Top 12 Apps Similar to TalkSoon

IARP Tax Audit Risk 2.5
No business wants to be audited by the IRS.Small business owners lose sleep over it. CFO’s,controllersandtax manager’s get gray hair during it. Shareholderscanlosesignificant capital because of it. Bankers, suppliersandcustomerssometimes walk away from long term businessrelationshipsas aresult of it. Individuals and familiesunfortunatelysometimessuffer as a consequence of it.CPA’s and attorneys advise clients they must assumethateveryreturn, deduction and accounting practice willbequestioned.Though that is not the case, when an audit doesoccurthere is a50/50 chance that a tax deduction will bedisallowed.The 2010 IRS Data Book reports that over 100,000AdditionalTaxrecommendations were sent to corporations after returnandfieldaudit examinations. Audit tax risk is a significantchallengeforall sized businesses.IARP: (IRS Audit Risk Program)IARP is an audit risk management road map targetingIRSIndustryFocus Issues (IFI). Industry Focus Issues areguidelinesIRSexaminers use to enforce oversight of tax laws. IFIoutlinesastatute specific risk based approach to examinationoversightandaudit engagement rules. IFI outlines focus areasofheightenedagency scrutiny targeting specific issues thatarereported on taxfilings.IARP assists small and mid-size businesses (SME) todeterminetaxaudit exposures to Tier I, II and III risk factors.The IARP is a threat management and scoring toolthatuncovers,ascertains, manages and mitigates tax audit risk foreachIFI riskfactor.The IARP ranks, aggregates and groups all taxriskexposures.Managers and tax advisers can then take consideredactiontomitigate exposure, prepare for tax audits andorganizedefensiveresponses for potential mediation, arbitrationorlitigation of taxaudit disputes.The IARP is a necessity for SME’s, private equityfirms,financialservices firms, companies conducting business inforeigncountries,corporations utilizing offshore structures,companiesengaged ininnovative transactions, R&D programs,carry trade,recognize andbook revenue from diverse sources oremploysophisticated taxstrategies.The IARP is a resource for CFOs, complianceofficers,riskofficers and corporate counsel. CPA’s, attorneys witha focusoncorporate tax, compliance and risk consultants andotherindustryservice providers will find the IARP anindispensableclientengagement tool.The IARP scoring methodology is designed to determineauditriskexposure and level of preparedness to meet audit riskfactorsas itguides users through a thorough risk assessment. TheIARPhelpsmanagers formulate and initiate actions required tomitigatethethreat of audit risk exposures.IARP identifies and calculates expenses associatedwithmitigationinitiatives while assisting managers to tracktheprogress ofmitigation responsibilities assigned to staffmembersand outsideservice providers.IARP links to issue specific IRS resources anddocumentationthatexplains tax issues, documentation requirementsandagencyengagement guidance pertaining to the specific IFIriskfactor.These critical tax compliance resources helps toquicklydeterminethe severity of risk factors and alignscorporateresources neededto address aggregated corporateexposures.Product features:Audit Risk Scoring MethodologyIdentify Audit Risk ExposuresIdentify Mitigation InitiativesManage Mitigation InitiativesPrioritize Aggregated RiskAssign Tasks and Track Open IssuesCalculate Mitigation ExpensesAlign Staff and Service ProvidersLinks to Issue Specific IRS GuidanceIRS Form Library and Search EngineFASB and AICPA GuidanceThe IARP is an Mobile Office MS Excel© App. IARP MobileOfficeApprequires a Mobile Office App a PDF reader and a Zipfilemanager forAndroid users. All available for no charge onGooglePlay. The appdirects users to a Drop Box to pick up zipfile.
LMRA 1.2
Panterra Consultants
LMRA Last Minute Risk Analysis. Complies with safetyrulesandregulations. Working on the shopfloor and outdoorscomeswithrisks. The LMRA-app will help you to analyse the risksaroundyoubefore you start working. For anyone who has to dealwithobservingand calculating risks on the shop floor. Do no longerusea cardfor the LMRA, but download the app. You download the appandthefollowing LMRA’s are available: - Construction -Roadconstruction,hydraulics engineering, groundwork -Horticulturists,gardners -Painting business - Carriers, transport -Industry
Triple+ CLMTM is theultimate,cloud-based,mobile device-managed, IoT - compatible,fullycertified andmostaffordable system in the world with regards to thepreventionofWater and Gas damage. Water and Gas leakagein buildings stems from wear and tear, frozen pipes,overflowandcareless administration. Billions are spentannually replacing infrastructure and equipment, not tomentionthewastage of Water and Gas and the physicalinjury. Triple+ CLMTM is the most effective system inaddressingtheroot cause for flooding huge damages, that is, thelength oftime ittakes to discover and stop the leak. With Triple+CLMTM youcanreduce the damage by over 90%. Triple+ CLMTM is fittedinminuteswith little to no infrastructure changes. Installingthesystemrequires noelectrician.Insurance companies carry a huge financial burden resultingfromtherepair and renovation of damagedproperty. This in turn pushes consumer premiums even higher.Asaresult, the market demand for “smart grid”solutions – monitoring, detecting and reducing leakages–isinevitably growing.Triple+ CLMTM line of products includes innovativebatteryoperatedand wireless flood and leak detectors,repeaters, remote control, and shut-off technologies thatenabletheautomated control of water and gas valves,all unified under the Smart Home umbrella and designed toavertwaterflooding, gas leakage and subsequentdamages, injury and financial losses. The CLMTM hub servesasaMobile Secure Gateway that ensures a securecommunication between the listed smart home appliancesandourproprietary mobile application.Triple+ CLM easily integrates into the Smart HomeIoTecosystem,providing a unique cloud-based securemobile platform for Water and Gas Leak Management.Key features:- Wireless, battery powered shutoff valves and sensors- Easy integration into the Smart Home and IoT ecosystem- Robust, secured, always on, proprietaryRFcommunicationlayer- Cloud-based secure platform for mobile Leak Management- Fully certified (FCC, IC, CE)- No wire trenching- Simple integration with alarm systemsAbout us:Triple+ is an innovative and leading manufacturerand marketer of products and services within the IoT(Internet of Things) arena. Triple+ offers solutions foraverting property damage, injury and financial lossesdue to gas and water leaks.Triple+ broad product and service portfolio are designedfor use in commercial and residential environments.The company’s line of products, based on its ownproprietary technologies and know-how, includesautomatically shut off water and gas valves wheneverrisky events such as leaks are detected or when peopleleave buildings unattended.Triple+ helps home and office owners to increaseoperational efficiencies, improve customer safety andprevent damages.When you invest in your water and gas infrastructure,innovation really matters, from the products themselvesto the people behind them.We offer solutions for the professional installers usingrock solid materials and ground-breaking technology. Ourteam knows the industry inside and out, and providesend-to-end services.Follow us for updates and
Triple+ CLMTM is theultimate,cloud-based,mobile device-managed, IoT - compatible,fullycertified andmostaffordable system in the world with regards to thepreventionofWater and Gas damage. Water and Gas leakagein buildings stems from wear and tear, frozen pipes,overflowandcareless administration. Billions are spentannually replacing infrastructure and equipment, not tomentionthewastage of Water and Gas and the physicalinjury. Triple+ CLMTM is the most effective system inaddressingtheroot cause for flooding huge damages, that is, thelength oftime ittakes to discover and stop the leak. With Triple+CLMTM youcanreduce the damage by over 90%. Triple+ CLMTM is fittedinminuteswith little to no infrastructure changes. Installingthesystemrequires noelectrician.Insurance companies carry a huge financial burden resultingfromtherepair and renovation of damagedproperty. This in turn pushes consumer premiums even higher.Asaresult, the market demand for “smart grid”solutions – monitoring, detecting and reducing leakages–isinevitably growing.Triple+ CLMTM line of products includes innovativebatteryoperatedand wireless flood and leak detectors,repeaters, remote control, and shut-off technologies thatenabletheautomated control of water and gas valves,all unified under the Smart Home umbrella and designed toavertwaterflooding, gas leakage and subsequentdamages, injury and financial losses. The CLMTM hub servesasaMobile Secure Gateway that ensures a securecommunication between the listed smart home appliancesandourproprietary mobile application.Triple+ CLM easily integrates into the Smart HomeIoTecosystem,providing a unique cloud-based securemobile platform for Water and Gas Leak Management.Key features:- Wireless, battery powered shutoff valves and sensors- Easy integration into the Smart Home and IoT ecosystem- Robust, secured, always on, proprietaryRFcommunicationlayer- Cloud-based secure platform for mobile Leak Management- Fully certified (FCC, IC, CE)- No wire trenching- Simple integration with alarm systemsAbout us:Triple+ is an innovative and leading manufacturerand marketer of products and services within the IoT(Internet of Things) arena. Triple+ offers solutions foraverting property damage, injury and financial lossesdue to gas and water leaks.Triple+ broad product and service portfolio are designedfor use in commercial and residential environments.The company’s line of products, based on its ownproprietary technologies and know-how, includesautomatically shut off water and gas valves wheneverrisky events such as leaks are detected or when peopleleave buildings unattended.Triple+ helps home and office owners to increaseoperational efficiencies, improve customer safety andprevent damages.When you invest in your water and gas infrastructure,innovation really matters, from the products themselvesto the people behind them.We offer solutions for the professional installers usingrock solid materials and ground-breaking technology. Ourteam knows the industry inside and out, and providesend-to-end services.Follow us for updates and
Route Safety IQ 13
RouteSafety IQ (RSIQ) from theATGClearinghouse is the smart and easy way to calculate yourfleet’sdriving risk. With RSIQ, business fleet owners and theirdriverscan analyze their driving risk right from their mobile phoneandunderstand how it may impact their insurance rates. Thisamazingapp even shows current road traffic conditions, allowingdrivers tochoose the safest route in real time. Best of all, ownerscan sharethis driving safety index information with their insurancecompanyfor a more accurate auto policy rating and potentialsavings.Records Vehicle and Fleet DataThis unique app allows commercial vehicle operators to recordtheVehicle Identification Number (VIN), mileage, garaged locationandarea of operation of every vehicle in their fleet. Afterenteringvalues for various driving risks (estimated number ofharsh brakingevents, hours of operation, average speed over postedlimits, etc.),click “calculate”, and RSIQ will let you know whereyour fleetstands on the RSIQ safe-driving index, a standard scoreused byinsurance companies to rate and price risk.Protected and TransparentData collected using the RouteSafety IQ app is privacyprotected.Only the vehicle owner and others he may authorize canview theinformation recorded by RSIQ. The detailed vehicle andfleet data,and the RSIQ safe-driving risk score are shared with aninsurancecarrier only with the consent of the fleet or vehicleowner.Improve Driving Safety, Access Insurance BenefitsRSIQ helps fleets understand their driving risk andwhereimprovement may be needed to reduce the risk of collisionsandlosses. Sharing this information with an insurance carrier cangivefleets access to insurance credits and other services, as wellaspotential savings.RSIQ’s Seven Steps to a Safer Driving Experience andReducedFleet Driving Risk:Using RSIQ is as easy as using your Android phone’s cameraoremail.1) Upload VIN and odometer readings -- using the smartphonescanneror soft keypad2) Store and Start – save VIN and mileage data, synch withanyonboard telematics devices for location verification3) Snap photos of the vehicle to record vehicle typeandcondition4) Repeat for every vehicle in the fleet5) Enter risk values for speeding, braking, hours of operationandterritory for the fleet6) Calculate the fleet’s RSIQ safe-driving score7) Accept the ATG Data Sharing Agreement, and share thisinformationwith an auto insurance carrier.It is that simple, and that effective. RSIQ works withanyAndroid-based smartphone or mobile device. Just click todownloadand you’ll be on the road to reducing driving risk foryourfleet.
ID Formalys 1.1
ID FORMALYS PREVENTION est un centreagrééparles préfectures pour les stages de récupération de pointsquionpour objectif de sensibiliser les conducteurs au dangerdelaroute.ID FORMALYS PREVENTION vous apporte une solution rapidepour:récupérer 4 points sur votre permis de conduireéviter l’annulation de votre permiséviter une poursuite judiciaireID FORMALYS PREVENTION a pour objectif desensibiliserlesconducteurs au danger de la route et de leurapporter un servicedequalité.Le stage ne comporte aucun examen, seule la présence etlerespectdes horaires du stage sont indispensables.Dès le lendemain du stage vous récupérez 4 points sur votrepermisdeconduire.Application réalisée par AppsVision.ID FORMALYS PREVENTIONisacenter approved by the prefectures for internships recoveryofpointswhich we objective of educate drivers to danger of theroadfor.ID FORMALYS PREVENTION brings you a quick solution for:recover 4 points on your driving licenseavoid cancellation of your permitavoid a judicial pursuitID FORMALYS PREVENTION has objective of educate driverstothedanger of the road and bring them a quality service for.The internship contains no discussion, only thepresenceandschedule adherence of the internship areindispensable.Immediately after the internship you recover 4 points onyourdrivinglicense.Application conducted by AppsVision.
Opérations tiers
Vous voyez une équipe ou une personne en train de : - travaillersurla voie publique - travailler à proximité d'une ligneélectriqueArrêtez-vous : - faîtes un audit du chantier - passez unmessagesécurité - informez sur les dangers - prévenez en cas denon respectdes règles
Only Young Drivers 2.28
Only Young Drivers is an insurancetelematicsapplication aimed at Young Drivers.It uses available sensors (GPS and accelerometer) to monitorandassess driver risk. Data is assessed locally, storedtemporarily,and uploaded to the cloud. Data can be uploaded usingthe SIM cardor WIFI. WIFI-only data transfer can be enforced toreduce personaldata costs.Continued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life.
Triple+ CLMTM is theultimate,cloud-based,mobile device-managed, IoT - compatible,fullycertified andmostaffordable system in the world with regards to thepreventionofWater and Gas damage. Water and Gas leakagein buildings stems from wear and tear, frozen pipes,overflowandcareless administration. Billions are spentannually replacing infrastructure and equipment, not tomentionthewastage of Water and Gas and the physicalinjury. Triple+ CLMTM is the most effective system inaddressingtheroot cause for flooding huge damages, that is, thelength oftime ittakes to discover and stop the leak. With Triple+CLMTM youcanreduce the damage by over 90%. Triple+ CLMTM is fittedinminuteswith little to no infrastructure changes. Installingthesystemrequires noelectrician.Insurance companies carry a huge financial burden resultingfromtherepair and renovation of damagedproperty. This in turn pushes consumer premiums even higher.Asaresult, the market demand for “smart grid”solutions – monitoring, detecting and reducing leakages–isinevitably growing.Triple+ CLMTM line of products includes innovativebatteryoperatedand wireless flood and leak detectors,repeaters, remote control, and shut-off technologies thatenabletheautomated control of water and gas valves,all unified under the Smart Home umbrella and designed toavertwaterflooding, gas leakage and subsequentdamages, injury and financial losses. The CLMTM hub servesasaMobile Secure Gateway that ensures a securecommunication between the listed smart home appliancesandourproprietary mobile application.Triple+ CLM easily integrates into the Smart HomeIoTecosystem,providing a unique cloud-based securemobile platform for Water and Gas Leak Management.Key features:- Wireless, battery powered shutoff valves and sensors- Easy integration into the Smart Home and IoT ecosystem- Robust, secured, always on, proprietaryRFcommunicationlayer- Cloud-based secure platform for mobile Leak Management- Fully certified (FCC, IC, CE)- No wire trenching- Simple integration with alarm systemsAbout us:Triple+ is an innovative and leading manufacturerand marketer of products and services within the IoT(Internet of Things) arena. Triple+ offers solutions foraverting property damage, injury and financial lossesdue to gas and water leaks.Triple+ broad product and service portfolio are designedfor use in commercial and residential environments.The company’s line of products, based on its ownproprietary technologies and know-how, includesautomatically shut off water and gas valves wheneverrisky events such as leaks are detected or when peopleleave buildings unattended.Triple+ helps home and office owners to increaseoperational efficiencies, improve customer safety andprevent damages.When you invest in your water and gas infrastructure,innovation really matters, from the products themselvesto the people behind them.We offer solutions for the professional installers usingrock solid materials and ground-breaking technology. Ourteam knows the industry inside and out, and providesend-to-end services.Follow us for updates and
ApprevenirT 2.4
ApprevenirTLa prevención llega al móvilApprevenirT es una herramienta tecnológica gratuita basadaenlosúltimos avances tecnológicos que te permiten accederdesdetusmartphone o tablet a útiles conocimientos y consejosqueseprecisen en materia de Prevención de Riesgos LaboralesydeSeguridad y Salud Laboral, a través de vídeos y brevestextoseimágenes dinámicas.Se trata de un hito tecnológico, pionero en el mundo. Pormediodeimágenes y de mensajes cortos de gran claridadsemuestranvisualmente las prácticas correctas para losdistintossectoresproductivos y los respectivos puestos de trabajoque seencuadranen cada uno de ellos.  Esta APP no es unsustitutivode lanormativa ni de los cursos formativos -informativos, sinounaliado del trabajador y del empresario, un“amigo” alojadosiempreen nuestro bolsillo a quien poder recurrircon un solo clico de uncomando de voz en caso de duda ante unasituación que loprecise o,incluso en caso de emergencia.ApprevenirT está abierta a lacolaboraciónciudadana(, pues cada usuariopuedeenviar suspropuestas, participar en concursos… esdecir,convertirse en unagente activo de la aplicación. ApprevenirT, un canal cercano y efectivo:Nuestro nuevo aplicativo es una vía más, unaherramientadiferente,un canal más cercano, más visual, másintuitivo y ágil,siempre adisposición del usuario, que contribuye amejorar losresultados desiniestralidad laboral. ApprevenirT es unnuevo canalcomunicativoque se adapta a los últimos planes yobjetivos enmateria deprevención, teniendo como ejes nucleares lossiguientesobjetivos:- Promover y desarrollar actuaciones dirigidas alamejoraefectiva de las condiciones de seguridad y salud eneltrabajo y ala prevención de los daños de la salud.- Desarrollar y consolidar la cultura de la prevención.- Lograr una mayor eficacia en el cumplimiento delanormativa,prestando un apoyo de especial  interés paralaspequeñas ymedianas empresas, ya que éstas no suelen disponerensusplantillas de trabajadores dedicados exclusivamentealaprevención.- Fortalecer el papel de los interlocutores y la implicacióndelosempresarios y de los trabajadores en la mejora delascondicionesde seguridad y salud en el trabajo.- Mejorar la participación institucional y la coordinacióndelasadministraciones públicas en las políticas de prevenciónderiesgoslaborales.ApprevenirT tiene vocación de mejora continua paraabarcartodoslos sectores productivos y todos los oficios ademasdeimplementarsecciones de mejora de la salud yconsejossaludables.Estando previstas varias fases en su desarrolloampliandoloscontenidos y herramientas.Creada y dirigida por D. Antonio Berzal Andrade © ®.,conlacolaboración del Excmo. Colegio Oficial de GraduadosSocialesdeMadrid, del Instituto Regional de Seguridad y SaludenelTrabajo de la Comunidad de Madrid, Mutuas de AccidentesdeTrabajo,Servicios de Prevención, empresas, sindicatos,yotrasorganizaciones.¡¡¡ATENCION!!!Las herramientas desarrolladas en la app no sustituyenalasherramientas profesionales, la fiabilidad de estas dependerádetudispositivo móvil y de los posibles estudiostécnicospreventivosque se pudiesen realizar.¡Cuando estés conduciendo o trabajando no uses tu móvil!Lanzamiento de la tercera fase a principios de 2015connuevoscontenidos y herramientas.ApprevenirTPrevention goes mobileApprevenirT technology is a free tool based onthelatesttechnological advances that allow you to accessfromyoursmartphone or tablet to useful knowledge and tips you needinthePrevention of Occupational Risks and OccupationalSafetyandHealth, through videos and short texts and dynamicimages.It is a milestone, a pioneer in the world. Throughimagesandshort message very clearly displayed visually goodpractice forthedifferent productive sectors and the respective jobsthat fallintoeach of them. This APP is not a substitute forlegislationortraining courses - informative, but an ally of theworker andtheemployer, a "friend" always stayed in our pocket towhom toturnwith one click or a voice command If in doubt in asituationthatneeds it, or even in an emergency.ApprevenirT is open tocitizencollaboration(, as each user maysendtheir proposals,competitions ... ie become an active agent oftheapplication.ApprevenirT, a close and effective channel:Our new application is a path, a different tool, acloser,morevisual, more intuitive and streamlined channel alwaysavailabletousers, which helps to improve the results ofworkplaceaccidents.ApprevenirT is a new communication channel thatconformsto thelatest plans and objectives for prevention, with thenuclearaxesthe following objectives:- Promote and develop effective actions aimed atimprovingsafetyand health at work and the prevention of damagetohealth.- Developing and strengthening a culture of prevention.- Achieve greater efficiency in compliance, with supportofspecialinterest to small and medium-sized enterprises, astheyoften donot have in their workforce dedicated exclusively tothepreventionworkers.- Strengthen the role of the partners and theinvolvementofemployers and workers in improving safety and healthatwork.- Improve the institutional participation andcoordinationofgovernment policies on the prevention of occupationalrisks.ApprevenirT continuous improvement is destined tocoverallproduction sectors all trades also implement sectionsofimprovinghealth and health advice.While several planned phases of development expandingcontentandtools.Created and directed by Antonio Andrade Berzal © ®.,Withtheassistance of the Hon. Graduate College of SocialMadrid,theRegional Institute for Safety and Health at Work intheCommunityof Madrid, Mutual Occupational Accident,PreventionServices,businesses, unions, and other organizations.ATTENTION !!!The tools developed in the app not replace theprofessionaltools,the reliability of these depend on your mobiledevice andpossiblepreventive technical studies that could beperformed.When you're driving or do not use your phone!Launch of the third stage in early 2015 with newcontentandtools.
Triple+ CLMTM is theultimate,cloud-based,mobile device-managed, IoT - compatible,fullycertified andmostaffordable system in the world with regards to thepreventionofWater and Gas damage. Water and Gas leakagein buildings stems from wear and tear, frozen pipes,overflowandcareless administration. Billions are spentannually replacing infrastructure and equipment, not tomentionthewastage of Water and Gas and the physicalinjury. Triple+ CLMTM is the most effective system inaddressingtheroot cause for flooding huge damages, that is, thelength oftime ittakes to discover and stop the leak. With Triple+CLMTM youcanreduce the damage by over 90%. Triple+ CLMTM is fittedinminuteswith little to no infrastructure changes. Installingthesystemrequires noelectrician.Insurance companies carry a huge financial burden resultingfromtherepair and renovation of damagedproperty. This in turn pushes consumer premiums even higher.Asaresult, the market demand for “smart grid”solutions – monitoring, detecting and reducing leakages–isinevitably growing.Triple+ CLMTM line of products includes innovativebatteryoperatedand wireless flood and leak detectors,repeaters, remote control, and shut-off technologies thatenabletheautomated control of water and gas valves,all unified under the Smart Home umbrella and designed toavertwaterflooding, gas leakage and subsequentdamages, injury and financial losses. The CLMTM hub servesasaMobile Secure Gateway that ensures a securecommunication between the listed smart home appliancesandourproprietary mobile application.Triple+ CLM easily integrates into the Smart HomeIoTecosystem,providing a unique cloud-based securemobile platform for Water and Gas Leak Management.Key features:- Wireless, battery powered shutoff valves and sensors- Easy integration into the Smart Home and IoT ecosystem- Robust, secured, always on, proprietaryRFcommunicationlayer- Cloud-based secure platform for mobile Leak Management- Fully certified (FCC, IC, CE)- No wire trenching- Simple integration with alarm systemsAbout us:Triple+ is an innovative and leading manufacturerand marketer of products and services within the IoT(Internet of Things) arena. Triple+ offers solutions foraverting property damage, injury and financial lossesdue to gas and water leaks.Triple+ broad product and service portfolio are designedfor use in commercial and residential environments.The company’s line of products, based on its ownproprietary technologies and know-how, includesautomatically shut off water and gas valves wheneverrisky events such as leaks are detected or when peopleleave buildings unattended.Triple+ helps home and office owners to increaseoperational efficiencies, improve customer safety andprevent damages.When you invest in your water and gas infrastructure,innovation really matters, from the products themselvesto the people behind them.We offer solutions for the professional installers usingrock solid materials and ground-breaking technology. Ourteam knows the industry inside and out, and providesend-to-end services.Follow us for updates and
統一保經 1.1
Great Mobile
統一保經※ 企業願景為客戶的生涯發展量身訂製風險保障及財務目標規劃,使客戶的人生有財務安全閥,並有確定的步驟達到人生財務目標,達到財務自由的境地.(FinancialFree).※公司發展策略業務制度:財務顧問獨立自主發揮金融商品:可多元選擇,整合配置教育訓練:抓住金融派動行政支援:準確、迅速、安全團隊服務:顧問之間專業互助※ 保險經紀人的優勢代表客戶:險經紀人並非保險公司的業務人員,而是代表客戶與保險公司洽定契約的代表人,所以是站在客戶立場、尋求客戶利益、分析、規劃、並選擇最適合客戶個別需求的保單及後續理賠服務。Note.保險法第九條規定:『本法所稱保險經紀人,指基於被保險人之利益,洽定保險切約或提供相關服務,而收取佣金獲報酬之人。』※ 文化精神:(1)歷史悠久:成立於1993年5月(民國82年),為我國開放保險經、代公司成立初期成員之一。(2)專業團隊:在累積長期經營的經驗與經過蛻變後,擁有國際級保險經驗與豐富的團隊資源,透過多元化的行銷發展策略,依據客戶的需求,提供適合的解決方案,協助客戶有最周全且完整的資產配置及家庭保障。**國際財務顧問師認證(RFC)財務顧問師**國際認證 (FPS)財務規劃師**考試院人身保險經紀人國家考試合格**考試院人身保險代理人國家考試合格**金融研訓院理財規劃人員考試合格**金融研訓院信託人員考試合格**中國保險經紀人國家考試合格**中國國際認證理財規劃顧問(CFP)**國際認證理財規劃顧問(CFP)◎台北辦公室:台北市中山北路二段129號14樓之二電話:(02)2523-1618產品與服務:客戶家庭保障規劃, 資產保全規劃, 投資理財規劃, 退休規劃, 子女教育規劃, 財富傳承規劃,金融保險資訊諮詢Unified Insurance Brokers※ corporate vision For the career development of customer tailoredriskprotection and financial planning goals, enabling customers tohavea financial safety valve life, and have determined the stepstoachieve financial goals in life, achieve financialfreedomsituation. (Financial Free). ※ Company's development strategy Business system: independent financial advisers play Financial Instruments: Multiple choice canintegrateconfiguration Education and Training: move to seize financial pie Administrative Support: accurate, rapid, safe Team Services: Professional assistance betweentheconsultant ※ insurance broker advantage On behalf of clients: insurance brokers insurancecompaniesare not business people, but on behalf of the customer andtheinsurance company negotiated contract representative, it isthecustomers stand to seek the interests of customers,analysis,planning, and choose the most suitable individual needsofcustomers policy and subsequent claims service. . Note Insurance Law Article IX provides that: "thisActinsurance brokers, means based on the interests of the insured,theinsurer cut negotiated contract or provide related services,andreceive a commission for remuneration of the people. " ※ cultural spirit: (1) a long history:Founded in May 1993 (82 years), the insurance for our open by,onbehalf of the company established one of the early members. (2) Professional team:Cumulative long-term business experience and aftertransformation,has a world class team of insurance experience and awealth ofresources through diversified marketing strategy, based oncustomerneeds, provide appropriate solutions to help customers withthemost comprehensive and complete asset Configuration andfamilyprotection.** International Financial Consultant Certification (RFC)FinancialConsultants* International Certification (FPS) Financial PlannersExamination Yuan ** National Life Insurance brokerexaminationLife Insurance Agent Examination Yuan ** State examinationAcademy of Banking ** financial planners examinationAcademy Trust ** financial officer examination* China Insurance Brokers National examination* China International Certified Financial PlanningConsultants(CFP) * Certified Financial Planning Consultants (CFP) ◎ Taipei Office: 14th Floor of the Chung Shan NorthRoad,Taipei 129 II Phone: (02) 2523-1618Products and Services:Customers family protection planning, asset protectionplanning,finance and investment planning, retirement planning,children'seducation planning, wealth, inheritance planning, financeandinsurance information counseling