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Marion Area Chamber 3.2
The Marion Area Chamber of Commerce isanorganization of business and professional people workingtogetherto build a healthy economy and to improve the quality oflife inour community.The Chamber works with these objectives in mind:*To help business/industry prosper and grow*To increase job opportunities*To contribute to the overall economic stability ofthecommunity*To encourage an orderly expansion and development of allsegmentsof the community*To improve the quality of life of the community andsurroundingareaWe invite every business/industry and individual to joinourorganization and help make a difference in the community todayfortomorrow and the future.Why should you join? The answer is the Marion Chamber of Commerceisthe region's largest and most active Chamber with more than550members representing more than 350 area businesses,organizations,and industries. The Chamber supports the growth ofbusiness in theregion and keeps a constant communication with localand stateofficials regarding legislative issues affectingallbusinesses.Business Advocacy: The Chamber is the organized voice ofbusinessfor the Marion area. We look for potential opportunitiesandchallenges for our area and work with our members tocontinuemaking this the best possible place to live and work.Business Seminars: Seminars on topics of interest to ourmembershipare offered regularly.Chamber Committees One of the best networkingopportunitiesavailable through the Chamber is for you to be a partof one of ourmany active committees.Chamber Monthly Luncheons: The Marion Chamber of Commerce hasthedeserved reputation as having the best-attendedmembershipluncheons. Featured speakers address topics that arecurrent andrelevant to our members.City and County Maps: The Chamber publishes a map every two tothreeyears that is used distribute to all who inquire. Theadvertisingpanels on the map are available to Chamber membersonly.Email blast fliers: Members may place PDF versions of fliers inourweekly email blasts. This is an economical way toprovideinformation about your business, advertise an event,distribute acoupon and more!Events: The Chamber keeps members connected with area events andhasa full calendar of Chamber events to keep members connectedwitheach other and the community.Marion Community Profile Book: This book is used foreconomicdevelopment. It lists twelve vital areas of our communitythat apotential new business, organization or resident wouldbeinterested in. Only Chamber members are allowed to advertiseinthis book.Member Discounts: When you are a member of the Marion ChamberofCommerce, you have access to many discounts provided byotherChamber members. Discounts include radio and newspapercoupons,insurance discounts (commercial and personal), mobiletelephonediscounts, banking incentives and more! These discountsoften coverthe cost of membership!Membership Mailing List: To assist members with their owndirectmailings, our mailing list is available on labels to ourmembersfor $35 per set or for free for an electronic copy of themailinglist. We do not provide our e-mail list fordistribution.Racks for Member Information: Rack space is available for memberstodisplay their business brochures and business cards for visitorstoour office.Referrals: The Chamber staff responds to hundreds of inquireseachyear by referring our members to individual’s requestsforinformation about area businesses, organizations, etc. MembersONLYare referred as business leads.Resources: Public references, community demographics, lists ofmajoremployers, local and area phone directories, lists of clubsandorganizations, local maps, and lists of local, area, stateandnational legislative contacts are available at theChamberoffice.
Roving Museum 1.3
SAGITTARIUS:“Launching (g)local level heritage entrepreneurship:strategiesand tools to unite forces, safeguard the place, mobilizeculturalvalues, deliver the experience“Transnational Cooperation Project, funded by the SouthEastEurope ProgrammeThe PROJECT includes partners from 8 countries: Greece(LeadPartner), Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, RomaniaandSlovenia, co-funded by the ERDF and IPA Instruments andtherespective national contributions (15% of the Projectbudget).SAGITTARIUS advances cultural consumption bycommunicatingcultural values: from natural monuments and ecosystemsto sites andcollections, from the arts to traditions andhandicrafts. Thusvalues of tangible-intangible, movable-immovableand spiritualheritage assets become catalysts for regeneration anddevelopmentby being revealed and communicated. Given the diversityandcomplexity of heritage, the use of cultural values fordevelopmentis feasible, only if multilateral interactions areunderstood andreflected in policy and delivery. Required is amultivalent andflexible nexus at local-global level to mitigate theprotection-useconflict reconciling national and internationalstrategies.SAGITTARIUS provides the Cooperation Area with an activity mixtofully realize the socioeconomic potential of culture: putintopractice is an integrative management system to classifyandsignify natural, man-made and spiritual heritage assetsandcommunicate their values to different audiences across theSEE.To promote entrepreneurial culture in the heritagesector,SAGITTARIUS encourages the formation of heritageentrepreneurs: aparticipatory knowledge platform transfers advancedtools amongmultilevel actors to protect and use heritage assets byidentifyingtheir environmental, social, historic, aesthetic,spiritual andspecial values; domain specific training certifiesindividuals withincreased capacities certifying professionalskills.Implemented pilot actions on a social inclusion basis provideforcultural experience diversity connecting thus localculturalproduction to international markets. Byactivatingpublic-private-third sector alliances, heritageentrepreneurship isestablished at transnational level,exemplifying, how heritage isvalued, protected, communicated andused with ecologic, economicand social profit.The VIRTUAL ROVING MUSEUM aims to proactively promotetheparticipating regions and advances cultural consumptionbyconnecting to the features of the territory and its productsandservices and support the co-creation of contextual informationandparticipatory culture and more particularly the productionofcustomized integrative experiences throughself-directedlearning.This is achieved by making the messages attractive,compelling,relevant and portable for off-site use, capturingrealism andproviding emotional impact and through incorporation ofartefacts,artwork, or mixed media to produce desired atmosphereandeffects.The VIRTUAL ROVING MUSEUM consists of stories aboutdifferentcultural heritage values:• Bulgaria – “Sofia grows, but does not age”• Croatia• Greece – “Rhodes building Europe: Knights at Work”• Hungary• Italy• Romania• SloveniaThe Project Partners contributed to the content of theVIRTUALROVING MUSEUM are:GreeceUniversity of the Aegean (Lead Partner)BulgariaBulgarian Chamber of Commerce and IndustryCroatiaUniversity of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities andSocialSciencesHungaryKároly Róbert CollegeItalyMunicipalities Union of SinelloMountain Community “Alto Basento”RomaniaNational Institute for Research and Development in TourismInstitute Of National EconomySloveniaInstitute For Comprehensive Development SolutionsENJOY YOUR VISIT OF THE VIRTUAL ROVING MUSEUM!