Top 21 Apps Similar to Base Maps for Coc

Bases Layouts for COC 3.6
Try the new app less than 3mb andbetterexperience fixed all the bugs from thisapp: window with the ability to zoom :),Town hall 11layoutsare available now and new upgrade order guidePlease send any layouts or maps or feedbacktoaihamfell@gmail.comAre you looking for the best base layout and maps for your clashofclans townhall.. look no more I've searched all the layoutsandmaps on the internet and I've chosen the best layouts and mapsforyour base and town hall available on the web.Best bases layouts for all town hallsThis app got only the best new bases layouts and mapstotallyoffline .. we did the search for you1- Farming bases layouts and maps2-War bases layouts and maps3- Hybrid bases layouts and maps4-download the layouts to your gallery5-Floating window for easy copying.You can zoom in / out with easy interfacethe best layouts and maps for clash of clans all town halllevelsth3, th4, th5, th6, th7, th8, th9, th10 and th11This is NOT a cheating app and you can NOT get free gems byusingthis app
Base for Clash of Clans 1.1
Guide Apps
Looking for a new design for your cocvillage?Do You want to share the strategy map, troophi maps,defense,farming map for everyone? If your answer is yes then thisapp mapsfor clash of clans is yours!!!Maps for Clash of Clans or base layout for coc is collectionnewMaps for player of Clash of Clans. Here you can also sharethegreat map of yourself to everyone.Download now. It's free!Features :- 10 Hall Level Types of clash of clans maps corresponding tohalllevel from 1 to 10- Effective & Tricky Hybrid base layouts to holdyourtrophies!- Strong & Strategic War base layouts to block the enemy!- Attractive & Ideal farming base layouts to saveresourceseasily!- 6 types of maps corresponding to hall level 6 from 6 to 11- Effective & tricky hybrid base layouts to holdyourtrophies!- Strong & hard war base layouts to block the enemy!- Attractive & perfect farming base layouts to saveresourceseasily!- Upload and download hot strategy base- Suport town hall 11- Top hot map update- New icon update- You can share a base map to friends via social facebook,googleplus, messager, chat, whatapp... in this app
Pro Cheats For Clash Of Clans 1
The more trophies you have, the faster youwillbe able to climb to the ranks. Player’s ultimate goal is toreachthe Champion class. But the process isn’t as easy as itsounds. COCenthusiast know how thrilling and challenging it is toget there.You need to gather enough resources such as free gems,golds andelixir, which can be purchased with real-world money inorder toupgrade the whole village, train the soldiers, and createtheperfect strategy both for the defense and offense.Itinvolves“real-world” money, which means you might need to spend andwastelump sum of money. At some point, players with no sufficientbudget(specifically students) might struggle finding enoughresources andat the end lose the battle. Alternatively, you mightstill be ableto acquire the needed resources through patientlyplaying the gamefor quite some time.
I Mod Clash Of Clans 1.0
Zuyanu Studio
X Mod Game Clash Of Clans adalah aplikasiyangakan mengakses file system kamu. Jadi, sebelummenggunakanXmodgames, pastikan Android kamu sudah dalam keadaanter-root.Aplikasi ini Merupakan panduan untuk menjalankan X Mod,karenabanyaknya kesulitan yang dihadapi para gamers.Dengan aplikasi X Mod Game Clash Of Clans anda bisamelakukansesuatu yang sebenarnya tidak tersedia di games COC itusendiriseperti simulasi untuk melakukan penyerangan, mencari basepemainlain yang memiliki banyak jumlah Gold dan Elixer. Denganmelakukansimulasi atau training, kita bisa menyerang musuhberkali-kali,mengetahui titik lemah musuh, tempat terbaik untukmenjatuhkanTroops, lokasi jebakan dan lainnya tanpa takutkehilanganTroops.Selain itu dengan menggunakan X Mod Game Clash Of Clans kitadenganlebih mudah dan cepat mendapatkan Gold dan Elixir ,karenakita bisamengatur berapa pencarian Gold dan Elixir sesuai keinginankita dantentu saja akan menghemat waktu dalam pencarian Gold danElixir diGame Clash of Clans.X Mod Game Clash OfClansis an application that will access your file system. So,beforeusing Xmodgames, make sure the Android you're already in astate ofter-root. This application is a guide for running X Mod,because ofthe many difficulties faced by gamers.With the application of X Mod Game Clash Of Clans you can dothingsthat are not available in games COC itself as a simulationfor anattack, look for another player base that has a lot number ofGoldand Elixer. By simulation or training, we can attack the enemymanytimes, know the weak point of the enemy, the best place todropTroops, traps and other locations without fear oflosingTroops.In addition, by using X Mod Game Clash Of Clans us to moreeasilyand quickly get Gold and Elixir, because we can adjust howsearchGold and Elixir according to our wishes and of course willsavetime in searching Gold and Elixir in Game Clash of Clans.
Bening Studio
FHx COC Private Server Indonesia adalahsebuahgame COC yang berjalan di luar server Clash of Clansaslinya.Dengan memiliki sebuah private server sendiri, FHx bisamembuatberbagai macam hal unik yang tidak ada pada COC biasanya.Kentungan bermain dengan Clash Of Clans Mod FHx V8 terbaruiniyaitu kita bisa melatih setrategi menyerang yang paling baikuntukmenyerang TH yang lebih besar atau TH max sekalian, Sehinggabilakita kelak sudah mencapai town hall max di game Clash Of Clansyangsesungguhnya yaitu game asli buatan dari ( SuperCell ) kitatidakragu ragu lagi bila ingin menggunakan serangan yang sudahselamaini kita pelajari di FHx V8.Saat baru pertama kali menjalankan FHx COC, setiap pemainakandiberikan resource:•800.000.000 Gold•800.000.000 Elixir•800.000.000 Dark Elixir•800.000.000 GemsFitur FHx COCSelain resource melimpah saat baru pertama main, FHx PrivateServerCOC juga menyediakan beberapa fitur unik yang bisa kamugunakanuntuk bermain CoC private server.Hero FHx Private Server COC Indonesia•P.E.K.K.A King•Goblin King•Giant King•Wall Breaker King•Wizards King•Super Wizards King•Golem King•Hog King•Lava King•Ballon King•Minion King•Dragon King•Valkyrie Queen•Witch Queen•Damager Queen•Super Archer QueenBuilding Tower FHx Private Server COC Indonesia•Dragon Tower•Witch Towers•Archer Tower (Spesial Edition!)•Barbarian Tower•Damager Healer TowerFitur Lain FHx Private Server COC Indonesia•Level 300•500/Slot Army Camp•Unlock All Traps•Unlock All Decoration•Unlock Gem Package•Dan masih banyak lagi#DISCLAIMER#This App is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, sponsoredorapproved by SuperCell. All images are registered trademarksofSuperCell. Copyright 2010 ©SuperCell. We try to featureadequateknowledge and the basic idea to play for the beginners justtoenjoy the game. For more information COC PrivateServerIndonesia is a COC game that goes beyond the original ClashofClans server. By having a private server itself, FHx can makeawide variety of unique things that do not exist in theCOCnormally.Clappers play with Clash Of Clans Mod FHx V8 This latest isthatwe can train setrategi attacking best to attack TH larger or THmaxand gentlemen, so if we later reached the town hall max ingameClash Of Clans true that the original game artificial(supercell)we did not hesitate to mention if you want to use anattack thathas so far we have learned in FHx V8.When the new first run FHx COC, each player will begivenresource:• 800,000,000 Gold• 800,000,000 Elixir• 800,000,000 Dark Elixir• 800,000,000 GemsFeatures FHx COCIn addition to the abundant resource when the first new play,FHxPrivate Server COC also provides some unique features that youcanuse to play CoC private server.Hero FHx Private Server COC Indonesia• P.E.K.K.A King• Goblin King• Giant King• Wall Breaker King• Wizards King• Super Wizards King• Golem King• Hog King• Lava King• Ballon King• Minion King• Dragon King• Valkyrie Queen• Witch Queen• damager Queen• Super Archer QueenBuilding Tower FHx Private Server COC Indonesia• Dragon Tower• Witch Towers• Archer Tower (Special Edition!)• Barbarian Tower• damager Healer TowerOther features FHx Private Server COC Indonesia• Level 300• 500 / Slot Army Camp• Unlock All Traps• Unlock All Decoration• Unlock Gem Package•And many more# DISCLAIMER #This App is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, sponsoredorapproved by supercell. All images are registered trademarksofsupercell. Copyright 2010 © supercell. We try to featureadequateknowledge and the basic idea to play for the beginners justtoenjoy the game. For more
War Maps for Clash of Clans 3.0
Now a hotly debated topic, what you canorcannot use clash of clans maps for defense for resources,orindividual clash of clans maps for minecraft, as well asdownloadmaps for clash of clans and money. Of course, this could beaninteresting topic, especially now that there are already manywarmaps for clash of clans, but actually they are not the mainthingthat helps the clan or village to win and to thrive. Beforeyouapply any loads your computer clash of clans maps for wartroop,think about what is now in the public domain and helps tobuild agaming scenario most successfully.As you may have guessed, we are talking about simpleandthoughtful rules of the game. After all, the rules are arrangedsocunningly that if they are well-know and apply, you candevelopyour village quickly and successfully, and the clan attacksreflect“on time”. Sebastasti you far in this game, full of dangers,if youjust know a few little tricks. As you may have guessed, todaywewill focus on lineups and maps – because instead of havingtoreinvent the wheel, you can simply take ready-made ideas,whichother players are willing to share not only on the forums,butthere are even entire applications-notebooks, which containwholegalleries of tips!Clash of clans base layout is of three kinds: storageresourcesand storage of trophies, and hybrid. Clash of Clans cocmaps forclan wars are those, which are structured to meet specificgoals.Such as protection, war or farm clan.So if you want to develop your village and gather resources,youneed the balance the village of clash of clans, best meetsthisrequirement. In this case, maps for the game clash of clansisrecommended to make the town hall outside the walls, down tothetown hall 7 level. This technique can be used to get a shieldfor12 hours when the enemy captures your city hall.The alignment of maps of clash of clans is changed if themaingoal is to gain trophies and keep the trophies. In this case,putthe town hall inside the walls and protected by traps.The forums for the game are recommended to build a baselayoutfor clash of clans so that the scenery, the hut Builder,mines andother unimportant units did not take place inside thewalls –because the walls are “not rubber”. Super map layout forclash ofclans inside the walls is recommended to place somethingthat helpsto guard the city: for example, air defense. Otherwiseflying gunsof the enemy cannot be reflected in the loss of theirowndefense.Now it is possible to download maps for clash of clans inorderto build an invincible clan. They allow you not torememberthousands of details and rules, and simply repeatawell-functioning pattern of the village. Also, with the abilitytodownload maps for need of clunes, you can see why and howotherplayers organize their gameplay.Very useful to use for clash of clans calculator – the apptocount resources, and receive tips on the game.
Bases Layouts For CoC:+Video 2.0
Th11 layouts are available now + upgradeguidefor all town halls + floating windowAre you looking for the best layout for your base ?? look nomorebecause this app has only the best layouts for all THs. Ichooseonly the best, you will not find any bad layout or any layoutwithout a video.After the success of Bases Layouts for CoC. I decided tomakeeven a better app. Thank you very much for your support.Fetchers:1-Farming layouts, war layouts, and defense layouts and maps forallTHs2-When you choose a layout you will find 3 pictures: wallpicture,full layout picture, and a video for how to make thelayout3- Floating window to easily copy the layout with the abilitytozoom and drag5- Everything organised with user friendly interface6- The ability to zoom in and out7- upgrade guide for all THsThis is NOT a cheating app and you can NOT get free gems byusingthis app
House of Clashers - CoC Guide 4.0.44
Welcome to House of Clashers, the ultimate source of Clash ofClansinformation.
Maps for Clash of Clans 1.0
Bening Studio
COC Map Models 2016 : Strongest andHardBaseLayout Design Collections.Find the best Clan War Base, Hybrid Base and Farming Baseforyourvillage.In Clash of Clans game, creating bases and new layouts(map)isone of the most important and integral parts of playing.Therearetwo types of base layouts in Clash of Clans: farmingdefensesetupsand trophy defense setups.A good farming base layout will help you keep moreoftheresources you own, making it difficult for enemy playerstostealyour hard-earned gold and elixir. A good trophy baselayoutwillfocus on protecting your Town Hall and structures so thatitwillbe more difficult for enemy players to score 2 or 3starswhenattacking you.Features :- Effective & tricky hybrid base layouts toholdyourtrophies.- Strong & hard war base layouts to block the enemy.- Attractive & perfect farming base layouts tosaveresourceseasily.Whatever base layout or map you choose to make, alwayslookbackafterwards and think how you would defeat your ownbase.Askyourself how you can improve it. Remember that there isnosuchthing as the perfect base; you just need to prioritizewhatyouwant. Also, try out each base type and see which worksbestforyou.#DISCLAIMER#This App is not associated, affiliated, endorsed,sponsoredorapproved by SuperCell. All images are registeredtrademarksofSuperCell. Copyright 2010 ©SuperCell. We try tofeatureadequateknowledge and the basic idea to play for thebeginners justtoenjoy the game. For more
FHX COC is best app for you game COC, whatyoucan read on this app?Main features of this guide:- Troops info- Building info- Layouts and map designs- Tips and tactics- Troop and building resources calculator* Elixir units* Dark elixir units* Creation timeOn this app nothing Cheat COC, Download this app now and getmoreinfo about COC.
FHX Clash Of Clans 2.4
FHX COC is best app for you game COC,whatyoucan read on this app?Main features of this guide:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Troops info- Building info- Layouts and map designs- Tips and tactics- Troop and building resources calculator* Elixir units* Dark elixir units* Creation time-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------his apps help you to generate certain amount of elixir, goldordarkelixir.So that you can upgrade building or filling outyourstoragequickly
FHX COC Server Clash 1.5.0
Game FHx COC server is made in Indonesia,thisgame is a game that has been modified (mod) which is currentlyFHXis very famous among gamers COC in Indonesia. With the game fhxCOCthese modifications we can be satisfied playing coc mod andalsowithout root access.FHX Verison :- FHX COC TH11- FHX COC V7- FHX COC V8- FHX COC V11- FHX COC V12It's easy to do so, how? you just have to downloadtheapplication below, with this FHX game will be easier and canbedone with fun.COC game is a game that is very popular among the youngcouple,one might almost say youth in world is infatuated with thetype ofgame this one. But many of those who were desperate as hardtodefeat the enemy.There are so many things that make the player stop playingCOC,there are some things that make them bored playing itsgenuineclash of clans, namely:- Difficulty in finding loot- When upgrading townhall / Other long- The higher the town hall more expensive to upgrade- Gems only slightly- Advances its long, because its hard to look for xpHere a download FHX COC server very popular among gamersCOC,this mod free download games without pay so that you can playCOCwith all the conveniences with a very simple, downloadandimmediate use.There are many advantages that you can get, variousadvantagesthat you will not get when playing coc normally.
Guide for Clash of Clans 1.1
Features : In this app you will find.Clash of Clans facebook, Guide, twitter, TipsThis App is guide and informations about Clash of Clans .Unofficial made by fan of this game.Disclaimer :This guide is intended only to assist people playing thisexcellentgame. All characters, locations, images and video gamecontent arecopyright of their respective owners and usage for thisgame guidefalls within fair use guidelines. This guide is intendedonly forplayers’ enjoyment and exploration of the game. If you haveanyconcern and/or feel there is direct copyright ortrademarkviolation that does not follow within the fair useguidelines,please contact us directly to discuss.
FHX COC V8 1.0
Tips and Tactics, Loot Resource Up to TH 11COCand many moreThis Guide is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, sponsoredorapproved by SuperCell. All images are registered trademarksofSuperCell.Copyright 2010 ©SuperCell.For more
FHX COC 1.0.0
Wizz Nazz
Clash Of Clans Mod Private ServerIndonesiaUpdate 2015 is a game that has been modified coc use theirownservers (not cursing server supercell). coc so you can playwithouthaving to laboriously collect the loot. disisni you can getthemunlimited namely Gold: 800 000 000 Elixir: 800,000,000Gems:800,000. and this is a mod coc Mod Clash Of Clans FHxPrivateServer Indonesia which can be downloaded and played onandroid forfree and of course the latest version that has beendownloaded coc.For Mod FHx long private server please uninstallfirst and replaceit with a new one Mod FHx APK v6.What is new on Clash Of Clans FHx Private Server’s ModHow to install Mod Clash Of Clans FHx Private ServerFor how to install Mod Clash Of Clans FHx Private Serverissimilar to installing coc the official application but you donotneed to uninstall the original coc and will not interfere withtheperformance of coc. so it can be installed simultaneously akadualclash of clans in an android. and also without having torootfirst. still curious please see the video Clash Of Clans ModFHxPrivate Server below.To Play Clash Of Clans Mod V6 FHx clicking please downloadandinstall two servers A and B because second using adifferentserver. So if server A can not be used You can use theserverB.Note: Full Mod is a server that contains the item un updateorcontains items from the mod. Simulation is a server that issimilarto the original coc.If the game appears notification update please uninstallandre-download the latest server apk.
COC FHX 2016 1.0
Full Versi COC FHX 2016 serverlebihcepatFull Version 2016 COCFHXfaster server
Upgrade Guide for COC 20151.3
Blaze .studio
Few things perplex Clash of Clansplayersasmuch as this eternal question: “What should I upgradenext?”Inthis Upgrade guide of Clash of Clans, I’ll go overmystrategiesfor what to upgrade and in what order. In this appyoucan learnabout two parts.>General Upgrades>Defends UpgradesThis Upgrade Guide of clash of clan is totally free.Facebook fan page.For any complaint or feedback contact with me.Facebook page :
Get Free Gems in COC 3.0
Hai..Bro and Sis, I want share myexperienceplay Clash of Clans games or popular called with COCduring thepast 1 yearLittle information from me, that Clash of Clans is a popularmobilegame where you build your village and attack other players.One ofthe primary currencies in Clash of Clans is Gems, which youcan useto speed up production and construct special buildings. Gemscan bedifficult to come by, as the developers want you to buy themfromthe cash store. With a little planning, however, you'll neverneedto spend a cent on Gems.Ok..Bro and Sis, please install dan enjoy itdont forget for rate it :)Thanks
Guide For Clash Fhx V8 1
fhx clash of clans v8 is the clash ofclansgamewho have private server. with this server FHx COC canmakenumbervariety of skill things that do not allowed in the ClashofClans theoriginal.update coc fhx v8- P.E.K.K.A King- Goblin King- Dragon King- Dragon Tower- New Witch Tower- New Barbarian Tower- New Archer TowerDownload now for FREE today
New COC FHx 1.0
FHX v8 New Version Always UpdateThis Guide is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, sponsoredorapproved by SuperCell. All images are registered trademarksofSuperCell.Copyright 2010 ©SuperCell.For more
Gems for Clash of Clans 2.0
Made in the latest update free gems guideforclash of clans improvement is not very pronounced, however,thedevelopers have tried to make the game even faster, easier andmoreaffordable. Fans immediately posted numerous videos letsplayofwhich, in General, it shows that the update as an update,nothingparticularly new to players not occurred.Still, the main semantic load carrying base, the constructionofwhich is the lion's share of the gaming scenario. As thesayinggoes, give a man something to build, and you already fromthislesson for the ears will not drag.Available in the free gems for Clash of Clans is completelyallof the gems that you get, going through game scenarios. Freegemsin clash of clans can be contrasted with a paid that you canbuyfor real money and thus enrich your own virtual space. Actually,itsaves time on the game. On the other hand, clash of clansgemsgenerator player gets a so and so, just going through thegamescript, building your base and properly disposing of it.Therefore,as a rule, few people asked how to hack the game clash ofclans gemcalculator, moreover, that it is impossible to do – allinformationis stored on servers of developers. Any penetration willberecorded and cleared.However, on the net come across the so-called clash ofclanscheats for free gems, which very often are simply parallel themaingame's reality, from third-party developers. It is very similartothe main game, except that the action takes place “in aparalleluniverse”. But third-party developers in their universetoestablish its own rules, to distribute to all participantsyourversion of clash of clans cheats for free gems, send the playertocheat gems in need of a way to progress or to give theopportunityto download cheats on need of clunes in Russian orEnglish.In this embodiment, it is possible to clash of clans guideandtips, in the English-speaking Internet, they are called “clashofclans base editor”. Also the fashion need of the stronghold ofthegems have a number of other titles in the English language.“They”decided to shorten the name of the game to three letters,thatallows you to call freely the sounds of crystals “free cocgems”.In turn, in this approach, a variety of methods “to cheat” inthegame will be called “coc cheats” or cheats. This name comesfromthe English verb “cititi”, which means “to deceive, to cheat,tobehave dishonestly for the purpose of this.” It is noteworthythatto write and use cheat sheets on exams is also “cititi” andinEuropean schools that condemn absolutely everything,includingstudents. No one is trying to learn at the expense ofothers andpass exams at the expense of others. This is a reasonableidea:after all, working for you is not nobody to work, and needforautonomy knowledge you get now. But we digress. Finally,thecombination of “coc gems generator” would mean “toolsforcheating”, since “tools” or “tools” in English is called almostanyadjuvant activity.