Top 13 Apps Similar to Child development for children

МИР СКАЗОК–2 Сказки детям FULL
МИР СКАЗОК – 2 — это самые любимые волшебныеинародные сказки для детей, с великолепными иллюстрациямилучшихдетских художников.Все сказки профессионально озвучены замечательными актерамидетскихтеатров. Оригинальная музыка для каждой сказки создаетособуюатмосферу и настроение.В МИРЕ СКАЗОК – 2 вы сможете найти самые известные сказки нарусскомязыке как для самых маленьких от 1 года, так и длядетокпостарше.Интерфейс библиотеки – простой, удобный и понятный, дети от2-3-хлет могут пользоваться приложением даже без помощи взрослых.Аволшебная фея поможет малышу выбрать самую интереснуюсказку.МИР СКАЗОК – 2 — это:• библиотека сказок на русском языке• великолепные иллюстрации• голоса профессиональных актеров• оригинальная музыка к каждой сказке• популярные народные и волшебные сказки с картинками• чудесное сказочное оформление и дизайн• увлекательные сказки на ночь для малышей• детские книги для детей от 1 года до 5 лет• удобный и простой интерфейс для малышей от 2 лет• сказки вслух на русском и украинском языке• режим автопроигрыванияМы уверены, что МИР СКАЗОК – 2 подарит Вам и Вашему ребенкумногорадости и удовольствия и поможет привить детям любовь к чтениюикнигам.Что о нас говорят:• «МИР СКАЗОК — это отличный пример того, какпрекрасныебумажные сказки превращаются в электронные.»• «МИР СКАЗОК — это не просто детскоеприложение,«Мир Сказок» — это детская книжная полка с самымилучшимисказками.»• «Отдельной похвалы заслуживают иллюстрациикниг.Зачастую разработчики детских приложений уделяют рисункаминеслишком много внимания, и их качество оставляет желать лучшего.Нотолько не в случае с МИРОМ СКАЗОК!»Лучшие сказки для детей: народные сказки, сказки длямалышей,волшебные сказки.Сейчас в библиотеке:• Русалочка• Кот в сапогах• Колобок• Дюймовочка• Три медведя• Красная шапочка• Гадкий утенок• Огниво• Али-Баба и сорок разбойников• Соломенный бычок• Новогодний паровозУважаемые пользователи!Мы искренне благодарны Вам за то, что Вы пользуетесьнашимприложением. Отдельное спасибо хотелось бы сказать за Вашиотзывы,нам очень приятно читать, что наше приложение Вамнравится.Но если Вы оцениваете наше приложение негативно, мы просимВаснаписать хоть пару слов на адрес собъяснениемпричины.Приложение создано творческой командой «MAGE», котораяразрабатываетразвивающие приложения и обучающие игры для детей,интерактивныекнижки и стихи. Наши приложения отличает высокоекачествоиллюстраций и графики, внимание к оформлению и дизайну. Атакженаличие простого удобного интерфейса для самыхмаленьких.Наши приложения направлены на всестороннее развитие ребенка. Внихмы учим буквы и алфавит, развиваем память, внимание, речь идругиеважные для дошкольников навыки и умения. По теме "подготовкакшколе" в наших приложениях изучаем такие темы, как: азбука,учимсячитать, математика и логика.Мы стремимся к тому, чтобы наши приложения прививали ребенкулюбовьк знаниям, чтению и учебе.Все наши приложения отличаются безопасностью ― приложениенесодержит посторонней рекламы и соответствуют стандартам «Длявсейсемьи».Следите за нами в соц сетяхВКонтактеПодписывайтесь на нашем сайте http://mage-app.comМы открыты для любых предложений и вопросов.С уважением, команда MAGE.WORLD OF FAIRY TALES - 2-this is the most favorite fairy and folk tales for children,withbeautiful illustrations of children's best artists.All the stories professionally voiced great actors ofchildren'stheaters. Original music for each tale creates a specialatmosphereand mood.WORLD'S FAIRY TALES - 2 you can find the most famous fairy talesinRussian for the smallest of 1 year, and for the older kids.Interface library - simple, convenient and intuitive, childrenfrom2-3 years of age can use the application, even without helpfrom anadult. A magic fairy will help your child to choose themostinteresting story.WORLD OF FAIRY TALES - 2 - is:• library of fairy tales in Russian• beautiful illustrations• voices of professional actors• original music to every tale• popular folk and fairy tales with pictures• wonderful fabulous layout and design• exciting bedtime stories for kids• children's books for children from 1 year to 5 years• convenient and simple interface for kids from 2 years• tales aloud in Russian and Ukrainian language• autoplay modeWe believe that the world of fairy tales - 2 will give you andyourchild a lot of joy and pleasure and will help instill inchildren alove of reading and books.What people say about us:• «world of fairy tales - it's a great example ofhowwonderful fairy tales turn paper into electronic."• «world of fairy tales - it's not justchildren'sapp," Tales of the World "- a children's book shelf withthe beststories."• «Separate commendable books illustration.Often,children's drawings, application developers do not pay toomuchattention, and their quality leaves much to be desired. But notinthe case of the world of fairytales! "The best tales for children: folk tales, fairy tales forchildren,fairy tales.Now the library:• Mermaid• Puss in Boots• Gingerbread• Thumbelina• Three Bears• Little Red Riding Hood• Ugly duck• Flint• Ali Baba• Straw bull• New steam locomotiveDear users!We are sincerely grateful to you for what you use our app.Specialthanks I would like to say for your feedback, we are verypleasedto read that our application you like.But if you think about our app negatively, we ask you to writeatleast a few words to the address support@mage-app.comexplainingwhy.The application created «MAGE» creative team thatdevelopseducational applications and educational games forchildren,interactive books and poems. Our applications are of highqualityillustrations and graphics, attention to layout and design.As wellas the presence of a simple user-friendly interface forthesmallest.Our applications are aimed at the comprehensive development ofthechild. In them we learn the alphabet and letters, developmemory,attention, language and other important preschool skills. Onthetopic of "training school" in our applications we arestudyingtopics such as: abc, learning reading, mathematics andlogic.We strive to ensure that our applications are vaccinated childloveof learning, reading and studying.All our applications are safe - the application does notcontainoutside advertising, and meet the standards of"Family".Follow us on social networksVKontakte to our website http://mage-app.comWe are open to any suggestions and questions. Sincerely, MAGE team.
Детские стихи и сказки малышам
Аудиосказки для детей — слушать детскиесказкив стихах, читать стихи для детей от 3 до 5. Сказки длямалышей:русские народные сказки для детей и сказки ШарляПерро.Сказки в стихах — это любимые русские народные сказки длямаленькихдетей, написанные замечательной детской поэтессой ИринойСолнышко.Читать сказки на ночь малышам легко, и они чудеснозапоминаются.Благодаря великолепным иллюстрациям лучших детскиххудожниковчитать детские книги еще интереснее.Лучшим решением для тех, у кого не всегда есть возможностьчитатьсказки на ночь малышам являются аудиосказки для детей. Аудиосказкидетям озвучены профессиональными актерами детских театров.Адетская музыка придаёт особое настроение для каждой аудиосказкидлямалышей (стишки для малышей).Аудиосказки без интернета также дают возможность слушатьсказкидетям на ночь. Если нет возможности прочитать сказку илидетскиесказки слушать онлайн, то можно сказки слушать в любомместе,скачав наши аудиосказки бесплатно.Аудио сказки на ночь имеют удобный интерфейс, а забавныйдомовенокпоможет выбрать детские стихи детям (стишки для малышей).Обучениечтению для детей может быть веселым.Русские народные сказки для детей 3 лет и детские стихи для детейот3 до 5 — это:стихи для мальчиков (сказки для мальчиков) и стихи длядевочек(сказки для девочек)сказка колобок, репка сказка, сказка теремокстихи детям (стихи для самых маленьких)слушать сказки малышам (детская музыка)аудио сказки на ночь для детей (аудиосказки бесплатно,аудиосказкидля детей)обучение чтению для детей и развитие ребенка от годаслушать сказки и стихи для малышей (сказки малышам)детские сказки слушать онлайн и книги для детей (детскиесказкичитать детские сказки)Когда начинаете читать детские сказки для самых маленьких от 1годаи стихи детям (стишки для самых маленьких), они дарят детяммногорадости, а обучение чтению малышей становится веселее.Если нет времени детские сказки читать, тогда для вас аудиосказкидетям, которые позволяют слушать сказки детям на ночь.Включаяаудио сказки детям мы даем возможность ребенку окунуться вдругоймир, а детская музыка поддерживает атмосферу волшебства—прекрасное развитие речи, развитие памяти и навыка слушания.Слушать детские сказки в стихах иногда удобнее, чем читатьдетскиекниги и детские сказки на ночь для детей.Сказки в стихах бесплатно откроют вам самые известныерусскиенародные сказки для малышей и сказки Шарля Перро.Представленытакие детские сказки для самых маленьких и аудиосказкидля малышей(сказки малышам):• Русская народная сказка Теремок• Русская народная сказка Колобок• Репка сказка (сказки русские народные)• Русская сказка Курочка Ряба• Три медведя (сказки для самых маленьких)• Аудио сказки на ночь Три поросёнка• Сказки для детей 3 лет Маша и медведь• Сказки для девочек Красная Шапочка• Заюшкина избушка (читать детские сказки для маленькихдетей)• Русская сказка Пряничный домикПишите нам: support@mage-app.comСайт http://mage-app.comVkС уважением, команда MAGE.Приложение создано творческой командой «MAGE», котораяразрабатываетразвивающие приложения для детей, волшебные сказкирусские народные,книги для детей и детские стихи для детей от 1 до5 лет (стишки длясамых маленьких). Сказки малышам и стихи длясамых маленьких имеютудобный интерфейс. У нас сказки для детей 3лет и аудиосказки безинтернета. Вы можете скачать аудиосказкибесплатно и прочитатьсказку на русском. Обучалка для детей — этодетские сказки на ночь истихи для малышей. Наши приложения длядетей направлены на развитиеречи, развитие памяти и в целом навсестороннее развитие ребенка отгода. Мы учим стихи для мальчиков(сказки для мальчиков) и стихи длядевочек (сказки для девочек). Мыстремимся к тому, чтобы нашиаудиосказки для детей и книги длядетей прививали ребенку любовь кзнаниям, облегчили обучение чтениюмалышей.Audio fairy children-listen to fairy tales in verse, read poetry for children from 3to5. Stories for kids: Russian folk tales for children and fairytaleSharlya Perro. Tales in verse - a favorite Russian folk tales for smallchildren,written a wonderful children's poet Irinoy Solnyshko. Readbedtimestories kids easily, and they are wonderful to remember.Thanks tothe magnificent illustrations of children's best artiststo readchildren's books even more interesting. The best solution for those who do not always have theopportunityto read bedtime stories to kids are the audio fairychildren. Audiotales for children voiced by professional actors ofchildren'stheaters. A children's music gives a special atmospherefor eachaudio fairy for kids (poems for children). Audio fairy without the Internet also provide an opportunitytolisten to fairy tales to children at night. If you can not readthestory or fairy tales to listen online, you can listen tofairytales, anywhere, by downloading our audio fairy free.Audio bedtime stories have a user-friendly interface, andfunBrownie help you choose nursery rhymes children (poemsforchildren). Teaching reading to children can be fun. Russian folk tales for children 3 years old and nursery rhymesforchildren ages 3 to 5 - is:poems for boys (fairy tales for boys) and poems for girls(fairytale for girls)tale bun, turnip fairy tale, fairy tale Mansionpoems for children (poems for the smallest)listen to stories kids (children's music)audio bedtime stories for children (free audio fairy, audiofairyfor children)the teaching of reading to children and child developmentfromyearlisten to stories and poems for children (stories kids)listen to children's stories and books online forchildren(children's stories read children's stories) When you start reading fairy tales for the youngest 1 year andpoemsfor children (poems for the little ones), they give childrena lotof joy, and learning to read children becomes more fun. If you do not have time to read fairy tales for children, thenforyou audio tales for children, which allows children to listentostories at night. Including audio tales for children we giveachild the opportunity to dive into another world, andchildren'smusic maintains an atmosphere of magic - a greatlanguagedevelopment, the development of memory and listeningskills.Listen to fairy tales in verse, sometimes more convenientthanreading children's books and children's bedtime storiesforchildren. Tales in verse free will open you to the most famous Russianfolktales for kids, and a fairy tale Sharlya Perro. Presentedsuchchildren's stories for the very young and the audio fairy forkids(kids tales):• Russian folk tale Teremok• Russian fairy tale Gingerbread Man• Turnip Tale (Russian folk tale)• Russian tale Speckled Hen• Three Bears (a fairy tale for the smallest)• Audio tales for the night The Three Little Pigs• Fairy tales for children 3 years old Masha and the Bear• Tales for girls Little Red Riding Hood• Zayushkina hut (read fairy tales for young children)• Russian fairy tale Gingerbread House Email us: support@mage-app.comwebsite http://mage-app.comvk Sincerely, MAGE team. App created «MAGE» creative team that develops educational appsforkids, fairy tales Russian folk, children's books and nurseryrhymesfor children aged 1 to 5 years (poems for the youngest).Tales kidsand poems for the little ones have a user-friendlyinterface. Wetales for children 3 years old and audio fairy withouttheInternet. You can download the audio fairy for free and readthestory in Russian. Obuchalka for children - this ischildren'sbedtime stories and poems for children. Our apps for kidsfocus onlanguage development, the development of memory, and ingeneralall-round development of the child by the year. We teachpoems forboys (fairy tales for boys) and poems for girls (fairytale forgirls). We strive to ensure that our audio fairy forchildren andbooks for children inoculated child love to knowledge,facilitatethe learning of reading kids.
Don't cry my baby (lullaby) 1.5.4
Gerald Shin
Use when teaching during pregnancy or when sleeping the babyafterchildbirth.
Peekaboo Surprise FULL
Educational App "Peekaboo Surprise!" isanamazing game for children of preschool age and under.It'sinspiring and educational at the same time.Very cute characters such as animals, toys and cars are hidinginlittle houses....If you peek into the house you'll find out who lives there,andyou'll get to know each character more closely. After watchingashort animation the little ones will learn what soundeachcharacter makes.Your children will know that a cow says "Moo", a roostersings"Cock-a-doodle-doo", cars go "Beep, beep" and clocksgo"Tick-tock".This game will introduce children to different animals andobjectsand the sounds which they make. It will help your child todevelopmemory, comprehension skills and increase theirattentionspan.Your child should be able to determine who is hiding in the housebythe sound that comes from it.KEY FEATURES:• 60 animated characters• 7 different topics• develops cognitive thinking, attention and memories• entertaining sound effects• easy to use interface• smashing illustrations and animations• for children 1-4 years oldThe game "Peekaboo Surprise!" is a wonderful opportunitytointroduce little children to the world through an array of funandentertaining sounds and pictures!About MAGE:This app has been created by MAGE, a software company whichdevelopslearning apps and educational games, interactive books andnurseryrhymes for young children and toddlers .Our kindergarten and preschool apps are distinguished byhighquality content with particular attention to design. The simpleanduser-friendly interfaces of our apps have been especiallycreatedfor little ones. The purpose of all our apps is aimed foryourchild's all-round development.With our apps kids learn the alphabet, letters, numbers andphonics.The apps help preschoolers to develop memory, attentionspan,vocabulary and speech, as well as other basic skills.Children areexposed to writing and counting through buildingpuzzles and doingsimple math.As a company we strive to make our apps practical, instillingadesire for knowledge, interest in reading and studying. Ourappscontain no third party advertising and comply with thestandards of“Designed For Family”.
Wachanga, Parenting Guide
Wachanga is your personal guide for yourkid'sup-bringing.The App includes lots of tasks for parents to assist them intheirkids comprehensive development: intellectual andphysicaldevelopment, socialization, emotional sphere, etc. Thetasks aregiven individually according to the child age.You will manage to save the report on the tasks execution, andthenin a while reminisce your kid early childhood developmentwithtender emotions. Photos of your little one's first events,heightand weight graphics, lists of favorite toys and fairy tales…Allthese and even much more will be kept in the colorfulkeepsakejournal of your child.Create the journal by the whole family, each on their own phone,andthen share interesting moments of your child developmentwithrelatives and close friends!Key features:• Timeline – post notes about interesting moments of yourkid'sdevelopment, add appropriate photos.• Metrics – fix your kid's height and weight as often as you cantoget graphics, pretty colorful lines and recommendationsforphysical development.• Tasks - are specially issued assignments for you nd yourchild.Executing the tasks with your little one, you'll help himtoacquire new knowledge and skills. Improve yourparentallevel!• Forms – answer the questions in the thematic forms to keepyourlittle one's important development periods.• Relatives – a list of your relatives and friends in Wachanga.Youwill never forget their kids names and miss theirbirthdays.• News – be aware of your friends' kids development!
Mnemocon - Improve memory! 1.7.0
Learning methods for brain training. Cognitive exercises toimproveimagination
Brain exercise for study 1.9.2
Memory improvement techniques and tricks. Mnemonics. Brainexercisefor study.
Application Mobile Manager 1.28
OOO Creative
Application Mobile Manager is makes it easy to manage appsinstalledon Android devices. Do you need to reset/uninstall appsfrequently?Do you hate the multiple steps it takes to justuninstall your apps?If so, this is the app for you ! Performsingle or batch uninstalloperations for unwanted apps thatpersistently take up phone memory,reducing the device performance.Application Mobile Managerfeatures: - Use memory display - AppInstall dating - Multi-selectapps delete, backup support - A listof installed apps (preloading,userinstalled apps sensitive) - Thefile size display - App search,sorting feature (name, installdate, app size) Application MobileManager is a light-weight tooldesigned to simply help the user tobatch uninstall and backupapplications with the least amount ofpermissions as possible.
Perfect Ear: Music & Rhythm 3.9.56
A music school in your pocket: solfège, ear training,rhythmtraining exercises.
Flashcards for Kids in Russian 12.1
1500 cards in Russian and 5 educational games
News-O-Matic 5+ for Home 1.4
*** World Young Reader Prize 2015 (Editorial)-World Association of Newspapers (WAN-IFRA) ****** Teachers' Choice Award 2015 ****** One of The Best News Sources for Kids - Common SenseMedia****** Best App for Teaching and Learning by AASL ****** The first bilingual news app for kids! ****** kidSAFE® certified ***Educators, check out News-O-Matic School Edition, alsoavailablein Google Play for Education.Here is what users say about News-O-Matic:“I would like to thank you and your team! My son has finallybeenreading independently for the past two weeks. He looks forwardtoreading News-O-Matic every night!” – Melissa, Mom ofan8-year-old“I think the stories you write are amazing. It’s funny becauseIhate reading but yet I’m excited to see what you wrote." – Rae,age8“In my ten years of teaching I have never come acrossapublication that was this effective in capturing the attentionofthe student and making them want to learn and understand more.”–LB, Philadelphia Public School Teacher“A terrific introduction to current events withunlimitedpotential for repeated use for kids ages 7–11.” – SmartApps ForKids“Once in a while, an app comes along that makes me breathe asighof ‘well, finally.’ Such is the case with News-O-Matic, aningeniousapp that condenses the daily news of the world anddelivers it inperfectly kid-digestible form.” – Cool Mom TechNews-O-Matic covers relevant news of the day in an engagingway,exploring its many facets through images, maps, videos, andgames.Whether your interest is sports, science, world news, orwackyevents, News-O-Matic delivers what’s making the news! Itoffers awindow to the world and beyond helping readers becomeglobalcitizens!Each daily issue features:* Five dynamic news articles* Rich and detailed images, videos, and illustrations* Informative maps relating the user to the location ofeverystory* News Room for drawing or asking questions about the news* An interactive history-based timeline* Puzzles, games, fun facts, and many other elementsfordiscovery* Audio support for challenging vocabulary and full storiesreadaloudAll articles are written by professional children’s writersandreviewed by a child psychologist before publication toensureemotionally safe content.News-O-Matic is 100% ad-free.Schools and districts looking to buy News-O-Matic shouldbuyNews-O-Matic School Edition.Privacy Policy and Terms of Use can be publisher of this daily news application is Press4Kids, Inc.Tolearn more about us, please visit
Три поросенка 1.0.0
The Three Little Pigs - is one of the most beloved children's tales
Game. Attention training
Andy Beard
This simulator will help you to developtheability toconcentrate.Schulte table - perhaps the most effectiveway to do this.The program is free and contains no advertising.About Schulte tables.Psychologists like Schulte tables tests. These tests aresimple,understandable, easy to measure the results and interpret.Testsshow:- attention sustention,- the dynamics of efficiency,- the ability to quickly start to work- mental stabilityAdvantages tables Schulte:+ Simple and clear+ Quickly activates thought processes and memory+ Training skills faster decision making+ Does not require much effortThe benefits of mobile application "Immersion":+ You can use small periods of time (one minute)+ Spend with benefit and pleasure painful waiting period (inline,in traffic, public transportation, the bus stopSchulte table for brain development and intelligence.I suggest a little digest of the book by AntonMoguchy"book-training for your brain and the subconscious"== the digest start ==To succeed in any issue and use our brains to solve theproblemcompletely, you must:1. Strengthen blood flow in the frontal lobes of the brain.2. Mobilize the memory so that all the necessary information wenowshifted from long-term memory. Thus, we assembleaccumulatedassociative links of our brains that are relevant to thetopic. Wewill not waste precious seconds in recollection, all thenecessaryinformation will be "over the surface."3. Focus on the task competently. In one case, you needtoconcentrate, so nothing distracts not see or hear. In another-quickly shift attention. In the third - keep the attention ofallthat surrounds us.As a result an interesting series of experiments were donetwothings:1. Each new task, to present the subject is causing anoticeableblood flow to the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex.Withrepeated presentation of the same task intensity of blood flowissignificantly reduced.2. The intensity of the flow depended not only on the novelty,butalso on the nature of the tasks. The highest intensity wasrecordedwhen working with tables Schulte.Why is that?When working with tables Schulte, we do not recall, noadd-subtract,multiply, not referring to the associations. In thisway, the wholeblood is sent to the frontal lobes, which opens ourentireintellectual potential.== the digest end ==Functions:1. Schulte table sizes from 2x2 to 10x10.2. Two modes of training: -"Finger": each number is fixed by pressing a cell; -"Eye": just look;3. Statistics - The last time exercise;-- The degree of uniformity of the last exercise - tactilemodeonly;-- Timeline for the last table of training;-- Graphs of the best and the average times for training foralltime;4. Ability to stop the exercise.If something prevented complete the exercise, it does not get inthestatistics.5. 2 themes: -Minimalism - calm black-white-grayCaramel - for those who prefer brighter6. Ability to prevent screen blankingMy plans for the development of the application:-- A separate design for large screens (for tablets).-- A mode of two colors (Table Gorbova-Schulte).-- Maybe you can tell something.