Top 17 Apps Similar to Bindaas

TimeStation 1.6.2
Turn your Android phone or tablet into a cloud-basedtime&attendance system Using our Fast-Scan technology,employeescanpunch In & Out in less than a second, andbecauseTimeStationruns in the cloud, there’s no software or serverstomaintain.Managers can see who’s in and run time andattendancereportsanytime, anywhere. TimeStation is the perfectsolution forsmalland medium businesses looking to track time andattendancewithoutthe usual costs and overhead of traditionalsystems.Theversatility of TimeStation allows for a widevarietyofapplications: ● Track employee time and attendanceforyourbusiness ● Track student attendance for your school ●Trackmemberattendance for your club or group ● Track timespentacrossmultiple projects or clients Setup your FREE accountinminutes ▶ Visit To:●CreateYour account ● Manage Employees ● Print Employee Cards ●RunTimeReports ▶ Features: ● Turn your Android phone or tabletintoacontactless Time & Attendance System ● Employees canPunchIn& Out in less than a second with our Fast-Scantechnology ●Getup and running in minutes, by printing your ownemployee cards●Cloud-based solution means there's no software orhardwaretoinstall and maintain ● Off-Line Mode allows employees toPunchIn& Out even when there's no internet connectivity●Managershave access to a full range of online reports totrackattendanceand calculate pay ● Employees can punch by PIN whentheircard isnot available ● GPS Location Tagging ● SupportsMultipleLocationsand Departments ● Department Transfers ● Exportdata toExcel andother programs ● Support for Manual TimeAdjustments ▶Pricing:TimeStation is FREE for organizations with upto 10employees.Affordable monthly plans available forlargerorganizations.
H1 Employee Scheduling 2.1.6
The Humanity 2.0 mobile app isacompletelyredesigned companion app to the world-classemployeescheduling andmanagement software of the same name. Havinglistenedto usersuggestions and recommendations, the new versionwasredesigned asan employee-first mobile app.While the focus of Humanity is fast and accurateemployeescheduling,the platform itself offers much more forbusinesses ofall sizes. Itenables companies to manage just aboutevery facet oftheirorganizations; from creating and publishingemployeeschedules, tokeeping track of time and attendance,managing leaverequests,communicating internally, analyzing KPIs,and muchmore.Using the new mobile app, employees are able to stay in theloopandconnect more easily with their workplace andcolleagues.The app has been completely revamped! It’simmaculatelydesigned,fast, highly intuitive and incredibly easy touse.Humanity 2.0 serves the needs of employees withfivedifferentmodules within it: Workplace, Schedule, Timeclock,LeaveandConversations.Workplace: See a list of all your co-workers in oneplace,groupedby their locations and positions. With one tap, youwill beable toview employee details, see who’s working when andinitiatea chatwith co-workers. You also have quick search optionsthatenable youto effortlessly find the co-worker you want tointeractwith. If youhave more than one workplace on Humanity, youcanswitch between themand manage them all within the app.Schedule: See all your shifts so that you always know whenyouarescheduled to work. Get detailed summaries of yourshifts,lettingyou know when, where and with whom you are working.Requestshifttrades and drops and see the status of these requestsin realtime.Request to work open shifts.Timeclock: Clock in and out of your shifts from yourmobiledevice.View your cumulative time clock history and dailyreports.Seewhether you are working overtime. Enter your timeclockinformationmanually if you have forgotten to clock in or outat thebeginningor end of a shift.Leave: Request time off using the Leave Calendar datepicker,whichimmediately calculates and shows you how many days offyouhaverequested and which days are non-working dates. Seeyourleavesummary and follow the status of your requests.Conversations: Connect with coworkers easily.Createcustomone-on-one or group chats with anyone withinyourorganization.While this current version is dedicated to serving theneedsofemployees, be on the lookout for the next iteration oftheapp,which is going to include features for managers as well.Pricing for the full Humanity workforce managementsoftwarestartsat just $33 per month. The mobile app itself iscompletelyfree.
eStaff - Time & Attendance 1.9.2
esurvey Ltd
Employee Time and Attendance Management Platform
Employee Attendance 1.0.1
1)App is very much secure formarkingattendance .2)App is very much fast for matching the finger print .3)App gives you facility to store and match your all 10fingers,which increases the chance of correct identification.4)External bio-metric scanner device is needed toscanfingers.5)App is interacting with large database and web services,yetperformance of app is great
Attendance Tracker 1.1.2
Attendance Tracker lets you managetheattendance sheet of remote staff. Those employees who workfromoutside office.Monitor employee location and attendance. Just ask youremployeesto install this app on your phone. And once they startpunching inand out, you can export the time-sheets.You will need to contact us on to setupyouraccount. And we will get back to you within 2 working days.
SAP Employee Attendance App 1.0.0
Simple and elegant UI forseamlessuserexperience.Role-based and department wise attendance managementandabsencemanagement configuration.Easy reordering of employee attendance list basedonavailabilitystatus (absent, at work, work from home,etc.)Attendancepercentage is calculated and displayed againsteachemployee.Additional fields for adding notes and comments foreachworkday.Built using SAP UI5 for use across multipleplatformsanddevices
Manager Productivity App 3.3.3
Managers stay on top of criticalissuesregardless of where they are.Users have the ability to:* View and manage the appointment schedule* Access customer profiles* Closely monitor center performance, the day'srevenue,cancellations, etc...* Receive alerts of any unexpected behavior from the frontdesk,customer behavior, negative customer experiences, low stocklevels,employee attendance, etc…* Access individual employee performance and goals - perfectforteam meetings or one-on-one reviews* Perform mobile inventory auditsThis app can be used by Zenoti customers only. To use this appyoumust:* Be assigned the security role of an owner or manager inyourZenoti account* Have mobile access turned on in your employee profile* Have an active connection to the internetAbout ZenotiZenot is an all-in-one, cloud software for salons, spas, medispas,cosmetology clinics, fitness centers, slimming centers withrichcapabilities across appointment scheduling, onlinebookings,billing, built-in marketing, inventory management, CRM andloyaltyfeatures and more. Learn more at
TrackSmart Attendance 2.0
TrackSmart Attendance is an easy, affordable,Web-basedemployeerecord-keeping and attendance-tracking solutionforsmallbusinesses (up to 100 employees). This mobile appsupportstheTrackSmart Attendance Employee Self-Servicefeatures,allowingemployees to submit time-off requests and timesheetsthrough theirAndroid phone. AN ACTIVE TRACKSMARTATTENDANCEEMPLOYEESELF-SERVICE LOGIN IS REQUIRED. EmployeeSelf-Service isonlyavailable with a TrackSmart Attendance PremiumPlan,withpermissions enabled by the primary account holder. To signupforTrackSmart, visit To use thisapplication,youmust be listed as an employee in your TrackSmartAttendanceaccountand have been given a separate login for theEmployeeSelf-Servicesite.
ONtime Employee Manager 3.37
Now-a-days, man-power-cost has become excruciatinglypinchingforcompanies. Wastage of working hours by the employees,theirlessproductivity & conspicuously a lesser output againstthehugecosts spent on them has become the real concernfortoday’scorporate circles. When you assign your sales-teamwiththefield-work, you don’t exactly know about the whereaboutsofthestaff. Or are they really working? You don’t have anyoptionapartfrom going by what they tell you. Do you have anySolution tothis?After a deep-drilling of the problem andunderstandingtherecurrent inconsistencies found in daily-reportingbyvariousoutdoor-employees, Secureye, a global giant insecurity&surveillance has come up with the solution. Amobileapplication,ON-time Employee Manager, coupled with the Time&AttendanceBiometric Machine, is an ideal mechanism for allthecompanieshaving field staff. With ON-time Employee Managerforthefield-staff, let’s see what all it does for you: 1.) Thisisaweb-managed service and you can check the reports byloggingintothe website. A user-name and password will be allocatedtoeachuser as per his designation and he can see his as wellasreportsof his juniors in real-time by logging into the website.2.)Whenyour employees are in the office, they canregistertheirattendance through the Biometric Machine, but whenthey are inthefield, they can simply record their attendancethroughON-timeEmployee Manager accessible on their2G/3G-enabledSmart-phones,right from the location of their firstassignment ofthe day. 3.)As soon as the attendance is registeredthrough ON-timeEmployeeManager, it gets reflected in reports at theHead Officewith theimage of the employee, his exact location andthe specificDate& Time. 4.) Employees can schedule their dailyplanseasilywith ON-time Employee Manager assisting them tonavigatethroughthe routes of daily engagements. 5.) With ON-timeEmployeeManagerin place, you can keep a tab on youremployee’swhole-dayactivities like how much time exactly he spendson eachassignmentand how many meetings he manages to pull off in aday.This enablesyou to assess his daily productivity. 6.)Capturingnotes rightafter a meeting is critical. ON-time EmployeeManagermakes itquick and easy for the employee to put hismeeting-remarksrightafter the meeting and that automatically getupdated inhisreports. 7.) Amazingly if an employee is on the visitto anewclient, he can easily add on a new entry to his data-basebyjustclicking a picture of the client’s visiting card onhisphone.After the back-end people thoroughly scrutinize andvalidatethecard-details, they are uploaded systematically intheemployee’spartner-database. Now this is what a facility is inanapplication.An employee doesn’t have to carry visiting cardsandsundry detailsrelated to clients every time he visits them, hecanextract thespecific details from his partner-database.8.)ThisSmart-phone-based application also keeps track ofyouremployee’sdaily cumulative travel as it automaticallycalculatesthekilometers and shows them in the reports. 9.)Throughthisapplication, an employee can enter the daily expenses,ifany,along with the picture of the receipts which becomeaccessibleforthe signing authorities. 10.) The employee can uploadorders,ifany, in his reports. 11.) Moreover, the employee canalsoaccesshis partner’s database, contacts & leads while beingonthemove. Contact details can be updated on themovewhichsimultaneously get transferred to the CentralLocation.12.)Additionally, employees at higher rung can tracktheirjuniorsworking in any location in real-time. 13.) SinceON-timeEmployeeManager is a quintessential cloud-basedapplication,employees canalso view and review their work andprogress on aregular basis bylogging
Smart Mobile Attendance 3.2
A very straight forward and easy way tomanageattendance in your organization. You can also track theattendanceof your mobile employee. This app provides the real-timeattendancestatus. For mobile employees/attendees, you can track theGPSlocation at the time of attendance. This is a very straightforwardand very simple solution. No need of exhaustive setups.Within justfew clicks you are ready to go -- Download app from playstore- Register your business- Add employees/attendees- Start tracking employee time
OfficeTrack 2017.3.614
- OfficeTrack for Management and TrackingofMobile Employees- OfficeTrack incorporates multiple cellular business solutionsintoa single platform, making it the ultimate tool for operatingyourorganization.- OfficeTrack is geared at optimizing the efficiency,productivityand profitability of your business.- OfficeTrack incorporates services for management ofmobileemployees: tracking location and receiving relatedreal-timenotifications, assigning tasks and receiving task statusupdates,setting up tailor made report forms, collecting orders,monitoringattendance, receiving employee emergency alerts,generating reportsfor analysis and many more.- The OfficeTrack web-based management platform displaystheinformation obtained from the OfficeTrack application installedonthe field employee's mobile device: continuously updatedcellularand GPS based location, reports, orders, alerts and soon.- The OfficeTrack platform can also display the location oftheorganization's vehicles on the same map.- The manager in the organization can also view theOfficeTrackinformation directly from the OfficeTrack application onhis or hermobile device.- OfficeTrack users can set the application to refrainfromtransmitting location information to the OfficeTrack webbasedplatform.Please note: OfficeTrack application operates forregisteredsubscribers of the OfficeTrack service and system. Tosubscribe,contact us at
Sri Enterprise OS 1.0
Sri Software
Sri Enterprise OS is an App toMaintainYourBusiness in SmartphoneOne App to Manage Sales,Services,Campus,Employee withtheirLogsand Details and so on..One App for Companies, Universities, Industries andSmallfirmsthat want to maintain Business Statics etc alsoStoreAttendancelogs of their Employees, Students, Staff andSecurityGuards etcusing their Smart Phones.One app for Both Host and Client Modes.Turn Your Smart Phone Into a Business POS and Sales Machine.Turn Smart Phones to Time & Attendance with this app.Easy to Access and Easy to Use Safe and Secure.No Need to Use Bio Metric Devices.By using this App any Employee can Login-Logout withtheirsmartphones. Easy User interface more Time consuming fortheAttendancejust every User need to Tap their withRelevantDevice.This Application maintains Employees, Students, StaffandSecurityGuards In time logs and out time logs ofAttendanceDetails.App Features:Here you can Maintain Your Business in Sales,Services etc..Manage POS.Manage Sales.Mange Sales Representative with Their Logs and Sales Details.One app for Businessman,Salesperson,Student,Employee,CampusandSecurity Guard etc.Here we can store Attendance for• Corporate & Governance Attendance (In-Out logs).• School student attendance.• Business meetings attendance.• Staff & Security Attendance.• Includes List of Their Attendance Logs.More Features are Coming Soon...Contact Sri Software for Further details.
TimePrefect - Terminal 1.1
Time Prefect® is a modern solution to traditional problemofattendance monitoring. Its an easy to use, quick tosetupapplication which turns your smartphones and any tablet toasophisticated attendance and payroll system. It enables userstoscan in & out swiftly. It removes the complexity ofEmployeeattendance payroll calculations. There are various employeedatareporting and data export capability to other payrollsoftware.Goto: to set up your account and getrunning inminutes Features: · Easy Signup - Easy Signup processcombined withthe ability to easily print out the cards means youcan be up &running in less than 3 Minutes. · Multiple ReportingSystem &Data Export - Managers have access to multiple onlinereports totrack attendance and calculate pay. Reports can beexported todifferent formats allowing for easy integration withPayrollsystems. · Cloud Based System - No Physical Servers tomaintain asall data are stored in the cloud. · Work Scheduling -EasyScheduling of Employee Work Hours / Shift & Rotations.·Attendance Records - Easily Tracks Attendance Records. · QuickScan& Snap Technology - Quick Scan & Snap Technology topreventBuddy Punching on Time Prefect Stations. · Detail EmployeeProfile- Easily Create and maintain detail database of youremployees. ·GPS Location Sign in Tagging - Map the geographicallocation whereemployees punch in and out from. · Offline Mode -Take it to aremote site and use it to track time & attendance.When anInternet connection becomes available, your devicewillautomatically synchronize all its data with·Multiple/Unlimited Time Prefect Stations - You can linkmultipleDevices to your company, allowing you to track time andattendanceacross different locations and departments. · SmartPhone&Tablet Apps - Time Prefect Apps can be deployed both onTablets& Smartphones. · Available on Android & IOS - TimePrefectApps available both on IOS & Android. · Check In &CheckOut Email Notifications - Email Notifications to multipleemailaddresses for each Employee/Student check In & Check Out·Flash / Random / Scrolling Messaging Service - Flash MessagesfromAdministrators to all / selected Time Prefect Stations Users.·Multiple Administrator - Multiple Administrators for each account·Department Transfers - Easily transfer from onedepartment/branchto another without need for new card printout ·UnlimitedDepartments - Unlimited departments/branch can be createdon eachaccount. Applicability: Time Prefect® finds greatapplications forbusiness owners with multiple business location whowants to befully informed about the status of their employeelocation. TimePrefect® simply ensures Employers do not pay for timenot investedin their business by their Employee.
Mobile Attendance 7.00
Turn your Android device into a mobile attendancetrackingsystem.Mobile Attendance lets you easily and comfortablytrackemployeeattendance with QR codes. QR codes are easy to createandliterallycost you nothing. Mobile Attendance is fullyintegratedinto GoogleDrive. Attendance records are inserted inreal-time intoGoogleSpreadsheets. From there you can access andsuperviseemployeeattendance using your Gmail or Google Apps accountfromanywhereand from any device. At the end of a month you cangeneratemonthlyreports for payroll. Mobile Attendance works offlineincasenetwork connection is lost. Paying customers canusemultipledevices at multiple locations whether it is in an officeoron aconstruction site. Mobile Attendance is offered asamonthlysubscription-based service for a very affordableprice.NEW:FaceCapture feature with face detection thatpreventsbuddypunching. Get a free 14-day trial now. For moreinformationvisit: ------------ SLOVENSKY/Dochadzkovysystem / Evidencia dochadzky ------------ PrementesvojAndroidsmartfon na mobilny dochadzkovy system. Smobilnoudochadzkoumozete jednoducho sledovat dochadzkuzamestnancov.Mobilnadochadzka pouziva na identifikaciu zamestnancovQR kody.Evidenciadochadzky je ulozena v Google tabulkach. Udaje odochadzkesavkladaju v realnom case! Pristup k udajom odochadzkematekedykolvek a odkialkolvek z vasom Gmail alebo GoogleAppsuctu.NOVINKA: Funkcia FaceCapture detekuje tvare aumoznujeukladatfotky pri prichode a odchode z prace. Zamedzi satakzneuziti IDkaret a zamestnanci nemaju moznost 'odkliknut'kolegu.Na aktivaciupotrebujete Android zariadenie s kamerou averziou 4+ aGmail aleboGoogle Apps ucet. Pre CESKY / Dochazkovysystem /Evidence dochazky------------ Promente svuj Androidsmartfon namobilni dochazkovysystem. S mobilni dochazkou muzetejednodusesledovat dochazkuzamestnancu. Mobilni dochadzka pouzivanaidentifikaci zamestnancuQR kody. Evidence dochazky je ulozenavGoogle tabulkach. Udaje odochazce jsou vkladany v realnemcase!Pristup k udajum matekdykoliv a odkudkoliv pomoci vaseho GmailneboGoogle Apps uctu.NOVINKA: Funkce FaceCapture detekuje oblicejaumoznuje ukladatfotky pri prichodu nebo odchodu z prace. Zamezitakzneuziti IDkaret a zamestnanci nemaju moznost 'odkliknot'kolegu.Na aktivacipotrebujete Android zarizeni s kamerou a verzi 4+aGmail neboGoogle Apps ucet. Vice
TR5 Employee 1.0
Time Rack
Proactive Time Clock Solutions – A OneStopTime & Attendance and HR Solution!TimeRack’s TR5 mobile app incorporates all the keyfunctionalitiesof the web-based application, enabling you to takecare of yourrather tedious and time-consuming responsibilities oftime andattendance tracking in an easy and effective way. Thetimekeepingprocess is simplified and automated with the help ofthis app,without compromising on the reliability or flexibilitywith whichdata is collected. This mobile timekeeping app isespeciallybeneficial for staff on the go- including employees whodo not havefixed schedules or fixed locations from where they starttheirday’s work! The app works for internet enabled smartphones.
TimeDock - employee time clock 2.3.7
TimeDock keeps you up to date withreal-timejob timesheets, forcing your team leaders into the habitofclocking staff in at the point of doing work.Stop chasing timesheets last minute before payday, and compileyourlabor positioning reports at the click of a buttonat (Premium Account or Trial required to usethisapp).Suitable for...Remote team-based workforceEach employee carries an ID card with a Barcode or NFC tag thentheyapproach the designated person when they start work who clocksthemin. Then, at the end of the day, they present their ID card toclockout. Great for construction crews, agriculture, service teamsandother wage-based organisations with designated personsresponsiblefor tracking hours worked.Fixed-premisesInstall a modular wall-mounted Wifi time clock that uses the sameIDcards as our mobile app. Or optionally install your own tablettothe wall with this app set to front-facing camera forself-servicecheck-in as employees arrive.Repeatable laborCleaners, healthcare workers, security staff and otherswhoregularly visit set locations can check-in by scanning a fixedtagat each location to create a new jobsheet entry with theirhoursassigned. Review in job-sheet format with total hours perrepeatedjob.Top reasons to choose• Scales from 1 to 1000's, without diminishing workflow.• Lets you react to labor fluctuation and project overrun beforeithappens.• Gives you real-time labor costing for keybusinessdecisions.• Eliminates the hassle of chasing timesheets andresolvingtimesheet errors.• Forces point-in-time workflow and actively fightstimesheetlateness and consistency issues.• Modular architecture lets you integrate as many mobile devicesandwall-mounted punch clocks as you need, across many locationswithdiffering internet connectivity.• Works seamlessly online and offline.How this app works:1. Download the app and connect to a TimeDock account asatime-tracking device.2. Optionally pre-select a job code or activity code (configuredbythe admin through the online web portal).3. Use the in-app camera to scan staff ID's as they arrive, orwavetheir NFC badges next to the NFC sensor, to clock into work.Repeatsteps 2-3 for switching jobs, then clock out at the end oftheyday.What you'll get from the online web dashboard:• Instant timesheets for each employee and job. Plustimesheetoverview.• Positioning reports and analytics for configurable costcodes,activity types, tasks.• Manually adjust or enter hours missed.• Configurable CSV exports for sending time data directly topayrollapplications.TimeDock's card-based interface is highly scalable, allowingtheissue of thousands of ID cards and eliminating the need formanualinteraction at the point of recording time.Designed for payroll administrators, TimeDock gives youinstantonline access to timesheets in real-time. Time can also beappliedto jobs on a job-sheet, allowing you to monitor in real-timetotalhours worked on a specific job or location.Install any number of attendance clocks on any number of devicesandthey all work together as employee time clock devices,collectingtimesheet information for your central TimeDock account.Unlike yourtraditional punch clock, employees can check in fromone device andout another.* TimeDock software subscription required to usethisapplication.
EZShift - Employee Scheduling
EZShift – Automatic shift scheduling EZShift is a rulesbasedsystemthat manages your schedule. The system includes everyaspectofdynamic shift scheduling, from communicating with youremployeesandcolleagues and sending employees requests,throughautomaticemployee assignment to their shifts and evenmanaging timeandattendance in real time. This app provides bothmanagersandemployees an easy way to access their schedules viewandeditrequests, messages, attendance info, swaps and more… EZShiftistheONLY system that can really understand your schedule! Herearesomeexamples of schedule rules that can be applied: - No morethan3"Bad shifts" a week for "Good" employees - No morethan2consecutive nights - At least 24 hours rest after specificshifts-A day rest after maximum 6 working days - At leastoneSpanishspeaker every Sunday morning - Maximum 3 consecutiveSundaysAndmuch more! This app is free for employees and managersthatworksfor a business that uses EZShift! Fill free to visitourwebsiteat: