Top 19 Apps Similar to Safe Box Pro encryption tool

Safe+ 1.50.2
Private Safeness
YOUR PERSONAL SAFE+ This application is designed forthesecurestorage of private information, such as files,passwords,data forbank accounts and everything else whatever onelikes. Allyour dataand files inside the safe are protected by256-bit AESencryption:no one can see or listen it (except you, ofcourse). Ifyou decidethat your old password is discredited, recodethe entirebase witha new password. To create a card, use ready-madetemplatesorcreate your own. Share and/or set templates of otherusers. Settheicons to the cards from preset gallery,downloadadditionalpackages of icons or create your own. Securelyviewembedded imageswith the integrated viewer: without writingtoflash. Use a simplenavigation through the tree or use thequicksearch for the desiredcard or file. Move and copy the cardbetweenthe folders. Customizeinterface and behavior of theapplication tofit your preferences.Any files within the applicationand outsidecan be added to theSafe by means of function «Share» or«Send».Create and restorebackups of your data directly on yourmobiledevice. Synchronizedatabase directory between multipledevicesthrough cloud storage(Google Drive, Dropbox,,Yandex.Disk,FTP(S), by a separatemodule), synchronize with anunlimited numberof desktop versions.KEY FEATURES * Multilingualsupport forEnglish, Deutsch, Italiano,Español, Italiano, Română,Polski,Русский, Українська *Fingerprint scanner support for Android6 andabove * Notificationsfor any date fields (we'll not let youforgetanything!) * Supportfor light, dark and black themes *Manualsorting of lists * Easyto remember passwords generator;*AutoComplete of fields withvalues of the fields of the same typeofother cards; * Personalsettings of each folder; *Fixedcompatibility issues with AndroidL (5.x). *Template-independentcards * Import from HandySafe,Pocket, KeePass2,LastPass, Safe InCloud, SafeWallet, SPB Wallet(via SafeWallet, seeHOWTO, eWallet (viaSafeWallet, seeHOWTO, Password Saver 4.x *SynchronizationtoGoogle Drive, Dropbox,, Yandex.Disk,FTP(S)(separatemodule) * User icons can be removed andreplaced,downloadableadditional packages of icons * Multipleoperationswith the objectsinside the Safe tree * Insert multiplefiles tothe Safe withdirectory structure * Compact layout of lists*Copying the cardsfields values through the area of notificationsorsend it to SonySmartWatch 2 * Insert (upload) files to the Safefromany externalapplication * Download and upload templates *Graphickey andembedded PIN-keyboard to open Safe * The ability tochangethe sizeof text in the application * Support Trash: move totrashinstead ofimmediately deleting * Built-in image & textviewer *Favourites/ Recent and Frequently viewed lists * Supportofshortcuts tofolders, cards and files * Personal UI settings foreachfolder 7DAYS TO TEST THE APPLICATION. IF THE SPECIFIED TIMEYOU WILLFINDTHAT THE APPLICATION IS NOT FOR YOU - PLEASE CONTACTUS BYEMAIL, WEWILL REFUND YOUR MONEY! IN ADDITION... Desktopversion forMSWindows XP and above can bedownloadedhere: Embedded and customtemplates canbedownloaded here: (onlyin Russianfornow, sorry) Additional icon-packs can bedownloadedhere: If you have anyquestions,pleasereview FAQ section:,address yourquestions and requests to theauthor:android.safebox@gmail.comPassword manager Smart extensionforSmartWatch 2 Smart Connectextension for SmartWatch 2toolsLiveWare™ extension for SmartWatch
Images and Videos Hide 1.1
Images and Videos HideFile Hide Genius Hide Imagehide files, images and video.Save and hide your photos and videos own passwordAdvantages of the program:- Hide pictures files- Hide video files- Hid audio files- Hide notesHow to use Application:- Set a password of four boxes easy to remember for you, youcanuse a password or you can use the lock patternTo hide pictures:Create a new folder, you can create more than one folder withintheapplication and select a name for the folder, and then selectthedesired hide it from the eyes of others ImagesTo hide the video:In the same way hide picturesTo hide the audio clips:The same previous methodsTo hide the text notes:Create a new file type insideShare application with your friends and give five-starthank you
電話帳くん 3.60
「電話帳くん」はアクションボタンによる動作を特徴とする電話帳アプリです。※無料版は広告が表示されます。【機能】- 連絡先をあいうえお順に表示 グループでフィルターした連絡先をあいうえお順にリスト表示します。 グループ選択画面でグループを長押ししてスライドすると表示順序を変更することができます。 グループの連絡先に一括してメールすることができます。- 連絡先をグリッド表示 任意のグループをグリッド表示することができます。- 誕生日が設定されている連絡先を近いイベント順に表示 次の誕生日や記念日などへの日数をリスト表示します。 また、年齢別、干支別、星座別に表示することができます。- 通話履歴を表示 発着信種別でフィルターした通話履歴を表示します。 任意の履歴を消去することができます。また、特定の連絡先の履歴を一括して削除することができます。- 連絡先検索と電話機能 強力な検索機能を兼ねた電話ボタン画面です。何も入力しない場合、よく電話をかける順に連絡先が表示されます。 テキストボックスに文字を入力すると、その文字を含む連絡先が表示されます。メモの内容や所属する組織名でも検索することができます。 下4桁などの部分的な電話番号を入力すると、候補がリスト表示されます。 母音を入力すると、一致する連絡先が表示されます。「さとう」さんの場合、「341」で検索にヒットします。 マイクボタンをタップすると音声による検索ができます。- 色々機能 連絡先に色を設定することができます。カラーテーマにあわせた12色から選択することができます。- 連絡先別各種表示 電話番号やメールアドレスなどの各種情報を表示、編集することができます。 その連絡先の次の誕生日や記念日を表示します。 発着信回数や総通話時間を表示します。- グループ管理機能 グループの新規追加・名前変更・削除や連絡先の登録をすることができます。 設定により、任意のグループを非表示にすることができます。- 電話番号プレフィックス機能 あらかじめ設定したプレフィックスをつけて発信することができます。番号選択リストの右側に表示されるボタンをタップするとプレフィックス付きで発信することができます。【注意】-連絡先データの予期せぬ消失などがありましても一切責任を取ることができません。あらかじめバックアップをとるなどの対処をお願いします。-別の電話帳アプリやインターネットで連絡先を編集した場合、検索インデックスには反映されません。設定メニューの「索引を更新」を実行して検索インデックスを更新してください。-アカウントの異なるグループへ連絡先を登録する場合、グループと同じアカウントで名前だけからなる連絡先を新規作成し、既存の連絡先と関連付けします。電話帳アプリによっては別の連絡先が登録されているように見えます。【アクセス許可について】機能を実現するために以下のアクセス許可を設定しています。- 電話番号発信電話アイコンをタップすると電話をかけます。- 連絡先データの読み取り連絡先の各種情報を読み出します。- 連絡先データの書き込み連絡先の名前や電話番号、メールアドレス、誕生日、メモなどを変更・追加・削除します。- 端末のステータスと ID の読み取り正確な不在着信時間を算出します。- 既知のアカウントの取得表示するアカウントを選択するためにアカウント情報を取得します。※無料版は広告表示のためネットワークにアクセスする権限が設定されています。【TIPS】-海外から電話をかける場合は、設定画面から「プレフィックス81(日本の場合)」、「最初の0を削除にチェック」をしたプレフィックスを作成してください。電話番号選択時に右に表示されるボタンをタップすると81を先頭につけて0を除いた番号でダイアルすることができます。-色選択画面でメモを残したい色を長押しするとメモをつけることができます。このメモはカラーテーマを変更してもそのまま適用されます。- 検索画面で DEL ボタンを長押しするとすべての入力をキャンセルします。【FAQ】- 最初に表示するビューを指定したい設定メニューの「起動画面」で表示するビューを選択してください。デフォルトは最後に表示していたビューを表示します。- 通話履歴を削除したい削除したい通話履歴を長押しするとメニューが表示されます。その履歴を削除するには「履歴を削除」を、その連絡先のすべての履歴を削除するには「すべての履歴を削除」を選択してください。- メールを一括送信したいグループのメンバーすべてにメールを送る場合、そのグループを表示した状態で右上のボタンをクリックし、「メールを送る」を選択してください。任意の複数宛にメールを送りたい場合、メニューの「一括処理」から「メール」を選択し、連絡先をクリックすると上部に選択した連絡先が表示されます。メニューの「完了」を選択するか左上のボタンをクリックして「メールを送る」を選択してください。
Takeshi Fujiki
This application manage contacts in thephonethe with grouping.Can- Create group- Sort group- Edit group name- Delete group- Change theme(background color)- call/send mail with a few tapCan't- Create contacts- Edit contacts- Delete contacts
GarlicContacts AdFree 2.7.5
'GarlicContacts AdFree' The phonebookapplication.The free version of 'GarlicContacts' there is, the differenceisonly whether the ad.Before you buy, free 'GarlicContacts' We recommend thatyoutry.
チャーミーキティ電話帳 1.0.0
Marvelous Inc.
◆サンリオのとってもかわいいキャラクター『チャーミーキティ』といつでも一緒♪かわいくて便利な電話帳!◆◆個人やグループごとに可愛いアイコンが自由に設定できる☆◆チャーミーキティとかわいい仲間たちのアイコンで、個人やグループを自由にカスタマイズ☆◆GmailやGoogleアカウントと同期で便利!◆Googleアカウントと同期可能!すぐに電話帳の乗り換えができるよ☆PCとの同期もラクラクで便利♪◆キュート&ゴシックデザインに切り替えOK♪無料でデザイン変更できるよ。◆ピンクでキュートなデザインと、パープルを基調としたゴシックガーリーなデザイン、2つのデザインがその日の気分で切り替えできるよ!電話帳のデザインはゾクゾク追加予定☆◆チャーミーキティのこと◆ハローキティがパパからプレゼントされたメスのペルシャネコ。チャームポイントはキティが着けてくれたレース付きの大きなリボンで、トレードマークはキティの大切な宝石箱のカギのネックレス☆キティの言うことをよく聞いて、おとなしい、ちょっぴりおすましなネコさんです♪©'04, '13 SANRIO CO., LTD. Ⓗ© MarvelousAQL Inc.◆ convenient phonebookcute together ♪ at any time very cute Sanrio characters as"CharmyKitty!" ◆◆ It can be freely set by cute icon for each group orindividual☆ ◆An icon of friends and cute Charmy Kitty, customize theindividualsand groups ☆◆ convenient in sync with your Google Account and Gmail! ◆Can be synchronized with your Google account!It is convenient ♪ easily also in synchronization with ☆ PC'llbetransfer of phone book immediately◆ You can now design change in switching OK ♪ free cuteandGothic design. ◆You can now switch the feeling of the day and cute design,designgothic girly which was based on purple, the design oftwopink!Design of the phone book is thrilled plans to add ☆◆ things Charmy Kitty ◆Persian cat female Hello Kitty was a gift from dad.Charm point a large ribbon with lace who have put thekitty,trademark necklace key precious jewelry box of kitty ☆To hear a good word for it kitty, ♪ meek, is the cat's a littlebitOsumashi© '04, '13 SANRIO CO., LTD. Ⓗ© MarvelousAQL Inc.
Secret Safe Password Manager 3.9.3
Password manager with secure backup and synchronization.
グループ電話帳 広告フリー版 1.09
Safe / Vault - TimeLock PRO 1.0.17
★★★★★ No one will have the idea that there isahighly secured vault ingeniously hiding in your clock.★★★★★ The World‘s first, unique security app★★★★★ All photos and files are fully encrypted with AES-256bitencryption algorithm.★★★★★ The encrypted Folders and photos are placed inhiddendirectories.★★★★★ The app has a stealth front end so even the fact that youhavesensitive information is protected.★★★★★ ProtectStar™ apps are preferred by more than 1.000,000usersin 123 countries.Information: Beware that most "protection apps" do NOTencryptyour files, they merely change the directories. These appsare easyto defeat and DO NOT provide significant security. A simplefilescan of your phone or our SD card will clearly show yourdata.You can save Timelock protected files to your SD card, butyoushould NEVER place unprotected sensative files on the SD card.Evenif you erase them later, you canot guarantee that theywerecompletely erased. Thus, initially place your files oninternalRAM, then save them to Timelock, and then delete the filesfrom thedevice ram. Now your files are protected and there is noleft overfootprint.TimeLock™ PRO Edition has the same features as TimeLock™ Free,butcomes with the following additional features:+ BETTER SECURITY: Six digits passcode for your vault+ NEW: Secure Voice Memos+ NEW: Secure NotesA high-security vault for photos, videos, voice memos andnotes,hidden in a clock.===============================================================With the new TimeLock™ PRO app, it is not only a timeless clockwithan alarm function, but also a high security vault for yourpersonalphotos and videos. The vault itself is completelyinvisible, hiddenin the design of the clock.The app integrates a powerful vault, whichcomprehensivelyprotects all the backed up photos and videos in it,while offeringunmatched usability.With the latest security technologies TimeLock™ PRO keeps allofyour pictures and videos militarily secure, because theentirecontents of the vault is encrypted with the strong 256-bitAES(Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm.The AES-256-bit encryption method is one of the safest intheworld and is used, for example, for encrypting top secretdocumentsin the military.Perfect harmony between visibility and invisibility=====================================TimeLock™ not only impresses with its plain timeless design ortheuseful alarm clock, with which you can wake up in style, butitintelligently combines function and style.The genius of TimeLock™ is the safe, that is hidden andfullyintegrated into the functional design of the clock: With thehourand minute hands of the clock, you can easily set yourfour-digitpasscode. Readable in both analog and digital format.Only you have selected your personal passcode, simply confirmitwith the inconspicious hands button in the centre of the clock,toopen your safe. You can close the safe by shaking yourAndroid™device.Features:======- Unique world innovation- Arbitrator timer in analog and digital form, includingbuilt-inalarm. Ideal for use as a desk clock.-Built in high-security safe for personal photos and videos.- AES 256-Bit encryption- ProtectStar™ Smart Viewer- Safely store photos and videos- SECURITY: Six digits passcode for your vault- NEW: Secure Voice Memos- NEW: Secure Notes- Technical e-mail support➠Learn more about ProtectStar™ TimeLockat
Safe Box Pro 3.0
Esta caja fuerte o de seguridad mantieneenlugar seguro sus datos privados ya sean usuarios, passwordsocualquier otra informacion confidencial.Puede incluir hasta 100 pares de valores, en los que suinformacionse mantiene encriptada tanto interna comoexternamente.La opcion de busqueda permite seleccionar los pares que contenganencualquier parte del par, clave o valor, lacadenaespecificada.A continuacion se muestran dos ejemplos de uso del par:--------Clave:PC OficinaValor:Usuario y password a emplear--------Clave:PUK telefono 123456789Valor:12ABC3455xxxxThis safe orsecuritykeeps safe your private data whether users, passwords orotherconfidential information.You can include up to 100 pairs of values ​​in whichyourinformation is kept encrypted both internally andexternally.The search option allows you to select the pairs containinganywherein the pair, key or value, the specified string.Below two examples of using the pair is:--------Tip: Office PCValue: Username and password to use--------Key: PUK phone 123456789Value: 12ABC3455xxxx
Dr.Web Security Space Life
Doctor Web, Ltd
Comprehensive protection from all typesofmalware targeting mobile devices, anti-virus for Android TVthatincludes lifetime support.Use Dr.Web Security Space for Android free of charge!When purchasing Dr.Web Security Space or Dr.Web Anti-virusforWindows.Features and Advantages• Performs express or full file system scans; Scans filesandfolders on demand.Provides real-time file system scanning.• Using the unique Origins Tracing™ technology, detects new,unknownmalware.• Protects SD cards from becoming infected with autorun filesandExploit.Cpllnk, both of which may be dangerous forWindows-runningdevices.• Move detected threats to the quarantine. Restorequarantinedfiles.• Minimally impacts system performance.• Economizes battery resources.• Economizes traffic due to the small size of the virusdatabaseupdates.• Provides detailed statistics.Comes with handy and informative desktop widgets.Anti-spamto avoid unwanted calls and SMS messages.• Filtering mode selection.• Lets you create your own filtering profiles.• Blacklist editing.• Displays information about blocked calls and messages.Anti-theftwill help you find your mobile device if it has been lostorstolen,and, if necessary, wipe confidential information fromitremotely.• Lets you lock the device after a reboot.• Lets you lock your phone so that it can only be unlockedbyentering a password (the number of unlock attemptsislimited).• Lets you unlock the device with an SMS message.• Offers a Google Maps link to a device's location.• Lets users perform a remote wipe of data on devices andSDcards.• Starts audio playback and locks the screen.• Lets users customise the message that is to be displayed onthescreen of a blocked device.• Lets you create a list of numbers to which notifications willbesent if someone changes the SIM card in the lost device. Allowsyouto control the anti-theft by having messages sent to it fromthesenumbers to unlock the device if you have forgotten theunlockpassword.Cloud CheckerThe Cloud Checker filter will restrict access toundesirableInternet sites. Block access to non-recommended orpotentiallydangerous sites according to several categories (drugs,violence,etc.).The Security Auditor• Troubleshoots the device to identify security problems andofferssolutions to address them.FirewallControls application network activity• Filters the external network traffic of the applicationsinstalledon the device and system applications. Choose betweenWi-Fi andcellular network filtering, and take advantage ofcustomisable rules(filter by IP addresses and/or ports, and byentire networks or IPranges).• Monitors current and previously transmitted traffic; givesyouinformation about the addresses/ports to which applicationsareconnecting and the amount of inbound and outbound traffic.• Detailed logs.The firewall is compatible with Android 4.0 or higher.Remove ransomware lockersUnlock a device compromised by locker ransomware. Features:• Terminates malicious processes even on locked devices.• Neutralises lockers that are not yet present in the Dr.Webvirusdatabase.• Preserves data; no ransom needs to be paid to hackers.How to remove Dr.Web Security Space when the anti-theft ispresenton your device .Before removing Dr.Web Anti-virus, clear the option“Dr.WebAnti-virus” in the “Security” tab located in the“Administration”section.*** The license never expires and can be transferred toanotherdevice. ***
Gun Safe 1.9.18
Secure personal firearms data management app! Track your guns,ammo,range, etc.
OI Safe 1.4.6
Store your private data with OI Safe.
App Lock (Safebox, Privacy) 6.0040.01
If you like our design, please give mefivestar support ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ and join our Facebook fan page is an application than can protect your private data,itbuilds a private space to make your phone become a realpersonalcell phone.New feature:* AirSig air signature: Air signature authenticationtechnologyutilizes one’s unique signing pattern. Just hold thesmartphonelike Harry Potter’s magic wand and write particular wordsin theair, you’ll be accurately identified in less than 1 secondandaccess to your private data in Safebox (Only support on Android5.0and above)Main features:* App Lock: Help you protect and lock your applications frompublicaccess, only you will be able to unlock your apps.* Secret friends(Not support on Android 4.4 and later):You can add your contacts into Safebox that can encrypt yourprivatecalls, SMS and call records, it makes your privatecommunicationsmore secure.* Personal data:You can add private photos, videos, files into Safebox toprotectyour privacy.* Password book:You can save your account information such as emails, forumsandothers into password book . It uses multiple encryption to makethepassword more secure.* App lock:Lock your app to protect app data.* Support pattern, password, AirSig and PIN code unlock modeSafebox makes your private data more secure.[Reminder]1. In order to protect your privacy and data, we do not backupyourSafebox password. Please make sure you rememberyourpassword.2. Before you reset device or remove application, please makesureyour data stored in Safebox has been restored.
Super AppLock privacy security 2.1.8
Super applock – privacy security is asmartapp protector & free applocker against annoying snoopers!It is all in one privacy toolbox & privacy guard to unlockappsusing password lock / pattern lock screen as passcode !Use app lock to hide pictures , lock photo & incoming call,lock video , secure gallery , lock SMS text message, preventwifihotspot hacker , file encryption, secret space to keep safeofpersonal privacy . We design beautiful applock themes andprivacyplugins like Guest mode privacy lock and Kids time applockand moreprivacy apps for you.★Super AppLock - privacy security lock functions1) Intruder Selfie AppLock take selfie of intruderswhoentered wrong passcodes 1-5 times. 2) Privacy securityscanscan privacy apps and private photo to hide.3) Lock apps lock gmail , lock facebook & whatsapp,anonymous texting, date meetings4) Lock incoming call Prevent girlfriend pickup exprivatephone calls5) lock photo Hide pictures / sensitive photos insecretspace of photo vault6) lock video Hide sensitive video in video vault ,moresecure7) Applock themes to customize lock screen - Hotapplockthemes like galaxy theme for s5 /s6, valentine theme forsweetlovers - DIY theme : Applock themes customize with yourpicture ,lovers photo fun DIY8) app fake cover use fingerprint lock & FC (forceclose)cheat to confuse snoopers9) Replace Applock icon use smart hide calculator orAlarmClock icon10) lock files Decrypt & encrypt file free toprotectaudios, doc text using pinpad11) Hide pattern draw path and be invisible12) Set random digits as pin keyboard13) Custom lock frequency to app unlock screen14) Custom mode: create your own profile settings .★Feel free to contact us, Anna will assist you:Google+: : Anna : support@51privacy.comWebsite: to activate Super AppLock underfollowingcircumstances1. Taking shower : prevent boyfriend checking your extextmessages2. Office chat : prevent colleagues joking on androidphonesettings3. Family sitting room : lock play store when kids playing withyourphone4. Friend borrowing phone: lock sensitive apps and easy share5. Parents check phone? Hide social apps & enjoy privacy6. Virus apps download Trojan malware? lock downloader up7. Lock browsers for privacy browser experience8. School : lock apps don't to be messed up by friendsHave Fun play with Super AppLock*Enable intruders selfie, take selfie when enter wrong password1time*Lock apps up, such as facebook, sms , social apps and more*Place your phone on family table*Wait someone pick up your phone, say your snoopy sister*Applock will take picture if she enters wrong password whencheckyour apps*You have her selfie as evidence now .*Just for funRemember to allow Super AppLock to use android systempermissions:1) Run at start up 2) auto start 3) take pictures 4) listinprotected apps
PhoneBooks Widget 1.0
This widget let you browse your phonebooksonhome screen,just tap to communicate with contacts.Have this widget, you can throw away your PhoneBooks App becauseyounever need it again .
Pass Safe 1.2.12d
The password manager that keeps all your secret data on yourdevice!
SafeBox 2.1
Protect your images and videos withapassword.Now with authentication using Facebook oremailregistration.