a special securecommunications.Secure card payments provided by 3D-securetechnology. We do notstore the data of your bank card.
Speed Camera Radar (PRO) 3.2.5
Road Soft
★★★ This application does not contains any advertisements!★★★Thisapplication is used to detect hazards on the road, suchasspeedcameras (mobile ambush, static speed cameras, redlightcameras),speed bumps, bad roads and etc. This applicationusesdatabase ofhazards previously detected by other users.GETTINGSTARTED 1. Ifyou just installed the app you will need to goto menu"Updatedatabased" to download and install the latestdatabase ofspeedcamera for your region (country). 2. To run thehazarddetectionmode, press the "Start" button. at the bottom rightof thescreen.3. The application notifies only the dangers that arealongyourroute. 4. You can call main setting, swiping from the leftedgeofthe screen to the right. 5. You can call dangers filterthatyouwant to discover swiping from the right edge of the screentotheleft. 6. To add a new POI, tap + button close to the SPEEDatthebottom of the screen. 7. Sign in to edit and removecurrentPOI==========================================================Beforeyoubuy, you can first try the free version. Each user candevelopadatabase of hazards for his country. Please note,thattheapplication does not scan radiation police radar in realtimeforthe application is used only database hazards identifiedearlierbyusers. Any user can add new hazard to shared database.Alsousercan influence on rating of hazard (when user get dangeralerthecan define whether danger exists or not in fact).Theapplicationplays the sound and shows hazard on the map anddistanceto thishazard. If you are connected to the internet youwill beable tomonitor the traffic jams. There is a feature updatethedatabase ofthe hazards. The application may run in thebackground(even whenthe screen is off), just enable option "Usespeech whenhazarddetected". ★★★ Features ★★★ ★ Map or Radar viewmode (noneedInternet to render data) ★ Night mode adjustment onscreen ★3Dtilt on map support (3D buildings) ★ Map auto zoom androtationmapalong the way ★ Dashboard with current speed ★ 140000activehazards POIs around the world (check your country inFREEversionof this APP at first) ★ Daily database updates! ★Supportvoicealerts ★ Support of working in background or withotherNavigationAPPs ★ You can add their own POI toshareddatabase=================================================================Becarefulon the road and good luck!
FlitsLimburg 3.0.2
Flash Limburg is a free app that collects all traffic reportsfromLimburg.
Glob - GPS, Traffic and radar
Glob GPS
► Glob is all about contributing toandbenefiting from the common good, but not only ! Glob is asleekcombination of the latest car navigation technologyandworld-class real-time traffic information. You willalwayschoose the best route available based on accurate,real-timetraffic information that gets you to yourdestination faster,every day. Enjoy relaxed driving with accurateand timely alertsfor all types of speed cameras andtraffic jams. Youwill always choose the best route availablebased on accurate,real-time traffic information that getsyou to yourdestination faster, every day. Just by driving with Globopen,you're already contributing tons of real-timetrafficinformation to your local community. You can alsoactively reportaccidents, police traps and other hazards you see onthe road. Getroad alerts along your route.Plus, you can addfriends, sendlocations or keep others posted on your arrival time.Downloadnow for free and join the community of more than 3milliondrivers!► Glob is the most accurate and easiest to use GPS basedapp,which lets you:• Get real-time traffic information: See current trafficconditionsand how to avoid traffic jams• Get alerts for safety cameras: Avoid speeding fines withaccurateand timely speed warnings• Live routing based on community driven, real-time traffic androadinfo• Community reported alerts including accidents, police traps,roadclosures, hazards and more• Drive more safely thanks to acoustic and visual warning• Get the real-time alerts of mobile radar traps andfixedspeed cameras location• Automatic rerouting as conditions change on the road• Benefit from biker Mode or colorblind Mode• Report new traps, police radar, mobile camera with asingletap• Live routing based on community driven, real-time traffic androadinfo• Community reported alerts including accidents, police traps,roadclosures, and more• The world’s largest online speed cam database frompremiumproviders• 300 000+ real-time alerts of mobile speedcamerasand police traps each monthNote: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life. Glob will automaticallyshutdown if you run it in the background and haven't driven forawhile.
Gocha 15.5.2
Green Zeal
drive safely with "Gocha!" on Georgian roads, Traffic information
AutoGuard Dash Cam - Blackbox 8.1.4208
Pyungwoo Yoo
Your smart phone can be clever as youwithAutoGuard, the best Blackbox application, will giveyouwonderful experiences.Key Features- (Pro) Background recording: Multitasking with otherapps(like navigation)- Upload videos on with captions for locationandtime information- Capture photos at important situation automatically- Show the video and map information on one screen- Automatically starts video recording when put into cardockor connect with bluetooth devices- Records driving video, speed, GPS, and nearest address- Supports high resolutions (1080p, 720p)- Traces path driven on 3D Google maps- Snapshot (supports auto focus, flash & gallery)- Send recorded information via E-mailAutoGuard records various lengths of video, acceleration,latitude,longitude, and speed.The video recorded can be limited to save space on your phone.Afterthe space is filled it will automatically delete the oldestvideos,unless marked to be saved.AutoGuard Pro can be set to automatically start when placed in acardock and run in the background.You can adjust video resolution, bitrates, the sensitivity oftheaccelerator, and GPS update time.With Pro Version(AutoGrard Pro Unlocker), you are ad free, cansyncyour videos on & Multitask AutoGuard withotherapps such as Navigation or Mp3.Visit AutoGuard's home and get more valuable information! AutoGuard needs the contact permission?- List up Gmail accounts for uploading videos to Youtube.- Referral check.AutoGuard doesn't need any other information rather than yourgmailaddress.Anyone who wants to help translating will be welcome.Thanks. =:)Support languages : English, German, French, Chinese,Japanese,Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Dutch, Taiwanese, Lithuanian,Polish,Turkish, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech & Slovak.
DigiHUD Speedometer 1.5.11
James Moss
GPS digital speedometer with head-up display (HUD) for phoneortablet.
GPS АнтиРадар PRO 30.0
Warn you about the stationary cameras and traffic police radaronyour way.
Ulysse Speedometer Pro
ULYSSE SPEEDOMETER PRO—the ultimateadvancedGPS tool that is not only a high-precision GPS*Speedometer,displaying not only the current speed (analog ordigital) but alsopacking in many other exciting features.As a part of our Ulysse community, you’ll find itsfunctionalityindispensable. To discover further what’s packed intoour tool, binarytoys Lab, we listen to our users and areconstantlyintegrating your feature requests—Ulysse is not onlybuilt by us,but also by you, our Ulyssers!How about:★ Overlays—display important speed/direction/time info overyourother installed apps★ Trip Computer—record the current, yesterday’s, today’s,week’s,month’s journeys★ Track recorder—trace your journey and export to SD and/or emailasGPX or Google Earth KML format★ Multiple profiles: for every car, bike, velo,walking,skiing★ Music Controller—control your installed musicplayerdirectly★ HUD—a Head-Up Display for your windshield★ GPS Altimeter★ GPS Compass★ Latitude/longitude display★ Settings km/h, mph, knots; miles/feet, kilometers,nauticalmiles★ Maximum displayed speeds: 1900 km/h / 1160 mph / 1000knots!★ Racing meter—measure acceleration times: 0-100 km/h, 0-60 mphandfor 1/4 mile.★ Average speed indicator★ Switchboard – menu system providing easy setting changesoffunctions – simply tap the main speedometer dialforactivation★ Three shortcut pages—Application, Communication, Navigation; foratotal 36 user-defined application shortcuts★ Speed limits’ warnings (‘Speed Edge’) – define audio andvisualspeed alarms★ App quickstart—assign other installed apps and called in justtwotaps★ Customizable UI colors—are 16 million colors enough?★ Current battery status info—charge, temperature★ Car dock support—application automatically starts and exitsondocking and undocking★ Run the speedometer in background mode—show speed discretelyinthe status bar and even gives visual notification forspeedlimits**★ Binarytoys’ Customer support second-to-none… take a look atourreviews!But don’t limit Ulysse to just your automobile!Imagine accessing all the features mentioned via virtually anymeansof transport.Whether traveling by van, truck, bus, motorbike, bike,horse,unicycle, Segway, plane, helicopter, foot, camel, taxi,rickshaw,skateboard, train, boat, hang-gliding or paragliding(etc.)—youwill find a useful use for Ulysse!We Love our Ulyssers – And They Love Ulysse!We are fully dedicated to our user base – with its millions ofloyalworldwide users, we are constantly building on this successtoguarantee that Ulysse remains on pole position now and inthefuture.You don’t have to take our word for it, read what some of thetopnames in the business are saying:"Poetry in motion"—"Most advanced Speedometer App"—"this virtual dashboard has been aprovenlifesaver"—"...enter Ulysse Speedometer to save me"—RichardDevine,AndroidCentral"Accurate, visually appealing and informativespeedometerapplication"—Crackberry.comHave we forgotten something? Visit our homepage and send usacomment.Would you like to see Ulysse translated into your ownlanguage?Contact us today at to find out howor join uson*Dependent on phone hardware**In the case of system overloading, a small lag is possibleKnown limitation - trip distance may have 2-3% deviation fromcar'sodometer dataLook to for a new car-dock for your phone!