Top 2 Apps Similar to Crazy Tracker

AB Vehicle Tracker 2.0.6
AB Tracker
AB Vehicle Tracker1. Real Time TrackingThis feature help you to track your Vehicle throughABVehicleTracker Mobile Application, It will give the exactlocationof yourvehicle2. Cut oil and CircuitThis Features help to cut oil and power of your vehiclethroughourmobile application, in case someone start your vehiclethanwiththis function you can cut fuel, electricity, and lockyourvehiclefrom AB Vehicle Tracker Mobile Application.3. Geo-fenceThis features help you to notify boundary, NotificationAlarmStartringing on your mobile phone if you cross boundary4. ACC Anti Theft (Vehicle Start Alarm)This Features gives you the notification Alarm whenyourVehicleStart, this features is most helpful because yougetNotificationAlarm you’re your vehicle move in parking area orwhensomebodyelse start your vehicle.5. Over Speed AlarmThis Feature gives you a Notification Alarm if yourvehiclerunningover speed, you have to set your speed limit in ABVehicletrackerMobile Application6. SOS AlarmIn emergent case, press SOS for 3s to activate SOS alarm.Thenthedevice will send SOS SMS to preset specific numbers andthendialthe numbers in circles until the call is picked up.Atthemeantime, the device will upload SOS alarm data to theserver.Andit will send: SOS Alarm!7. Voice monitoringWhen the special number cell phone dial device, ringingfor10seconds, it will enter voice monitoring status. Atthistime,caller can monitoring the sound in vehicle. Incoming callfromnonspecial number will not activate voice monitoringfunction.8. Authorization LimitationThis features help you to set a Admin and one mobile number,ifyourmobile is off or internet is not working than you willgetthenotification through SMS.
Car Tracker by SMS & GPS Trial
This software works like amasterandslave.Master sent SMS with password to slave device for locationofslavedevice. Which slave device is cell phone to be placedincar.This software to be installed in slave device checks incomingSMS.Ifpassword is correct, find location. Without disturbingtheslavedevice. If the password does not match. Slave deviceworkasnormal. In case SMS match with specified password.Software will turn on GPS to determine location andturnoffGPS.If signal from satellite is very weak. Find thelocationfromWiFi.If do not have WiFi signal. Find location fromcellphonetower.Then slave device sends SMS message in form, yreturnedtomaster. Master click this link to get the location ofslavedeviceor car.Master device does not need to install this software.Thissoftwareshould be installed on the slave device only. Thissoftwarecan beavailable on the old android since version 2.3 andabove. Canbeapplied with baggage etc.