Top 2 Apps Similar to Powerbank for Life

Power Bank International 1
Power Bank International is a virtualbankwhichwill encourage people to save electricity at homes,offices,schoolsor any other work place. It will inculcate watersavinghabits in thecommunity.Power Bank International will create awareness amongthenewgenerations the importance of electricity in life.People will be encouraged to open their account withPowerBankInternational to save electricity.This application will be publishing all newsandeducationalprograms about saving water to inspirethecommunity.
AdoptAr 1.2
AdoptAr es la nueva aplicación dondepodrásparticipar activamente en la amplia comunidad dedicada alcuidado yadopción de animalitos publicándolos y contactándote conotrosmiembros.Con el uso de Adoptame buscamos rescatar, rehabilitar yconseguiruna familia que adopte a aquellos animales abandonados,maltratadoso que sus dueños no cuentan con los recursos necesariosparamantenerlos.Unite a nuestra causa :)ADOPT is thenewapplication where you can actively participate in thelargercommunity dedicated to the care and adoption of animalsbypublishing and contacting you with other members.Using Adopt me seek rescue, rehabilitate and get a family totakethose abandoned, abused or their owners do not have theresourcesnecessary to keep animals.Join our cause :)