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Qatar Medical Directory
Waleed Adel
Qatar Health & Medical Directory QHMDisaproject supported by Supreme Council of health authorityinStateof Qatar. Qatar Health & MedicalDirectoryconcentratesexclusively on Qatar’s healthcare and medicalindustry,bringingtogether service providers and suppliers. TheQatar HealthandMedical directory feature lists of allgovernmentandmedical/health private organizations based in Qatarand havingtodo with health industry. Entries will be sortedbygeographicallocation and by administrative sector. Allentrieslistedalphabetically to make things easier for users tobrowsefordetails whether they are Phone numbers, Faxnumbers,Websites,E-mails, or Postal codes. Announcements andadvertsinserted inslots of different sizes and features to beselected bythecustomer in both printed directory. Content nicelylaid-outandprinted on high quality paper in high resolution forclarity.Aprint run of over 40,000 copies in both Arabic andEnglishisenvisaged distributed in Qatar and abroad.Qatar Health and Medical Directory is an officialQatarmedicalinformation resource for the public providinginformation tofindhealthcare services providers in Qatar. All database of thehealthindustry published online here in this website andallowusers tosearch for organizations and service providersaccording tocertaincriteria. The Qatar Health and Medical Directorybenefitsfrom awide distribution in the Qatar and abroad. It isavailableinembassies and consulates in GCC countries, Arabcountries,andother foreign countries. It is also available at localandfederaldepartments as well as ministries. Qatar HealthandMedicalDirectory distributed to the community at large, localandforeignexhibitions, festivals and events. In a word, it can beinthehands of everybody, and anywhere you can think of.