Top 21 Apps Similar to مجموع لطيف

Majmu Lathif 1.0
Kank SandaL
Maju Lathif Ini Berisi :- Surat Yasin- Dan Do'a nya- Surat Waqiah- Dan Do'a nya- Surat Al-Mulk,- Dan Do'a Tahlil,Advanced LathifItContains:- Surah Yasin- And his Benediction- Letter Waqiah- And his Benediction- Surah Al-Mulk,- And Benediction Tahlil,
Dzikir Lengkap
Yasin Tahlil Maulid Ratib Al Mathurat Majmu Syarif Dalam 1Aplikasi(Terlengkap)
Surat Yasin Dan Tahlil Lengkap 7.0
sonny jaya
Aplikasi ini berisi Tentang bacaansuratyasin,tahlil dan Ziarah Kubur dimana berisi teks bacaanbahasaarab, indonesia dan artinyaSurat Al-FatihahSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-NasSurat Al-Baqarah : 1 - 5Ayat KursiSurat YASINBacaan TAHLILDoa TAHLILDoa Ziarah KuburThis applicationcontainsOn reading the letter Yasin, tahlil and Pilgrimage tombwhichcontains the text reading Arabic, Indonesian and meansSurat Al-FatihahSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-NasSurat Al-Baqarah: 1-5The Throne VerseLetters YASINReading TahlilDoa TahlilPrayer Pilgrimage Bury
Tahlil 2.1.3
Tahlil - Reference Reading Tahlil
Surah Yaasin & Tahlil Arwah 6
Surah Yassin & Tahlil Arwah with audio
Yasin Tahlil dan Istighosah 1.7
Reading Surah Yasin, Tahlil and Istighosah(Arab-Latin-Translations)
Surat Yasin dan Tahlil MP3 denganAudioKualitas Terbaik LENGKAPAplikasi ini menyajikan Surat Yasin dan Tahlil Lengkapdengandisertai :- Pengertian Tahlil- Doa Tahlil- Doa Ziarah Kubur- Doa Khusu Mayit- Doa Selamat- Ayat Kursi- Surah Al Fatihah- Surah Al Ikhlas- Surah Al Falaq- Surah An nas- Surah Al Baqarah 1-5------------------------------------------------------- Aplikasi OFFLINE , dapat diakses dengan lancar tanpakoneksiinternet- Tulisan Arab Sangat jelas- Teks dapat di zoom- Aplikasi ringan dan tidak memakan banyak memoriAyo sebarkan aplikasi iniBarang siapa mengajarkan suatu ilmu, maka ia akan mendapatkanpahalaorang yg mengamalkannya, tanpa mengurangi pahala orangygmengamalkannyaSurah Yasin and TahlilMP3Audio Best Quality FULLThis application presents Surat Yasin and Tahlil Completewithattachments:- Understanding Tahlil- Doa Tahlil- Prayer Pilgrimage Kubur- Prayer khusu Mayit- Prayer Congratulations- The Throne Verse- Al-Fatiha- Al-Ikhlas- Al-Falaq- Surah An nas- Surah Al Baqarah 1-5-------------------------------------------------- ----- Application OFFLINE, can be accessed smoothly withoutinternetconnection- Arabic script is very clear- Text can zoom- Application of light and does not take up much memoryLet's spread this appAnyone who teaches a science, then he will get reward thosewhopractice it, without prejudice to reward those whopracticeit
Yasin & Tahlil 2.3.0
Yasin & Tahlil for everyone!
Surah Yaseen Audio and Tahlil 1.8.8
Surah Yaseen and Tahlil with audio and translation.
Kitab Tahlil Arwah Yasin 4.0
Kitab Tahlil Arwah is a offline app that allows the Yasin toalwaysavailable
YASIN dan TAHLIL Lengkap 1.8
Reading surah Yasin and tahlil prayerful pilgrimage tomb and ashortletter of the Qur'an
Ziarah Kubur & Yasin Tahlil 1.0
Aplikasi Ziarah Kubur & Yasin Tahlil merupakan sebuahaplikasiberbasis OFFLINE, yang tetap bisa digunakan tanpa koneksiinternet,aplikasi ini berisikan panduan ziarah kubur yang dilengkapi bacaanyasin tahlil dan doa, semoga bermanfaat. aminn.Untuk pengembanganaplikasi Ziarah Kubur & Yasin Tahlil, jikaada kritik maupunsaran silahkan krimkan melalui email kami di;
Norns 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
Panduan Sholat Fardu & Sunnah 1.21
Guidance and procedures for doing the obligatory prayers andprayingsunnah prayers.
Majmu 1.4
Majmu is an application that contains a set of practices anddailyprayer
Bacaan Tahlil & Terjemahnya 1.0
Aplikasi Ini Berisi Bacaan Tahlil&Terjemahnya Latin Dan Bahasa Indonesianya ( Doa TahlilArwah)Dan Juga Beberapa Doa Surat Pendek Lainnya Diantaranya Adalah :Al-FatihahAl-IkhlasAl-FalaqAn-NasAl-BaqarahDO’A SELAMATDLL- Aplikasi Ini 100% Dapat Dibaca Tanpa MenggunakanKoneksiInternet- 100% Bermanfaat Inshaa Allah :)This applicationcontainsthe Reading Tahlil & Terjemahnya Latin and Indonesianlanguage(Doa Tahlil Spirits)And Also Some Other Short Prayer Letters Among them are:Al-FatihahAl-IkhlasAl-FalaqAn-NasAl-BaqarahBenediction CONGRATULATIONSETC.- It is 100% Applications Can Read Without UsingInternetConnection- 100% Helpful Inshaa God :)
Tahlil Arwah & Terjemahannya 1.0
KBM Mobile
Tahlil (Arab: التهليل at-Tahliil)adalahbacaankalimat tauhid, yaitu kalimat Lā ilāha illa l-Lāh (لاإلهإلا الله,Tiada tuhan selain Allah). Bacaan ini termasuk zikirdanmenurutsyariat Islam memiliki nilai terbesar dan paling utama.Tahlilan adalah ritual/upacara selamatan yangdilakukansebagianumat Islam, kebanyakan di Indonesia dankemungkinan diMalaysia,untuk memperingati dan mendoakan orang yangtelahmeninggal yangbiasanya dilakukan pada hari pertama kematianhinggahari ketujuh,dan selanjutnya dilakukan pada hari ke-40,ke-100,kesatu tahunpertama, kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya. Ada pulayangmelakukantahlilan pada hari ke-1000.Tahlil Arwah & Terjemahannya is an app which purpose istoaidthe muslim community to facilitate in performing theTahlilArwahceremony which is often practiced by the muslimscommunities.Thecontent of this app is best suited for the muslimcommunity ofBruneiDarussalam as well as Malaysia, Singapore,Indonesia andothers.Tahlil Arwah & Terjemahannya is a book app thatallowstheKitab Tahlil arwah to always be available on ones androidphoneortablet. An android phone user will not be caught outwithoutaKitab Tahlil during "kenduri arwah" (muslim ceremony toprayforthe dead, commonly practised in Malaysia,BruneiandSingapore).Available in arabic and Indonesia translation.Freeversion. Can beuse Offline without Interent.Tahlil Arwah & Terjemahannya ini mudah digunakandansesuaiuntuk semua peringkat umur. Senang difahami dan amatmesrapenggunaterutama yang masih dibangku persekolahan. Bukuyangmenggunakanformat PDF file untuk dibuka. Aplikasi ini memuatTahlilyang amatberguna untuk kita semua. Kini mempelajari ilmuagamahanya dalamtelefon pintar atau gadget anda sahaja.semuanyadihujung jariselari dengan arus pemodenan dan kecanggihanteknologimasa kini.Diharapkan aplikasi yang hebat ini dapatmemberikanmanfaat danilmu kepada kita semua dan diredhaiALLAH.INSYAALLAH.Disclaimer :All of content in this application is not our trademark. Weonlygetthe content from search engine and website. Please let meknowifyour original content want to remove from ourapplication.Tahlil(Arabic:التهليلat-Tahliil) is reading the phrase of unity, which islailaha illal-lah (لا إله إلا الله, There is no god but Allah).Thesereadingsinclude the remembrance and according to Islamic lawhavethegreatest value and the most important.Tahlilan is a ritual / ceremony selamatan donesomeMuslims,mostly in Indonesia and possibly in Malaysia,tocommemorate andpray for those who have died is usually done onthefirst day ofdeath until the seventh day, and then performed onthe40th day,ke- 100, unity first, second, third and so on. Somearedoingtahlilan on day-1000.Tahlil Spirits & translation is an app roomates purposeistoaid the Muslim community to Facilitate in performingtheRequiemTahlil ceremony Often the which is practiced bythemuslimscommunities. The content of this app is best suited fortheMuslimcommunity of Brunei Darussalam as well asMalaysia,Singapore,Indonesia and others.Tahlil Spirits & translation is a book app thatAllowstheBook of Tahlil spirits to always be available on androidphoneortablet ones. An android phone user will not be caught outwithoutabook Tahlil during "feast ghost" (Muslim ceremony to prayforthedead, commonly Practised in Malaysia, BruneiandSingapore).Available in arabic translation and Indonesia.Freeversion. Can beuse Offline without Interent.Tahlil Spirits & The translation is easy to useandsuitablefor all ages rankings. Glad to be understood andveryaffectionate,especially users who still dibangku schooling.Booksthat use thePDF format file to be opened. This applicationcontainsTahlilwhich is very useful for us all. Now studyingtheology injust asmart phone or gadget you sahaja. everythingdihujungfingerpemodenan Selari with current and sophisticationoftoday'stechnology. This great application is expected toprovidebenefitsand knowledge to all of us and diredhai GOD.INSHAALLAH.Disclaimer:All of the content in this application is not our trademark.Weonlyget the content from the search engines and websites.Pleaselet meknow if your original content want to removefromourapplication.
Doa & Zikir
This application contains a collection of doa and zikir for muslim.
Tahlil 1.0
Azka Studio
Aplikasi ini berisi Bacaan Tahlildansurahyassin lengkap dengan terjemahannya.semoga bermanfaat.ThisapplicationcontainsTahlil reading and surah yassin completewithtranslation.may be useful.
Surah Yasin Tahlil Lengkap 3.0
Andro Media
Surat Yasin, Tahlil & Doa lengkap dengan terjemahanBahasaMalaysia & Indonesia
Tuntunan Sholat Lengkap + Suar 1.12
Free Prayer Mandatory & Sunnah equipped with devotionsandprayer after prayer