Top 20 Apps Similar to Precios Cuidados

Precios Cuidados PROCREAR 1.2
La aplicación permite visualizar el acuerdodeprecios alcanzado entre la Secretaría de Comercio de la Nación y33empresas proveedoras sobre los insumos básicos para laconstrucciónmás utilizados por las familias que ya estánconstruyendo suprimera vivienda con PRO.CRE.AR.A través de la app se puede conocer el detalle de cada uno delosítems alcanzados por este acuerdo, permitiendo definir filtrosdebúsqueda para un rápido acceso. Además, cuenta con un botónde"Denuncia" para reportar a la ANSES aquellasirregularidadesdetectadas por el ciudadano.Los precios de referencia acordados aplican para la CABAyGran Buenos Aires (AMBA). No obstante ello, a partir deestemodelo de acuerdo, las provincias de Buenos Aires, Catamarca,Chaco,Entre Ríos, Formosa, Jujuy, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones,Neuquén,Río Negro, San Juan, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero yTucumánacordaron canastas específicas con las empresascomercializadoraslocales.La aplicación puede funcionar de manera OFF-LINE.Resulta importante destacar que la app desarrollada no esunaaplicación oficial del Gobierno Nacional y la informaciónesobtenida de la página de la ANSES: applicationdisplaysthe price agreement reached between the Department ofCommerce'sOffice and 33 suppliers of basic construction materialsmost usedby families who are already building their first homewithPRO.CRE.AR.Through the app you can know the detail of each of the itemsmadeby this agreement, allowing define search filter for quickaccess.It also has a button "Report" to report to the ANSESthoseirregularities detected by the citizen.Agreed reference prices apply for CABA and Gran BuenosAires(AMBA) . Nevertheless, from this model agreement, theprovinces ofBuenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Entre Rios, Formosa,Jujuy, LaRioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquén, Río Black, San Juan,Santa Fe,Santiago del Estero and Tucumán agreed specific basketswith localmarketers.Application operable OFF-LINE .It is important to note that developed the app is notanofficial app from the National Government and the informationisobtained from the ANSES page:
ScanLife Barcode & QR Reader 8.4.0
Scanbuy, Inc
Fast, secure, and easy to use QR Code and Barcode scanner–FREEDownload. QR Codes are everywhere - get to scanningtoday!Discovermore about your favorite products, brands,restaurants,retailersand more today. Simply point scanner windowover the QRCode orBarcode you want to scan and app willautomaticallydisplayrequested information. Updated featuresinclude: Newattractiveuser interface Additional security featurealerts youwhen scanningan unsecured code QR codes on menus orvenues nowprovide location,reviews, ratings and additionalinformation Learnmore aboutproducts’ nutritional facts and healthscore by scanningproductsbarcodes Browse new products andexperiences scanned byother usersSaves scans in your History tabfor quick reference toyourfavorite codes Share with family andfriends via text,WhatsApp,email, Facebook or Twitter Decode all QRcodes today:accesscontact details, URLs, phone numbers, emailaddresses,calendarevent, and more Supports all major barcodes and2D codeformats Anyquestions? Contact us directly from the appAdditionalinformation:Scanlife works with third parties tocollectcertainnon-identifying information about yourinterests,includingaggregate level and/or anonymous information, toprovidetargetedadvertising and analytics services on ourapplication, oracrossother sites and other applications. Theseentities mayusetechnologies to collect information about your useof ourmobileapplications, including device attributes suchas:operatingsystem, hardware version, device settings, IPaddress,time zone,device carrier, applications installed on thedevice, anddeviceadvertising identifiers. We may share and allowourthird-partypartners to share this non-identifying informationwithother thirdparties that perform targeted advertisingactivitiesacross otherapps and websites. Data collected from aparticulardevice may beused on a different device linked to thedevice onwhich the datawas originally collected. Any choice made byyouregardingScanbuy’s collection of data on one device willbereflected on theother device(s) linked to that device. Youcandisable this datacollection at any time by choosing “LimitAdTracking” in yourdevice settings. To learn more, please visitourPrivacy Policy at
Precios ARG 2.1.2
Precios ARG, es una herramienta quesirveparacontolar la variación de precios que van sufriendo semanaasemanalos productos. Esta APP tiene posibilidad deagregarcomercios yproductos, así como también modificar los preciosde unproductocargado para luego poder obtener estadísticas sobrelavariación delos mismos. La aplicación también permite compararelprecio de unproducto en distintos comercios que hayansidocargadospreviamente.Por otro lado, a través de la aplicación “Precios ARG”, vasateneracceso a la lista de productos con "precios cuidados", yasípodráscomparar y elegir.Descargá la aplicación y vas a tener un recurso másparaejercertu derecho como consumidor informado.Ahora que y donde comprar lo decidís vos!Prices ARG is atooltakento control the variation in prices ranging sufferingproductseveryweek. This APP is able to add businesses and products,aswell asmodify the prices charged for a product toobtainstatistics on thevariation thereof. The application alsoallowsyou to compare theprice of a product in different stores thathavebeen previouslyloaded.Furthermore, through the implementation "Rates ARG",you'llhaveaccess to the list of products with "care prices", soyoucancompare and choose.Download the application and you will have a resourcetoexerciseyour right as a consumer informed.Now you decide what and where you buy!
Comparar Precios 1
Cuando te encuentras con productosdediferentescontenidos Neto y precios muy parecidos ¡Cuálcomprar!Café de 120g,140g, 170g, 190g; Bebidas de 1l, 1.25l,1.50l, 2.25letc. Laaplicación “Comparar Precios” te permitecomparar losprecios de losdiferentes productos y saber elegireladecuado.También puedes convertir sus unidades para visualizarmejorelresultado, por ahora está disponible en el sistemamétricodecimal,pero por defecto puedes hacer tus comparacionessinutilizarunidadesWhen youcomeacrossdifferent products and prices Net content like Whatbuy!Coffee120g, 140g, 170g, 190g, drinks 1L, 1.25L, 1.50l, 2.25Letc.The"Compare Prices" allows you to compare prices ofdifferentproductsand how to choose the right one.You can also convert your units to better visualize theresult,isnow available in the metric system, but by default youcanmakeyour comparisons without using units
Verificador de Precios 1.1.3
Verificador de Precios es una base dedatosenla que encontrarás el costo de los productos de lacanastabásicaen las cadenas comerciales más populares de México,ingresanombredel producto o escanea un código de barras y apareceráelproductocon precio más barato y solo en las tiendas que este aeseprecio.Además tu puedes actualizar los productos y la tienda enlaque lohayas visto a mejor precio o agregar un nuevo producto.De ahora en adelante antes de hacer el super recuerdaquepuedesbuscar los productos y su precio en esta aplicación, asíyasabrásen que tienda hay la mayor parte de tu lista de compras aunmejorprecio.Checker Pricesisadatabase where you will find the cost of goods of basicgoodsinthe most popular retail chain in Mexico, enter the productnameorscan a barcode and the product cheap appear alone in storesthisatthat price. Also you can update products and the storeinwhichyou've seen a better price or add a new product.Henceforth before making super remember that you canfindtheproducts and prices in this application, so you alreadyknowthatshop there most of your shopping list for a betterprice.
Shopfully - Weekly Ads & Deals
On Shopfully, you’ll find deals atWalmart,Target, Kmart, Dollar Tree, Bed Bath &Beyond, BigLots,RadioShack, Staples, Coldwater Creek and many otherbig-namestores!Shopfully is the location-based digital platform that showcasestheweekly ads and catalogs of top retailers and brands incategoriesranging from grocery to electronics, discount, clothing,hardware,home and sports, displaying them to users when they arenear storelocations.Shopfully is eco-friendly: it helps save trees by transformingpaperads to digital format, making it easy to flip through themwhen youwant and where you want using your smartphone, tablet orcomputerwithout harming the environment.Main features of app:- WEEKLY ADS: quickly search and browse all the weekly ads inyourneighborhood- DEALS: discover the best deals of the week selected byourstaff- MAP: use the built-in map to find the location of anystoreincluding address and phone number, then choose yourpreferrednavigation program to get directions with one click- STORE HOURS: decide where to do your shopping on Sundaysandholidays thanks to always up-to-date store hours- ALERTS: get notified of the latest sales and price cuts atthestores where you shop- FAVORITES: save your favorite ads and deals so you caneasilyaccess them while shoppingTo send us feedback or ask a question, writetoinfo@shopfully.comYou’ll find big name retailers such as Walmart, Target,Kmart,Sears, Best Buy, Staples, Home Depot, Bed Bath & Beyondandmany others. Never miss a sale!Saving money with paperless weekly ads and catalogs is a breezewithShopfully, making it easy to find the best deals andpromotions whenyou shop! Save your favorite ads and catalogs withthe tap of afinger and flip through them whenever you want!Save time by using Shopfully to find out which stores inyourneighborhood are open 24 hours or late at night, be sure youknowthe exact price of products you’re interested in before you gettothe store, and don’t waste any more time sorting throughjunkmail!Download now and enter the Sweepstake for the chance towin$500!Official Rules:
Price search Radarprice 1.6
Search and compare prices online and discover the offers inshopsaround you.
Shopping List for Grocery 6.5
Grocery List Maker & Shopping Calculator with Price,Discount,Tax & Budgeting!
Price Cruncher - Price Compare
Are you trying to get on top of yourexpenses?Find it difficult to compare prices at the grocery storewhile onthe go?Is it cheaper to buy 152 diapers for $35 or 72 diapers on salefor$19.95?Is that 20kg package of dog food from Costco really a gooddealcompared to the 2kg bag at the Walmart?How much are you paying for each sheet in a paper towel roll?Wish you could figure out all this information easily fromyourshopping list?Price Cruncher is a price comparison shopping list tool thatallowsyou to save your favorite items and price compare prices on aperunit price basis. It has built in unit conversions toconvertprices prior to comparison as well as a discountcalculatortool.Price Comparison Features:- Compare Prices with different units of measure. Canaccommodatefor volume, weight, length, and area.- Allow user to add custom units to suit their own needs (eg.rolls,boxes, sheets, etc.)- Support for bulk purchase comparisons (eg. Costco multipleitemspackaged together for sale)- View Price History for any of your Items- Add and Maintain Items for future price comparison- Categorize Items- Discount Calculator- Quick Price Compare- Add/Save Multiple Prices- Manage Stores- Add all your items to a shopping list- Compare prices directly from your shopping list- Customize shopping list to calculate estimated totals basedonprevious price history- Use your purchase history to estimate your grocery costs- Customize categories- Export data to CSV- Pro Users: Backup and Restore your data- Save YOU money!Save and compare prices on:- Baby items- Groceries- Pet Supplies- Hardware Supplies- Alcohol- Tobacco- Sports items- Cosmetics- ANYTHINGThe discount Calculator allows for quick calculation ofdiscountprices!Supports all currencies! The default currency is based on yourphonelanguage settings in your Settings -> Language &Inputs >Languages. However, if this is not working for you, youcan changethis via the settings menu in Price Cruncher to specifyacurrency.Units currently supported for price comparison:- Grams- Kilograms- Milligrams- Ounces- Pounds- Gallons (US & UK)- Fluid Ounces (US & UK)- Quarts (US & UK)- Pints (US & UK)- Cubic Feet- Liters- Milliliters- Feet- Inches- Yards- Meters- Centimeters- Millimeters- Decimeters- Square Feet- Square Inches- Square Yards- Square Meters- Square Centimeters- Square Millimeters- Square Decimeters- Asian units (Candareen, Catty, Tael, Picul, Mace)- Create your own custom units (eg. Sheets, roll, can, anythingyoucan think of!)If you like Price Cruncher, the ultimate price comparisonapp,please rate us favorably!
CdP (Control de Precios) 2.1
ATENCIÓN: Por el momento losúnicospreciosdisponibles son los de Precios Cuidados. Una vezdisponibleelsistema SEPA del gobierno, los usuarios podránactualizar losdatosdesde el menú, sin necesidad de descargar laappnuevamente.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CdP permite a los usuarios conocer los precios delosdistintoscomercios publicados a través del sistema delgobiernoSEPA ycompararlos.* Acceda al listado de productos OFFLINE.* Cree su LISTA DE COMPRAS, calcule el PRECIO final yCOMPAREELMONTO TOTAL de los distintos supermercados, para compraren elmáseconómico según los productos seleccionados.* Utilice el ESCÁNER de códigos de barra en elcomercioparaconocer los precios de los productos noetiquetados.* Envíe REPORTES en caso de que el precio publicadonoconcuerdecon el precio real del producto.ATTENTION: Atthemomentthe only available prices are the prices Care. OnceavailableSEPAgovernment system, users can update data from themenu,withoutdownloading the app again.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COP allows users to know the prices of different storespostedviathe SEPA system and compare government.* Access to the Product List OFFLINE.* Create your shopping list, estimate the final priceandCOMPARETHE TOTAL AMOUNT different supermarkets to buy cheapfortheselected products.* Use the barcode scanner in trade for pricing ofproductsnotlabeled.* Send reports published if the price does not matchtheactualproduct price.
pic2shop Barcode & QR Scanner 7.0.0
Vision Smarts
Point the camera at the barcode of a product (even ifblurry)andinstantly compare the prices at thousands of onlineandlocalretailers. Product information, user reviews, etc., arejustonetap away! QUICK FACTS: - Supports all devices (camerascan,noaccessory needed) even fixed-focus cameras - OnlineStores:Amazon,eBay, Target, Walmart,, Barnes & Noble,BestBuy,Capitol Supply, Computer World, CDUniverse,,Ritz Camera, Office Depot, Sam's Club,Kmart,Walgreens, Sears,TigerDirect, eCost, NewEgg, Radio Shack,andthousands more(really!) -QR codes: visit link, add contacttoaddress book, etc.HOW IT WORKS: 1. Download the FREE pic2shopappand open it 2.Point the camera at the barcode until the redlineturns green(super fast!) 3. Find out where the product ischeaperand savemoney. (Yeah…. It’s really that easy.) 4. Each scancreatesawebpage that you can share and access from any computer(not forQRcodes) FEATURES: ALL DEVICES: Not just the latestmodels,scansbarcodes on phones and tablets without autofocuscamerasONLINESEARCH: Thousands of online retailers help you get thebestpricesLIBRARY SEARCH: Why pay when you can check thingsout?Pic2Shopsearches local libraries for what you are interested inandwilleven tell you if it’s checked out (and when it’s dueback!).WISH:Add an item to in one tap SHARE: OnFacebook,Twitterand many others EMAIL: Send a link to the fullresults, orthe last20 scans to yourself or a friend via emailFAST:Identifiesbarcodes faster and more accurately, even if blurryWEBFRIENDLY:The web sites of retailers are one tap away,withoutleaving theapp QR CODES: Even if they are difficult toread,blurry, skewed,etc. Watch real consumers trying pic2shop onYouTube: If you like the new Pic2Shop,pleasetellyour friends! Thank you for your support. ** Pleasereportanyproblem to **
Mercado Libre 10.176.3
Mercado Libre
¡La aplicación oficial de Mercado LibreparaAndroid!Te permite buscar y comprar lo que querés entre los milesdeproductos y servicios publicados donde estés, desde tudispositivoAndroid, a través de una interfaz simple, rápida ysegura.Podes seguir tus artículos favoritos, enviarlos por mail atusamigos, compartirlos en facebook y twitter, comparar precios,hacerpreguntas a los vendedores y por supuesto comprarlos.Características de Mercado Libre Mobile:- Comprar y hacer preguntas sobre productos de tu interés- Sugerencias de búsqueda mientras escribes- Filtros por artículos nuevos y usados, subastas y comprainmediatay categorías de productos y servicios- Ordenamiento de resultados por relevancia, precio yotroscriterios- Favoritos, para no perder de vista lo que te interesa- Visualización de los datos más relevantes de cadaartículo,preguntas y calificaciones recibidas- Galería de imágenes con zoom- Envío de mail a tus contactos con el producto quepuedainteresarle¡Y mucho más!The officialapplicationfor Android Free Market!It allows you to browse and buy what you want among the thousandsofproducts and services published where you are, from yourAndroiddevice, through a simple, fast and secure interface.Podes follow your favorite items, send them by mail to yourfriend,share on facebook and twitter, compare prices, ask questionsto thesellers and of course buy them.Features Free Mobile Market:- Buy and ask questions about products of interest- Search suggestions as you type- Filters for new and used items, auctions and immediatepurchaseand product categories and services- Sorting results by relevance, price and other criteria- Favorites to keep track of what interests you- Displaying the most relevant data for each item, questionsandgrades received- Image Gallery Zoom- Sending mail to your contacts with the product that may beofinterestAnd much more!
Multi-MercadoLibre 1.0
Multi-MercadoLibre es una aplicacioncreadaparafacilitarte la busqueda de un articulo en distintosmercadosyrealizar comparaciones de precios.En este caso los paises en donde se pueden hacerbusquedassonArgentina, Chile, Brasil y Uruguay.Multi-MercadoLibreisanapplication designed to facilitate your search for anitemindifferent markets and price comparisons.In this case the countries where searchable areArgentina,Chile,Brazil and Uruguay.
Comprando - Precios Claros, Pr 4.4.2
Clear Prices, Careful Prices, Maximum Prices. Your socialpricingnetwork
alaMaula: Comprá y vendé ya
¡Descargá la aplicación gratis del sitiodeClasificados número 1 de Argentina y empezá a vender ahora!¡Compray vende de forma fácil y segura! Conectáte con millones deusuariosy disfruta de todas las ofertas disponibles.Vendedores:Rápido: publica tus anuncios GRATIS en solo dos pasos. Vendeaquelloque ya no usas de forma rápida y segura. ¡En solo dos pasospodésvender ropa, autos, casas, zapatos, y mucho más! Solo tomauna foto,añade un precio y ¡listo! Echa andar tu venta en solosegundos, yvende aquellos zapatos que ya no usas.Compradores:Fácil: ¡Encuentra lo que has estado buscando ahora! Buscáporpalabra clave, ubicación o categoría ¡entre miles declasificados!Compra productos nuevos y usados; tenemos una granvariedad deautos, mascotas, ropa, zapatos, casas y más. ¡Compraaquel autousado que has estado buscando por semanas!- RÁPIDO: publica tus clasificados GRATIS en solo2pasos- ATRACTIVO: una imagen vale más que mil palabras, ¡SUBETUSFOTOS!- CONVENIENTE: compra y vende desde tu celular¿Tenés dudas? Mándanos un correo electrónicoaayuda@alamaula.comDownload thefreeclassifieds site application number 1 of Argentina and empezátosell now! Buy and sell easily and safely! Connect with millionsofusers and enjoy all the available offers.Sales:Fast: post your ads in just two steps. Sell ​​what you no longerusequickly and safely. In just two steps you can sell clothes,cars,houses, shoes, and more! Just take a photo, add a price andpresto!Check your sales go in seconds, and sells those shoes youno longeruse.Buyers:Easy: Find what you've been looking for now! Search bykeyword,location or category among thousands of classified! Buy newandused; we have a variety of cars, pets, clothes, shoes, housesandmore. Buy that used car you've been looking for weeks!- FAST: Publish your FREE classified in just 2 steps- SEXY: A picture is worth a thousand words, UPLOAD PICTURES!- CONVENIENT: buy and sell from your phoneOwn questions? Send us an email to
Tiendeo - Deals & Weekly Ads 5.20.2
Tiendeo is the most popular app among consumers who want toconsultbrochures and deals from stores in their local area. Presentin 44countries, more than 10 million users worldwide use it everyday tosave on their purchases. Still not sure what it’s about? Timetofind out! Discover all the features we offer that allow youtoorganize your purchases and help you save time and money: -Weeklyads and deals: You’ll find the best catalogues and coupons inyourcity, in addition to all the information you need about thestoresor malls where they are available (opening hours, phonenumbers andlocations). - Map: Find all the stores and shoppingcenters aroundyou at a glance. In the application you will find aninteractivemap of your city with all available stores and theircontactinformation. - Shopping List: You can make a shopping listand atthe same time see all the promotions currently running onyourdesired products. On the same screen you will see the clippingsofproducts and offers that you have saved so you don’tforgetanything when making your shopping list. - Loyalty Cards:Store allyour loyalty cards in one place to save space in yourpurse/wallet,using them in the same way you do now at the in-storecheckout. -Favorites: While you are consulting brochures orbrowsing the appyou can add the retailers you love to yourfavorites list, so youwill always be the first to find out abouttheir new offers.Tiendeo is the only app you need to organise yourshopping. Whetheryou’re doing your weekly shop or looking forsomething special, onTiendeo you will find everything you needalongside the bestdiscounts and promotions. Save money withTiendeo! * Your opinionsreally matter to us. So, if you have anysuggestions, please don’thesitate to share them with us throughemail:, orhere below in the comments. Thank youvery much! * You can alsovisit our website or social networks: Web: * WHERE IS TIENDEOAVAILABLE? Youcan check our complete list below. Simply set yourchosen countryin the app and enjoy offers while traveling or onvacation: Europe:🇩🇪Germany, 🇦🇹Austria, 🇧🇪Belgium, 🇧🇬Bulgaria,🇩🇰Denmark, 🇸🇰Slovakia,🇪🇸Spain, 🇫🇮Finland, 🇫🇷France, 🇬🇷Greece,🇭🇺Hungary, 🇮🇹Italy,🇳🇴Norway, 🇳🇱Netherlands, 🇵🇱Poland, 🇵🇹Portugal,🇬🇧United Kingdom,🇨🇿Czech Republic, 🇷🇴Romania, 🇷🇺Russia, 🇸🇪Sweden,🇨🇭Switzerland,🇹🇷Turkey and 🇺🇦Ukraine. America: 🇦🇷Argentina,🇧🇷Brazil, 🇨🇦Canada,🇨🇱Chile, 🇨🇴Colombia, 🇪🇨Ecuador, 🇺🇸United States,🇲🇽Mexico and🇵🇪Peru. Asia: 🇰🇷Korea, 🇦🇪United Arab Emirates,🇮🇳India,🇮🇩Indonesia, 🇯🇵Japan, 🇲🇾Malaysia and 🇸🇬Singapore. Africa:🇲🇦Moroccoand 🇿🇦South Africa. Oceania: 🇦🇺Australia and 🇳🇿NewZealand.
BoaLista - Lista de Compras 2.1.7
Dot Legend
O BOALISTA é o mais completo assistentedecompras feito especialmente para os brasileiros, pois é o ÚNICOcomuma grande base de Lojas Online e Físicas + Produtos quevocêconhece e espera encontrar nos supermercados e lojas em geral.Ele é o ÚNICO aplicativo que lhe permite saber se vocêestápagando um PREÇO JUSTO pelo produto que você buscou!Experimente eComprove. Pesquise com os diferentes apps e veja adiferença vocêmesmo!✔ COMPARE PREÇOS EM LOJAS ONLINE E LOJAS FÍSICAS: Issomesmo!Lojas e supermercados de rua, do seu bairro, onde de fatovocê fazsuas compras. O BoaLista é o único aplicativo brasileiroquepermite você visualizar os preços de um mesmo produto emváriaslojas físicas e online em todo o país. Escolha a distânciamáximadas lojas que você quer ver em sua pesquisa de preços.✔ MONTE SUA LISTA: Organize sua lista de compras de modo fácileintuitivo e descubra onde realizá-las pelo melhor preço. Vocêjáimaginou adicionar um determinado refrigerante, leite condensadoeum sabão em pó e saber exatamente quanto custam esses 3 produtosemquestão de segundos? Com o BoaLista isso é possível! Quando foràscompras, tenha em mãos todas as suas listas e nunca esqueçadecomprar nenhum produto.✔ A BASE DE INFORMAÇÕES CRESCE A CADA INSTANTE: Com oBoaLista,se um usuário cadastrar um novo supermecado do seu bairroque aindanão esteja cadastrado e utilizá-lo durante suas compras, opreço dalata de refrigerante, do arroz e tudo mais que estiverregistrandodurante a compra nessa nova loja estará disponível paratodos osdemais usuários em questão de horas. Ou seja, a cada hora,mais emais lojas, produtos, preços e comentários estão sendoadicionadose se tornando disponíveis para TODOS. Experimente eCOMPROVE, oBoaLista é o único aplicativo que Fala e Faz isso HOJEnoBrasil!✔ ACOMPANHE SEUS GASTOS: Veja todas as compras que você jáfezusando o BoaLista e lembre QUAIS produtos, QUANDO comprou eQUANTOpagou por eles em todos os supermercados e lojas que você jáfoialgum dia!✔ ACOMPANHE SUAS COMPRAS OFFLINE: Quando estiver dentro deumsupermercado ou loja sem acesso à internet e desejar usaroBoaLista, AGORA é possível! Você poderá continuar realizandooacompanhamento das suas compras, registrando todos os produtosquevocê comprar. Continuará sabendo QUANTO irá gastar antes dechegarao caixa e quando estiver online, basta concluir a Comprapara queela fique no seu HISTÓRICO.✔ ENCONTRE OS MELHORES PREÇOS: Use a câmera do seu aparelhoparaler o código de barras e encontre os melhores preços emlojasonline e próximas a você. Se não tiver o produto emmãos,encontre-o pelo nome.✔ PESQUISE OFERTAS: Conheça as melhores ofertas dossupermercadose lojas da sua cidade. Escolha melhor o que comprar edivulgue estasofertas para parentes e amigos através das redessociais ou pore-mail.✔ MILHARES DE PRODUTOS: Encontre produtos das maisvariadasmarcas e organize as listas de compras do seu jeito.Personalize oproduto, colocando fotos que você mesmo tirou. Veja osCOMENTÁRIOSde outros usuários e PUBLIQUE os seus!✔ COLABORE: Quanto mais você usar o BoaLista cadastrando preçosecomentando os produtos que você compra, melhor para todos.Cadastreprodutos que ainda não conhecemos e lojas do seu bairroquando nãoencontrá-las. Hoje já são centenas de milhares debrasileirosutilizando, o que faz do BoaLista o aplicativo com amais completabase de preços e produtos.✔ GRATUITO: Você nunca precisará pagar nada por tudo isso!E se ainda existirem outras funcionalidades que deseje vernoBoaLista, basta nos enviar uma sugestão pelo próprioaplicativo!Estamos endereçando as SUGESTÕES enviadas por todososusuários.The BOALISTA is themostcomplete shopping assistant made especially for Brazilians, itisthe ONLY with a large base and Physical + Online Storesproductsthat you know and expect to find in supermarkets andgeneralstores.It is the ONLY app that lets you know if you are paying afairprice for the product that you tried! Try and Prove. Searchwithdifferent apps and see the difference yourself!✔ COMPARE PRICES IN STORES AND ONLINE PHYSICAL STORES:That'sright! Shops and supermarkets street, your neighborhood,where infact you do your shopping. The BoaLista Brazil is theonlyapplication that lets you view the prices of the same productinseveral physical and online stores around the country. Choosethemaximum distance of the shops you want to see in yourpriceresearch.✔ RIDE YOUR LIST: Organize your shopping list easilyandintuitively discover where and perform them at the best price.Haveyou ever wondered add a certain soda, sweetened condensed milkandpowdered soap and know exactly how much they cost these 3productsin seconds? With BoaLista this is possible! When shopping,pleasehave all your lists and never forget to buy any product.✔ THE BASIS OF INFORMATION GROWS EVERY MOMENT: With BoaLista,ifa user register a new supermecado your neighborhood that havenotbeen registered and use it during your shopping, the price ofasoda can, rice and everything else are registering for buyingthisnew store will be available to all other users in a matterofhours. Ie, every hour, more and more stores, products, pricesandreviews are being added and becoming available to ALL. TryandCONFIRM, the BoaLista is the only application that speaks andmakesit TODAY in Brazil!✔ FOLLOW YOUR COSTS: See all purchases you've made usingtheBoaLista products and remember WHAT WHEN HOW bought and paidforthem in all supermarkets and shops you've ever been!✔ FOLLOW THEIR PURCHASE OFFLINE: When inside a supermarketorshop without internet access and want to use BoaLista, NOW youcan!You can continue performing the monitoring of theirpurchases,recording all the products you buy. Continue knowing HOWwill spendbefore reaching the box and when you are online, simplycompletethe purchase so that it is in their HISTORY.✔ FIND THE BEST PRICES: Use your device's camera to readthebarcode and find the best prices online and in stores near you.Ifyou do not have the product in hand, find it by name.✔ SEARCH OFFERS: Know the best deals in supermarkets and shopsinyour city. Choose what best buy and disclose these offerstorelatives and friends through social networks or by email.✔ THOUSANDS OF PRODUCTS: Find products from different brandsandorganize shopping lists your way. Customize product, puttingphotosyou have taken. See the COMMENTS of other users andtheirPUBLISH!✔ COLLABORATE: The more you use the commenting BoaListaenrollingprices and the products you buy, the better for everyone.Registerproducts still do not know your neighborhood and shopswhen not findthem. Today there are hundreds of thousands ofBrazilians using,which makes BoaLista the application with themost complete productand pricing basis.✔ FREE: You will never need to pay anything for it all!And if there are still other features you want to seeinBoaLista, just send us a suggestion by the application itself!Weare addressing the TIPS sent by all users.
Guiato Ofertas e Preços
Facilite suas compras com as melhores ofertas na sua região.OGuiatofoi feito para você que está sempre em busca do menorpreçoemelhores produtos. Encontre promoções, catálogos,ofertasdesupermercado, preço e horário das lojas mais próximasdevocê.Economize no seu dia a dia! O Guiato Ofertasdisponibilizaonlinecatálogos com ofertas das lojas mais perto devocê. São 600novosencartes todos os dias, de mais de 2 milvarejistas, entreelesLojas Americanas, Supermercado Dia, Walmart,Colombo e ofertasdesupermercado. Encontre as lojas com as melhoresofertas antesdesair de casa: supermercado, farmácia, moda,eletrônicos emuitomais para economizar. Descubra as promoções degrandesvarejistascomo Lojas Americanas, Supermercado Dia, Walmart,ofertasdesupermercado, Colombo e muito mais. Além de fazer suapesquisaemofertas de supermercado e economizar nas compras todomês.Tudoisso a qualquer horário, na tela do seu celular.Estáprocurando umproduto barato para economizar? Faça uma buscaeencontre encartesdas lojas com o menor preço. ★ Folheieencartes,folhetos ecatálogos das melhores ofertas ★ Busque poritensespecíficosdentro dos encartes e catálogos ★ Veja em ummapainterativo alocalização das lojas próximas ★ Encontreendereços,horário defuncionamento e telefones de lojas ou shoppings★Favoriteprodutos, marcas ou lojas e receba automaticamente umavisosobrenovas ofertas ★ Filtre as ofertas mais próximas porcategoriasdelojas e produtos do seu interesse ★ Algumas categoriasdelojas:Supermercado, Farmácias, Moda, Eletrônicos e muito mais★Marqueitens com estrela e tenha automaticamente uma ListadeComprasmuito prática ★ Encontre sua loja favorita:Walmart,LojasAmericanas, Supermercado Dia e muitas outras! NoGuiatovocêencontra catálogos e encartes de supermercado comoWalmarteSupermercado Dia e pode conferir o endereço e horário.Vejanumúnico aplicativo as melhores lojas com preços baratos.Osencartese catálogos online te ajudam a achar a loja com opreçomais baratoe economizar nas compras. Que tal comparar o preçodosupermercadodireto no celular? Não perca mais nenhuma ofertadesupermercadocom o Guiato Ofertas! Baixe gratuitamente e comeceaeconomizar já!Para deixar tudo ainda mais fácil e prático, vocênãoprecisa secadastrar ou fazer login para usar o aplicativo eacharas ofertasdo Supermercado Dia, Walmart, Colombo, LojasAmericanas,ofertas desupermercado e muitos outros lojistas.Aproveite asmelhoresofertas com o aplicativo Guiato e compartilhesua opiniãosobrenosso aplicativo! Por favor, envie
Meus Preços (São Paulo) 2019-07-23.01
See your purchases in recent years and search for pricesinsupermarkets! - your next car 1.3.9
Buying and selling cars and trucks.With our new app you will be able to:- Find your next car fast and easily- Browse a broad offer of used, new and in saving plans, all inoneplace.- You can customize your view, sorting and filtering.- See the photo gallery of each publication and zoom inthepictures.- Get in touch with the seller and also save its contact datatoyour device.This app responds to different screens types and theirresolutions,either on phones or tablets.At the moment, only available for Argentina.Your next car or truck is in