Top 20 Apps Similar to Kanji Renshuu Ad-free License

Kanji teaches you the history and structure of the Kanji,thenletsyou learn the Kanji at your own paceusingeasy-to-navigatelessons, quizzes, and flashcards, as well asanintegrated KanjiDictionary. In addition to our BeginningKanjilessons and quizzeswe have intermediate/advanced lessons onOn-YomiReading Groups aswell as Quizzes grouped by JLPT Level andover 40Topics. Features:★ History and structure of the Kanji ★KanjiDictionary ★Integrated lessons, quizzes and flashcards ★StudyKanji by Topicor JLPT Level ★ On-Yomi Reading Groups ★KanjiAnimations ★ Learnthrough On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi vocab quizzes★Covers over 2,000Kanji
Asahi Kanji (English) 1.8.9
Roger Meyer
A tool for reviewing and memorizing Japanese characters (JōyōandJLPT levels)
Japanese Kanji by Hand 1.3.1
Olof Sjöbergh
Kanji by Hand teaches you how to writeJapanesekanji by hand. You draw the characters on the screen andKanji byHand will judge if they are correct or not. Writing is thebest wayto learn, since it makes you active in the learningprocess.If you want to try it out before buying, you can try KanabyHand. It's a free version that only includes hiragana andkatakana,but otherwise works the same way.Advanced writing tutorKanji by Hand is smart and tells you when you make mistakes.Whenreviewing your results, you can click on the answer to seethestroke order animated. You'll be quizzed on the basiccharactersand words which illustrate their use.Full kanji character setKanji by Hand will teach you how to all Japanese kanjiyou'llever need. More than 2500 characters are included, but don'tworry,it starts with the easy ones and let's you progress at yourownpace. It also includes more than 10 000 common Japanese wordsthatshow how the different characters combine to form words.Spaced repetition for maximum retentionKanji by Hand uses spaced repetition to make it easy for youtolearn and remember. Easy stuff is repeated more seldom, andthehard things come back more often. For the best effect, try todoyour reviews every day.Sync your devicesIf you have both a tablet and a phone, you can set thesameaccount name on them to get your progress datasyncedautomatically. It also works as a backup of your data incaseanything happens to your phone. That's why you need to acceptsomepermissions to install it, so it can access the network andsyncyour device.On your device, just go to Settings -> Accounts &sync-> Kana by Hand -> Account Settings and change theaccountname so it's the same on all your devices.CreditsThis package uses data from KanjiVG which is copyrightUlrichApel and used according to the Creative CommonsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.This package uses data from the EDICT and KANJIDICdictionaryfiles. These files are the property of the ElectronicDictionaryResearch and Development Group, and are used inconformance withthe Group's licence.
Remembering the Kanji 1.0.26
Official flashcard and review app for the Heisig method
Smart Kanji JLPT N5 1.000
Smart Kanji is a dynamic learning methodofJapanese kanjis that adapts to the user's theme and provideshimthe most optimal learning course.In this N5 edition (beginner level), learn 140 kanjis and about300words ! All you need to pass the kanji part of theJapaneseLanguage Proficiency Test (JLPT) N5.If you like this application, please take the time to rate it/share it on your social networks :)
Learn Japanese Kanji N3 1.0
This App has been developed forpeopleinterested in practicing Kanji for "N3" level examination of"TheJapanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)".All Kanji in this application are according to the new patternofJLPT Examination. You can learn "on-yomi" (ChineseReading),"kun-yomi" (Japanese Reading) and their equivalentEnglishmeanings. Each Kanji listing also comes with its"jukugo"(combination of two or more Kanji).This application also provides a facility forsearchingparticular kanji based on kun-yomi, on-yomi, kanji radicalor kanjistrokes. You can also take a Kanji test to check yourKanjirecognition abilities.Key usages & benefits:. Handy Kanji Dictionary. Practice Reading Kanji. Meaning given in Japanese (Hiragana / Katakana) and English. Possible Jukugo meanings for each Kanji. Given Stroke and Radical for each Kanji. Can search kanji by kun-yomi, on-yomi, kanji radical orkanjistrokes. Test for your Kanji knowledge. 30 Sec timer, for practice of fast recognition. This practicewillhelp you in Exam. Each question has 3 options to choose from, each test has15questions, immediate results. You can test your Japanese kanji skills anytime,anywhere,unlimited number of times. Improves Kanji Knowledge, improves speed ofrecognizingKanji.. You can also keep track of your scores and monitor progressPlease note:The JLPT exam board does not prescribe Kanji list for N2 andN3separately. The Kanji level setting in this App is based onFidelSoftech Pvt Ltd independent research and understanding;andprovided in this App merely as a reference.
Kanji Renshuu 1.9.1
Andree Surya
Kanji Renshuu (漢字練習) is a flashcard application to help youpracticeJapanese Kanji characters. A simple Spaced RepetitionSystem (SRS)is adopted to schedule and organize your Kanjipractice.Kanji cards are labeled with 5 different colors from red tolimegreen. This color shows the difficulty level of a particularcardaccording to your personal practice performance. A card'sreviewschedule interval and appearance frequency during practicewill beadjusted according to this level.There are 3007 most frequently used Kanji characters registeredinKanji Renshuu database, each are indexed and given anEnglishkeyword according to the book "Remembering the Kanji" byJames W.Heisig.Notable features:✓ Simple, straightforward UI.✓ Simple, adjustable SRS to keep your practice focusedandefficient.✓ Color labeling as a clear performance indicator forindividualcards.✓ Performance graph to keep track of your dailypracticeprogress.✓ Search Kanji cards by English, Kanji, readings, or SKIP code(e.g."1-3-5").✓ Filter Kanji cards by Jōyō grade and JLPT level estimation.✓ Backup and restore cards data to external storage.✓ Kanji stroke order diagram.The development of Kanji Renshuu is inspired by manyexistingflashcard applications. Concepts and ideas are adapted andadjustedto suit the developer's learning needs. If Kanji Renshuudoesn'tfit your needs, you might want to considerthesealternatives:✓ Anki: Notably one of the most popular SRS flashcard app.✓ StickyStudy (iOS): SRS flashcard app with color labelingforindividual cards.✓ JA Sensei: A complete suite for learning Japanese with Kanjiquizfeature.✓ JFCards: Simple, straightforward flashcard app, but withnobuilt-in SRS.Check out this page for more detail: you like Kanji Renshuu, please consider buying thead-freelicense.✓ Internet access permission is required to load ads.✓ External storage access permission is required for backup&restore functionality.
Kanji of the Day 3.1.19082
Radiant Kit
Learn a new kanji every day! Test yourself with the Joyo kanji list
Kanji Memory Hint 1 [English] 1.0.5
Study kanji the fun way using mnemonic pictures
Hoc Kanji Han Viet 1.1b2
Kịt Vòng
Kanji Vn là một phần mềm miễn phí dùng đểhọc,tra cứu kanji bằng từ hán việt.Bao gồm 1945 chữ kanji thông dụng đã được sắp xếp theo tần sốsửdụng (chữ kanji được sử dụng với tần số cao được xếptrước.)(Nguồn Phần mềm giúp người dùng tra cứu qua lại giữa kanji - hán việt-âm on - âm kun.- Phần Bookmark giúp người dùng đánh dấu để ghi nhớ các từ.- Phần Tag giúp gom nhiều từ kanji thành 1 nhóm.- Phần Test giúp người dùng kiểm tra lại các từ kanji đã thuộc(Đượcchia ra làm nhiều cấp độ ).Keyword: Học kanji, hoc kanji, han viet, hán việt.My Kanji is afreesoftware to learn, look up kanji by the Vietnam draft.Includes 1945 kanji common had been ordered by frequency ofuse(kanji used with high frequency is ranked first.) (Source Software to help users searching between kanji - Drought Vietnam-sound on - sound kun.- The mark Bookmark help users to memorize the words.- The Tag helped collect more from kanji into one group.- The Test helps users to check all of the kanji (It is dividedintoseveral levels).Keyword: Learning kanji, kanji hoc, viet han, han Vietnam.
LearnJapaneseKanji Firstgrade 3.3.1
You can learn how to write and read Japanese kanji.
Simple Kanji Quiz (JLPT N5-N1) 0.91
Simple: Only a few kana-readingsandenglish-meanings for each Kanji.Kanji: Actually contains Hiragana / Katakana too, but mainlyJLPTN5-N1, and Grade 1-6 Kanji.Quiz: Contains only continuous multi-choice quiz per Kanji list.You can set the question types in the settings menu (Forexampleif you only want to study kanji to english translation, andnoton/kun kana readings).You can reduce the word count by on the list on main pageScoring is used to track successful answers, words with 10/10scorewill not be asked again, new words will be added to thequestionsinstead.This is a tool created for myself to practice and learnjapanesekanji words.The kanji symbols are extracted from Jim Breen's kanjidiclibrary,and grouped by the JLPT (japanese language proficiencytest)levels.The app is free, even no ads, though you can donate on
Kanji N5-1 2.0
Học và luyện thi các từ Kanji N5 - N1- Học- Luyện nhớ- Kiểm tra
Hoc Kanji tieng Nhat 2.2
Kanji cơ bản- 512 từ kanji cơ bản- Gồm 32 bài học bằng hình ảnhKanji nâng cao-Tổng hợp những từ kanji thông dụng nhất, phù hợp với các bạnN5,N4, N3Tập viết Kanji- Học đi đôi với hành và đánh giá qua chấm điểm.Chi tiết- Mỗi từ đều có cách viết bằng hình ảnh, ví dụ minh họa.- Học flashcard ghi nhớ từ một cách hiệu quả.- Bài kiểm tra đánh giá khả năng ghi nhớ.ThuốcChân thành xin lỗi bạn vì sản phầm có hiển thị quảng cáo. Đâylànguồn thu để giúp nhóm phát triển các sản phẩm. Để tắt quảngcáobạn click một lần quảng cáo sẻ ẩn trong suốt phiên sửdụng.Basic Kanji- 512 from basic kanji- Includes 32 lessons PhotosAdvanced KanjiSynthesis of the words most commonly used kanji, consistentwithyour N5, N4, N3Kanji writing- Learning with practice and evaluation through scoring.Detail- Each of them has written a picture, illustration.- Learn flashcards memorize words effectively.- The test evaluated the ability to remember.DrugSincerely apologize for product advertising displays. This istherevenue to help develop the product group. To turn off adsyouclick an ad time during the session shared offline use.
Kanji Dictionary 2.0
Nahu Studio
Kanji Dictionary search and explains how kanji is constructedfromother kanjis
Daily Japanese Kanji 2.2
Nahu Studio
Learn Japanese JLPT kanji daily for N1,N2,N3,N4,N5withEnglish-Kanji dictionary
Kanji Draw 1.0
leafdigital Kanji draw is a simple application that lets youdrawJapanese characters (kanji) using the touch screen. It isintendedfor Japanese language learners who might need to entercharactersin order to look them up in a dictionary or enter them onawebsite. Open source software. Free and no ads. It identifiesthecharacter you have drawn using a special form ofhandwritingrecognition. You can select the correct character from alist.After entering one or more characters, you can copy them intotheclipboard as text for use in a dictionary. Note that this willNOTwork - at all - if you don't know basically how to draw kanji.Ifyou just draw something any old way that looks like it,itcertainly won't be recognised. You have to drawcharactersbasically the official way. That said there are two formsofrecognition: exact (you must enter the character with thecorrectstroke count, stroke order, and direction) and inexact (youmustdraw basically the correct strokes but can use any orderanddirection). If the inexact search doesn't find it, you cantrysearching for characters with 1 stroke more or fewer than youdrew.This might sound complicated but the interface is easy; yougetexact results straight away, if it's not there then hit thebuttonand wait for inexact results (this takes several seconds,there's aprogress bar), and if it's not there either, you can goonto the+/- 1 results. Notes: - If you've drawn a character and the'Done'button is still greyed out, this is because it's stillloading thedata file. It usually only takes a few seconds, soplease wait.This only happens the first time you draw a characterafterstarting the app. - Some characters don't work very well ifyoudraw them in the normal handwriting style. The data is basedonprint style. If you have difficulty getting a characterrecognised,try drawing it like the print version. This program isreleasedunder GNU Public License version 3. It's based on theleafdigitalkanjirecog library, which is already released under thatlicense. -Uses kanji drawing database derived from the SVGkanji stroke orderimages produced by the KanjiVG project andreleased under CreativeCommons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Write Japanese: Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana 20.1
David Meeuwis
Write Japanese teaches you to draw the Japanese kanji, hiragana,andkatakana. It covers the basic kana alphabets, and the first~2,000kanji characters. Write Japanese teaches you characters youdon'tknow, reviews your drawing of characters you do know,anddynamically repeats characters you are still learning.WriteJapanese uses a Spaced Repetition system (SRS) to repeatcharactersyou've correctly drawn at timed intervals, to maximizeyourmemorization. Pre-made character lists are included for all5levels of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), andforall levels of the Joyou Kanji, learned by Japaneseschoolchildren.You can also create your own custom lists. This isan Androidexclusive software. It contains no advertisements.Hiragana, theJoyou kanji level 1, and the JLPT level N5 are free,while theremaining katakana and kanji require a single, one-timein-apppurchase to unlock.
Kanji N5 1.0
*** KANJI N5 *** Là ứng dụng dành cho các bạn đang ôn luyệnchokỳthi năng lực Nhật ngữ JLPT N5. Hán tự thường là phần khó nhớvớiđasố các bạn mới làm quen với tiếng Nhật. Nhưng trong đề thiJLPTđâylại là phần gỡ điểm. Bằng kinh nghiệm tự học và luyện thiN4nhómmình đã tổng hợp tất cả dữ liệu, tài liệu, và cách họctrongphiênbản đầu tiên này, để giúp các bạn có thể dễ dàng trongviệchọc tậpvà ôn luyện đạt kết quả cao nhất trong kỳ thi năng lựctiếngNhật.Các chức năng chính của ứng dụng ① LEARN - Được chiathành 20bàihọc, mỗi bài gồm 10 từ - lập trình dựa trên cuốnsáchNihongoChallenge N5. Các bạn có thể chuyển qua lại giữa haicáchhọc:flash-card (Chỉ bao gồm duy nhất từ kanji) và học chi tiếttừ.②EXAM - Đây là các câu được sưu tầm trên mạng và lấy ra từchínhđềthi các năm của kỳ thi JLPT, giúp các bạn ôn luyện sau mỗibàihọc.③ SEARCH - Giúp các bạn có thể dễ dàng tìm một từ kanjidựatrênnghĩa HÁN - VIỆT hoặc romaji, hiragana của từ. ④ OTHER APP-Chúngtôi đang hoàn thiện cơ sở dữ liệu và những đóng góp củacácbạn đểxây dựng thêm các ứng dụng học kanji, từ vựng, ngữpháp,luyện đọc,nghe từ N5-N1 cho kỳ thi JLPT. Với mong muốn phục vụcộngđồng họctiếng Nhật tốt hơn, và để cải thiện tốt hơn ở các phiênbảnsauchúng tôi mong muốn nhận được nhiều sự đóng góp ý kiến vàủnghộcủa các bạn. Chân thành cảm ơn sự ủng hộ của các bạn!
Hoc Kanji Han Viet 2136 1.2
Với Kanji 2136 Vn việc học hán tự của bạn sẽ trở nên dễ dànghơnbaogiờ hết.Lĩnh hội trọn 2136 từ hán tự sẽ giúp bạn dễ dàngchinhphụcđược các cấp độ N2,N1 trong tiếng Nhật. Bạn sẽ không cònbậntâm vớiviệc nhầm lẫn trong số hàng ngàn từ hán tự vì ứng dụngđãsắp xếpmột cách rất hợp lý theo bộ,âm án,âm on,âm kun. Hỗ trợchứcnăngđánh dấu yêu thích và ghi chú giúp cho việc học đượcthuậnlợi,ngoàira ứng dụng được bổ sung chức năng tìm kiếm theoâmhán,hán tự,onkun,số nét,nghĩa tiếng anh đáp ứng cho những bạncónhu cầu tra cứunhanh các từ mong muốn. Chức năng kiểm tra sẽđượcnhóm cập nhậttrong thời gian sớm nhất. Vì ứng dụng mang tínhchấtcộng đồng nênhoàn toàn miễn phí.Nếu thấy hay mong các bạnclickquảng cáo để nhómcó kinh phí đầu tư,nâng cấp và cho ra đờinhữngsản phẩm phần mềmtốt hơn. Mọi ý kiến đóng góp xin vui lòng gửiquađịa chỉ Cám ơn các bạn