Top 1 Apps Similar to Kalala Smart Park - SLO

卡啦啦學樂園 1.0
卡啦啦學樂園”是面向3-8歲兒童使用的互動早教平臺,它能把您的iPad變成孩子的學習電腦,內容涵蓋了寶寶的學習、閱讀、娛樂、動手等項目,更有手把手教孩子學寫字、學畫畫等實用功能。慧智數字專注于兒童教育,堅持以一顆童心出發,結合最先進的技術及對兒童教育最深刻的理解,為孩子帶來無限的快樂。惠Card la Science Park"isthe platform for interactive early childhood 3-8 year olds, itcanbecome your child's learning computer iPad, covering thebaby'slearning, reading, entertainment, hands-on projects andmoreShoubashoujiao Children learn to write, learn to draw otherusefulfeatures. Wyse Digital focuses on children's education,adhere to achildlike innocence, combined with the most advancedtechnology andthe education of children of the most profoundunderstanding oftremendous happiness for the children. Hui