Top 1 Apps Similar to Forklift Inspection

KEYCHECK Inspection Checklist 1.5.0
There is only one cost for the KEYCHECK APP.NOregistration and NO costly add-on subscriptions for on linestorageof your data. You control your own data, you control thereports youwant. NO hidden monthly costs!This app is a mobile tool designed for an equipment operatorormechanic to quickly and effectively create an OSHArequiredpre-operation electronic inspection of any mobileequipment---ensuring it is operating properly and safely before itis put intouse.KEYCHECK makes doing OSHA required daily checklists----easyonyour operators and mechanics!No comparison with old fashioned paper checklists.• NO paperwork!• NO pens!• NO turning it in!• NO storing it!• NO sorting it!• NO spilling coffee on it!• NO misplacing it!• NO losing it!KEYCHECK is easily done on the app and wirelessly transmitted.NOPAPERWORK!! Management controls the data. Couldn’t beeasier!Daily checklists are REQUIRED by OSHA and ANSI. If youarerunning equipment and NOT completing daily checklists---you areNOTin compliance. So why not make it easy on your operators andonmanagement? KEYCHECK creates an electronic inspectionandcustomized checklist (in any Latin language) for anyforklift,construction equipment, cranes, trucks or any equipment inyourfleet.You create customized checklists for every vehicle inyourfleet—in the same app! The driver logs in with his nameandpassword. He then chooses his shift and the vehicle thechecklistis to be completed on. This means one operator (ormechanic) can dochecklists on multiple vehicles from the samesmartphone or tablet.This approach helps to ensure that operatorsare not skipping partsor items of the inspection process---theoperator is accountablefor an accurate checklist completion.Each checklist items comes with PASS or FAIL and every itemcanhave typed comments from the operator on that item. A supervisorormechanic is notified via email IMMEDIATELY for every FAILEDitem.Additional comments by the operator on each item helps themechanicpreemptively schedule maintenance----instead of waiting fora majorrepair.The completed checklist is then wirelessly transmitted(viacellular or WiFi connection) to a DROPBOX account where theCSVdata can be disseminated into an Excel report for easy viewingbymanagement.What does OSHA require regarding forklift checklists?The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)requiresthat all forklift operator training programs includeinstructionexplaining how operators are to “examine” forklifttrucks beforeplacing them in operation. Standard 1910.178reads:At the beginning of each shift, all vehicles that will be usedmustbe inspected to assure that they are in safe operatingconditionand free of apparent damage that could lead to anaccident. Alldefects must be corrected before the vehicle is placedinservice.Despite this requirement, A very high percentage of forkliftusersare not aware that they are violating an OSHA mandate if theyfailto perform these inspections.In the event of an accident, the OSHA inspectorwill---FORSURE---ask you to see your checklists on each vehicle.Failure toproduce them could result in significant fines andpotentiallymajor liability for the accident. From your DROPBOXfile, you canprint Excel reports in minutes for an OSHAinspector.KEYCHECK will save you time and reduce costs and keepyourequipment in great mechanical order and in safeoperatingcondition. Accountability for performing checklist is muchmoreautomatic and easy to oversee by management. Using a smartphoneortablet means your operators or mechanics can performchecklistsanywhere in the plant or job site. KEYCHECK makes doingchecklistinspections easy ---so it is more likely to getdone-----and YourCompany stays in OSHA compliance! Best ofall---you improve safetyfor everyone.