Top 3 Apps Similar to Cancer Prevention

Breast Cancer 1.1
Breast cancer is a type of canceroriginatingfrom breast tissue, most commonly from the inner liningof milkducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk.This app describes about the breast cancer, symptoms , fiskfactors,diagnostic tools and treatment options for breastcancer.
CFSP secourisme prevention 1.1
Application proposée par le CFSP sur les gestes d'urgences etdesecours.Depuis 1971, le Centre de Formation de Secourisme etdePrévention (CFSP) vous accompagne dansla formation de vos Sauveteurs Secouristes du Travail (SST).Le CFSP vous propose des formations SST inter-entreprises etdesformations intra-entreprises principalement en régionRhône-Alpes.Cependant, nous intervenons sur toute la France si leseffectifssont suffisants.Le Centre de Formation de Secourisme et de Prévention est àvoscotés pour vous aider à déterminer vos besoins enformationprofessionnelle (SST, PSC1, défibrillateur, incendie,gestes etpostures, gestion du stress...).CFSP ontheproposed actions and emergency relief application.Since 1971, the Training Centre of Aid and Prevention (PSTC)willassist you intraining your Rescuers Rescuers Labour (SST).PSTC offers training SST inter-company and intra-companytrainingprimarily in the Rhône-Alpes. However, we operatethroughout Franceif numbers are sufficient.The First Aid Training Centre and Prevention is at your sidetohelp you determine your training needs (SST, PSC1defibrillator,fire, gestures and postures, stress management...).
Infection Prevention 2.0
**The most comprehensive guideline for infection preventiononGoogle Play store** *All data adapted with permission from theCDCGuidelines for Isolation Prevention* The main purpose oftheInfection Prevention app is to decrease the level of infectionsandcross contamination in all medical and non medicalenvironments.This app is a quick and easy reference guide for everyclinical andnon-clinical staff at hospitals, long-term carefacilities, skillednursing facilities, ambulatory care, home care,hospice, and allstaff of emergency medical services. This is agreat reference toolfor medical and nursing students, nurses,doctors, occupational,physical, respiratory and speech therapist.Features: • Simple andeasy to use interface. • Sections includecommon hospitalinfections to Human pathogens • Detailed explanationaboutisolation precaution types: standard, contact, droplet,andairborne • Illustration on how to wear and take offproperprotection equipment(s) • Current CDC's guidelines for Ebolaandhow to wear and remove proper protection equipment.Thisapplication incorporates guidelines from the 2007 "GuidelinesforIsolation Precautions: preventing transmission of infectiousagentsin healthcare settings" The materials in this application areusedwith permission from center of disease control (CDC).Additionalinformation was obtained from Todar's Online TextbookofBacteriology.