Top 15 Games Similar to Englisch lernen für die Reise

Apprendre l'Anglais Business
MosaLingua Crea
★ Pour vous aider à apprendre l’anglaisdesaffaires et à vous plonger rapidement dans le monde dutravail,notre méthode a été conçue pour tous ceux qui ont peu detemps àconsacrer à l’apprentissage. ★MosaLingua est une méthode qui vous permet de mémoriserlevocabulaire et les expressions-clés qui sont en lien directavecvotre spécialité professionnelle. Grâce aux dialoguesintégrés,vous améliorerez très rapidement votre compréhension ainsiquevotre prononciation tout en progressant en anglais.APPROCHE EFFICACE, PRAGMATIQUE ET UTILE QUI VOUS PREPAREAUXPRINCIPALES SITUATIONS PROFESSIONNELLES► S’exprimer aisément au téléphone► Rédiger des e-mails► Socialiser avec des collègues, clients et partenaires► Participer et/ou animer une réunion► Rédiger un CV et réussir un entretien d’embauche► Négocier► Participer à une manifestation publique : salon,conférence,…► Motiver une équipe► Gérer un projetCONTENU QUI CIBLE LE VOCABULAIRE SPECIALISE DE VOTRE METIER► Service Clients► Ressources Humaines► Vente/Achat► Finance, Comptabilité► Publicité, Marketing► Informatique► Logistique, Production► Gestion, ManagementMÉTHODE D'APPRENTISSAGE ISSUE DE LA RECHERCHE DE POINTE :Notre méthode de l’anglais Business est basée sur le systèmederépétition espacée (Spaced Repetition System - voirlesexplications sur la vidéo : ).Sesspécificités :► pour apprendre l’anglais des affaires de façon efficaceetdurable, notre méthode calcule chaque carte du planning derévisionen fonction de vos difficultés personnalisées► pas de perte de temps : passez votre précieux temps sur cequivous est utile et laissez de côté ce qui vous paraîtfacile► s'adapte en permanence à votre rythme et à vos difficultés,commesi vous aviez votre professeur d’anglais dans votreSmartphone!► vous fait utiliser votre mémoire visuelle et auditive► renforce la mémoire à long terme et l’apprentissage durableUN APPRENTISSAGE MOBILE (LORS D'UN DEPLACEMENT, EN VACANCES)► des sessions d'apprentissage de l’anglais pro à duréevariable(2mn ou plus de 30mn, selon votre temps libre)► s'adapte constamment à votre rythme et à toutesvosdifficultés► vous pouvez arrêter puis reprendre la leçon d’anglais proàn'importe quel moment► nul besoin d’une connexion internet : tout est offlineCONTENU► plus de 2500 cartes de mots et de phrases en anglais, énoncéspardes natifs► de nombreux conseils prodigués par des experts afin de vousaiderdans votre vie professionnelle ; astuces de langage,…► 18 catégories principales : emails, trouver un emploi,autéléphone, réunions, présentations, vente,marketing,finance,...► plus de 100 catégories secondaires : entrer encommunication,écrire un ordre du jour ou le compte-rendu d'uneréunion, faire lasynthèse d’un dîner de travail,...► 10 niveaux : des compétences clefs au vocabulaire anglais prodevotre spécialité► 7 dialogues de mise en scène des situations professionnelleslesplus courantes► plus de 100 bonus à gagner au cours de votre progression► dictionnaire d’anglais en ligne► possibilité exclusive d’ajouter vos propres cartesMosaLingua Anglais Business est adapté à ceux qui possèdentdesbases et/ou qui veulent cibler l'anglais pro, utilisé dans lemondedu travail. Mais pour les vrais débutants, nousconseillonsd’utiliser d’abord MosaLingua Anglais.L’app évolue sans cesse: de mises à jour gratuites sontprévuesrégulièrement.NB.: L'application nécessite d'un certain nombred'autorisationspour fonctionner correctement. Si vous avez desdoutes à ce sujet,contactez-nous pour plus de détails. Merci devotrecompréhension.★ To help youlearnbusiness English and to immerse yourself quickly in the worldofwork, our method is designed for those who have little timetodevote to learning. ★MosaLingua is a method that allows you to memorize vocabularyandkey phrases that are directly related to yourprofessionalspecialty. With built-dialogues, you'll improve quicklyyourunderstanding and your pronunciation while progressinginEnglish.APPROACH EFFECTIVE, PRAGMATIC AND HELPFUL TO YOU PREPARE FORMAJORPROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS► If the phone easily express► Write emails► Socialize with colleagues, customers and partners► Participate in and / or facilitate a meeting► Write a CV and pass a job interview► negotiate► Participating in a public event: show, conference, ...► Motivating a team► Manage projectCONTENT THAT TARGET THE SPECIALIZED VOCABULARY OFYOURBUSINESS► Customer Service► Human Resources► Sale / Purchase► Finance, Accounting► Advertising, Marketing► Computer► Logistics, Production► Management, ManagementLEARNING METHOD OF ISSUE OF ADVANCED SEARCH:We use English Business is based on the spaced repetitionsystem(Spaced Repetition System - see explanation onvideo: Its characteristics:► to learn business English effectively and sustainably, ourmethodcalculates each revision schedule map based on yourcustomchallenges► no loss of time: spend your valuable time on what is helpfulandleave out what you think is easy► constantly adapts to your pace and your difficulties, as ifyouhad your English teacher in your Smartphone!► makes you use your visual and auditory memory► enhances long-term memory and sustainable learningMOBILE LEARNING (DURING MOVEMENT IN HOLIDAY)► learning sessions of English pro variable duration (2 minutesormore than 30 minutes, depending on your free time)► constantly adapts to your pace and all your difficulties► You can stop and resume the pro English lesson at any time► no need for an internet connection: all is offlineCONTENT► over 2,500 cards of words and phrases in English, statementsbynative► many tips provided by experts to help you in yourprofessionallife; language tips, ...► 18 main categories: emails, find a job on the phone,meetings,presentations, sales, marketing, finance, ...► over 100 subcategories: to communicate, write an agenda ortheminutes of a meeting, to synthesize a working dinner ...► 10 levels of key skills English vocabulary proyourspecialty► 7 staging dialogues of the most common business situations► over 100 bonuses to win during your progression► English Dictionary online► exclusive ability to add your own mapsMosaLingua Business English is suitable for those with bases and/or who want to target the English pro, used in the workplace.Butfor true beginners, we recommend using firstMosaLinguaEnglish.The app is constantly evolving: free updates areprovidedregularly.NB .: The application requires a number of permits tooperateproperly. If you have doubts about this, contact us fordetails.Thank you for your understanding.
Learn English : Intensive 1.2.2
Berlitz®, the worldwide reference forlanguagecourses!Learn today’s English easily with Berlitz® English and itsthreeobjectives: to give you a solid base in English, to helpyouincrease your vocabulary and to teach you ready-made sentencesandphrases.English Program + Dictionary + Progress Curve & Statistics+Unlimited Topics• Game modes:- “My English Program”: Practice your English every day oratyour own pace by following a 15-minute daily program.- “Training”: We deal with all the topics you are interestedin(outings, culture, travel, business…)! Unlock a new topic eachdayby doing some exercises.• Quick and varied exercises designed by internationallyrenownedlanguage experts to:- Learn and use today’s English vocabulary- Understand and use really helpful phrases- Build sentences- Know how to ask questions and to answer them- Be able to communicate in real conversations- And even more!• In addition:- A dictionary which will help you at any time and show youthewords you learnt, missed or misunderstood.- A progress curve and statistics that evolve every day andenableyou to see your progress or to repeat any exercises youwant.- Cultural, historical or geographical information is given toyouin the exercises.- The answers to each exercise.
Learn English fast and easy! 1.5
Alexandru D.
Thousands of words, images, audio files, games, conversationsandmore! All free
Learn English. Speak English 7.10.0
ATi Studios
Learn English with free lessons daily.LetMondly teach you the English language quickly and effectively.Injust minutes you’ll start memorizing core English words,formsentences, learn to speak English phrases and take partinconversations. Fun English lessons improve your vocabulary,grammarand pronunciation like no other language learning method.Beginneror advanced learner, traveler or business professional witha tightschedule? The app works great and dynamically adjusts toyourneeds.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writingandspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugatorandstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feellikehaving your own English language tutor in your pocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefitsoflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the English language classes in school? You startedwithhundreds of basic words and expressions, continued with tonsofEnglish grammar lessons and at the end of a fullsemester’slanguage course you could barely translate a sentence orsay“Hello!” to a foreigner. That’s the traditional way to learnalanguage.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to theaveragelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation betweentwopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them tobuildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes moduleyouare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.It’san effective way to learn English phrases. State-of-the-artNaturalSpeech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make theappeffective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutorforyou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learntheright English pronunciation from conversations betweennativespeakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhowto listen to your English words and phrases. You will only getapositive feedback if you speak English clearly and correctly.Thiswill improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundredsofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes tolearningEnglish. Mondly teaches you English vocabulary by offeringyou corewords and phrases. The app breaks the learning process downintoshort lessons and puts them into themed packs.Learn conversational English. Conversation is the mainreasonto take this free course. It will help you build a coreEnglishvocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, and speakEnglishclearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more duringthiscourse, just tap the English verbs and get the full conjugationonthe screen, including the translation. It’s faster and betterthana dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting,soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary stepbystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing andcompetewith people from all over the world to become the bestlearner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz tobecome evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning English is different frompersonto person. So we taught the app to learn from your way oflearning.After little time spent together, Mondly will understandwhat suitsyou best and it will become your own guide and customizedteacher.Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these English lessons, youwillmaster the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you will beonthe fast lane to learning a new language.
Learn English with Phrases
Learn English and other languages with common phrases used inthelanguage
learn English 1.0
learning English is a free andbeautifuleducation application.Learning English is the best way to learn English. Learningwithapplying online vote, simple and effective. Try now forfree.Learn English: English in personalized online. LearnEnglisheasily through your mobile!
English For Kids 1.0
***** English For Kids - Educate Your ChildInA Different Way *****Educating a child is the foremost responsibility of theparents.If proper learning does not happen, it might hamper thefutureprogress of the child. The world is highly competitive andhenceyou have to enable your children to compete successfullyamidst theprevailing competition. We all have heard that people saythat thebase education of the kid is very important. So, let’s doit in themost interesting way.English For Kids is a wonderful app, which will impartusefulinformation to all the kids. In the world of today, it isveryimportant for every individual to learn English. So, don’tyouthink that it is a great idea to start learning English as soonaspossible for a kid?The app has 25 lessons subdivided into popular categoriestakenfrom closing life’s children:+ Alphabet+ Bird+ Flower+ Fruit+ Insect+ Number+ Pet & Farm+ Playground+ Season & Weather+ Sea Animal+ Shape & Color+ Vegetable+ Fruit+ Wild Animal+ Occupation 1+ Occupation 2+ Occupation 3+ People and Relationship+ Bathroom+ Bedroom+ Dining room+ Kitchen+ Trucks**** MAIN FEATURES ***_ Study major English with illustration, clear andlovelypictures. Learning English with image corresponding withword’smeaning is the easiest and fastest way for children tounderstandand remember._ English For Kids will improve the vocabulary and pronunciationofthe children in Native American English. Practicepronunciationcorrectly as soon as possible for kids is reallyimportant inlearning English._By touching the screen, the audios can repeat various timebytouching once on screen_ After spending some time learning the new words, yourchildrenwill have some funny quizzes to revise the lesson: 4 photoswill bedisplayed on the screen and kids just need to find thecorrect oneby listening to the audio._Beside learning vocabulary, there are quizzes which helpchildrenreview the lesson. 4 photos will be displayed on thescreen, kidsonly need to find the correct picture which iscorrelative withaudio_Moreover, children will have fun with simple games. There isarange of letters with random arrangement, and the role ofyourchildren is ordering those into a meaning word followingthepronunciation. This game will help your child remember deeplynewwords.Get the app and let’s get started with the beautiful journeyofleaning something new each day for your child.If you thing this app is useful. Please help us to rate, likeandshare my Facebook:
Easy English 6.3
Learning English has never been more easier!
English for Kids 1.25
English for Kids is simply the best way to introduce English toyourkid.
Learning English: Dictation 1.8
Want to learn English? Want to improveyourwriting skills and understand native English speakers? GetthisEnglish spelling dictation exercises!How does it work?1. Download the application2. Choose a free English lesson and download it (this versionisfree. You can download 3 lessons a day). Each lesson isanaudiobook. All audio books recorded by nativeenglishspeakers.3. Listen the recording. While listening you will see the textofthe audiobook in english language. Read this text carefullytoavoid errors in spelling.4. Start dictation exercise. It is important to be careful.Do your best and soon you will be fluent in English. Thisenglishlessons will improve your writing skills, will fix yourspellingerrors. Your vocabulary will also increase and the mostimportantthing is that you will understand native english speakersmuchbetter.This program will be useful for ESL students. Lessons foralllevels of language proficiency(elementary, intermediate,advancedEnglish) are available for download.English spelling dictation is the best way to jump tohigherlevel. You will be surprised how easy you can fix your badenglishand start doing less mistakes.Do this English learning lessons day by day to improvewritingand listening skills. Learn English in an easy way!Features:1) Many different lessons.2) You are getting a mark in the end of each dictation(1-5stars)3) Interesting texts (poetry and fairy tales)4) Application supports 26 languages5) and much more ...
Learn & Speak English - Awabe 1.3.1
Learn English by picture, Speak English
Learn English 3.1
Learn English through some easy exercises (mainly for kids,butgrownups may find it useful too). This is a lite version ofthe"Kids Activities" (free) application, containing only theEnglishlanguage exercises. English, Greek, French, Spanish andGermaninterface.
English Lessons - Gymglish 8.8.2
Gymglish delivers short, personalized and fun English lessons.Ourgoal: your motivation, participation and progress. TestGymglishfor free and get a level assessment and a personalizedpedagogicalreport! ..... ...... ...... ✓ More than 5,000,000 usersaround theworld ✓ Long-term results ✓ A personalized approach ✓Modern,business English ..... ...... ...... Each morning, youreceive alesson in English with a variety of written and audioexercises.Gymglish lessons take 10 minutes to complete, and includea storyfrom the Delavigne Corporation, dialogues to listen to,questionsto answer, 'mini-lessons', humour, business English,variedaccents, and a personalised revision program. Once you havesentyour answers, you will receive a correction with your score fortheday's lesson, personalised explanations, the Englishvocabularythat interests you, scripts for the audio files, etc. Astory.Growing up as an apprentice to his perfumer grandfatherinMontmartre, Bruno Delavigne had dreams of starting his ownbusinessin San Francisco and expanding it. But when a suspicious"accident"robbed him of his sense of smell, Bruno was forced totake adifferent route to success... Learning English isn'tsimplylearning a list of words or a set of rules - language isalsoculture. For each one of our language courses, we offer asettingthat includes diverse characters and personalities,variousaccents, professional and personal situations, all with atouch ofhumor. Assess your level and get certified. Our free trialincludesa complete level assessment (containing an outline of yourcurrentstrengths and weaknesses). You'll get a personalizedlearningreport when you finish the course. Motivation. With adiversity ofcontent, Gymglish motivates and encourages its users tocontinuetheir progress by making e-learning as fun aspossible.Memorization. To consolidate acquired English knowledge,ourlearning method takes into account our natural tendency toforgetthings over time. For long-term memorization, our systemdesigns anoptimized revision schedule for each student. Explore anewculture. Each of our English lessons ends with a "dessert":anauthentic clip of can't-miss anglophone culture. Film,music,literature or television allow you to finish your workout instyle.For web, tablet and mobile. With apps available for iOSandAndroid, enjoy your English lessons whenever and wherever youlike...... ...... ...... You can try Gymglish for 7 days free ofcharge.This test is limited to the first seven days of the program,and isabsolutely free and non-binding. Under no circumstances willyou beregistered for the full, paying version of our Englishlessonswithout your explicit consent. We guarantee theconfidentiality ofyour personal details. The program is designed sothat you canlearn English efficiently in the long run. Gymglish isdesigned,edited and developed in its entirety by A9 SAS.
Mexu Learn English TFlat 5.3.7
Learn speak English by speaking with Mexu. You can speak languagein3 months.
English bedtime stories [free] 3.3.1
Discover the world through imagination! More than 1500 fairytalesfree for you!