Top 20 Apps Similar to 싱플 - 싱글족 모임 커뮤니티 No.1

소모임 - 우리동네 취미모임 4.5.1
3 million downloads in 2020! Google Play App of the Year 201514,000Jungmo Every Week Enjoy your hobbies with like-mindedpeople!
팀플 - TEAMPL 2.5.8
▶ 다양한 사람들과의 유쾌한 모임!✔ 같은 취미, 같은 생각, 다른 사람들!✔ 나와 비슷한 그러나 서로다른 다양한 사람들과의 유쾌한 모임을 시작하세요~✔ 새로운 사람들과 함께하고 나누며 배우는 소소한 즐거움을 찾고 나만의 특별한 기쁨을 누려보세요!▶ 앱을 사용할 때 필요한 권한✔ ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION✔ ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION이벤트 장소를 지정할 때, 사용자의 현재 위치 정보를 제공받기 위해 필요한 권한입니다.✔ READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE사용자의 앨범에서 사진을 선택하여 업로드하는 기능을 수행하기 위해 필요한 권한입니다.✔ RECEIVE_SMS수신되는 메시지를 감지하고 내용을 확인할 수 있는 권한이며, 수신된 인증번호를 앱에 즉시 입력하기 위해필요한권한입니다.✔ READ_PHONE_STATE 내의 ‘getLine1Number’회원가입 첫번째 단계에서 휴대폰번호를 기본적으로 입력시켜 두기 위해 필요한 권한입니다.▶ pleasant meeting with different people!✔ as a hobby, the same idea, different people!✔ similar to each other, but please start a pleasant gatheringwitha variety of different people with me ~✔ Looking for the little pleasures of learning and sharing withnewpeople in your own Enjoy the special joy!▶ required permissions when you usetheapp✔ ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION✔ ACCESS_FINE_LOCATIONWhen you specify the event venue, the necessary authority toprovideyou with the user's current location.✔ READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGEThe necessary authority to carry out the ability to uploadandselect photos from your album.✔ RECEIVE_SMSAnd it detects an incoming message and authority to verifytheinformation, the necessary authority to enter immediatelyreceivedcertification number on the app.✔ 'getLine1Number' in READ_PHONE_STATEThe first step in registering the necessary authority to puttoenter the mobile phone numberbydefault.
1km - Make a Friend around you 6.4.7
Discover fun people around you, 1km! Start relationship withnearneighbor
연결애 - 소개팅어플과 친목동호회 모임의 만남 1.0.4
* 연결애란?1:1 만남이 아닌다수 이성과의 로테이션 만남으로자신의 이상형을 만날 확률은 UP!* 진실되고 건전한 만남!TV방송을 포함한각종 언론매체에 소개된 '연결애'는참석자 후기에서 알 수 있듯커플은 물론 결혼까지 성공하신 분들이 많습니다.후기카페 :※ 채팅만하고 만나지도 못하는어플은 NO!※ 유령회원으로 도배된 사기성 소개팅 어플도 NO!※ 친목만 다지는 동호회 모임도 NO!※ 매주 400~500명의 솔로들이 참석하는 연결애 ※======================================서울본사 문의 : 010-8383-2040지방본사 문의 : 010-5805-2040======================================사업자등록번호 : 110-20-57341통신판매신고번호 : 서울서대문-0345호제휴문의 :* Connect Elisa?1:01 rather than meetingNumerous meetings with the rotation of the opposite sexThe probability of meeting their ideal UP!* The truth is wholesome encounter!Including TV broadcastIntroduced in various media outlets' connections kid "isAs it can be seen from the attendees reviewsThere are many people who have succeeded couples to marry,ofcourse.Cafe reviews:※ only and do not even meet chat application is NO!※ fraudulent applications that bombard a blind date with aghostmembers also NO!※ Only friendship Dodge club meeting is also NO!※ every 400-500 people attended her connection to solo ※======================================Head Office Contact: 010-8383-2040Fat Head Office Contact: 010-5805-2040======================================Business Registration Number: 110-20-57341Mail Order Registration Number: Seoul Seodaemun -0345 LakeAffiliates Contact:
모두의모임 - 통하는 사람들과 만남 1.0.7
통하는 사람들과의 만남, 모두의모임 입니다. 공통 관심사를 기반으로한 소셜모임서비스로 오프 모임이 필요할 때, 언제 어디서나 편리하게 모임을 주선하고 참석할 수 있습니다.1. 모두의모임은 모임의 주최자와 참석자 모두에게 도움이 되고,2. 모임의 주선과 참석 등 과정이 부담 없이 편리하며,3. 가입하는 모임이 아닌 만나는 모임을 지향합니다.이제, 유령 커뮤니티가 아닌 오프라인에서 진짜 만나는 모임을 시작하세요. 모임 기록은 일정 기간이 지나면 흔적없이모두 삭제됩니다.◇ 이런 분들에게 추천합니다!√ 손쉽게 약속 모임 장소를 공유하고 싶을 때√ 오늘 급번개 모임 없을까? 찾을 때√ 등산, 골프, 자전거 등 취미, 운동을 함께할 친구를 찾을 때√ 우리 행사, 모임에 지인들을 초대하고, 참석자를 관리하고 싶을 때√ 이벤트, 전시, 영화 시사회 등 단체 관람객을 모집하고 싶을 때√ 관심사 모임을 주선하고 알리고 싶을 때√ 모임비를 절약하고 싶을 때· 모두의모임 지원 프로그램을 통해 모임비를 지원받을 수 있습니다.◇ 이렇게 이용해 보세요!√ 친구와 영화 번개를 하고 싶다면 모임을 만들고 카카오톡, 밴드로 공유해 보세요.· 모임 지원 프로그램을 통해 반값에 영화를 볼 수 있는 기회가 부여됩니다.√ 영화 시사회가 있나요? 모두의모임으로 참가자를 모집해 보세요.√ 연말 모임 장소와 시간을 링크로 간단히 공유해 보세요.√ 등산, 자전거 등 함께 취미를 즐기고, 친선 대항전 파트너를 찾아보세요.√ 엄마들 모임, 돌잔치 등 행사를 모두의모임으로 초대해 보세요.√ 동문 모임, 연례 행사, 이벤트를 모두의모임으로 알려보세요.√ 대박 이벤트를 진행 중인 공연, 전시, 행사가 있다면 모두의모임으로 알려보세요.√ 팬미팅이 필요한가요? 모임 개설 후 팬카페에 손쉽게 공해 보세요.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 명달로 65 일흥빌딩 7층02-590-8400Through meetingpeople,the meeting of both. When you need off meeting to meetingsocialservices based on common interests, anytime, anywhere easytoarrange and attend meetings.1. In a meeting of all is beneficial to both the organizersandparticipants of the meeting,2. to arrange meetings and to attend such courses andconvenientwillingly,3. To direct the meeting and not meeting to join the meeting.Now, the ghost in the community and start a real meeting,notmeeting offline. Meeting records will be deleted without atraceafter a certain period of time.◇ recommended for these people!√ If you want to easily share a commitment meeting place√ Is there a lightning-level meeting today? When found√ hiking, golf, biking hobby, when looking for a friend toexercisetogether√ our events, invite friends to a meeting, and when you wanttomanage attendees√ events, exhibitions, film premieres, such as when you wanttorecruit groups Visitors√ If you want to inform and arrange a meeting Interests√ If you want to save the rain meetings  · You can receive support through a non-meetingmeetingof all support programs.◇ Please do this with!√ If you want to create a meeting with a friend Share itwithlightning movie KakaoTalk band. · Gathering support program have the opportunity to seethefilm are given in half over.√ Is there a movie premiere? Try looking for all the participantsinthe meeting.√ Share it simply the end of a meeting place and time asalink.√ hiking, biking, enjoying hobbies together, such as afriendlycompetition to find a partner.√ Invite a mothers meeting, birthday party, etc. All the eventsofthe meeting.√ alumni meeting, an annual event, let's events inbothmeetings.√ performing an ongoing jackpot events, exhibitions, eventsPleasetell us if you have a meeting of all.√ Do I need this fan meeting? After meeting the fans cafeopenedeasily see the high seas.
TownTalk - Your town SNS (동네몬) 1.2.9
MONs Group
=========================================< The best app of meeting neighborhood, 'TownTalk'grandopen!>'TownTalk, Your town SNS''TownTalk' is a fast and easy application to talking withyourneighborhood.Meeting your neighborhood and to be friends in 'TownTalk'.To listening someone's gossip or pay another gosspis inyourtown.'TownTalk' makes your town more fun and livelyLet's install 'TownTalk', and have fun! :)Q. What is a 'TownTalk'?'TownTalk' is Local SNS that share posts and send messagesQ. How can I use this app?① Install 'TownTalk', and Sign up② fill the blank such as E-mail, name, address③ Finished all of sign up process, upload your photo and makeyourprofile④ Leave your posts, and send messege each other⑤ If you find somemone who you like, click 'follow'Q. Having trouble?if you or 'TownTalk' have some trouble, please contactthise-mail→ :'TownTalk', 'DongneMON' to read Korean, Made byMONsGroup,Republic of Korea
BAND - Organize your groups
Camp Mobile
Are you a group organizer? Looking for anewcommunity to join? Then BAND is the right app for you.BAND helps you organize your groups and also discover newgroupscatered to your interests.BAND is BEST for● Teams/Clubs - Post notices, schedule meetings, and chat withallmembers in a group chat or 1-on-1.● Gaming Clans/Organizations - Strategize, play, and stayconnectedwith team members.● Open Forums - Discuss your favorite topics and make newfriendswho share the same interests; from video games, sports, andfitnessto fashion, relationships and everything in between.● Local Communities/Meetups - Connect with people in your areaaboutthe topics you care about most.● Work/Projects - Share important project updates with yourworkteam.● Personal Groups - Privately share photos and updates withfamily,friends, etc.Why BAND?● Stay organized with the ultimate features.- Community Board / Chatroom / Group Call / Poll / Calendar /FileSharing / Photo Album● Be anyone in any Band.- Create different aliases for different groups so you can befreeto talk about anything with anybody.● Personalize your group settings to fit the group’s needs.- Set privacy levels (Secret, Closed, Public) / Managememberships(Admin & Co-admins) and Assign privileges / Make avanity URLdedicated to your group.● Access your group on any device including your phone, tabletorlaptop by going to http://band.usWe value your feedback! Send any suggestions or report bugs to ussowe can make BAND better together!Email: help_BAND@campmobile.comFacebook: @BANDtogetherapp @BAND_GamingInstagram: BANDtogetherappBlog:
소모임 1.1.35
Neighbor (neighboring) small groups Hobbies, new people,Easeofcommunity groups in my hand The new meeting, create orjoingroupsto look make new ties - A new vitality into theday-to-dayFree!Frontal when bored lonely time, make new friends andgetacquaintedbeonggae look ~ The good ties await. Just ameeting,bosigil windto join a group. Sound exchanges withneighbors, with asimilaridea, Leisure sports, such as theself-development andInvestment,travel, diet and so on Naverinterest (Neighbor) Meals,coffee,cultural activities, etc. hagopeunto be lonely when alonewithwarm Naver (Neighbor) Which can favorthe excitement whentheopposite sex friends miss you desperatelyNaver (Neighbor) ★Hartpeongpeong only if every day !!! access Whenwe presented theHeartof my meeting moimbang this year is even morespecial baggage.★ Ifyou want a private meeting, you can open aprivate room. ★meetingamong friends. You can accept members meetingto selectchapters. ★has a new voting feature. (Anonymous voting,multiplevotingapplicable) ★ anytime, anywhere, moimbang group chatispossible. ★friends whom you can deliver the message.Naver(Neighbor) is 365days are a variety of small groups offlineJeongis in progress.
Vingle, Interest Network. 4.6.9
Vingle Inc.
Meet and share with people who love what you love.
당연시 - 당신도 연애를 시작할 때, 미팅/소개팅 3.4.26
16 new free introductions every day, Finding friends foryourneighborhood, Hunnam Hoonyeo Daily Share View live friends,Casual3: 3 meeting
Frendy–Make friends 3.93
"FRENDY" is the best application thatcanlightly make friends.The make a friend!!,Is to understand the different values with you, whilerespectingeach other's differences will gladly relationships knowshow toshare the experience.If you are friends with them,You will learn a variety of languages to them, and learningaboutdifferent cultures, will learn their traditions.Get Started Now!Make friends around the world!Thank you.Contact UsPhone: +82)70-4632-7801e-mail :
Get together in KakaoGroup!Create groups for family and friends, work and play!Schedule and plan events with ease using KakaoGroup'sannouncementfeatures and more.You can also easily send announcements to group membersviaKakaoTalk.# Share anything!Photos, videos, gif images, documents!Upload photos, videos, gif images and documents freelyonKakaoGroup. Don't forget to leave Kakao Friends stickers onyourfriends' posts!# Chat any time!Chat in real time with your group members.Enjoy KakaoGroup chats powered by the speed and ease you loveonKakaoTalk.# Vote on it!Poll your members to decide where to go for dinner.Get your members' opinions.Set up options for multiple or anonymous voting.# Never miss an event!Add an event to your group's schedule.Birthdays of your members will be automatically added to thegroupcalendar.# Get started now!Create a group in seconds and ask your friends to join.You can also tap the KakaoGroup icon from your KakaoTalk chatroomtoinvite everyone at once.
미투 - 훈남 훈녀 연애 데이팅, 첫느낌 소개팅
Now my friend uses the dating application 2030 Hunan Choosing1.5million members
너랑나랑 소개팅 - 매일16명 소개팅 연애 라이브채팅 7.2.17
A casual blind date app you and I can enjoy! Now feel free tostarta new relationship with you and me.
코코 - 온라인에서 만나는 진짜 소개팅 1.8.2
April7 Inc.
You just can not believe that juseonja Coco that only you canshow'real' blind date '
NoonDate: Ways to Make Friends 6.20.18
5 million matches so far - Korea’s leading social-datingappNoondate
만남 1위 소개팅 - 커플레시피 (애인 채팅 데이팅) 2.0.4
세상에 커플을 만들어주는 레시피가 있다면 어떨까요?커플레시피에서 매일 3명의 훈남훈녀와달달한 소개팅, 데이팅을 해보세요!■ 커플레시피 이용방법 ■1. 유령회원 없이 활동회원만 하루 3명 무료로 이성을 소개받아요.2. 마음에 드는 이성을 무료로 선택!3. 상대 이성도 나를 선택하면? 밀당없이 바로 연락처 교환!4. 이미 75,000 커플이 탄생한 신뢰감있는 소개팅, 미팅 어플■ 커플레시피만의 장점 ■쓸데없이 결제하지 마세요이성에게 like를 무료로 할 수 있어, 매칭이 되지 않으면돈을 요구하지 않는 합리적인 무료 소개팅 어플입니다.신원이 확실한 분만철저한 본인인증과 프로필 검수로 신원이 확실한 분들과 신뢰감 있는 만남을 할 수 있습니다.훈남훈녀 대학생, 직장인 소개팅, 미팅, 만남을 믿을 수 있는 커플레시피에서 해보세요!직장인 비중이 높아요기존의 채팅 만남 어플과 달리 진지한 만남을 원하는 분들의 비중이 높습니다기업 및 직장인 중심으로 입소문을 타서 직장인 비중이 높습니다.다른 대학생, 직장인 소개팅, 미팅 어플과는 전혀 다른 무료 소개팅입니다!143번째 결혼커플 탄생커플레시피에서 애인만들기 미팅에 성공하시고 결혼까지 가신 커플만 143커플 보고되었습니다.커플레시피는 진솔한 만남이 가능한 진지한 분위기의 무료 소개팅 어플입니다.정교한 매칭 시스템지역, 나이를 세분화하여 좀 더 현실성있는 매칭이 이루어집니다.따라서, 데이팅 성사율이 다른 만남, 직장인 소개팅 어플보다 높아요!■ 진실된 만남이 가능한..■아직도 이상한 사람만 가득한 만남 어플로 시간낭비 하시나요?서로에 대해 자세히 알지 못하는 채팅 앱에서 설마 좋은 사람을 만날 수 있을까요?기존의 채팅 / 소개팅 / 데이팅 서비스, 만남, 애인만들기 어플에 지친..특별한 당신, 제대로 된 무료 소개팅 어플로 인연을 만나보세요!훈남훈녀 직장인과 대학생을 위한 본격 애인만들기 무료 소개팅 미팅 어플!!40만명의 회원들이 진지하게 인연을 찾기 위해 커플레시피에 가입했습니다.지금 당신의 미래의 인연도 당신과 같은 마음으로커플레시피 어플을 사용 중 이랍니다 :)" 지금, 커플레시피로 달콤한 인연을 만나세요 "----커플레시피 공식 페이스북:개발자 연락처 :Tel. support@malang.krAddress. 강남구 봉은사로 82길 12 (삼성동)What if the recipe tomakethe world a couple?In a couple recipes every three girls and hunnyeoDaldalhan blind date, dating a try!How Couples recipe ■ ■1. Only active members with no reason to introduce a threeghostsmembers batahyo per day free of charge.2. Select the favorite to rational minds free!3. Relative reason also choose me? Exchange without directcontactmildang!4. that the 75,000 couples have already created rapport blinddate,meeting Apps■ The advantage of only a couple recipes ■Do not pay unnecessarilyI like to be the reason for FREE, if you do not matchThat does not require money, free blind date is areasonableapplication.The identity of certain birthThe identity of a thorough identity authentication andverificationprofiles can be sure the people and confidence inmeeting.Try recipes from the couple in incredible girls hunnyeocollegestudents, office workers on a blind date, meeting,meeting!The workers share nopahyoA higher proportion of those looking for a serious meetingUnliketraditional dating chat applicationBurn the businesses and workers by word of mouth centeredhigherproportion workers.Other college students, office workers on a blind date, andismeeting all the other free apps on a blind date!143rd birth MarriedPlease make a successful recipe lovers meeting in a coupletrailsonly couple to marry 143 couples have been reported.Couples recipe app is a free blind date in a serious atmospherethatcan be frank encounter.sophisticated matching systemArea, matching is done in a more realistic refine the age.Thus, the nopahyo close rates than other encounters dating,blinddates workers Apps!■ true encounter possible .. ■Still, only a strange person from wasting a full hourmeetingApps?No way can I meet nice people in chat app, I do not know moreabouteach other?Existing chat / Arranged / dating services, dating, lovers tiredofmaking application.Your special, Meet the bond blind date free appthatcorrectly!Creating a real lover for girls hunnyeo office workers andcollegestudents meeting on a blind date free app!Members of 40 million people has seriously joined the couplerecipesto find the edge.Now even your future relationship of the mind like youA couple of the recipes used in Saguaro application :)"Meet the sweet bond as now, a couple recipes"----Couples Recipe official Facebook:
커플메이커 소개팅앱 (연애 친구 만남 결혼 소개팅) 4.5.3
Make a neighborhood friend to meet after work, a boyfriend todateon the weekend~ A blind date is also a couple maker👫
친구만들기,인연찾기,소개팅,채팅어플-핫톡 1.0.5
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썸타임 – 연애하고픈 솔로에게 꼭 필요한 소개팅 (실시 7.05
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